I made note of Happy Things every day since we last chatted about this and the list got long. Overall, it was a really nice week. I was flying solo with the kids (not literally; John was literally flying solo while I jumped right back into Home Parent model), and they behaved marvelously. No one got injured, our days were full of fun events (but not overfull), and the week passed by with only occasional (albeit intense) sibling fighting. Just to make sure you know there really is a pessimist hiding beneath this cloak of optimism, there were flies in my ointment. The hardest stretch was Sunday afternoon through Monday evening when I felt so exhausted I could hardly get out of bed and despaired of ever feeling normal again. I think it might have been largely tied to seasonal allergies. I took a non-drowsy allergy pill each morning for the rest of the week and I’ve felt a lot better. Correlation/causation? We’ll see. Work felt like a bit of a slog. Nothing horrible, just tedious – but I made headway on some big projects and next week is the last set of major meetings before the project wraps up at the end of December!
I was incredibly sad to learn my uncle didn’t win the Nobel Prize in Physics this year. He won the Wolf Prize last year along with two of the winners who were announced this week for the 2023 Nobel, so our whole family was surprised he wasn’t included..but he has been perfectly lovely about the whole thing. This man could teach physics to a toddler and make it interesting. In case you’re wondering, I hired a tutor for university physics so those genes did not trickle down the family tree to me.
The last frustrating thing was ongoing blog issues – there are so many little bugs to work out with a new site, including issues with margins on the mobile view and a weird caching issue that meant new posts weren’t being pushed to Feedly/Old Reader properly. I think – after repeated customer service interactions – we’ve managed to get most of those quirks worked out.
Enough chit-chat – let’s talk Happy Things!

Hi. My name is Elisabeth, and I think I have a problem. A trip to IKEA used to stress. me. out. When we first moved into our current home we had virtually no furnishings. This meant a trip to IKEA felt catastrophically overwhelming – for someone like me who hates making decisions – because we essentially needed EVERYTHING and there were so many options. These days a trip to IKEA is my idea of a fun time. I only bought storage containers (none of which I technically needed), but it is cheaper than a therapy session and equally soothing to my soul.
After we got home A asked if she could organize the pantry, so we worked together as little organizer buddies. I was living my best life.

Tangent: Does anyone else feel like Ricky Bobby when they’re taking a selfie? My hands always look gigantic and I’m never sure what to do with them.

Closet Disco Light
I’ve blogged about this many times before, but it really is a very happy thing in our lives. We found this disco lightbulb for $1 at a garage sale years ago. It has more than paid for itself…
Sleeping Kiddos
Speaking of bedtime, seeing the kids asleep in bed – warm and cozy all cocooned in place – makes me happy indeed. Yes, sometimes that is because it means they are finally quiet and my Mama shift is over for the day. Other times it’s because I can’t believe they’re actually mine…

Qualifying and Competing
My sister got into Boston again! Yes, this is the same sister who broke her neck, several vertebrae and her collar bone last November in a biking accident (and, wait for it, an off-leash dog ran across a path when she was biking earlier this summer causing another accident and she ended up breaking several ribs). All the injuries and chaos aside, she still managed to make it through qualifications which is a huge accomplishment as there were so many applications this year!
Also, because of her finish at Ironman Cozumel last November (right before her major accident), she qualified for Kona (less than 10% of competitors ever manage to quality so a confetti of gold stars to her). She heads to Hawaii today! I’ll be lounging on the couch with potato chips following her on the IM app. I’m only half kidding; if only she could exercise vicariously for me…
Speaking of race outcomes, San crushed her PR in a half-marathon last weekend, and Coco is set to do the Chicago full soon!!!

Music and Dance Parties
Both kids are suddenly obsessed with Kidz Bop. L’s teacher puts this on while his class works; it’s kids singing pop songs with age-appropriate lyrics. Several nights this week the kids played this at full blast and had epic dance parties in the living room before bed. It was just…a lot of fun for everyone and really boosted the mood in the house.
Cheers To Treasured Friends (and New Ones)
I got to walk with Joy this week which was such a delight. The sky was a brilliant blue, the sun was warm, her toddler fell asleep in the stroller (bliss for everyone involved, including the sleeping toddler), and it was such a treat to reconnect after my time away.

On Saturday, a friend asked if anyone was interested/available in a local adventure; in the end, two moms (turns out all our husbands were away over the weekend) + their combined four kids came to my house and we did a fun woods walk before returning to my place so kids could play/snack and adults could talk.

On Monday – a holiday for the kids – we spent time in the afternoon visiting some senior citizen friends from our former church. They had bought Pumpkin Spice muffins at Tim Hortons and prepped little goodie bags for each kid and it was just so sweet. I was especially touched by the fact the guest hand towel featured a lighthouse; I asked if that was deliberate and she said “of course!” They couldn’t stop marveling at how tall the kids had gotten over the summer.
L has a new friend who recently moved to the area. These two even have a secret handshake (which is HOPELESSLY ADORABLE!). This boy’s mom and I have been aiming to connect and finally made it work for a coffee. Then another new friend and I met on Thursday for coffee (well, both times it was an Earl Grey for me; Jenny would approve).
Phew – this was a big week for socialization!

Morning Walks
The weather this week was GLORIOUS. This is the fall I know and love and why can’t it last forever? Seriously – this is my favourite weather of the entire year. We walked to school each morning which is such a wonderful way to start the day. One of A’s classmates has started to walk with us most mornings which has made these walks extra special.

The colours are gorgeous this time of year.

Sports + Drama Mom
For years I was wary of extracurriculars. I didn’t want to be running around constantly and I wore being “Underscheduled” as a badge of honour. But now I have kids that are so. excited. about. their. activities…and it’s hard not to get caught up in the enthusiasm.
L had: golf – so much fun to watch and I brought a book and read for an hour so…win-win.

L also had: 2 cross country meets (3rd place one day and 1st the next – out of 51 Grade 3 boys!).
A had her second drama class. She had requested a switch in days and her incredible teacher made it work and she came out of her new class BEAMING. She hasn’t stopped talking about it and I’m so happy for her!
Both kids had two weeknight youth activities. Lots of driving, but I just crank the music and open the sunroof (see the Bonus Round below)…and realize this is a great season of parenting (most of the time; not always I can assure you.)
Easy Food
I made scrambled eggs for wraps one lunch. An easy one-pot homemade Mac n’ Cheese another evening. Chili (slow cookers for the win). Naan bread pizza with veggies and fruit. Chicken strips, rice, and green beans. Simple food = a happy thing.

Speaking of food, on the way home from my parents I *may* have stopped at Dairy Queen for a blizzard. After my mediocre dipped cone, and with SHU’s encouragement, I went for it! The mini size was the perfect amount and I got Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Pie. So. good. (Obviously! There is peanut butter involved!)
What do I do with my hands? Now they look extremely long!? And wrinkled. And my thumbs look like alien fingers. Help me Ricky Bobby!
My Husband
We don’t always see eye to eye (we’re both pretty opinionated people – though, crucially, we both agree on the correct way to load toilet paper*), but this guy is just…the best. He gets back from a work trip today and my heart will flip flop when I see him and that feeling doesn’t get old.
More than anything, he’s my biggest cheerleader. One thing in particular stood out for me this week. He reads every one of my blog posts. We’re in different time zones and he’s busy and he doesn’t usually provide much feedback but at one point in the week he texted me about a specific line I wrote and said “…that’s incredible writing my love.” I try to tell myself I write for an audience of one – me. To write the words I need to hear. But in reality, I actually write for two – us. I took a screenshot of his text because I felt like it summed up the best things about our marriage. He could have said nothing. But instead he chose to say something and it made me so happy.
*It’s over. The correct way to load toilet paper is OVER. This is a hill I will die on.

Memes Make Me Happy

Rapid Fire
This is getting long, so here is the bonus round:

- Waiting for A’s drama class to get over – beautiful flowers in a quiet park at dusk. My favourite white sneakers (thrifted of course). Happy Things.
- An impromptu playdate including a rough-and-tumble football game on our side lawn. If the grass stains on both boys’ knees are any indication…a happy time was had by all.
- Driving with the sunroof open because it’s sunny and fall and IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE. (Call me in a week when the temperatures are in the single digits and I will be singing a different tune. The weather will rarely show up in Happy Things Friday posts moving forward.)
- If you’re excited about Halloween, these free backgrounds (for your phone or laptop screen) are pretty cute.
- Hot showers. Nothing more needs to be said.
- Washing machines and dryers. I like clean clothes and I wouldn’t want to be washing them all by hand.
- Libraries, good books, the gift of literacy. If you’re reading here, chances are you know how to read. Do we stop to ponder what a tremendous gift that is?
- I put the kids to bed one night, went downstairs to work, and when I came up to go to bed I found the following note (it DID brighten my day):

Whatever the weekend ahead has in store, I hope there are many Happy Things! And a very Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all my Canadian friends <3
Your turn. Any Happy Things to share from the week? Or, feel free to temper my enthusiasm with some laments. What has the weather been like where you live this week? What’s your favourite Blizzard flavour? What way do you load the toilet paper (this is important, folks)? Do you like memes?
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Aww, I really enjoy hearing about your solo parenting experiences (the highs and lows) since your kids are older than mine. I am glad your kids enjoy their activities and this gives me some encouragement. We just started my daughter in a gymnastics class (she’s almost 4) and it has not been great. She is pretty “meh” on it (she’s overall easygoing so she participates, but isn’t overly excited) and it is a pain in the butt to get her to it (we also have a new 2 year old that doesn’t make it any easier). I feel a lot of pressure to expose her to different things, but I also kind of question… why? Until she can show interest, maybe we should hold off? It makes me happy that your kids seem to really have more positive experiences about their activities.
Okay – we were always very underscheduled. The kids were in basically nothing for years and years aside from some church programs. But I do think it makes life a lot easier now. They’re active kids and want to be involved and it’s really fun to watch them shine and develop. I try not to have too many things, and we’re not in any competitive streams – so we’re not at practices 5 nights a week, don’t have ANYTHING on weekends yet (well, church stuff, but no sports/arts extracurriculars). But at age 4 – like your daughter – my kids were definitely in absolutely NOTHING.
Also, we don’t put the kids in anything they don’t want to do. A few times they’ve signed up for stuff they didn’t end up loving (like the second round of a ukulele club) and I did make said child continue to the end of the term but aside from that it is very kid directed for us. That said…L would like to do hockey and I am a firm no. It is such a huge time and financial commitment and I think it would be a net negative for our family (maybe net positive for him, admittedly), and so that means is a firm and forever NO.
Sorry – long response, but I have lots of feelings about this. I can relate to wanting to expose kids to things. I feel guilt over the fact neither of my kids knows a musical instrument. It seems like the “thing” to do where we live, but I 100% know it would be a constant fight to get A to practice and so…I didn’t push it, they aren’t naturally interested in it…so they will likely grow up not playing an instrument. I have to sit with the discomfort of that because I majorly regret not sticking with piano myself. But life is short and I simply can’t push the kids into something I know would be a fight/negative.
I think it’s fascinating and I genuinely enjoy hearing about how other families make their decisions on this. It’s interesting that your dynamics have changed now that your kids are older! It’s hard to get my kids out the door (my daughter particularly moves verrry slowly) so that’s another pain point.
I feel a little jaded sometimes because I started competitive swimming at age 7 and stopped at 20, in college (year round, no breaks, daily practice).. it wasn’t for me, and I wish I would’ve had the freedom to try other sports/activities. And hey, I’d still like to take piano lessons if the opportunity comes up- maybe someday your kids will explore those things as adults!
This is so, so timely. Just today I reflected on the pressure to expose your kids to … everything? But seeing the there are moms who prefer not to over schedule their kids make me feel seen 🙂
Kyria @ Travel Spot
It is definitely OVER! No contest. Why would you even make it hard on yourself by doing it the other way?
These are so many happy things! I really think the weather has so much to do with mood, and you are clearly loving fall! I love fall too, but yesterday it was like 95 (35 c) degrees here, which is not very fall-like! Although, like you said, maybe I should just embrace it (tank tops! In October!) because later when it’s rainy and cold I will be grumbling and not wanting to go outside.
I can’t believe your sister had all of those injuries and is still crushing it! I fell when I was in Spokane last month and I think I may have broken or sprained or cracked or bruised (??) my rib, as it was hard to breath for a couple of weeks, but it is feeling better now and I did not go to the doctor to find out since I know they can’t really do anything anyway!
My happy things were…going to A’s soccer game on Saturday (and riding my bike to and from, which was about 60 miles and it was NOT hard! I must be getting stronger), going to lunch with my friend J while her girls were with their Dad (usually they are with her and I love them, but it was nice to have some one on one time with my adult friend!), spending some time with my book on the back deck in the sun last Sunday, getting another closet cleaned out (and not just moving things from one place to another, actually giving items away), a great conversation with a client the other day (makes work not seem like work) and…being healthy and strong and alive! 🙂 Oh and PS I have never had a blizzard. In fact, I do not believe that I have ever been to DQ period. We do have them here but my family was never really a fast food family and I did not really become one even when I got older. Don’t get me wrong, I could demolish a good milkshake but I just have never had a blizzard.
I know it’s over. You know it’s over. But can you wrap your head around the fact that some people think it’s under – or maybe even more worrisome they just don’t pay any attention and sometimes it’s over and sometimes it’s under? MONSTERS!
It’s supposed to rain and get cold this weekend so I suspect today might be the last really warm fall day. It is such a short season (at least the weather I love), but that means I really treasure it.
I know. My sister is insanely tough. There is a reason she can do all these hard things and I cannot.
Wow – 60 miles of biking to get to a soccer game. Go you!!! It is so nice to have one-on-one time. That was such a special feature of my “retreat” to my parent’s home.
Healthy, strong and alive. Yes, yes, yes!
I’ve only had a handful of blizzards. This one was good, but I don’t see myself going out of my way to seek them out regularly. On the other hand, milkshakes…I’ve had maybe 3 in my entire life and the last time would have been over a decade ago. It’s like a cross between milk and ice cream and I always felt like it needed to make up its mind which is was 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
Oh my goodness, there is so much here I am not sure my comment is going to cover everything I want to say *comes back 1000 times to comment*
First of all, your family! Your uncle is so impressive but too bad about the Nobel Prize. I’m sorry to hear that but wow, what a resume that man has! And…is your sister actually a machine? I am not sure she’s 100% human, you may want to check that. I am just in awe.
Second, this: “After we got home A asked if she could organize the pantry, so we worked together as little organizer buddies. I was living my best life.” SHE ASKED IF SHE COULD ORGANIZE THE PANTRY I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
I haven’t had a DQ Blizzard in forever, why can’t they make them in non-dairy, they have an amazing non-dairy Dilly Bar, but back in the 80s my favourite flavour was Reece Pieces. I wonder if I could make a homemade knockoff somehow?
I’m so happy for you and your wonderful week, and the kids sound like they are doing great with all their extracurriculars. That note! How sweet.
What else, what else. Oh yes, I actually DO have enormous hands, and you will notice that I very rarely take mirror selfies. My hands loom large, what can I say. Also I can never get a good angle with mirror selfies, I do not know how people do it. I guess I’m just a shoot from above gal.
I had something else to say, what was it. Oh yes! Is Kids Bop like the Mini Pops? Remember them? Actually you may be too young to remember them.
I know – my uncle is pretty incredible. He is also the most down to earth, funny, kind uncle. He is so unassuming, speaks slowly and quietly (and his wife always gave us the BEST Christmas gifts growing up). I’m really sad for him just because the other members of the team won and he didn’t which I’m sure does feel like a shocking slap in the face…but he sent the most lovely e-mail out saying there was no cause for concern and the silver lining is it requires a TON of travel after winning and he is 80 and already travels a lot.
My sister is a machine. When she visited at Christmas I went running with her and she was in a neck brace and sling…and she was still sooo much faster.
Can you believe that this morning A asked to organize the furnace room before school??!!!
I don’t remember Mini Pops *showing my age*…
your sister rocks!!!!!!!!!! please ask her to do a guest post of how she does it! sooo inspiring!
it’s great that your husband reads your blog, mine definitely doesn’t, although i’m not sure i want him to. hahah…
happy thing for me this week, meeting Tina Muir, a beautiful soul and runner, at the expo. She’s just as down to earth as she is on her blog. really happy to re-connect with her. I read her book during my jet lag 1-3:30am, and really enjoyed it.
My sister is incredible and I have no idea how she does it; definitely a strong will!
I saw you met Tina and got her book! How incredible. I love that you got a picture together <3
ccr in MA
Oh, you are right about how the toilet paper roll hangs, for sure!
I’m in south Florida, so our early fall weather means it does go down into the 70s at night, it’s still close to 90 during the day. But they say we might get a break from the humidity next week, which I would love. I do like hot weather, but I’m ready for a break. I haven’t been to a DQ in years, but I currently have some coffee Oreo ice cream in the fridge–I alternate between that and coffee Heath bar, with the occasional foray into mint chocolate chip. Yum, now I want ice cream!
You’ve inspired me to think of happy things; I generally blog at night, and that gives me today to see what I come up with.
Thank you! Over is correct and I do feel like the patent poster settles this once and for all?
Now I want ice cream <3
Going to your blog now and can't wait to see what Happy Things you come up with today.
OMG that note… so, so touching. Your kids are incredible.
Really, fall is that short where you are??? We’re still in summer mode here. People claim that it’s “cooler” but I say, 89 and humid feels pretty much the same as 93 and humid- I can’t tell much of a difference.
Your sister in INCREDIBLE!!! Most people are upset about being cut from Boston even though they technically qualified…. but she got in AND she qualified for Kona. Amazing. If I were her I’d be afraid to get on a bike at all, and she’s out there crushing it.
I’ve never thought about my hands in photos, but I will now! I definitely wouldn’t have noticed anything about your hands if you hadn’t mentioned it.
I’m loving these posts- I was happy just logging onto my computer this morning, knowing I was going to read about your Happy Things!
Ha – trust me, Jenny. They have their moments where I utterly despair of my parenting. But moments like that note gem are pretty sweet and give me glimmers of hope!
Fall can be SO short here; it just depends on the year. Winter is the longest season by far. Though with climate change and global warming, our summers definitely seem to be getting hotter and longer.
I’m so glad you like these Happy Things post. It was your comment about missing my Casual Friday posts that gave me the idea to have a new Friday “feature” on the new site.
Ally Bean
Ikea and DQ. Talk about two things I like but am nowhere near them. I’m glad you have your Happy Things, though. I’ll live through you. Happy Friday!
I LOVE being so close to IKEA (I mean, it’s an hour away but some people drive here from like 5+ hours away, so I feel very fortunate to be so close).
I’m about 8 minutes from a DQ but haven’t gone to it in over 10 years. Though that Blizzard might get me back there soon…
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
There are very few black and white issues in this world, but the correct way to hang TP is one of them. Team overhang all the way.
My hands are the only part of my body that I show on my blog, and I’ve definitely noticed some weird things with them over the years.
Happy Thanksgiving!
“There are very few black and white issues in this world, but the correct way to hang TP is one of them. Team overhang all the way.” Preach it.
Thanks – we’re having our little feast tonight for supper <3
It was unseasonably warm here this week, but last night a serious cold front came in and today I wore my heated vest for the first time all year. I also put away my sandals and flip flops for the year. I mean, on one hand, I’m excited for the crisper fall temps, but on the other hand I’m so sad about having to wear actual shoes!
When I go to DQ, I prefer to just get a plain cone. I like a Blizzard, but I love an ice cream cone. I’m easy to please that way.
Engie’s heated vest is out! I feel like this needs to be marked on my calendar. Mine is still hanging in a downstairs closet, but I know the time is looming where I’ll need it (and my heated socks).
I hate actual shoes. Boots are one of my least favourite thing about winter. And all the layers. Gah. I’m dreading winter so much.
If they had an Ikea scented candle I would buy it. It’s timeless. College till now…. Memories…
It would smell like particle board and Swedish meatballs. 😂
Happy Thanksgiving
Ohhh. I bet IKEA will come out with their own signature scent sometime. Subway is also so distinct – I feel like every Subway I’ve ever been in (around the world!) smells the exact same way.
Happy Thanksgiving, friend <3
Team Over here and I will die on that hill with you.
Funny you mentioned it because while we were in Connecticut it was revealed that my brother in law and his wife are quite divided on the issue and are constantly rearranging the tp to their preference.
Thank you for the solidarity. Can you believe this world contains people who are on Team Under?
I knew someone who didn’t care – at all – and would just put it on the way they pulled it out of the drawer. Sometimes over, sometimes under. I have actually changed it from under to over at people’s houses…
First of all, thanks so much for your sweet shoutout about my race. I appreciate it so much – it was definitely the highpoint of my week! 🙂
I really love these Happy Things posts (and I am also very happy that your happy list is long! :))…. so many good things here. I’ll forever be impressed and in awe of your sister and what she accomplishes after accident and injury, wow! BQ was especially tough this year, or so I heard.
And your uncle being a Nobel Prize candidate, I mean, that’s incredible.
I’d gladly meet up for a stroll through IKEA (my kind of idea of a fun time!) when your introvert batteries are recharged. I can very much relate to the joy of hanging out with lovely people but then also craving alone time.
P.S. and of course it’s OVER. Duh!
I’m so proud of you. A wise woman once told me to…”trust the process.”
I can’t tell you happy I am to read from all these people who also know the answer to one of life’s greatest mysteries: IT IS OVER. I shouldn’t be surprised since this community is full of brilliant, lovely people…of which knowing it’s over is practically a pre-requisite.
So very many happy things! I am 100% on board with the mini blizzard. When you look at the cup size compared to the others, it seems laughably tiny, but it’s exactly the perfect amount.
I’m starting to think this year is going to be unsustainable in terms of activities — the 1st and 4th grader both have catechism class and gymnastics once a week, the 1st grader has soccer 3x/week (2 practices and a game – although that will be ending at the end of this month), the 4th grader started playing in the school orchestra (no lessons outside of school but she does need to practice), and will be starting cheerleading and basketball (both 2 practices/week) mid-month. All this while toting along the toddler and baby! They’re both so passionate about all of it that it’s hard to figure out where to draw the line!
Your sister is absolutely amazing. As is your uncle!
A final note: deciduous is one of my favourite words: fun to say and fun to spell!
I was shocked at how perfect the mini blizzard was – absolutely perfect sizing for me. I enjoyed every bite.
Deciduous is a fun word to say, but it trips me up when I try to spell it. So does accommodation (I finally have that one mastered) and rhythm (which I only get right on the first try maybe 25% of the time).
It is tough to find the right balance with activities and, of course, the more kids you have the more complicated that becomes! I’m sure you’ll figure it all out, but don’t feel bad if something has to give. Your girls are so young and there will be other years!!! The longer I’m a parent the more I’m realizing that almost without exception what is best for me (i.e. not trying to be in 3 places at once) is what is ultimately going to be best for the kids.
These are SUCH happy things– thanks for the early morning lift 🙂
You. are. welcome! And thanks for your own happy post. It was a delight to read <3
OVER! Unless you have cats who leave it alone when under and unroll the whole thing when over, then you put up with the obviously-less-ideal way of hanging toilet paper.
Okay – people with toddlers or cats will reluctantly get a pass from me.
But once those toddlers grow up there are no excuses. None, I tell you 🙂
Lisa’s Yarns
Awww that note from the kids is so sweet! And how wonderful to have a long list of good things for the week. It is helpful to look for little things that bring us joy. And wow your sister is so impressive! To do all of that on top of all of the injuries is extra extra amazing! What a machine!
The weather here got cold fast. We went from hot hot hot to highs in the 50s. I wish we had something in between but I prefer 50 to 80 in October! Our week was pretty good overall. Work continues to be busy so I just feel extra tired and worn out. I was excited to get my Covid and flu shots yesterday. It was a pain to get them – my first Covid shot appt got canceled as the pharmacy didn’t have them yet. So I was glad to get them out of the way! And I LOVE blizzards! We are team Pb cup in our house. We just got a coupon in the buy for buy one get one for $0.99 so we will be getting one soon!
My sister is a machine. I have not inherited that physical drive!
I hadn’t had a blizzard in so long, but it was delicious. I just love peanut butter! So tasty with just about everything.
Glad you’ve got the vaccines out of the way for the winter season and wishing you a very healthy season. I know bugs have been tough lately (at least across North America), so I’m hoping that means we’re getting the worst of it out of the way before winter comes?
That was a fun post to read! I’m so impressed by your uncle and your sister, and your pride for them shines through.
My daughter was definitely not too involved in things…she’s more introverted. Loves her friends, but needs down time at home. But sometimes she did want to do some extracurriculars, so we decided one thing at a time, except she could add Girl Scouts to that. My sister’s kids are so different, I think they get energy from being busy, and have SO MANY activities, it makes me tired thinking of getting them from point A to point B. Robotics, musical instruments, soccer, ballet…I know I’m missing some too.
I had a good week. Took off early from work on Thursday and went to see a podcaster/opinion writer I like discuss his new book (Ezra Klein) and then dinner out, and then on Friday I met up with one of my dearest friends and we had a lovely long dinner and talk, then walked around our downtown area.
The weather has been warm this week, supposed to be 95 today. Blah. I think it will cool down on Monday, hopefully this is the end of the really hot weather.
My husband and daughter are Monsters. I don’t think they pay attention to how the toilet paper is, they just put it on and let it be. I fix it, of course. OVER.
I love that you have such a long list of good things. Your week sounds fabulous.
Seriously, that note, so sweet.
Your uncle is truly impressive and your sister, amazing.
I’m going to rock the boat and say I don’t even think about what way the toilet paper is on the roll. I just never notice it.
Good things for me were getting in three runs and a gym session, dinner out with our good friends and hearing all about their recent trip to Alaska. The weather here though has been awful, back to winter temps and it bucketed down over several days. It’s sunny now thoguh but still coldish.
I can’t believe some people don’t mind/notice the placement of TP!!!
Sounds like a great week for you – I’m so glad you’re feeling well enough to run more regularly again. Hope the weather improves for you soon <3
I think we may have the exact same hand towel. My mother in law loved lighthouses and we have a whole set of towels (maybe two sets) with lighthouses on them. We even have a paper towel holder in the shape of a lighthouse.
I love the mini Blizzard! Perfect size, indeed. My favorite flavor is Heath Bar.
I never drive with the sunroof open – I feel like if it’s sunny outside, then the bright bright sun coming through annoys me. But then when it is cloudy outside – what’s the point? My Husband, though, loves driving with the sun roof open.
What a great and positive list!
It is ironic that, like you, I can find the sunshine through the sunroof oppressive; because of my PRK laser surgery I have to wear sunglasses ALL the time, so I do always have sunglasses on these days. I do it more for the sense of freedom it brings. There is something about fresh air coursing through the vehicle that just feels…happy. Maybe I’m channeling my inner “dog with his head out the window” feelings?
So funny you have the same towel!
I don’t think we can get Heath bar in Canada; that’s like Skor (e.g. toffee?)
Darlene Cardillo
Congrats to your sister. My friend BBQd last year but missed the cut but he did BQ by a lot yesterday in Chicago.
My hubby doesn’t even know I have blog and that’s ok with me. I can complain about him LOL
I love Wendy’s Frostys. We don’t have DQ around here. I am perfectly content with kiddie sized ice cream.
Yes on wahing machines and dryers. In fact I dry EVERYTHING. If you take them right out of the dryer… no wrinkles.
I love my dryer and basically everything – aside from my husband’s favourite wool socks – go in the dryer. I almost never need to iron this way which suits me well since I loathe ironing.
Lots of my friends/family don’t know I have a blog. I like it that way.
And I had my first Wendy’s Frosty in years (and I think I’ve only had 2-3 total in my life) this summer. It was delicious.
Yay for getting a Blizzard! I love them so much. I usually do a combo: Reese’s PB cups and cookie dough bites.
I love IKEA but I rarely go because I’m still so overwhelmed by the massiveness of the store. I don’t know if you have The Container Store in Canada but I’ve been going there a lot lately, and it just makes me so, so happy. SO MANY WAYS TO ORGANIZE. I could spend my life saving’s there.
We’re finally getting some cool(er) weather here in Florida. Lows in the 60s(F)! I even had the windows open for a bit yesterday afternoon because the weather was so nice.
That combo sounds amazing and I will ask for that the next time!!
IKEA is overwhelming but it helps that now I mostly just need to look for little things (though I enjoy browsing all of it, I know I’m not in the market for any big pieces).
I think we might have The Container Stores in Toronto, but definitely none where I live. I think I could spend way too much time and money in a place dedicated to containers (they are NOT CHEAP!).