A recap of recent life happenings:
As before: so. many. sports. documentaries. We’re on to Season 4 (of 5) of Drive to Survive. I’m still shocked I enjoy a docuseries about racecar driving this much, but here we are…
In the last month or so we also watched a docuseries about David Beckham called, wait for it, Beckham. We’re nearly through Big Vape: The Rise and Fall of Juul (both fascinating and horrifying), and also watched The Equalizer 2. Admittedly, the Equalizer movies are pretty gritty, but goodness Denzel Washington is an amazing actor (and seeing Orson Bean gave me nostalgic feels about Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.)
I also started – but only got through one episode at this point – of Shiny Happy People. Looking forward to finishing that series.

Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles. 4.5/5 – A series of essays written by authors (some famous, some not) about their unique battles with mental health. I found many of the essays deeply moving and impactful, but I would note they tackle some very intense subjects in highly personal ways.
Drowning by T.J. Newman. 4.5/5 – This was a page-turner! An airplane falls from the sky onto the ocean shortly after take-off. A number of passengers survive the crash, but then plummet below the surface of the water trapped inside the cabin of the plane…with oxygen supplies running out. The book is mostly focused on the rescue mission (some of the details felt a bit tedious in places, hence only 4.5/5), but the story is very well written and drew me in BIG TIME. Newman was a flight attendant and I’m excited to read her book Falling soon! (*see below*)
A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney. 5/5 – This book is short. This book is sad. This book is beautiful. Rob Delaney is an award-winning actor and his son, Henry, died from a brain tumor. It reminded me a lot of When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (which I still think is one of the most incredible modern memoirs ever written). Note there is quite a bit of swearing, but I thought Delaney was extremely authentic about the grieving, anger, fear, and utter exhaustion that come from caring for a sick and dying child. Obviously a very hard read, but I can see this book being a tremendous encouragement to grieving families.
Unspeakable by Jessica Willis Fisher. I didn’t rate this book because it felt wrong to rate a book that is full of such…unspeakable…things. I had never heard of Jessica or her famous family. She and her 11 siblings belonged to a fundamentalist cult but made the jump into mainstream culture with an appearance on America’s Got Talent (making it to the quarterfinals, I think?) and a TV show about their family life. Jessica, her mother, and a number of siblings were repeatedly and horrifically verbally, physically, and sexually abused by their father who is now serving a life sentence for his crimes. Brutal.

Falling by T.J. Newman. 5/5 – This was another page-turner and has been optioned for the big screen. The main premise: a commercial pilot faces an unthinkable dilemma when his family is kidnapped and the only way to secure their release is to crash the plane and kill all passengers on board. (The book has been compared to Speed in the air; maybe Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves will have cameos in the movie?) Falling has a different vibe from Drowning because there are “bad guys” and “good guys.” But can anyone be sure who is good and who is bad? I thought this was another stellar thriller from Newman and I couldn’t put it down. That said, this book tackles some really hard topics, like racism and details about the Anfal campaign/Kurdish genocide; it’s important to be aware of that before pulling this book off the shelf.

Still loving my “Elisabeth’s Anthems” playlist on Spotify…and a whole lot of Kidz Bop Kids per the kids’ requests.
Cold weather. I’m dreading this so much. Frigid cars, snow, ice, perpetually cold feet. All the layers. I’m dreading this winter more than I think I ever have in the past.
Making Christmas photocards + photo calendars. Here’s the deal: of all the gifts A, my parents, and in-laws receive, the personalized calendars – chockablock full of photos from the past year – are their FAVOURITE. So I feel like I have painted myself into a corner from which there is no escaping. It’s not actually that bad, but I am dreading the tedious work it takes to pull this together (getting photos from my siblings, picking layouts, going through HUNDREDS of pictures to find favourites).
More generally, I’m just going to keep it real that I’m also kinda dreading Christmas gift buying. It takes…a lot of thought and energy – and that’s with me doing things relatively minimally. At the end of the day it is such a tremendous privilege to have a safe, warm home for my family, let alone being able to afford presents for those I love. Sadly, perspective can be an ever-moving target.
I’ve been asked to extend my working contract. This sounds great, but I was SO excited to be done on 31 December. I’ve agreed to go until the end of March 2024 but then I plan to pull the plug (they’re asking me to extend to December 2024, but I just don’t think I have it in me…). Again – I should not be complaining about this! It is such a blessing to be able to say No to a work offer when I’m ready to move on. So please take these “dreading” topics with a huge grain of privileged salt.

BRACES! A gets braces on tomorrow. I know braces are not. a. huge. deal. and kids get them all the time, but adding any extra maintenance like this does not excite me. Nor does the price tag.
Christmas trees and cards. As much as it does bring a lot of work, it is such a blessing! I don’t want to turn a gift into a burden.
I’m excited to participate in our church’s Live Nativity!
All the happy things.

We got some great photos of the kids last week at Terence Bay. Now I have fodder for the aforementioned Christmas photocards!
New-to-me thrifted jammies (sneak peek in the Falling photo above). I only had one pair of winter jammies and I’ve been washing them every few days which sometimes leaves me without cozy jammies (perish the thought)…when I spotted these KATE SPADE velvet polka-dot ones for under $3, I was sold! These things are so soft. And it looks like my body has been showered in confetti.

The Meal Train App. I’ve been coordinating meals for a friend and this app is just so easy to use! It’s free and I highly recommend it if you ever need to organize a meal train.

Leaves. It’s like I get to walk on top of a beautiful, ever-changing painting for a month.
Phew. Things are…busy. So many extracurriculars. Monday was supposed to be the last day for cross-country and Tuesday for golf…but both activities were postponed due to weather. Now we’ve added basketball to the mix (2 days a week). I’m still loving all the fun things for the kids, though.
Work. I have felt behind since I got back from my solo retreat but managed to cross a lot of items off my list this week.

Burgers and sweet potato fries + blueberry cheesecake for John’s birthday!
Samosas. So good.
Hearty homemade chicken noodle soup (with extra veggies). Please don’t tell my kids it was Chicken Noodle because they went from loving that soup to hating it, so I did NOT call it Chicken Noodle in front of them (even though it was just…Chicken Noodle Soup with different spices and more vegetables). They ate it just fine – parenting involves a lot of mind games, my friends.
And that’s…life lately from my end.
Your turn. Any great tips for helping a child adjust to having braces?!! Best soft foods/things to avoid; do we need to buy a Waterpik? Do you like cheesecake? What are you dreading? Anticipating? Watching? Reading?
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Oh no, braces! I’m so sorry. I remember how painful they were when I had them, and then my daughter went through it twice. UGH. And of course, the price tag is horrible. Again, sorry for that one all around.
My sister does photo albums for everyone too, and we have a complicated family…she does a different book for each branch of the family. It’s WAY too much work, but yeah, it’s my favorite gift every year.
I am looking forward to playing tourist with my cousin in San Francisco on Friday, and then going to see my 99 year old great aunt on Saturday.
That cheesecake looks like heaven.
I had to chuckle at your comment: “it’s way too much work”…but also that it’s your “favorite” – this cements my position on the matter!
It sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend. Enjoy the sightseeing and family visits 🙂
Cheesecake is my favourite, cherry or otherwise.
I don’t know what happened to my comment, I think it disappeared. Hmm.
I’m so sorry about your daughter’s braces, they suck all around. Mostly I remember how much they hurt. Ugh. And how expensive they were when my daughter had them (two rounds even).
My sister makes photo albums for everyone, and she makes a different book for each branch of our complicated family. It’s truly a labor of love, and yeah, it’s my favorite gift every year. I feel for you though, it’s a LOT of work.
That cheesecake looks perfect to me.
Oops! I’m just realizing your first comment did work 🙂
that cheese cake looks sooooooo good! I just finished late lunch (leftovers) and a piece of cake will be so good.
i’m excited about my hike, leaving tomorrow, but also anxious and a bit worried as it is expected to be long and challenging, like 12 hrs hike reaching 3700 meters the next morning. I am super looking forward to the beach holiday with the family after that.
You are on the go so much! It makes my head spin all the trips and big adventures. But this sounds amazing.
And yes, the cheesecake was delicious 🙂
I am also dreading photocards and Christmas. And Thanksgiving. Basically anything that requires an effort, lol.
Love the picture you got of the kids – they are beautiful.
“Basically anything that requires an effort” – I feel like I could tattoo this somewhere on my body it’s such a relevant statement! As always, you hit the nail on the head.
And thanks. The kids are pretty sweet, inside and out (though, obviously, they have their moments…)
About the Christmas photo gifts- I watched my mom do the same thing as a kid! She would make my grandma a big scrapbook and do photo calendars for everyone (and this was before digital photos were a thing, so she did it all by hand… yikes). Every year I have a little nostalgic urge to do the same thing and then I’m like, nope, don’t want to start that expectation!
Wow – doing this by hand would be whole other level. But I’m sure they were so appreciated.
Yes, I’ve learned to be careful what “traditions” you start because they can become so beloved that it’s basically impossible to not continue on.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
That cheesecake tho…
I’ve heard that the Newman books are excellent BUT I’m a little bit scared of flying as it is, so I’m going to pass.
I’m enjoying fall BUT that doesn’t mean that I’m OK with winter or looking forward to the holiday season. I mean yes I’m looking forward to our endless loop of family parties, but all of the setup is stressful.
Okay – if you’re at all nervous about flying (I’m not), DO NOT READ HER BOOKS.
This is me exactly: I’m enjoying fall, but I am NOT okay with winter. Yet, rudely, it doesn’t seem to care and the days are marching relentlessly toward winter.
Shiny Happy People was really disturbing but important to know about for sure! The treatment of women….shudder!!
I have read a lot of books about cults, but haven’t watched as many docuseries on the topic and it really does give a different perspective to see visuals of people and their experiences.
Abby looks so much like you in the maybe last pre-braces photo! Crazy!
I love cheesecake and the organization I’m volunteering for has a fundraiser this weekend and I’m most excited about having cheesecake for dessert. I like all sort of cheesecake, but I’m partial to a classic New York style.
You know what? I think my life is finally falling into place. I got a job offer, my volunteer gig is wrapping up, and I’m doing okay(ish) on figuring out priorities. I am looking forward to January, when I think all the wrinkles will be ironed out!
It’s funny because when she was little everyone said she looked EXACTLY like John, but I think that she is looking more and more like me.
Cheesecake is the best.
I’m so glad so many happy things are happening for you now and, of course, am over the moon about the job offer!!!
Nicole MacPherson
Woof, I feel you on braces. Both my boys had them, just one after the other, and they both ended up being far longer than what was anticipated. My younger son had them during the pandemic, and it was just awful. First he couldn’t get them adjusted because the offices were closed, then they had put the place for his elastics on the wrong bracket, so while he was SO GOOD about wearing the elastics all the time, they twisted his teeth and then had to be corrected. Oh, and his first orthodontist was an actual criminal (I wrote about this in 2019 I think) and so he left a lot of people in the lurch (we had not yet started so I wasn’t out $$$ but a LOT of people were out thousands, this guy bought the practice from an esteemed and retired orthodontist who was my older son’s ortho). Anyway, it was an ordeal. But they now have perfect teeth! Also, when she’s done, make sure Abby wears her retainer – we know many people whose teeth reverted because they didn’t wear their retainers.
Also, photo gifts. UGH. I got so much pushback from my parents and MIL about not wanting to do photo calendars anymore, I guess I will do them until I drop dead. Sheesh. I’m tired just thinking about it. I did get all my photos printed AND NOW I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THEM AND PUT THEM INTO ALBUMS SOMEONE STOP THE MADNESS.
I just read Falling this week! I liked it, and was considering reading Drowning.
I remember all the braces drama during the pandemic. Ugh.
Thankfully the orthodontist we’re using is still fairly young and he is VERY well established and literally the only orthodontist in our area; what a nightmare situation you’re describing about the criminal orthodontist.
And yes to the retainer. I suspect that will be a fight, but we will persevere! My sister is a dental hygienist, so I turn to her for lots of advice, too.
We will both be doing these photo projects until we drop dead. I’m glad people love them, but they are SO much work. And I hear you on the layers to photo management. I’m staring down the barrel at another photobook which is always such a huge undertaking. But, 100% worth it. I guess I just need to get my complaints out at some point and then put my head down and start working. Really, what a joy to get to look back at all the happiest moments from our year. I really need to start framing it that way, instead of an irksome chore.
Well, one of the hassles about braces is the frequent rrips to the orthodontist. And, dental hygiene pretty much goes out the window. They can’t floss, obviously. You could try a waterpik, although neither one of my kids used one. We just had toothpicks that they used to get food out from between the teeth. Braces are one of those things that seem daunting, but once you get them you just get the hang of it and it’s all doable. Her mouth will hurt the first day, and every time they get tightened- so soft foods on those days! Mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal… whatever soft foods she likes. By the second day it doesn’t hurt so much.
Ah, the dichotomy of Christmas! It’s so much work, and I don’t want to pare it down because I love it all… but I often spend the month of December in a happy/stressed out frenzy. Every year I say I’m going to get things done earlier, so I can just enjoy the month. Maybe this will be that year.
I think Drowning and Falling would be the type of books that make me incredibly anxious. Even the book I’m reading now (which, interestingly, is about a cult- fiction of course but it’s still fascinating) has left me very uneasy when I put it down and go to bed. I need slower-paced thrillers.
Funny how opposite we are, weather-wise. I can’t wait for “cold” weather- but that’s Florida, aka “opposite land.” We live for the winters. But I get you- I grew up in the midwest and by this time of year I would be dreading the winter too.
That cheesecake looks delicious!
A few people mentioned the Waterpik. We’ll see. Thankfully the orthodontist is less than 15 minutes away, but I know we will be…seeing a lot of that office in the coming years.
This, Jenny. ALL OF THIS!!! Ah, the dichotomy of Christmas! It’s so much work, and I don’t want to pare it down because I love it all… but I often spend the month of December in a happy/stressed out frenzy. Every year I say I’m going to get things done earlier, so I can just enjoy the month. Maybe this will be that year.
ccr in MA
The “don’t call it chicken soup” reminds me of when my friend’s son was small and decided he didn’t like steak, but if they called it “brown chicken” he liked it fine!
I love cheesecake, preferably with cherry pie filling on top.
The holidays, ugh, I can not think about them. My brother is coming for Thanksgiving, which means I have about a month to make room for the airbed. This is an ordeal! Good thing I love him.
Kids are fickle with their food preferences!
YES – cherry pie filling on top is the undisputed champion of cheesecakes.
We really know we love someone when we agree to have them stay at our house! It is definitely disruptive…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I put all three of those books in my to read list! I am trying to do better at noting who recommended a book and then letting them know afterward if I liked it or not, so I will keep you posted!
I am so with you on the holiday cards. I have been handmaking a Xmas card probably for about 15 years and it is a lot of work. I actually pick photos, write a note, print and assemble everything myself. But did I mention that it is a lot of work? Ha. However, I feel that once you go up in quality, you can’t go back down! Like if I sent out a bulk card from Walmart people would wonder if I was terminally ill or something. So I will do it again, but I have to admit, right now my heart is not that into it (and I have to start early because….it’s a lot of work!) 🙂
It’s an ordeal and I use Vistaprint so skip a lot of the heavy lifting you have to coordinate. Good luck; we’re in this together <3 And maybe we can exchange photocards this year!
Lisa's Yarns
I didn’t have braces so am no help with that question. I don’t love cheesecake, which is good because it’s not GF friendly w/ it’s graham cracker crust – unless you make one with GF graham crackers or buy a GF crust (which can be done, I think). But I did like the no bake cheesecakes back when I was a kid! They were easy to make and I liked then back then!
I haven’t done anything with my 2023 photobook. The last couple of years, I’ve worked a couple of months at a time to make it less overwhelming. If I had followed that pattern, I would have started working on it in March but that is when work blew up with the banking crisis and all… so I haven’t done a dang thing! So I dread getting started on that and might need to take the easy route and just let shutterfly organize the photos… I’m anticipating a pumpkin event at the zoo that Paul and I will attend on Saturday night. We had a blast and it was so fun to do something 1:1. It’s too late for Will to attend (our reservation is at 7) but by next year both boths will probably be able to go. So I’m enjoying this last year of just having Paul with me.
I always do no-bake cheesecakes; I actually like them a lot better than baked cheesecake and they’re SO easy.
I have so much work to do with photos. Oh well, it’s a good “problem” to have.
Hope everyone is feeling okay tonight. What a rough week for you all 🙁
One of my daughters had braces. We didn’t have a waterpik, the orthodontist gave her those little brush things in the correct widths she needed. She did have a period when she didn’t do her cleaning as well as she should but the orthodontist chewed her out and it improved.
Well…we’re one night of cleaning down – only 600ish to go. So far, so good. Right now she only has top braces on, so I know it will get more complicated and take longer once both top and bottoms are on. Sigh.
If it helps with the braces… I always wanted braces but we didn’t have the money for them, so I couldn’t get them and I’m super self-conscious about my smile now. OOF. I am hoping to perhaps get Invisalign at some point, maybe once I pay off LASIK haha.
TJ Newman is such a great writer. I gave 5 stars to both Drowning and Falling. SO GOOD.
Braces are new for me because no one in my house had them growing up (one sister got them in adulthood), but I know this is an investment for the long-term. In addition to functionally being needed because of overcrowding, I also realize – for women especially – a straight smile is important for self-confidence and, sadly, can really impact future career opportunities (sad, but true; literature backs this up!).
Thanks for the book recommendations! The Newman books look awesome. I’m definitely in a season of reading “lighter” works (not necessarily fluff/rom com, but more plot-driven books than the dense literary fiction I like most of the time).
Have you seen Painkiller (about the Sackler family who marketed OxyContin)? Incredibly well done and especially interesting to watch since one of the lead characters is played by the same actor who played “Crazy Eyes” in Orange Is the New Black — but a completely different character.
Shiny Happy People was an important but sad documentary to watch. I grew up in a fundamentalist evangelical homeschooling world that fortunately never approached abuse, but several families close to us were very much fans of Bill Gothard’s teachings.
Agh, Christmas. The photo cards/calendars are such a timesuck and yet, I feel they are so special and always so appreciated. I haven’t made any for a few years though for that very reason. One year I put together a cookbook of all our family recipes and that was a huge hit and not quite so time consuming. My favourite part of the cookbook is the cover: I took a photo of several recipe cards written out by my mom, grandmother, aunt and other family members, and uploaded that as the cover, so their handwriting is preserved. 🙂
I would call the Newman book quick reads – they’re not “fluffy” but they’re also not majorly mentally taxing either. I was a big fan.
I haven’t seen Painkiller (I tend not to love dramatized documentaries), but it looks really good and I think I might watch it yet!
I had never heard of Bill Gothard until the last decade or so but, just…wow.
Oh, I know how much work photo books are and I am honestly glad I don’t have to do one this year (remember, last year, I pulled off putting together our family vacation photo book with 140 (!) pages in two weekends. That was satisfying, but also TEDIOUS!) I know why family loves these gifts, but yeah, lots of work. Good luck.
That cheesecake looks amazing. Right, John’s birthday is also in October, right? Happy belated birthday… and funny fact, my Jon also loves blueberries (he’s requested blueberry muffins).
I dread the photobooks less than the photocalendars I think – obviously the latter is less work, but there is always a time crunch. I can’t start them too far in advance because I need to wait until we take that year’s pictures…but then I need to get them done quickly so they arrive before Christmas. STRESSFUL!
John’s birthday is in October!
Happy Things Friday: 27 October – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
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My 2023 Ta-Da List (Or, It's Okay to Pat Yourself on the Back) - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
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