Cheese can be messy and hard. Cheese can be complicated and temperamental.
And cheese – in its purest form – is sheer decadence.
Ditto love.
Valentine’s Day sometimes feels contrived and sappy, not to mention hypercommercialized. But guess what? Life is short. We won’t always have the ones we love with us – so if you feel like being sappy today, I say go for it. Sprinkle the rose petals, light the candles, play the song, fill the room with balloons.
Thankfully it doesn’t take fancy chocolates, a Hallmark card, or a dozen red roses to say I love you. We can use words and simple actions to demonstrate our love. If you don’t have a significant other or parents or children or siblings, find someone around you who needs love and encouragement and be the bright spot in their day.
Fair warning: today I will be sappy.

My love,
From the moment you walked into my life – or, more accurately, I walked into yours, striding toward you as part of the Unofficial Welcoming Committee – you have been my heart’s delight. We’ve gone through a lot over the years and there is no one else I’d want by my side.
Besides your faith and your family (and watching an epic movie on a top-tier Dolby Atmos surround-sound home theatre system with a great subwoofer – did I get any of that right?), little in this world brings you quite as much joy as savouring a piece of fine cheese.
I think our love is a lot like great cheese. (Stick with me here.)

Fifteen years ago when we said I do, our love story started; it was all so fresh and exciting and new. Our joint life – our wheel of cheese, if you will – was formed and complete. We were also pretty clueless. There is no foolproof recipe for a great marriage, no user manual for how to mix and match priorities and personalities. Sometimes the milk can sour and curdle and separate. It takes love, care, patience, and lots of trial and error to get things right.

Kids and jobs and all sorts of circumstances have created the environment in which we’ve had to grow and adapt, each impacting the flavour profile of our marriage. We haven’t always had a say over the temperature or the shelf where we’ve been stored for maturation. A few times circumstances have knocked us to the floor. But years have passed and with time has come a deeper, richer, more robust love. We’re that same wheel of cheese that was lovingly formed all those years ago, but more delicious.
New cheese is consumed in a hurry; grazed – often without deep intention and thought – while zooming back and forth through life. Don’t forget the laundry, the car repair, the birthday party. Relationships can feel like they’re only accessible for nibbles in the margins of life. Aged cheese is valued and treasured. It has all the same ingredients, but time has worked its wonders. Fine cheese is appreciated, savoured – each bite a new adventure.
Fromagiers are patient. Alchemy can’t be rushed; their craft takes years to develop and a lifetime to hone. Love – like cheese – almost always gets better with age.
John, forever and always you will be my favourite hunk on the charcuterie board.
I love you for all the big things: your protection and tenderness; your companionship and loyalty; for being my number one cheerleader. The sheer joy of having another human love me above all else. What a thrill. What a privilege.
I love you for all the “little” things. How you warm up Magic Bags without being asked; how you never – ever – complain when I roll over in the night and thaw my ice-cold feet with your warm ones. How you laugh at my quirks with delight, not derision. Our many inside jokes* and funny phrases that form a unique vocabulary that feels both comfortable and comforting.

In short – Mercy*, we both know I’m not good at brevity – if we started as two Kraft singles, we’re now a solid block of Dubliner. Here’s to our distinctive taste…with a natural hint of sweetness.
Always and forever yours,
I know Valentine’s Day can be especially hard if you’re struggling with loss or grief or longing. If this is a hard day for you, I hope there are bright points that glimmer through and make you smile. If you have those you love nearby, be grateful for their presence and give them a big ol’ hug <3
Header photo by Aliona Gumeniuk on Unsplash
P.S. Ironically, I am NOT a big cheese fan – Dubliner is the exception. Which got me to thinking. In marriage, it’s very important there is only one object of romantic affection, so this fits the narrative perfectly. I could have Dubliner every day for the rest of my life (and no other cheese) and be content.
P.P.S. Nobody asked to see old pictures of the kids but I went down a long and winding RABBIT trail last night while I was writing this post. And, to be fair, these are two of the best things that we’ve created together.
How were they ever so little?

Okay. I’ll stop.

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Kyria @ Travel Spot
My favorite hunk on the charcuterie board! I love that line! Happy Valentines day to you and to John! I am so glad that you found someone who compliments you so nicely. Plus the bonus pictures of the kids are so fun. John (and/or you?) really have a knack for the photography too! <3
Some of these are John, some of these are me, some of these are my bestie Joy, and some are the friend who took our wedding pics! It is crazy to look back at home much they have changed. The years fly by…in retrospect.
Elisabeth, this is beautiful! You’re so right- life is short, and the ones we love won’t always be with us. Valentine’s Day isn’t usually my favorite holiday (as I think I’ve mentioned) but I’m getting into the spirit a little bit this year! I hope you and John have a wonderful day- and those photos of your kids are priceless. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I don’t do anything spectacular at Valentine’s but it always feels very low stakes for me? It comes and it goes and we don’t make a big fanfare, but it’s a feel-good holiday which I appreciate.
Happy Valentine’s Day <3
SO SWEET! I love it. I love seeing people’s wedding pics, too. Also, your kids are John clones– so cute!
They DEFINITELY take after their father.
What a lovely tribute to the hard work that goes into a loving and fun marriage! This was a nice thing to read on a tough day!
I just want to piggyback on how your husband finds your quirks delightful. I was randomly dancing around the kitchen to a song in my head last night as we were getting dinner ready (you must dance every day, right?) and my husband was patiently moving around me and then he just said, “can you share the song in your head so I can join in on the dancing?” instead of getting annoyed because I was getting in the way. Quirks don’t go away – you must embrace them!
Awww. Thanks for sharing this story – it’s so sweet. Now I’m curious what WAS the song in your head? And I hope you discuss your homemade Valentine’s cards again this year. That is one of the loveliest marital traditions I’ve ever read about <3
We agreed on the important things - faith and which way the toilet paper needs to hang - so all the other quirks are mostly happily accepted. If I rolled under, there would never have been a wedding - haha.
I think I should open with “Long time reader, first time commenter?” Haha. You are my heart’s delight, and the hand-picked-before-time-began partner to share life and love and family with. No cheese can come close. But let’s never make that an either/or…or peanut butter would have to come on the table and that’s just a terrible race to the bottom as we all know.
And here we are again, on a Valentine’s Day with literally an ocean between us. I look forward to being home again with my beloved and we will have a proper date so very soon! XoX
You're my favourite reader, my favourite commentor (one comment and you shot to the top immediately) and my favourite human being. Miss you. Snuggles on Friday? XoXo
ccr in MA
I’m not sure what it says about me that after reading this, my first thought wasn’t “oh that’s so sweet” or “what cute pictures” but “now I need to try Dubliner cheese, I wonder what that tastes like?” Mind you, the others were my next thoughts! Happy V Day.
Try Dubliner!!! If that’s all you get from this post, it was worth it for that alone. For someone who isn’t a self-professed “cheesie”, it’s my favourite by far. A nice complex flavour, but so pleasant. Absolutely delicious in my books (our kids love it too).
You’ll have to report back if/when you try it <3
Nicole MacPherson
Awww, this is very sweet! Happy V-Day!
What a beautiful post! well done Elizabeth! I don’t think I’ve seen John properly in your blog, nice “meeting” him. He really seems like a caring kind soul.
Call my biased, but I’m pretty sure he’s the best guy out there 🙂
These photos are melting my heart!!!! You have such a beautiful family, Elisabeth, and such a beautiful heart — thank you for sharing this glimpse of your wonderful, heart-warming, deliciously cheesy side!
This is the sweetest love letter I think I’ve ever read! Happy Valentine’s to you and your sweetheart!
And the pictures were AMAZING! It is funny how quickly the children grow and morph, isn’t it?
Aww. Thanks <3
Well, this made me kind of sad because I can’t eat cheese much anymore, but I do have a lot of people to love in my life. What a lovely tribute to John. Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day. And your kids … so cute.
Dairy is a tough one!
I know, eh? The kids are pretty adorable!!!
Happy Things Friday: 16 February + Bloggy Break - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] show it frequently and the day feels rather irrelevant to me. That said, he posted a comment on my Valentine’s post and it made me so happy. He reads every single post (okay, he skims my book review posts and may […]
Lisa's Yarns
This is so very sweet and a very clever way to talk about your marriage! I am glad you two found each other. You’ve certainly navigated a lot in your years of marriage and, like (most) cheese, you are getting better with age!
Phil does NOT like cheese. He’ll eat it on things like pizza, burgers, etc. But he would not want to like eat slices of cheese from a charcuterie board. It’s too rich for him! I am way more pro cheese than he is but can struggle w/ lactose so I try to limit my cheese intake. But I do love a charcuterie board!
Awww. Thanks. Dubliner is the only cheese that really ‘calls my name.’ But John and A are HUGE cheese fans. And I also really enjoy a nice charcuterie board. So much variation and I think it’s aesthetically beautiful, too!
This was the sweetest post, and then your husband left a comment – how romantic! This brightened my day! And what gorgeous photos to go with it!
Aww. I’m so glad to hear it brightened your day. And his comment warmed my heart SO much (he later told me he wasn’t sure if it would embarrass me, but it definitely made me grin ear-to-ear.)
What a beautiful post! We call my husband the big Cheesy-Cheesy and our son the Cheesy-Cheesy (or sometimes the little Cheesy-cheesy) because our daughter declared that the girls of the family are cats and the boys are Cheesy-Cheesies. So, this especially resonated with me because of the goofiness of my almost four year old!
Ha! Love it. Big Cheese <3
My husband calls me his Big Beauty and our daughter his Little Beauty and it always makes us both feel special. Though, in sheer size, SHE'S ALMOST AS TALL AS I AM AND HAS STARTED WEARING SOME OF MY CLOTHES?!!!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
What a sweet post.
And so many wonderful photos documenting your journey.
May there be many more Valentines Days to be sappy.
Love this thought: May there be many more Valentines Days to be sappy.
That captures my wish for our marriage and life together perfectly <3
Elisabeth, what a truly delightful homage to your favorite hunk on the cheeseboard! LOL (The amazing metaphors you weaved into this post!) I am so happy you found your person <3 (and of course I loved all the photos – of young John and you and your kids!)
What a lovely tribute to your life together. I find it interesting, though, that you mark the start as your wedding… I feel like more people tend to “count” from the start of the relationship, but can see the rationale for starting at the point of the lifelong commitment.
(I, like CCR, also searched for Dubliner cheese and was quite relieved to see that it is available when/if I want to indulge. ;>)
I just had a piece of Dubliner today (the cheese, not my husband…)