We’re visiting my parents, which means we’re in Summer at the Lake Mode. So far it has been relatively blissful. While J isn’t officially on holiday, the majority of Europe shuts down in July, so he only has two meetings the whole week!
Trips here are one of the things that get significantly easier as the kids get older. They can bait their own hooks. They can climb the ladder to the sleeping loft unsupervised. They can apply their own sunscreen. They can walk safely down the steeply inclined wooden ramp to the lake. They dress themselves and brush their own teeth. They toast their own marshmallows. They put on their own life jackets. No one needs to nap and everyone goes to bed at the same time. It really does make a difference!
In addition to this being one of my “happy places,” our kids adore it here. Some teenage angst has come along for the ride, but that’s to be expected and has been minimal in a mostly amusing stereotypical way.
So far we’ve:
- Had s’mores on the beach (twice).
- Spent hours fishing; “we” being John and especially L. Last night, on his final cast of the evening – well after dusk – L caught a catfish. That was exciting. He’s up to 7 fish so far this trip.
- Inspected the garden I helped plant in June; I’m not sure if it was bad luck or bad timing or a combination of the above but it’s not going to be a stellar crop. Whomp, whomp.
- Judged A’s water handstands out of 10. She could literally do this for hours.
- (Moderately) deep-cleaned the interior of both our vehicle and my parents’.
- Gone swimming every day (we arrived Sunday, so I’m now up to THREE stints of swimming here, which makes four in the last week).
- Played a lot of Wordscapes.
- Enjoyed (?) a freak 3-minute rain storm.
- Had breakfast on the beach, toasting our bread over the fire.
- Painted rocks. Lots of rocks.

Your turn. What “mode” are you in this week? Have you ever painted rocks? Have you ever played Wordscapes (it’s highly addictive!)?
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This sounds PERFECT, Elisabeth. And what gorgeous photos. My daughter and I are going to visit my parents at their lake house (well, it’s really a mountain house with a lake nearby; close enough) this summer and I am so excited!
Yay! Mountains AND a lake sound like a winning combination. I hope you have a great time. It sounds like you’ve been having a stellar summer so far. Yay for pools and parties!
Michelle G.
This sounds like the perfect vacation! (Except for the mosquitoes – those darn things!) I’m in “shade” mode, trying to stay out of the sun and heat. I completely wilt when I’m hot, so the 90 degree weather isn’t agreeing with me.
The mosquitos aren’t bad throughout the day (at this time of the year; they’re horrible here in June), but in the night they come out with vigor.
It has been such a hot summer so far in North America and I also tend to wilt. This week hasn’t been too bad (and last week the nights were very cool which helped tremendously).
This sounds amazing! Smores! Water! Sunsets! Rock Painting!
As you know I am not in lake or vacation mode so I will live vicariously through your lake and vacation mode
It just rained here and it made me think of you
I hope you have “lake and vacation-esque” modes in your summer future. Though I know you are still very much in the thick of the little child years which are so labour intensive, especially in the midst of summer fun.
We are at my parents and lounging about in the afternoons. T has a swing pod on the porch and he reads or listens to his audiobook while swinging, and I lie on the sofa and make sure the goats don’t get into the garden. Which feels like an important responsibility.
Texted you a lighthouse pic
Those afternoons sound perfect. My kids have been falling asleep to audiobooks at night. I wish my kids loved to read like I did as a kid. They’ll read, but almost never by choice. How many summer afternoons I spent sitting by the lake with a book. Ah…those were glorious.
Goats in the garden. I need to hear more about these goats!
Thanks for the picture. Very much on brand for me
I love this for your family, Elisabeth! It all looks like a breath of fresh air.
I’m in a “I’m behind at work” mode this week, which feels oof and sigh and a little bit like ennui?
We are fans of both Wordscapes and painting rocks! Before my foot went wrong, we visited a hike where my daughter had hid a rock she painted when she was 5, found it, took it home to clean it up (“I mean, I was a kid when I did this, mum!”), and then went back to rehide it.
I think it’s hard to work in the summer. It just feels…like time to be off and outside, right? Sigh. I hope you get caught up soon.
That is SO fun that LM found a rock she painted when she was younger. What a full-circle moment.
L looks like he’s walking on water in that fishing photo.
All he wants to do is fish. Even if he doesn’t catch anything for hours he remains optimistic the WHOLE time. It’s kinda perfect because I can just sit and watch and relax!
Lovely! Sounds better than MOM TAXI MODE, which is what I’m in for the next… checks watch… 13 or so years.
Ha! You are literally the busiest person I know, Sarah. The good news is more and more of your brood will get their license over the next few years!
Jan Coates
So great that you’re having that time with your family, Elisabeth! Sounds like so much fun, and the kids are at perfect ages for all those reasons. And I don’t know Wordscapes – you’ll have to fill me in sometime. Enjoy every sunset!
Wordscapes is a crossword game. It’s fun and very addictive, so I’d only try it if you’re willing to get pulled back in to level after level…
Looks and sounds lovely! We’re in grandparent and cousin mode! My parents and nephew and niece just arrived for 8 days of fun!
Aww. That’s so fun! Summer is the best time to be with family. And the weather in NB this week has been great!
ccr in MA
Oh, your words are so descriptive but the photos really take me there! The stunning views, and also I want to grab that s’more!
I forgot to mention my dad could only find maple-flavoured marshmallows. So it’s a very “Canadian” s’more at that!
I love those painted rocks! (Let me guess- yours is the one with the cup of coffee.) This all sounds LOVELY, and yes, it gets so much easier as the kids get older.
I’m in “heal this frickin calf injury” mode this week, which isn’t very festive- but I’ll be in Lake Mode vicariously through you!
Actually, those are ALL my rocks. I wish I had a better “doodle” imagination. I run out of creative things to paint. A is in the middle of painting a series of plants. It’s very fun and since we paint outside – and this year using paint pens – NO MESS! It’s glorious.
Hope the calf gets better with a week of rest?!!
Ally Bean
S’mores on the beach! Oh this sounds too wonderful to be true. And your painted rocks! Adorable. I’m enjoying your vacation from afar.
I’ll admit one s’more has been enough for me (so sweet), but we’ve had them three nights in a row and the kids are very much indulging their sweet tooth (teeth!).
Hi Elisabeth! The pictures are stunning, as always. How wonderful to have a place to take a respite from this world <3
What “mode” am I in this week… Self mode. The kids are at camp, and I have alone time! I've been reading, going to yoga, going to the beach, cleaning the house, writing… The only downside: it is unbearably HOT in NJ right now. Like, you can cut the humidity with a knife. But the jersey shore is nice and cool, so I went to the beach yesterday to cool off – it was lovely!
Love it! After a year full of caring for kids (you own plus so many others in your role as a teacher), it must be wonderful to have a stretch of time where you are truly alone!
It has been so hot (and humid) lately. Being near water is a perfect reprieve.
I’m in hardcore work mode this week. When I first took this job, the person who left the office before me left a month by month calendar and noted “July is a good time for a vacation.” I am not finding this to be true. Summer has been the busiest work season for me so far! I am taking off early tomorrow for a haircut and going in late on Friday for a doctor’s appointment, but those don’t really seem like fun summer activities. I need to put something summery on the calendar for this weekend!
I hope you manage to fit in some decidely summery activities. It’s so easy for summer to just slip by without it feeling much different from the rest of the year (to be fair, fall is still my absolute favourite season, though).
The haircut sounds lovely, the doctor’s appointment definitely doesn’t sound summery!
Lisa’s Yarns
Ahhh lake time! It’s a thing of beauty! We were sort of on lake time last weekend but my parents hosted family twice so it was not as relaxing. It will be more relaxing when we are back in August! It’s nice to have my parents help. So even though we are in a more demanding stage of parenting, it’s still enjoyable.
I was in travel mode this week. I just got back from 2 nights in Michigan. I did 10 meetings in 2 days so am exhausted!!
Yikes. That is so many meetings, Lisa! Your summers are sooo busy (and I know you have lots of travel ahead).
Those big groups would definitely leave me feeling overwhelmed.
Nicole MacPherson
Oh this sounds like bliss! Wonderful, I hope you enjoy every moment (well, except the mosquitoes, those are never enjoyable) (I’m hoping the heat this week kills off ours).
I am in SUMMER MODE. It’s so beautiful here in the summer!
I’m so glad you’re loving this season (I think you find things to love about every season, though <3)...The world does look extra beautiful in the summer.
Oh, this sounds so wonderfully like summer… and such a cliché summer too “summer at the lake” (I never had a family member with a house on a lake so it sounds extra dreamy to me!).
I love (!) the sunset shot (with the moon in it!).
I was in regular work mode this week (extra busy, in fact. Didn’t feel much like summer although we still have the hot temps to match).
I have painted rocks before but it must have been as a kid. How long are you staying at the lake? Enjoy every minute
I love this! What a beautiful way to experience summer. And how nice for J to have TWO WHOLE MEETINGS this week! Man, he must be LIVING for that.
Hmm… I guess I’m in “normal life” mode this week. Nothing out of the ordinary going on. Just work and the regular life stuff.
Processing + A Bunch of Great Days - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] Yet I celebrate the fact the pages this week were wonderful and special. And I ache for the loss and the feelings that come as we seem to – day after day after day – face some new horror or injustice or unspeakable sadness either remotely or directly. But I also look at my camera roll and smile. Because my family’s story includes the fact we had a bunch of really great days. […]