Friends, it feels like so long since I shared a roundup of favourite things! The wait is over – I’ve had a growing list for weeks and the time has come for sharing.
Ready or not…

Command Hooks (Of Various Sizes)
These are such a versatile “tool” – I use them to hang measuring spoons inside my cabinet door; I’ve installed one to hold A’s photo calendar on her bedroom wall. And, at $4/package at the DollarStore, it’s hard to go wrong. Plus, they are non-marking – making them a perfect solution for rentals or as a temporary solution while you’re figuring out where to hang something permanently.
Which leads me to…

Drywall Anchors
These drywall anchors are a workhorse in our home. We bought a set years ago at Home Depot (I think it’s about $12 for a 50-pack?) and are still using that original package. Anchors (the white plastic doohickeys) get screwed DIRECTLY into the wall – no pre-drilling required – and then the accompanying screws fit right into those anchors, securing them in place. We are not DIYers so you know if I mention something DIY-adjacent it has to be foolproof. Love these things!

New (To Me) Backpack
I’ve been using a Herschel backpack for years (we pulled it out of a neighbours “big garbage day” pile – it was in great shape but I’ve always hated the functionality of the top drawstring). I made it work, but after our most recent trip to South Carolina where I wanted to SCREAM in the security line as I fought with the drawstring…I realized that, free or not, this wasn’t the right bag for me.
We were at a thrift store a few months ago when I spotted a CODi bag. I knew nothing about the brand, but it was so ruggedly built that I figured it was worth the $3 price tag.
This bag is perfect. It’s slim – but sturdy – and every zippered pouch has other pouches inside. It’s like the excitement that comes from opening up one of those stacking dolls and finding a new gorgeous layer or lifting a flap in a children’s book to reveal a hidden surprise. Yes, I am comparing a bookbag to children’s entertainment but it is just that fun to use. This was a major thrift find and definitely reinforces the fact that having the right tool for the job can reduce friction you didn’t know existed.

Packing Cubes
So, funny story: I bought John packing cubes for Christmas last year – as in had them purchased and wrapped in November – when he decided to upgrade his luggage and bought a roller bag that comes with, in essence, built-in packing cubes in December.
Sigh. It’s okay because this ended up working in my favour since I inherited the packing cubes on Christmas morning and I am officially in love. I’ve used them for about 6 months now and have a system all worked out:
Largest cube: tops/sweaters/dresses + pajamas (which I leave out after the first day and fold/place under my pillow)
Middle cube: bottoms
Smallest: socks + underwear.
Extra cube (which I bring empty): fill with dirty laundry.
Each morning I open up the middle cube and select a bottom, then the largest cube for a top, then the small for socks and underwear. My clothes stay organized the WHOLE time I’m away.
I know everyone travels and packs differently and find systems that work but for me this has been a revolutionary approach.

Flat-bottomed (Church) Purse
Okay, I may have written that header and immediately started singing Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen. Song lyrics really stick deep inside our brains, eh?
Anyhoo…this flat-bottomed PURSE definitely makes my world go round. For years (and years) I’ve had a black Lug purse that I keep as my “church purse.” I store a notebook, mints, pens, Bandaids, and a Bible in there at all times. My “church purse” needs pockets (for keys, art projects the kids might make, etc.), and I don’t want to use my “everyday purse” since there are very church-specific items I want to have on Sundays. As much as I love my Bible, I’m not in the habit of taking it grocery shopping.
I grew to hate my Lug purse. My biggest issue was that it was floppy – this drove me crazy. It was also oversized and looked frumpy.
Enter this beauty that I got for $20 at a thrift store. Admittedly this is more than I generally spend on a purse, and I’ve never heard of the brand – David Jones? – but it is exactly what I wanted/needed. It doesn’t flop around (so I can set it on the floor and it stays upright), has lots of compartments (but doesn’t look oversized), and it’s neutral enough that it goes with any outfit.

Rice Cooker
Speaking of thrift finds, we are now the proud owners of a $5 rice cooker (it was in like-new condition; later that same day we saw the SAME rice cooker at another thrift store for $25!).
When John and I got married he brought along a rice cooker. I hated that thing (the rice cooker, not the new husband). It was huge and didn’t have a steam valve so as the rice cooked, starchy water splattered EVERYWHERE. It was a pain to clean. Ugh. (For the record, John loved it). Eventually, I ousted it and made rice in a pot for years.
But I’ll be the first to admit this new little rice cooker is one of my best friends in the kitchen. It cooks like a dream and doesn’t make any mess. Plus it’s just the right size for our family. Not too big, not too small – and it tucks neatly away into a cabinet.

Maybelline Foundation Stick
Makeup is so individual. A product one person loves another will loathe. I am a makeup minimalist, but have been using this Maybelline Fit Me Foundation stick for years and years (even though it has pretty sub-par reviews on Amazon). I went to order some more and entered a full panic state – it was now over $95 a tube!!! This could only mean one thing. The people at Maybelline headquarters had discontinued the ONE PRODUCT I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT. Their audacity they…
(Is there anything more frustrating than having a beloved product – food, makeup, running shoe model, etc. – discontinued?)
So imagine my delight when I went to a local pharmacy a few days later, happened to walk by a makeup display, and spotted my beloved foundation stick ON SALE FOR $8.99. Oh, happy day.

Pencil Case (and planner accessories)
When we were cleaning out A’s room ahead of having it painted, she was ready to downsize this little zippered pouch John had brought back from a work trip to Australia years ago. It was cute, so I opted to keep it and, for the first time since grade school (?), now have a dedicated pencil case.
This is a gamechanger. I was always – always – looking for my favourite pens (often because family members *ahem* had “borrowed” them). Or I’d sit down and start planning and then not have a highlighter handy. No more!
This pencil case is perfect. It’s light, it’s a bit squishy (a delightful tactile experience), and is a perfect size for what I need. I don’t keep it overfull – just my favourite highlighters and pens (I’m a huge fan of the Sharpie S-note duos and, thanks to SHU, I am now a Juice up 04 groupie). Sometimes I’ll stick my AirPods and iPhone inside to tote things from one room to another.
And of course, I have to mention my actual planner – Sprouted brand – which I fall more in love with every day.

Family + Food for Thanksgiving
It was Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. We had zero plans and I felt a bit guilty about that. Saturday afternoon we decided we’d do a chicken dinner for supper. In less than 30 minutes (we bought a rotisserie chicken which is always delicious and about 1,000,000 times easier than roasting a turkey) we had a simple but delicious Thanksgiving feast on the table.
We lit a candle, drank root beer out of wine glasses (the kids loved it), and A made place cards for the table.
I loved how simple it was – we didn’t need anything fancy when we had yummy food, a cozy table, and each other.
Believe it or not there are still more favourite things on my list, but I’ll discuss them another time.
Not it’s your turn!
Any favourites in your life lately? Does anyone else use packing cubes? Tell me a favourite product of yours that has been discontinued! Do you use a pencil case? A rice cooker? What is your favourite DIY “accessory”?
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Yes, the rice cooker! I cooked my rice in a pot on the stove for years and years. My son kept telling me I needed a rice cooker, but I thought that was ridiculous since rice cooks just fine on the stovetop. Finally he took matters into his own hands and got me a rice cooker last Christmas- and I love it SO MUCH! What was I thinking??? It’s so much easier, the rice comes out perfectly, and I can just dump the rice and water in and have it cooking, while the whole stovetop is freed up for other things. (Note to self: take son’s advice seriously from now on.)
I love your thrifted favorites this month. It is funny how a little thing like a different purse or a pencil case can make life so much better!
It really is so. much. easier with a rice cooker. I tend to dislike getting new appliances that complete a task that I can already do fine with existing items (in this case, pots), but in this case it is 100% worth it. And the right is perfect every time and I don’t have to babysit the pot at all.
Yup, little things often have a disproportionate impact (both for “good” or “bad” – a tiny pebble in your shoe can ruin a whole race, right!)
Nicole MacPherson
“As much as I love my Bible, I don’t want to take it grocery shopping.” Lol! What a great purse though, seriously!
I LOVE PACKING CUBES! They are just so great for keeping a nice and organized suitcase. I am not a person who unpacks when she travels, so I love just grabbing the cube I need.
I feel your pain about discontinued makeup – so glad you found your foundation stick. I had a brief panic about mascara during the pandemic, but luckily they haven’t discontinued the Falsies Lash Lift. L’Oreal did discontinue my favourite lipgloss a few years back but I seem to have adjusted somehow.
I got a new tube of Falsies Lash Lift this week – it is a great mascara.
Packing cubes are just so practical and I love the functionality! Plus, they make my suitcase look so much neater which the organizer in me, obviously, finds very wonderful.
Ally Bean
[Hoping this comment goes through. My previous ones aren’t showing up.]
Any favourites in your life lately? My favorite of late is lemon-scented Soft Soap odor neutralizing kitchen hand soap. It really works, my hands don’t smell like onions after I use it.
Does anyone else use packing cubes? Sometimes, but not always. For longer trips they’re great.
Tell me a favourite product of yours that has been discontinued! Neutrogena discontinued their clarifying shampoo which was my all-time favorite shampoo that didn’t turn my hair into straw while actually cleaning my hair. I am beyond bereft.
I love lemon-scented lotion and cleaning products.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your Neutrogena shampoo. Why is it always GREAT products. I’m sure there are all sorts of Neutrogena products that aren’t much good for anything. Why do they get rid of great ones?! I’m irate on your behalf 🙂
Hello, thank you for sharing such playful and fun things to make life easier! I know lots of quick hints but I don’t always remember to take advantage of them so this reminds me to explore some thrifting opportunities in my town. I know it’s part of your DNA, and the same for so many others which I sonadmire but it’s never been my practice so I want to give it a try. $3 versus $30….what’s not to like? I am a huge fan of shopping my own various pens, fabric, art supply stashes for fun little treat bags when a small gift is needed. Time to try some thrifting, though, I cam see.
I especially love your church bag that sits nicely on a flat surface—I need this bag or one like it be as you are right, specific things are needed for a church day—room for the notes and Bible are genius. My favorite October thing is the new sewing machine I just bought, a very basic and inexpensive model that can easily handle simple projects such as holiday gifts—a napkin set, pillow cover, small zippered bags, etc. Hoping to enjoy some October and November sewing!
I’ve never owned a flat-bottomed purse before, but I can see why it’s so versatile. All my other bags are floppy or need to be carried on my shoulder constantly. As much as I’m a minimalist, it’s also wonderful to have a purse that is ONLY used for Sunday since all my “church needs” are taken care of (mints, travel Kleenx, notebook, pen, Bible).
This is the perfect time of year to start crafting with the lovely colours for inspiration and the shorter evenings having us want to burrow in at home. I will have to admit that I can’t sew at all (or knit or crochet or really anything handy), but I’m in awe of those that can!
Girl, you make me want to go thrifting again… you always find such treasures at the thrift store (I understand to find the treasures, you have to go somewhat regularly). I do not own a rice cooker but wonder now if I need one? (It’s just one more appliance I don’t have space for, sigh.)
I do use packing cubes and I love them (I have a similar system like you – there’s a draw string bag that came with my set and I use that for dirty clothing or for shoes).
And I hate when favorite are discontinued (I hope the foundation stick isn’t and it was just a weird glitch online?)… I’ve been using a Neutrogena Naturals Cleanser for years and I think that has been discontinued (sadly). I still have two bottles, but when they’re gone, I don’t know what I am going to do… cleansers can be so tricky (most of them I find dry out my skin).
Yes, it definitely does help that thrifting is part of our family “entertainment” – going often is key. Though I would also say finding good stores because some places just naturally have more “gems” than others, I find. I mostly stick to two main places and that’s where we get 90% of our thrifted items.
Apparently Neutrogena is a culprit with the discontinuation theme. Ugh. I’m hoping the fact they’re still carrying the foundation stick in stores is a good sign? I was pretty upset when I saw the price on Amazon (for a while I couldn’t get it in stores and could only get it on Amazon). I’m nervous, but at least I have one new stick to tide me over a while!
1. David Jones purse? I love that since I love David Bowie and that is his real name. I am going to think of your church purse and your Bowie Church Purse.
2. Packing cubes – I have looked at them but wondered if they took up too much space and haven’t tried them. Recently on my trip to Alaska, I would have LOVED to have one, though, since we packed all of our clothes into one suitcase and it took me forever to find my socks.
I had no idea that was David Bowie’s read name!
I tend to pack lightly, so I think that the packing cubes really help me, but I don’t necessarily find they save a lot of space in luggage – they just really help me keep things organized.
I love your koala pencil case! So cute.
Like you, I am a big fan of packing cubes. I pack those things to the gills! Also, I was so charmed to discover that you do your pajamas the same way I do! I fold them and put them under my pillow when on trips! Why do we do this, Elisabeth?!? (I mean, I know that I do it because it keeps them nearby but out of the way.) My husband thinks it’s an odd behavior so I am delighted that you and I share this quirk.
Root beer in a wine glass would be my daughter’s idea of a VERY special drink! She is really into root beer lately. Technically it’s An Infrequent Treat, but… we had a few weeks with a very tight squeeze between her music lesson and her sports practice, so we would go to Five Guys together and she’d get a root beer from the soda fountain. Now that our schedule has changed (new night for music lesson), I think we’ll be able to revert to root beer as treat, but it was fun while it lasted!
Nearby and out of the way = exactly. I noticed Engie stores hers there every night and I rarely do it at home (but have others in my family that do). We have hooks just outside the ensuite bathroom in our master bedroom so I always hang my jammies there 🙂
Root beer is my favourite flavour of pop – hands down. I also like Fanta but it’s not nearly as common to find where we live, so root beer is my go-to. Generally when we go to a restaurant we have water, but if I’m going to get anything else it would definitely be root beer!
We used to use a rice maker, but now we make rice in the InstantPot which we also use to make soups, chicken for the dog, and a variety of other delicious things. I think the next time we do a kitchen purge, I’m going to see if my husband will give up the rice cooker.
We fold up our pajamas and put them under our pillows every day AT HOME. I mean, we don’t wash our pajamas every day (does anyone?) and so we just store them there! It makes me very nervous to do this when traveling, though, because I fear I’ll leave something behind.
I think if we had an IP I wouldn’t want a rice cooker, but we don’t have one yet and so it works to have a dedicated tool – but the IP is a lot more versatile!
You know I don’t wash my sheets more than once a month so I definitely don’t wash my PJs daily (twice a week, I think, on average). But at home I hang my PJs; it’s just when I travel I store them under my pillow!
Lisa’s Yarns
Command hooks really are amazing! I hadn’t thought of using them to store measuring cups! That is genius!
I bought a very expensive backpack last month which I am loving. It was a bit of a sore subject in our house because it was not cheap but my former coworker who traveled like 35-40 weeks/year swore by it and told me to blame him if phil wasn’t thrilled with the purchase. It’s navy blue and I just love it overall. But it would only make sense for someone that travels a lot. And I use it when I go into the office so I get a ton of use out of it!
I used to have a rice cooker but it stopped working and I didn’t replace it. I can’t bare to own another appliance as our cupboards are full but it did make the best rice!!
I want to see pictures of this bookbag I’ve heard so much about!
I am not a fan of having extra appliances, but we LOVE rice, so this works for us. If we ever get an Instant Pot, I can see us passing on the rice cooker, but for now I am just elated with this purchase.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Happy Thanksgiving!
The backpack is awesome and even better because you got it for $3.
I go back and forth on packing cubes. For my weekend trips they’re not necessary because I pack so light. But for longer trips it’s helpful to keep day clothes separate from workout clothes.
Yes – the price tag really makes me enjoy some of my favourites even more.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love (and use) packing cubes. I am like Nicole, as in, I do not really unpack, so knowing where each category is in my pack is very nice for sure! I usually have a running cube, a non-running cube, and a small items (socks bras undies) cube.
I do not, nor have I ever owned a rice cooker. I was a pot user for a long time (heehee) but I do now have an Instant Pot (knock off) and it cooks everything. Including rice. Perfectly. Every. Time. I know I sound like I have drank way too much of the kool-aid but I am team IP all the way. It not only cooks rice, but it cooks brown rice in a jiff and it is perfect as well. I also use it for oatmeal, eggs, meat, sauces, stews….and pretty much everything else. I am going to be sad when it dies as it really is the one thing I would keep if I had to get rid of all but one appliance.
Yup. I don’t unpack either – only RARELY using a dresser in a hotel, for example.
So many votes for the Instant Pot! I think I’d love it. Honestly, it mostly feels overwhelming to have another appliance to learn how to use.
I’ve been using packing cubes for a while now and converted my husband who is now also an enthusiastic packing cube user. I used to have a rice cooker for the microwave which worked great but now we don’t have a microwave so my girls got that when they moved out. We now have a steam oven that cooks rice and other grains beautifully, and I get a little bit of my cupboard back.
I am a huge fan of microwaves and just started steaming veggies in there – revolutionary. So much less stress, mess, and they have been coming out perfect.
I love your list! Command Hooks are awesome! I love the cute pencil case. I’ve never tried packing cubes, and now I’m curious about them. And, oh, I do hate it when my favorite products are discontinued or changed.
One of my favorite things lately is “Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Dry Body Oil Mist with Oat and Jojoba Oil for Dry, Rough Sensitive Skin.” I use one spritz on my hands, and it makes them feel lovely and soft. I’m sure it’ll be discontinued soon!
A body oil mist – this sounds VERY intriguing and practical. I’ll be looking for this one <3
I had to chuckle at your pessimism that it will surely be discontinued soon. It does seem to be the way - the best products go first. Hoping that doesn't happen this time and I will attempt to snag at least one bottle!
that rice cooker is sooo good! I had it when I was grad student. now we have a more fancy rice cooker that can even bake cake. it’s life changing seriously! never messy, always reliable, and so many options.
and I can imagine finding your perfect foundation stick at a discount prize! YAY!
I did mini shopping hall in the US and my favorite purchases were cookware, bakeware, and a Banana Republic pant for less than 20. I also loved all the Japanese snacks I bought for the girls, perfect for the halloween.
The girls will be so excited with the snacks!
And your rice cooker can cook a cake! Wow! I know you can do that in Instant Pots, too – I steamed eggs to hardboil them in the slowcooker and use it for quinoa, but definitely couldn’t cook a cake!
I hate making rice on the stove, I’ll make sushi rice as I don’t think the instant pot does it well but everything else goes in the IP.
We have our big town zero waste fest coming up in November and I’m planning a big house tidy while my husband and son are away next week, we are pretty minimalist but equally I’m sure there’s stuff lurking here we don’t use? I’ll go through T’s books and purge stuff he’s outgrown, etc. I’m also going to go through the gift bags, somehow we have so, so many, especially those weird Amazon gift wrap ones thanks to my in laws. Like way more than we’d ever use for presents, as we reuse them from year to year and aren’t typically here for Christmas.
The event is my favourite way to get my volunteer hours (I’ve got a goal for the year), lots of social time, physical labour, and the potential of good finds. I don’t normally find much for me, but last year my son got a toy from his favourite book series, and my son got this cool plank shelf (they got first dibs as they stopped by to bring me something, and ended up helping set up for a few hours).
I’ve got a mental list of things to look for. T wants a stunt scooter for Christmas and I’m hoping to get it used because he rides his bike 90% of the time, so I’m not sure how often he’ll use it. Sometimes our local bike shop has used stuff out front so I’m keeping an eye out.
A zero waste fest sounds incredible! I think it actually helps to be relatively minimalistic when you like thrifting because you tend to know exactly what you need/want. For me, everything has to have a place in the house so if I can’t picture exactly where that new-to-me-item will go…it doesn’t belong in our house.
So many great things on this list! I love Command hooks so much. I love that they come in all different sizes and options, too, so you can pick and choose which one will work for your needs. I use the strips for hanging anything on my walls, and they work great!
I’m going to look into those drywall anchors! Whenever I need to screw something into a wall, I just get very overwhelmed because it’s so much harder than it looks.
And yessss to packing cubes! I got them a few years ago and cannot live without them. I love being able to separate my packing into different cubes – makes it so much easier to live out of my suitcase when I’m traveling!
Command Hooks are super versatile and I recently learned they have ones that will work outside (in all range of weather conditions).
The drywall anchors are THE BEST.
The perfect purse is such a game-changer! Since I’m generally toting our diaper bag backpack whenever the kids are in tow, I used to be constantly transferring my wallet, sunglasses, keys, phone etc out of my big work purse into the diaper bag. Recently I’ve just been keeping my personal items in a smaller square-shaped purse with a long strap that’s easy to throw over my shoulder. It’s SO much better to carry 2 bags and always be able to find my own personal things! I also have a sturdy Lands End tote that I keep stocked with all the things we need for the girls’ after school sports so on those nights I just grab the bag and go. All of these bags are currently cluttering up our sideboard because it’s one of the only places the toddler can’t get into them but it’s worth it to just “decide once” (Lazy Genius principle!) what needs to come with us on our various excursions!
I really would love to have a good tote. I have a bag I use in the summer but it’s not “quite right” – still on the hunt for that.
Ah, the Lazy Genius is so wise, isn’t she?!
Demerits and Gold Stars: October 2023 Edition – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] if it had been a hot minute since I last shared Favourite Things…it has been even longer since I took the time to ponder personal demerits and gold stars. […]