It’s almost here!
The last time I decided to do a month of walking at least 10 minutes/day, I didn’t give much advance warning. In fact, it was a single line item at the end of a catchall post.
And yet, lots of people – and let’s not forget pets (see Rex and Hannah below) – still joined me! It was a blast. I loved receiving photos from all around the world as people joined me in completing daily walks.
I promised I’d do it again and this time give plenty of notice.

*Thanks to everyone who submitted these pictures. I didn’t link to everyone’s blog or name everyone represented here but I promise attribution happened the first time they were posted (see every Happy Things Friday Post from April)
So this is the official announcement that I will be hosting Round #2 of The Cool Bloggers Walking Club in October, where I will walk a minimum of 10 minutes per day. There is no set agenda for pace or time or distance, just getting outside (or inside as circumstances demand) to stretch our legs and our minds.
A few notes:
- This is not only for bloggers! Everyone is welcome.
- Treadmills count! Hallways count! Hotel rooms and airports count. I’m simply aiming for 10 intentional minutes of walking, whatever form that takes.
- If you’re inclined to share, I’d love to get pictures from people out on their walking adventures! I’ll plan to do a fun little roundup in all of October’s Happy Things Friday posts.
Who’s in?
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Laura Vanderkam
How fun! I love this idea. I wish I could see a kangaroo on a walk…
I know, right? On a more frightening note is the fact my son apparently saw a COYOTE in the woods behind our house last week (I will not be doing any solo walks through the woods).
Hmm! Last time I felt like it didn’t really fit with the rest of what I was doing, so I didn’t participate. But then I felt horribly left out when I saw everyone else doing it! I”ll try to join this time.
Jenny – you MORE than cover your exercise bases. I totally understand FOMO, but I very much assume you walk more than 10 minutes each day (and you definitely exercise more than 10 minutes each day).
I’d love to have you join of course, but please don’t feel any pressure. OR, maybe aim to do it 3x/week? Fortuitously, Laura Vanderkam chimed in on this post and her “Three times a week is a habit” is the only reason I have a blog today! So obviously I’m a big fan of the 3x/week goal for just about anything.
I am in! I’ll have to grab more pictures this time around (even if some are on my treadmill or in the garage at work, haha)!
Yay, Lindsay. So glad to have you joining in again. No pressure on the pictures; I don’t want it to feel like a burden in any way, though we don’t have any treadmill OR parking garage pictures yet, so you could be a trendsetter <3
I’m in! I usually take a walk every day, but without Mulder to motivate me, I’ve started to slack off a bit. This will help me stay motivated, so thank you!
I loved having you join in last time – and I still think about your picture of…was it wisteria?
Yay for virtual walking buddies.
Hannah and I ARE IN!
I’ve heard that kangaroos are super common in Australia and all the Australians are probably sick of all the rest of us getting so excited about a kangaroos sighting, but THERE’S A KANGAROO ON THE GRASS. Kanga and Roo really imprinted on us, didn’t they?
Engie, can I admit that if you weren’t in, I was already planning to e-mail you and beg on bended knee that you join. So seeing in caps that you ARE IN made me smile SO BIG. And, of course, Hannah is a star accomplice in all this.
I think kangaroos just look SO different. Even big cats – like jaguars – remind me of domestic cats in way. (I’d still look twice and then likely pee my pants if I saw a jaguar on my morning walk.) Kangaroos are almost other-worldly (to me). It was a great disappointment that I didn’t see any kangaroos in the wild when I was in Australia. I need to go visit Sophie!
Marie-Elise Membrive
I all in ! I do Walk a lot of days but not always with intention. Let’s do this ;).
Let’s do this, indeed! The more the merrier <3
I’m in! Hooray! To be honest I grew up in a city (Melbourne) so seeing kangaroos day to day is still a novelty for me too (hence why I share my pics so much!). So you can be guaranteed there will be more kangaroo pics in October 😁😂
That’s EXACTLY what I wanted to hear! Bring on the kangaroo’s I say…
Amanda P.
I’m in. Maybe this will even get me to restart blogging lol
I wondered if I’d get anybody interested this time around, so YAY!
Oh, I need this! I was so good about walking in April – and then summer came. I let life overwhelm my exercise efforts too easily. I will lace up my sneakers and get ready to walk.
Thank you!
Doing anything daily feels so hard for me. I think it might be a bit of a rebel tendency coming through? But doing 10 minutes a day – and knowing it was only for a month – the last time felt amazing. (A few years ago I did 365 days of walking at least 1km and it was great but felt more intrusive in my day since the faster I walked, the faster I could check it off – so that’s why I chose 10 minutes. Not too long if I end up having to walk laps in my hallway, but long enough to get some good lungfuls of air if I walk outside).
Also, literally nothing bad will happen if I don’t make it all 31 days. Life happens and I’ll still consider it a success if I do it the majority of the days (see my comment to Jenny re 3x/week being a habit).
Yay! I’m excited for this!
Yay! I’m excited that you’re excited. We’ll have to do some of the walks together <3
I am so in! October can be a rough month for getting out but I LOVE the fall colours and this will be great motivation! Also I can’t believe how long ago that twin walk seems now…
Time flies when you’re not getting enough sleep?!
I am with you on the fall colours! My absolute favourite nature characteristic.
Nicole MacPherson
Well, you know I’m in! And I’ll be with Rex until mid-October and then…I’LL BE WALKING IN ITALY! I’ll definitely whatapp you photos!
ITALY! You are going to have the best time and fitting in 10 minutes of walking will be laughable! There is so much gorgeous walking to do in Italy (and so much delicious eating). I can’t wait to hear/see all about it.
What a lovely idea, I am probably in. Sorry that is not very definite, even finding ten minutes in a day can be a stretch on some days! I will enjoy reading along with you all even if I don’t join in.
Everyone is welcome to join when they’re able (there are no “walking police”) and even doing it a few times a week is a great place to start. Getting outside is always a boost to my mood and energy, and in April I was amazed how much 10 minutes could do!
But I know how some days fitting in anything extra just feels like a burden. And in those situations, drop the walk!!!
Michelle G.
I’m in! October is my favorite month for walking, and this sounds like fun! I printed your lovely chart, and I’ll be sending some pictures!
Hooray for pictures!
October is my favourite walking month too. The leaves, the crisp air. Everything seems so golden and serene. (The calm before the winter storm, I suppose.)
Hooray! I’m excited for this!
On an unrelated note – thank you sharing in your post about travelling to Spain about the EU travel delay compensation rules. Let’s just say that my husband and daughter had two out of three flights delayed to such an extent that a 17.5 h trip home from Romania turned into 55🙃 I was telling my husband that he should look into this and he was surprised I am so knowledgeable about EU flight delay rules. That’s the benefit of reading blogs! (Or rather one of the benefits!)
55 hours?? That sounds utterly horrific. I hope they got a great compensation package. A tiny silver lining?
I’m in too. Thanks for inviting non bloggers! I really hope there is not one snow flake in any photos!
Oh dear – I didn’t even think about snow but we have definitely had snow on/before Halloween before. I should start a poll on the blog of who thinks they will/won’t see snow. I know my Floridian friends won’t!
Definitely in! October is a lovely time of year to be out and about amongst the fall foliage.
Wonderful! It’s impossible to be the beauty of nature in October (at least in Canada).
Yay!!! Last time you did this I was pretty much drowning in life and couldn’t commit. This fall season has been a breath of fresh air with WAY more margin and I am so excited to participate this time! Also loved the photo recap, particularly the kangaroo sighting. Thanks for organizing this again!
I’m so glad you can participate and I’m even happier you have a bit more margin.
Sophie has promised more kangaroo pictures, so stay tuned!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I am definitely in! I have an Australian buddy that says that not only are kangaroos like squirrels in Oz, but also they are very mean! The boxing kangaroo is no joke!
I’ve heard the same thing about kangaroos being very dangerous if they’re cornered/separated from their young. I think they’ve killed people before? On that happy note, though, they are adorable!
Ally Bean
I’m in. I don’t know that I’ll have a cool photos to share because I don’t usually walk anywhere interesting enough to take my phone/camera with me, but in spirit I’ll be doing this. Great idea.
Yay! No photos required, “in spirit” is great.
ccr in MA
I won’t say I’m committing to doing it every day, but I’m committing to trying! Hopefully it won’t be too hot to stand it: at this moment it’s 91 and feels like 109, at 4:30, but in a few weeks I’m really hoping that will be lower (come on, Florida, let go of summer already). A couple of my days may only be in airports, and in between, a few in the relative chill of upstate NY!
Love “committing to trying.” There is zero pressure to do it everyday. When it works, go for it. I also am a big fan of “Three times a week makes a habit.”
I can’t imagine it “feels like 109” in SEPTEMBER. I’d struggle with that for sure (I wouldn’t struggle with having no snow).
Lisa's Yarns
I am going to try my best to participate! I have some heavy travel (D.C., New Jersey, and Detroit, oh my!) but figure I can find 10 minutes to go for a short walk even when traveling. I love seeing all the photos from the last walking club!!
You have a lot of travel coming up. I can guarantee your airport days will involve more than 10 minutes of walking. Wowzers, I end up working up a sweat in every airport we visit. The walks between gates can be so long.
The photos were so fun. I’m excited to be a bit more organized, though there was something special about the spontaneity last time. That said, the pictures from fall (at least in North America) should be spectacular.
Grateful Kae
I’m definitely in! I’ve been walking everyday now anyway with Charlie (which, I suppose, could change come Dec/Jan/Feb seasons…) But it’s September and weather is still great, and Charlie still needs walking everyday, so…. definitely in! 🙂
Yay! I’m counting that as two entries: Kay and Charlie. Gold stars to you both 🙂
Tobia | craftaliciousme
It is already in my calendar and I scant wait to join the club after I mouse the first round. October I will. Thanks for organizing.
Yay! Someone from Germany! Thanks for joining.
I will join in, and hopefully this time I won’t injure myself. It will include the time we will be doing the Camino so I know I’ll tick off some days.
Perfect timing with your trip! Yes, you’ll definitely tick off the 10-minute goal easily those days.
Oh hooray, I am glad you’re bringing back the CBWC… and I am planning to join this time 🙂
Yay! That’s awesome. I love how many people are responding that they’re “in” – this is going to be so fun!!
Oh…and you’ll be able to submit some of those amazing Halloween decorations you see each year!
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Jan Coates
I’m in, too – seems I walk for at least 30 minutes most days, but I’ll look for a fun photo to share in October:) Maybe we’ll even get out together in late October…
That would be lovely. Thanks for joining in, Jan. Can’t wait to connect in person.
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I’m in! I walk my daughter to and from school during the week- so the weekends will be where this really comes in as changes in behavior, but I’m all for it!
Thanks for joining! The more the merrier.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I am definitively in. It’s been in my calendar since April. I intentionally walked to church yesterday instead of taking the bike. Weather was not great and this morning it’s raining again so no morning walk as I hope it will clear for a lunch walk. looking forward seeing all the fun places people walk.
Yay! Go Tobia. Hope the weather clears up. It’s overcast here today and I’m crossing my fingers there isn’t any rain. I’m not a big fan of getting wet outside of the shower.