It’s Monday which means…it’s time for another guest post!! Jazz hands anyone?
I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep this series running, but I find these “interviews” both fascinating and fun; I’m excited to have a stacked lineup coming your way. Like Laura and Sarah, Nicole and my bestie Joy are going to make repeat appearances (after the internet conspired against me and their original posts vanished into the ether). Kae and San are waiting in the wings, and everyone mark your calendars because NGS is stopping by next Monday!
I’m thrilled to have Sarah Hart-Unger (SHU) joining me again. While I loved her previous guest post, I think this version is even more fun. Sarah tackled all sorts of questions and it was funny (and inspiring) to read her answers.
It’s a good thing Sarah is a professional planner because she is…very busy. In addition to her role as a pediatric endocrinologist, she posts almost daily on her personal blog and is a prolific podcaster – solo host of Best Laid Plans and co-host with Laura Vanderkam of the Best of Both Worlds podcast. She has also recently launched her own planning platform! In addition to the Best Laid Plans podcast, she offers courses through Best Laid Plans Academy and is set to host her first planning conference in Fort Lauderdale (Best Laid Plans Live) next month! She publishes a monthly newsletter, is a long-distance runner (currently training for a marathon – the countdown is officially on), and IS ALSO A MARRIED MOTHER OF THREE.
(So it is not surprising that below – spoiler alert – she mentions her favourite time of day is early in the morning).
I have long appreciated Sarah’s willingness to share authentically about the joys and challenges of juggling marriage, parenting, work, hobbies and all the other competing demands in her life. Sarah was gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule to answer a new assortment of questions. Enjoy…

Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
A. Oh wow – going to pass on this one. I wouldn’t do well on a desert island! [I think this answer more than compensates for not picking three items; I also don’t think I’d do well on a desert island…]
Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
A. Yes – a series of hamsters! Names were: Puff, Fluff, Stuff, Enuff (though I think the last one officially belonged to my sister!)
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
A. I honestly really like my current job mix! How about – 50% peds endo, 50% podcaster/creator/etc, and no more overnight/weekend call. That would be chef’s kiss.
Q. If you could trade places with someone for a week, who would you want to switch with and why?
A. I wouldn’t turn down seeing what it was like to run like an elite runner for a few days! Let’s go with Emma Bates or Emily Sisson. OR, Taylor Swift . . .
Q. If you got to relive one memorable day from the past, which day would you choose?
A. Any of my kids’ births. Nothing like that feeling of seeing your baby for the first time. Maybe C’s birth, the overall process went the smoothest (and he came on his due date!).
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
A. Fountain pens + calligraphy 🙂 It fits so well with my planning hobby/lifestyle but I have never done much of either! [This does sound like the PERFECT fit for you.]
Q. What’s your favourite article of clothing in your wardrobe?
A. My Boden jumpsuit and . . . my Nike Alphaflys. The latter more for function than form!
Q. If you could give new parents one piece of advice, what would you say?
A. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your marriage, too! Also – I am someone who feels raising kids really DOES get more fun with time. I know this is a contested thing, but I really would love to go back in time and assure my younger self (with 2 under 2, or a 0/3.5/5.5) – it gets easier!!!
Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
A. I love when the kids pick out clothes + jewelry (nothing terribly fancy, but I can tell a lot of thought goes into the picks!) for Mother’s Day!
Q. Is there a skill you’d love to master?
A. I wish I was fluent in Spanish.
Q. Of all the places – near and far – that you’ve been able to visit, what is your favourite spot on earth?
A. Maui – went on our honeymoon and stayed in Lahaina, the area devastated by tragic wildfires this summer. It was other-worldly beautiful. Second place goes to Sonoma/CA wine country!
Q. Do you have a favourite marathon (or other formal race!) experience? Why does it stand out?
A. So funny that this is a question – Elisabeth I feel you are destined to run one someday! [We shall see…] My favorite marathon is probably my PR marathon – and the last one I ran – in 2009, which is Charlotte Thunder Road. I am hoping to beat that PR (3:48) soon, even though I am now past my peak, age-wise. But I didn’t know much about how to fuel back then and super-shoes weren’t a thing, so here we are!
Q. How and when did you meet your husband?
A. My husband and I met in med school – we went on a pre-start-of-school camping trip and hiked together, and then were dating by Labor Day. It did not help my performance on the first test . . . but it all worked out!
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
A. MORNINGGGGG. Probably 6 am 🙂 [Sigh. I knew you’d say this, but I asked anyway. I’m sighing because I’m jealous…#NotAMorningPerson.]
Q. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
A. ** WARNING: Cranky when interrupted. Also subject to loss-of-function after dark **
Q. Tell us something about your personality you think might surprise readers!
A. Umm . . . this isn’t really personality but people are always surprised that I curse IRL (my online/podcasting persona prefers a G rating but that is not the case off of the internet!) [Wow. This does actually surprise me!]
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
AM: coffee + read nonfiction
PM: floss, skincare and really TRYYYY not to waste any time on my phone (usually successful, not 100% though!)
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
A. Energetic, social, goal-oriented, a connector (Kae said this and I thought it was such a nice compliment!)
Q. What has been the “high” point of your week so far?
A. Book club hosted at our house! So fun. Also making a lot of exciting plans for the next couple of months. I love having things to look forward to!
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
A. Cliché but I guess my wedding ring? Though I think I treasure it more for what it stands for. I’ve never lost it or anything so there is sentimental value. I honestly don’t generally treasure possessions!
Q. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would you choose?
A. NOOOOO! One color? Rainbow?
Thanks so much for being here today, Sarah!
Your turn. What’s the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night? Anyone else with a series of hamsters in their youth? Is anyone reading here fluent in Spanish (or if not Spanish, what languages other than English can you speak!)? What would your “warning label” say?
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Hahaha… Rainbow. Good answer!
I love Sarah’s answer to the “dream job” question- what a GREAT thing to be able to say you love what you’re doing right now! I also agree that if I could relive a day from the past, it would be either kids’ birth. Oh, and I’m also laughing at the hamster names!
I’m loving this guest post series- can’t wait for the next one.
To enjoy your job is such a blessing and shows great foresight of pursuing things she was interested in straight out of university. I also think it’s so cool that she has pursued these great “side hustles” that have really grown exponentially the last few years.
The hamster names were amazing. Love it.
I’m so glad you enjoy the guest post series and thanks again for participating and being the Inaugural Guest Post on my new site <3
I have been terrible about commenting, but I am really enjoying these guest interviews! How awesome that SHU would choose the work she does — what a gift to do work you love. And the succession of hamsters makes me giggle. Taylor Swift would really be a fun life to “try on” as well, but I like the idea of inhabiting the life of someone whose hobby you share. It would be so cool to see how they approached it!
You have been a bit busy, Suzanne! No guilt – ever – please about commenting <3
I think I'd get very tired of a celebrity lifestyle, but it does seem like something you have to live to really appreciate?
Such a fun interview! How fabulous to see two of my favourite ladies in one post together.
Such a blessing to do the work you would choose to without money being motivation, and those hamster names made me laugh!
Aww. So sweet, Katie!!
It sounds like a series of names from a Disney movie about a hamster family!!
Nicole MacPherson
Wow, what a busy woman she is! As an almost-empty-nester, I second the advice to make sure to work on your marriage/ partnership even when the kids are young. One day…it will be just the two of you! So it’s a good idea to keep that connection strong.
Love this. That’s one of the reasons we’re so regimented out our at-home date nights. While we make it fun for the kids, they know the focus of the evening is solo Mom and Dad time.
I can’t imagine being empty-nesters but wow the years fly by…
Grateful Kae
Always wise words and fun/great ideas from SHU!! Love the warning. Lol!! “Subject to loss of function after dark”… hahaha. (As I sit here typing this between sets at the gym at 9 pm… I guess I have semi-function after dark? Though my effort is definitely probably sub par at this workout, as evidenced by commenting on blogs during it… hahahhaha!!!)
I’m better at night than I am in the morning…but honestly, neither of the extremes are great for me – haha!
this is such a fun post. I feel like I knew Sarah but find so many new things about her through this post. Hamsters… i wouldn’t have guessed.
first thing I do in the morning: check my oura ring when in the bathroom to pee. hahaha…
last thing i do at night: usually I’m hugging the girls while i’m about to fall asleep and say goodnight.
I think I’d spend A LOT of time checking my oura ring stats if I had one (John wears one and loves it).
What a great way to end your day – hugging the girls <3
Lisa's Yarns
What a fun interview! I’m a huge fan of SHU! She’s just an all-around delightful person!
The first thing I do in the morning is go the bathroom and then brush my teeth and put on my glasses or put in my contact. The last thing I do every night is read! We were solidly a “no pet” house – until my HS boyfriend convinced my parents to get a cat when their cat had kittens. She was mostly an outdoor cat and just came in for visits, though. I am not bilingual but wish I was. I am working on learning French through duolingo right now but am finding it WAY HARDER than Spanish. And my warning label should be “handle with caution if sleep deprived.” I would say I am a morning person but not a SHU morning person. If I am well-rested, I wake up easily around 6ish. But I do not want to wake before 5:45.
I almost never brush my teeth before breakfast (is that gross?) but my dad is the same as you – right to the bathroom to brush his teeth first thing!
I read some nights, but definitely not all. If I don’t read, John and I typically watch a show together.
I am just…not a morning person. In any way, shape, or form.
Lisa’s Yarns
Phil doesn’t brush his teeth until after breakfast either!
It makes me feel a bit queasy to brush my teeth before I eat…for some reason?!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I am completely with SHU re mornings…and loss of function after dark. Basically my brain starts slowly turning to mush as the sun starts to drop in the sky. But I can get a ton of stuff done from 4 am – 7 am (before most people are awake!)
I also brush my teeth first thing. I can’t stand fuzz teeth! I also pee, put in contacts and then get coffee. In that order!
My Dad always says that I don’t suffer fools so I guess that would be my warning label!
You know I wish I was a morning person. Alas, not yet. Maybe menopause? When I was in university my golden hours were always 7-9 pm. That was when I got 95% of my studying done. Then I’d watch TV from 9-10 and sleep until 7:30 the next morning. It was the perfect schedule for my body and brain, but it really doesn’t jive with adult life (at least with kids)?!
I also usually pee first thing before leaving my room; sometimes I get dressed, sometimes not. I think I blogged about this before and had some people shuddering that I don’t have a set morning routine. The basic structure stays the same – when I get up/when I leave to walk the kids – but the ordering of things varies from day to day.
Good warning label 🙂
Guest Post: Welcome to Sarah Jedd!! – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] really smart students and just get to sit around and think about stuff all day. [This sounds like Sarah Hart-Unger’s […]