Another day – a day I was determined to approach slowly. And we did just that. We didn’t wake up until after 8 am and, again, had leisurely showers before heading down to the breakfast buffet.

We took the metro to our first stop – Mossèn Costa i Llobera Gardens. This is an underrated destination in Barcelona – it only popped up on a few “hidden gem” searches but was a major hit with everyone in the family. The park contains over 800 species of cacti and offers fabulous views of the city. It was basically empty (we saw a handful of joggers and that was about it). A absolutely LOVES cacti and was smitten. We strolled through the garden for at least an hour admiring all the different varieties.

After our successful (and inexpensive) supermarket picnic lunch on Day Four, we opted to take the same approach on Saturday. Just outside of the cacti garden we happened upon another green space. The kids found some trees to climb and were happy as clams at high water. In between bites, L hunted for little lizards (he didn’t manage to catch any, but it kept him occupied).

After lunch we walked up Montjuïc to Olympic Stadium – Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys – which happens to be where FC Barcelona is playing their games while Camp Nou is under renovation.

This was very fun – and free! There had been a game on Tuesday evening – the day we arrived – at 9 pm but it felt like too much to handle with jet lag. It was the right decision to not go, but it was hard to see all the fans in the city prepping for the game. Also, FC Barcelona won 3-1, so the stadium would have been electric. Another time.

We had some time to fill before our 3 pm scheduled entry at the art museum, so we wandered by said museum and made our way to Teatre Grec.

These funny poses were spearheaded by the kids. They had so much fun doing this!

Like the Pont del Bisbe, Teatre Grec looked like something that must have a storied past. In actuality, it was built in 1929. Despite it’s relative newness, it was the perfect spot to get off our feet. The kids explored, A looked at her pictures (we have an old Android phone that doesn’t have any cell capabilities, but takes great outdoor pictures, so we gave that to her as a camera for the trip and it was AMAZING! She takes wonderful pictures and it really enhanced the travel experience for her to be able to capture it in her own unique way…), we snacked, L played some games on my phone.

Everything – e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g – is a jungle gym and/or climbing wall to this kid.

Next up was our trip to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. Tickets were free on Saturday’s after 3 pm…so guess when we decided to visit. The kids were AMAZING. Art galleries aren’t exactly the most inspiring place to be when you’re a kid – what with all the being quiet and so much nudity! But we saw the highlights and absolutely loved the city views from the rooftop. As art galleries go, it’s nothing to write home about in terms of the collection, but the building itself is spectacular. Again, the lack of water for fountains did impact the scene, but it was still stunning.

This painting was simply titled Rest. I don’t smoke and have neither giant hat, faithful canine, or – thank goodness – a rifle – but I am interested in rest!

Both kids came to me separately and told me this painting reminded them of me. It must be the book in hand? I can assure you I don’t “lounge” nearly so gracefully when reading. I took this as a compliment and it also seemed to strike the right note with a theme of Rest (if you exchange the silk dress for flannel pajamas).

When the water’s going…it looks more like this…

And this…(the famous evening “water” show – rightly cancelled due to the drought and water issues – has thousands of LED lights).

We all wanted to go back to our favourite churro place one last time (Xurreria Trebol), so we did that, ate some empanadas and were back to the hotel by 7:30. It was hard to believe we only had one more day in Barcelona!

- Distance Walked: 14.24 km | 20,622 steps | 30 flights
And that’s a wrap on Day Five. Do you like visiting art galleries? Do you enjoy watching the Olympics or are you Meh about the whole athletic spectacle? Let’s discuss feelings on cacti…
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Nicole MacPherson
I love gardens, and those cacti do not disappoint! I think they are gorgeous. They are all so interesting looking!
I’m pretty meh on the Olympics – I like the winter ones, with figure skating, but I don’t follow it or ever know what’s going on. My husband LOVES them, so I usually learn something through osmosis.
I love the Olympics – especially the winter ones. My favourite summer sports are high diving and beach volleyball (oddly? I don’t really like volleyball that much – but something about it only being TWO people is far more exciting?). Winter…I like almost all of the events.
ccr in MA
I’m enjoying your recaps, but also, in the last photo, is it just me, or do the balconies on the right look like skulls??
It’s not just you!! The balconies of this house are designed to look like reptile skulls! Gaudi was big on incorporating animal and horticultural themes into his architecture.
I like art galleries, but not with kids! Overall I’m impressed by how much your kids seemed to enjoy this trip. I mean, I’m sure there were moments (like in the rest of life) but in general it looks like they embraced all the walking, sightseeing, and art. I can just imagine my daughter looking at some of these views and saying “I’m bored” (AARRRRG! Can I go to Barcelona by myself?)
Anyway, I’m sad that there’s only one more day of trip recaps!
I was shocked – SHOCKED – by how much the kids enjoyed Barcelona. After them not loving Toronto and NYC I went in with low expectations. But what’s not to love? Sunshine! Sugar! Adventures. That said, with an almost-teen in tow, I feel like the pendulum could have gone the other way, but thankfully it was, by and large (we had a few rough moments), a wholly positive experience.
I LOVE the little journal you kept
So cute!!!!
This is high praise coming from The Planning Queen! I just need some washi tape and cute stickers. Next trip?
Those gardens are gorgeous. I feel warmer just thinking about cacti. Although, we have succulents in our yard and they make it through the whole winter just fine, so maybe I should get over thinking that they only survive in warm climates.
Did you include so many hats in your art gallery photos just for me. I will assume so and let you know that I appreciated it greatly!
I’m so torn on the Olympics. I find the athletics so inspiring and amazing. But I have so many concerns about the long-term impacts it has on host countries, some of the political issues, and the environmental impact of so much global travel. *sigh* I’m such a buzzkill.
We’re getting snow together so I need all the warm vibes I can get.
Um…*crickets*…you sure bet I included so many hats for your benefit!!
Yes to the very challenging ethical and environmental conundrum that is the Olympics. I think the best solution would be to have stationary games where all participating countries contribute money toward the infrastructure. That said, regardless of keeping costs down – with the things happening in the world and the desperate need for so much humanitarian aid, it is hard to swallow the glitz, glamour, and environmental footprint – not to mention the fact that working conditions can be horrible + land is often appropriated. Buzzkill indeed.
Oh, your pictures are so beautiful! The architecture (and cacti) are so gorgeous. We do watch the Olympics; the Mr. always becomes obsessed with the sport we know the least about (hence his love of curling that has remained for years) and we watch a lot of replays and highlights as primetime doesn’t always work with work and life and all that stuff. But, the cost (financially, environmentally, etc.) leave me with some hesitations; there must be a more sustainable way to do similar games…
Agreed to wishing the games were far more sustainable. Honestly, I think the modern Olympics will die out in the not so distant future? But we shall see.
The cacti garden was so beautiful…and quiet which was lovely! It felt like we had this whole park to ourselves.
OMG! You need a red velvet chaise lounge so you can elegantly relax with a book in your flannel pajamas!
Ha! Yes…I will have to see if I can source a red velvet chaise lounger at a local thrift store one of these days.
I don’t think I’ve looked elegant ONCE in my life, but I can rock pajamas and I sure do know how to relax with a book
I’m inspired by your daily journal. I might need to try this next time I travel. I’ve been travelling with a small pocket size notebook anyway, I would just need to remember to use it! I love the Olympics. Being Australian, swimming has always been my favourite sport to watch for obvious reasons. I’ve also started to get more into watching athletics since I joined a running club (some people do track events as well as the cross country, but not, me—the track is too exposed). I also enjoy gymnastics and diving, and maybe the highlights from team sports.
I’ve never kept a journal like this before but it was fun, and a GREAT way to unwind. Also, I keep a One Line A Day Journal but since space was limited, I didn’t bring it along. This notebook was helpful as a notebook, but then I could also keep a running list of what we did. When we got back to Canada…I updated the OLADJ easily since I had a play-by-play of our days.
Lisa's Yarns
I LOVE the Olympics, especially the summer olympics. I can watch nearly anything – except anything related to horses because I just don’t care at all about that kind of sporting event.
The cacti garden looks so cool! I love cacti. I always enjoy seeing the huge ones when I visit my sister in Tucson, AZ. I love that you went to your favorite churro place multiple times! When you find the best place, it’s good to stick with it!
Why are horses at the Olympics? It just has never felt like a sport to me.
Especially since we were travelling with kids, it felt prudent to stop while we were ahead – finding a winning churro place was like striking gold and I think we went three times when we were there? And I don’t regret a single stop.
Michelle G.
There are so many gorgeous pictures here—it’s a feast for the eyes! The cacti, the art, the architecture, and the kids’ cute poses—I could look at these photos all day!
I used to think the Olympics were fun to watch, but for the past 10 years or so, I just don’t care. There’s been so much scandal, abuse, and nonsense, and I guess I just don’t want to see that anymore.
The Olympics are definitely fraught in so many ways!
It was another gorgeous day in Barcelona <3
Yes, like someone else said, I am completely obsessed with your journal and want to do something similar during my own travels. What a fun keepsake!
Those photos of the kids posing are GREAT! I love them!
I always love the Olympics so I’m excited for the summer games this year!
I only got the journal idea on our first full day. Since I hadn’t brought my One Line a Day journal I needed to keep track of what we did so I could update that when we got home. And then I decided – why not make it fun?
I had to do a reverse image search of that painting of the woman reading a book because I love it so much! Repasando el album, by Josep Duran. I may need to order a print of that for our house!
You truly had such wonderful weather for the entire trip. That makes such a difference. Also had to laugh at L climbing all the things!!
Growing up, the Olympics were a much heralded event because my parents loosened up their strict restrictions on TV-watching! Now, I especially love following gymnastics, diving, and synchronized swimming in the summer and figure skating in the winter. It’s also fun to watch snowboarding and the luge.
We had SUCH great weather. I just can’t get over how flawless it was…not a single spec of rain.
Oh yay, I spy a photo of you and John… I was waiting for one. So many cool pictures but most of them were taken by him or you, I gather?
What a fabulous day and so cool you could go inside the stadium. And the garden seems like a hidden gem indeed – so beautiful. I’ll have to ask my parents if they’ve been there during their visits to Barcelona.
Yes, we tend to be the ones TAKING the photos and don’t always prioritize being in them!