I’ve posted many of these before, but I thought I’d do a quick roundup of some of my favourite “hacks.” There is a broad range of things covered, so if you’re looking for a cohesive theme, you won’t find one!
- Freeze recyclable containers full of water – to create DIY ice packs – before a potential power outage. We tend to lose electricity due to hurricanes each fall. When I told my friend I should go buy some ice ahead of a recent storm (though I hate bagged ice because it makes such a mess as it melts AND COSTS MONEY), she mentioned her sister-in-law fills old juice/milk jugs with water, freezes them in advance and voila – giant ice packs to keep things cold in the freezer in the event of a power outage. When the storm was over (we didn’t lose power), I set the containers in our laundry sink and once they were melted poured the water into the washing machine for laundry!
- Use a Q-tip to remove mascara smudges. I don’t use waterproof mascara so I just wet the tip of the Q-tip; if you’re using waterproof mascara, you would need to use some eye makeup remover. It’s so easy to be precise when touching up little smudges.
- On the theme of makeup – I use lipstick in place of blush and have for YEARS based on the recommendation of a Clinique beauty expert before my wedding (I wanted my lipstick to match my blush and she recommended using the same shade of lipstick for both purposes)!
- Use a Sharpie to draw directional arrows for hot/cold taps in the shower. I am always so confused when I visit other houses (as an overnight guest) to figure out how their shower works. Does one tap turn to the right and the other to the left? If they’re not marked, which side is hot versus cold? Our basement shower is tricky. Hot (on the left) turns to the left and cold (on the right) turns to the right but I was ALWAYS forgetting. I used a Sharpie to write H and C along with small arrows (to the right and left, respectively) over the taps and now I always know which way to turn them…and so will any guests!
- Freeze compost. We used to have so many issues with fruit flies. Now we save all our small/thin cardboard boxes (think crackers and cereal), and store one box in the fridge freezer which we fill with compostable materials. When it’s full, it goes out into our compost bin (which, where we live, is collected on garbage day) and I start another box. No smell and no fruitflies!
- Sending e-mail reminders to myself. This only works well because I am an Inbox Zero sort of gal, but if there is something I absolutely cannot forget to do, I send myself an e-mail and only allow myself to delete said e-mail when the task is complete.
- Cutting pizza with scissors. It works like a charm and I’ve been doing this my whole life! Incidentally, when we were in Italy, we discovered they regularly cut pizza with scissors.

- Use the gas arrow to instantly determine what side of the car your gas tank is on (I often look to confirm in my own vehicle, but this is even handier in a rental or when driving another unfamiliar car!)
- Steaming veggies in the microwave. I have friends who don’t own or use a microwave. I cannot imagine life without this kitchen appliance and use it many times daily. Magic bags! Reheating coffee! Reheating leftovers! Cooking eggs! But I always steamed veggies on the stove. The microwave is so much easier.
- Freeze chips and crackers. This helps intensify the flavour and keep them fresh and crunchy. (I store coffee and yeast in the freezer, too).
Your turn. Any little life hacks you can share today? Which of the above do you already do/know about? Which hack would you never use (is anyone a hardcore powdered blush fan)?
Header photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash
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My only hack is storing leftover stuff (tomato paste, chicken stock, chipotle with adobo) in the freezer after freezing it into ice cube trays.
I am sure I mention this every time it comes up but I am so jealous of cities that have a composting program!
So smart! It’s great to have a composting program though the container realllllyyy smells in the summer ๐
I remember that you put your chips and crackers in the freezer- I’ll have to try that! The homemade ice pack tip is brilliant- that could be used for so many things, like if you were going on a picnic or to the beach and wanted to keep foods cold in a cooler.
We FINALLY got our new microwave installed after living without one for a very long time. My son was laughing at us- we were like “Look! The food goes around and around! And then it comes out hot after only ONE MINUTE!” We used it to heat up our Thanksgiving leftovers, and I use it to reheat tea- I’ll have to try steaming vegetables.
My sister does use the homemade ice pack with drinking water (she uses juice jugs). Kills two birds with one stone.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
We use the freezer hack for camping, except I usually fill up water bottles and then once they thaw, we drink them! This also avoids having the ice melted and your lunchmeat floating around in the cooler. I also think that a block of ice stays colder longer than cubed, so it is an all around win. The other “freezer hack” I use is when I find veggies on sale, I buy a lot of them and then I cook them and freeze them so that I can just nuke them or toss them in a pan when I need a quick meal. The hack is that they taste better if they are frozen after being cooked (for example mushrooms), plus they will have less water (for example zucchini).
My sister does this, too, for drinking water. For some reason I had just never considered doing this for keeping the freezer cold during a power outage.
Freezing veggies (and meat and leftovers) is both a great cost savings and SO convenient.
Lisaโs Yarns
The gas one is so helpful! I learned that hack years ago. Itโs especially helpful when itโs a rental car!
Iโm blanking on hacks right now. My brain is fried from caring for a sick kiddo. ๐ All I can come up with is storing our kids socks in a basket on the main level rather than in their upstairs bedrooms. It saves us a trip upstairs before leaving the house!
The sock hack is so smart; I know a few people that keep a bin of socks in their entryway so the socks are right by the shoes. My kids are much older (almost 13 and 9)…and one of them (the 13 year old no less) needs to be reminded almost DAILY to get socks on. I swear she would leave the house in the middle of the winter with no socks. Sigh.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I love the gas one. I think I mentioned on the original post that I didn’t know this. So thanks again.
I can’t think of any real life hack right now.
Grateful Kae
I remember when you posted this originally and the gas tank arrow was mind blowing!! I told my whole family about it and the boys had to both climb in the drivers seat to take a look. haha! WHO KNEW!?!
A friend taught me years ago and I use the trick constantly.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I used to work with two people who were passionately anti-microwave. I just don’t get it…they might as well have said that they were anti indoor plumbing. So strange…
I also don’t get it.
One friend doesn’t like the aesthetic of microwaves…BUT IT MAKES LIFE SO MUCH EASIER?! (To be fair, she rarely has leftovers and that is a big thing I use my microwave for). But, yeah, a microwave is a very necessary appliance in my mind.
I remember these, though itโs fun to go through them again. We have a neighbor with a Meyer lemon tree (aka, the BEST LEMONS) and when she gives me a bunch, I juice them and measure it out into 1 TBSP portions and freeze it in an ice tray. Then I put the little lemon cubes in baggies. Comes in very handy for our favorite salad dressing, which calls for 2 TBSP. Also, lemons are pretty expensive at the grocery store, which seems ridiculous to me considering how they grow all over the place here.
Lemons ARE expensive. And I always feel bad because I tend to need one part or the other and not both (like I need zest, but not juice or vice versa). My Mom freezes zest, but how smart to freeze cubes of the juice!
The gas gauge thing is CRUCIAL in my life because we have two cars and they have different side gas tanks. I can never remember which is which, so that little arrow is a life saver for me.
I like powder blush. I like liquid blush. I don’t really like the lipstick thing because I like a much darker lip than I do blush, so it’s never really worked for me.
My life hack: I almost always have a dozen or two frozen balls of cookie dough in the freezer. That way I can whip up a special treat on the spur of a moment. Random friend is stopping by? I can make a few cookies and have them warm when they get here. Co-worker falls off a scooter and has to get dozens of stitches in his face (true story)? Whip him up a dozen cookies and drop them off on his porch. Forgot to make something for book club? Just make a few cookies right before you leave. Frozen cookie dough is the bestest.
Frozen cookie dough is so good, but I rarely have it. Maybe because I’d eat it all?
Also, do you defrost the cookies first? Because when I cook them from frozen, I find the middles stay all humped up? I just haven’t mastered the “from frozen” bit…
I’m feeling like I’m doing life all wrong as I apparently don’t have any life hacks. My mom used to use her lipstick to give my sisters and I some color on our cheeks before we Irish danced. I prefer powder blush. I had no idea about the arrow on the gas gauge. Interesting. I struggle so much with the hot and cold water in hotel showers. Is it just me? Does the handle point at the H to make it cold, or are we using the opposite side of the handle to point at the H? I prefer Coach shower before me and then give me a tutorial.
I have NO IDEA. Why are shower controls not universal?!
I like your idea of having a husband be the guinea pig to figure it all out first. Genius.
I love these little, oh-so-useful life hacks. I use the gas gauge arrow all the time, I think I told you that I also started collecting compost in the freezer (it’s genius!) and I also use a Q-tip for mascara smudges. It works so well.
I love our microwave (I wouldn’t know what to do without one because I heat my milk in it every morning, but I do NOT reheat coffee. No, no, no.)
A couple of my favorite hacks: I love that you can extract text from a picture (on iPhone) – so useful! – and if I need to remember to take something with me before I leave the house, I put it with my car key.
And this might not be a real hack, but I “clean as I cook”. Our kitchen is small and it makes working in a small kitchen so much easier!
Yes to the car key reminder; we used to put the keys in the fridge if we had bought groceries before visiting friends etc and had things in the fridge! People thought we were crazy, but we never forgot our butter ๐
The gas gauge one ALWAYS comes in handy for me. I still have to look at it when I get gas for my car I’ve had for two years!
A hack that I learned from a local meteorologist is to fill up a cup of water and let it freeze – then place a quarter on top of the frozen water. That way, if you have to evacuate, you can figure out how long your power was out (and if you need to replace the food) based on where the quarter is when you return.
Other hacks… I love phone hacks, like how you can search for all your photos for a specific person (or even thing) by just using the search function on Photos (on iPhone). It’s very helpful for me to just search “cats” when I want to see ONLY photos of my cats for a specific reason.
That is SUCH a good hack. Wow! I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere, sometime, but it was so far back in the recesses of my mind it would never have been something I would think to do. LOVE THIS!
OK, I didn’t know San’s photo-to-text hack, or Stephany’s about searching the Photos. Mind blown.
I DID, however, know about the gas tank arrow. I know it was something I learned when we had cars with openings on opposite sites (I want to say one was a VW but don’t quote me on that…). Anyway, it’s a life saver in a rental car, for sure. (However, this does not mean that one can open said gas tank when needed… I actually googled how to do that for a rental car for which the process was… not clear. :>)
Good point. Actually getting INTO the gas tank can be an adventure.