There were events in August that did not involve a trip to Portugal and, for posterity, I want to bullet-point them on the blog.
- Nate Bargatze. Our favourite comedian! Back in January – when we saw he was performing at an outdoor comedy festival in Halifax this summer – we snapped up tickets and opted to pay $20 extra to enter the grounds early for optimal seating. The earlier the better…right? A few days out the weather didn’t look great, but day-of the forecast – or so John assured me – was only to be “some showers”. What we endured was nothing short of a torrent. Five hours in said torrent, to be exact (the tail-end of a hurricane). We were sitting waiting for the comedy show to start for THREE HOURS. IN TORRENTIAL RAIN. Even with raincoats and umbrellas I was rapidly getting soaked. We had carpooled with friends and one brought giant garbage bags in case it rained; at one point I hopped into a bag and sat back down in my seat feeling quite good about the situation. About fifteen minutes later I noticed: Hmmm, my bottom is feeling…very damp. And I realized with horror that unbeknownst to me water had been pouring down the back of the bag, pooling, so I was now sitting in a giant garbage bag that was full of rain water. Not my finest moment. Thankfully, Nate Bargatze was hilarious (as was one of the other guests – Derrick Stroup) and the things that go wrong often make the best memories. It certainly was a very, very memorable night.

- I crazy-glued my fingers and wedding rings together. True story. A bought a little wax candle cactus in Portugal and it promptly broke which was pretty devastating. When we got home I tried crazy glue, hot glue, and melting/reforming the wax. Alas, it was all too small and delicate for me to make any headway, but at one point I cut open a tube of what appeared to be dry crazy glue and a few seconds later realized the fingers on my left hand were glued together. Like, completely and utterly welded together. And my wedding rings were glued to not only my hand, but each other. Thankfully I remembered that nail polish remover can dissolve crazy glue…and it did. But what a gong show.

- A magical evening with friends. Right before leaving for Portugal we joined friends visiting from Germany for an impromptu supper at the cottage they were renting. The weather was glorious. L went swimming (impromptu), befriended a local fisherman and caught a fish (also impromptu), and we laughed so hard we cried while playing rounds of The Game of Things (impromptu yet again; so fun, highly recommend).

- Deep-sea fishing. L is obsessed with fishing. Like obsessed. (See fishing with a stranger above.) For years he has been asking to go deep sea fishing and John found a nearish charter that was relatively inexpensive. John, L, and another dad and his two sons all went last weekend. Success!

- Postcards. Who doesn’t love snail mail (Birchie does and now has a Postcard Club!) – so what better thing to find upon returning home than a note from Jenny! She mailed it during her trip to Texas and let’s stop and marvel at how perfectly she knows me. Not just Anne of Green Gables. FALL-THEMED ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. Perfection.

This week mostly involves transitioning “back to normal.” Today was consumed with seeing friends; various playdates (both at our house and away) for the kids, a walk and chat with Joy for me, and a revolving door at our house well into the evening. Tomorrow there is an orthodontist appointment for A – her first in over two months which is not ideal, but there was literally NO OTHER TIME that worked with their office vacation and her limited time at home this summer.
School starts Thursday.
John will soon start back to regular work travel after nearly two months straight at home!
Which all makes me think that a little summer reflection is in order.
This was a great summer. There were some unexpected bumps in the road (including two stints of pneumonia), but mostly things went to plan (why yes, I do appreciate when that happens!), and it felt like a realistic glimpse of what lies ahead for future summers. The kids were older and more independent. A spent four weeks at sleepaway camp, three of them involving a volunteer leadership gig. L did his first week of sleepaway camp, plus three weeks of a sports-themed day camp. We spent two weeks at the lake with my parents. Five whole nights home solo with John were, without a doubt, my favourite stretch of days so far in 2024. And then we had a two week trip to Portugal as a family.
There was plenty of down time at home, but not too much. Just right as Goldilocks would say.
It feels bizarre that we’ve already reached September. Just this morning I realized it feels so odd because for the first time since becoming a parent to elementary-school aged children, I’m not reaching the end of the summer burned out. Tired? Always. But burned out? No. And that feels amazing. Getting to the first day of school has always (always) felt like I’m dragging my half-dead body across a marathon finish line. This year it feels like I’m breaking the tape on a 5K with just a skiff of sweat on my brow.
Could everything implode? Yes. Grade 8 has the potential to be rough. Some complicated interpersonal dynamics still exist. But I’m starting September on two feet instead of prostrate, which feels like a major win!
Your turn. What’s new? Who else loves fall as much as I do? Anyone have any crazy…Crazy Glue stories to share? What was the last piece of fun personal snail mail (not a bill, not a promotional flyer!) you received?
Header photo by David Pennington on Unsplash
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Living vicariously through you as I drag my half-dead body into SeptemberโฆSO SO glad you and your words are back in this spaceโฆas it gives me so much to look ahead to in 5-7 years. xo
Oh friend. I’ve been thinking of you so often lately. You have been through the wringer this year and summer with young kids (even under much less stressful circumstances and with two adults in the mix) is EXHAUSTING. I wish I could provide aid stations along your marathon route. Keep on keeping on. I know you’re running with patience the race that is set before you and it is so admirable and courageous and your reward will be great.
Hugs <3
Welcome back! I missed reading your words and am looking forward to catching up on the Portugal posts. Currently on day 4 (? I think?) of solo parenting the 2 year old and 8 month old while the 4 year old and husband are visiting my father-in-law in Eastern Europe for 11 days. So far itโs not been too overwhelming, surprisingly. Oh and my MIL and stepfather-in-law moved to our city last week so thereโs also navigating living near family for the first time in our marriage. Also surprisingly good so far. So thatโs basically whatโs new here.
So glad your summer has left you standing upright not smushed flat! Are you looking at a quiet fall or do the kids have a lot of extracurricular activities planned?
As for fun personal mailโฆ the last was a letter from a pen pal in Finland and it was a delight to get a note from her because as our collective number of children has increased our letter writing pace has slowed. So getting it was lovely, although it contained some tragic news on her end, so not sure it really counts as fun?
Wow! That’s a long stint of solo parenting. Glad it’s going well so far.
Big changes with extended family moving so close to town. There tend to be ups and downs, but it really is such a blessing to have family close by! It takes time for everyone to get their bearings, but I’m sure it will be a net positive for everyone involved.
Our fall is somewhere in between. A smattering of activities which just feel more intense since they tend to start later and later as they get older and/or are longer. For example, our daughter’s drama last year was 4-5:30. This year it’s 6-8. So just shifting expectations around when we can eat, etc. But overall we tend toward “underscheduled” so it shouldn’t be too hectic? Famous last words…
A pen pal! Of course my eyes lit up about Finland since my husband travels to Helsinki regularly (I still haven’t been). Though I’m sorry to hear that she’s weathering a life storm right now ๐
I’m so glad the summer has been rejuvenating for you and so full of good things! I think it’s wonderful when kids are really into something like L is with his fishing. It reminds me of how my son was with all things sound and lighting and he hasn’t changed.
Glue story: When my husband was a kid, he got annoyed at his dad, so he superglued his soccer ball to the middle of the bonnet of his dad’s brand new Mercedes. Probably not a crazy story, but very naughty.
It does help when kids latch on to something. It gives life a focus and I think it’s normal as kids age to get more and more interested in a few specific things. The other thing he’s obsessed with is supercars and I’m very curious to see if he ends up doing something with fancy cars OR fishing as a career. Might be hard to merge the two ๐
Wow. Just wow about the crazy glue story. Yikes! I cannot imagine my response as a parent. I’m curious how that situation all played out…
So glad to hear you had a great summer and come back recharged, not burned out, from taking care of small kids during summer break. I felt recharged too when we started a month ago, now I feel I need another small break soon as life/work got busier with all the school changes and activities. Fortunately a short trip is coming up soon.
You hit the nail on the head – I had much less “caring” this summer. The kids were often at camp, or even now when we’re at my parents I can more do things with them instead of having to watch over/take care of them. They can feed and dress themselves and buckle up their own life jackets and brush their own teeth. It really makes a big difference!!!
Eek on the superglue! A long time ago my husband got a drop in his eye while he was repairing something at work and I have blocked out the story besides that there was a trip to the ER. I’m making a mental note about nail polish remover!
I had forgotten the joys of snail mail – yet another thing that the Cool Bloggers brought back into my life!
IN HIS EYE??? IN HIS EYE???!!! I can’t even imagine what that would feel like, how it would bond and how to unstick something like that. Ugh. Awful! It’s not like a normal eye issues where you try to flush it out since it would be glued together. And it’s not like pouring nail polish remover into one’s eye would work very well…
Yay for snail mail!!!
Nicole MacPherson
Sitting in a garbage bag full of rain water and crazy gluing your fingers and rings together. Well, things can only go up from there! But it sounds like the comedian – who I have never heard of, must google – was a great time. And good to know re: the nail polish remover. This hasn’t been an issue but YOU NEVER KNOW.
I’m so glad you had such a great summer! And that you aren’t feeling burned out.
I love snail mail too! I’m sending out a few things this morning to a couple of gal pals, as it happens. I’ve been inspired by Engie to do that more often!
Onward and upward, indeed.
At this point Bargatze only does “clean” comedy which I appreciate. I’m not a giant prude, but I am a Christian and I find so much of modern comedy is unnecessarily crass and often quite offensive, so I appreciate that I can really relax when I listen to his stand-up routines. (He has two or three specials on Netflix and one on Prime. Stephany went to New Orleans to see him and I think Colleen and Phil went to see him as well.)
Yes, it definitely gets easier as the kids get older! I like you running metaphor, ha ha.
That postcard was in the pack of “bookish” postcards I bought at the bookstore in Waco. As soon as I saw it, I knew who was getting that one!
Good luck with the school year. My daughter liked 7th grade better than 8th, but only because she was tired of all the “unfair” rules in middle school, and eager to get to high school. I’m not sure how your schools work- will A go to high school next year?
Anyway- glad you had such a good summer!
Well, I was truly touched and it made me SO happy to get home to a stack of mail and see that postcard at the top of the pile <3
Yes, next year = high school for us. Even typing that sounds ridiculous. How can I possible have a high schooler??!!! And because of where we live, it will be the first time she changes school. This marks her 9th year in our community school, which runs from primary through Grade 8! So a big shift, indeed.
I'm hoping Grade 8 is okay. 6 was horrible, 7 was great, and I'm hoping 8 is even better, but I'll admit I'm holding my breath a bit.
Lisa's Yarns
My last piece of fun mail was from Birchie! She sent me a postcard from her DC trip which was such a delight! I’ve gotten postcards from her, Kyria, Nicole, and NGS in the last several months. What a delight! Now I need to get my butt in gear and send them some postcards, maybe when I am in the DC area in October?
Summer is still not different from the rest of the year for us since the kids are still in full-time daycare but if I had kids at home with me, I’d be clicking my heels together because school started today! We enjoyed a lovely week break from the kids and then paid for it with challenging re-entry behavior from both kids this weekend. My patience is just totally depleted and they’ve been fighting and wrestling so much and gah. It’s just so much harder than I envisioned!
I do love fall, though, but am still holding onto the summer vibes for a bit longer as we still have summer-like weather in September but it’s rarely very humid so it’s delightful! I am going to be so busy with work travel as I have 3 work trips this month and then 2 work trips and fun trip in October, So 3 weeks of travel, a 2 weeks off, then 3 weeks of travel and then it will be Halloween when I get back from that final work trip. I just ordered Paul’s costume last night to get it out of the way before things get super busy. He’s going as Pikachu since he’s obsessed with Pokemon.
So much travel!!
Re-entry and transitions are so hard, and especially for preschoolers.
I love that Birchie was your last piece of โfunโ mail!
I have a Pokรฉmon obsessed son, too!!
Michelle G.
Aaaak! Superglue! I’m actually afraid of the stuff. I’m so jealous of you Anne of Green Gables card!
AOGG in a fall theme? Who could ask for more ๐
I got a Little Women postcard from Jenny! It’s hanging up in my office as we speak!
We once bought some Gorilla Glue (it’s like Crazy Glue, but has better packaging so you can use it more than once?), but when we took it out of the box, the entire plastic tube was empty! I emailed the company and they sent us like ten tubes of the stuff. We had it for ages and just used the last tube in the last year or so, so I am taking this as my sign to go buy more crazy glue just in case we need it.
Awww. Three cheers for Jenny.
Ha! That’s a lot of Gorilla Glue. I’ve had Gorilla Glue before and had issues with it. This Crazy Glue is actually mini single-use tubes from the DollarStore that apparently hold JUST FINE. But I do hate that even if I only need a drop, I can only use the tube once. I should try Gorilla Glue again because we have no super glue in the house and I know I’ll need it again at some point, though maybe I’ll make John handle it?
Yay! I am so glad this summer ended on a happy note.
Me too ๐
Oh man, I am so sorry about the torrential rain, but glad that Nate made up for it ๐ did laughing make you dry and warm again? Hehe.
You sound happy and relaxed in your post, Elisabeth, and I truly hope that the great trip to Portugal was the highlight of your summer.
The last piece of snail mail was a sweet note from Engie, the queen of snail mail, and I loved it so much ๐
Engie really is the queen of snail mail. I love it.
It was a really great summer. There were a few rough points, but some things shifted personally that have been a real struggle for 3 years. It’s the first time in that period where I feel like I’ve been able to gain some re-ownership over my own property and freedom to move around in our neighbourhood. It feels…good. And empowering.
Nate Bargatze! Yay! I loved his show so much – thankfully, I was in an enclosed arena and didn’t get rained on. That sounds rather miserable, but glad you guys were able to make the best of it.
He is so funny. I’m excited for another special to be released. It has to be soon, right?
Next time I made John promise we would ONLY GO TO AN INDOOR EVENT. I knew we were taking a chance with something outside, but I just never thought it could be this intense. Definitely makes for a very prominent memory, though.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love how much L loves fishing!! I have fond memories of fishing with my Dad, and I always wanted to go deep away fishing too! I only got as deep as the Gulf of Mexico, where I caught a shark!! But I would still love to go to Alaska and land a huge tuna or something!
I can’t believe it’s September either. Although it reminds me of how much I love September!! Cooler weather but not cold, less people at the attractions, leaves starting to change…it’s lovely!
L would lose his blessed little mind if he caught a shark or a tuna.
I love September (through to mid-October) the most. If I could just live in this weather and sense of fresh routine all year round…*perfection*
Portugal Days Eleven - Twelve: Night Sky Magic, A Hole in One and The Best Pastel I Ate in Portugal (Porto) - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] At this point the kids were anxious to get a few more souvenirs. A’s eyes lit up when she spotted mini cacti candles (that also smelled amazing) at a market. And yes, this is the souvenir that broke, prompting my super glue “incident.” […]
So much joy and happiness in this post. Thank you for sharing the bright spots in life. <3
L's face with the fish and his new BFF… a steady and not hideous summer… a hint that maybe some interpersonal stuff may be backing off a bit? All good things. Add in time with friends and oh, what a lovely recap.
It was a crazy summer in terms of the local issues, but it is calmer and different than before now that things have settled down. Having so many things on our docket for summer really helped it to go by quickly, but in a good, satisfying way.