One of my favourite things involved with starting a new website was picking a header image. The last time around I literally typed my name into the Title box and called it a day. But I always wanted something more original and creative. Starting from scratch on a new site provided the perfect opportunity.
Once I settled on the name, it was time to play! Enter Canva*. This is such a fun, versatile (and powerful) program. I spent an hour playing with various templates – mixing and matching different design elements – until I had a short list of options which I circulated to a subset of friends and family.
Spoiler alert: I’ve already made my pick! But a lot of these “runner-up” options have/will show up in other ways. For example, the Scripted Font in Sunburst (#6) lives on as the feature image for my Happy Things Friday posts. Favourite Things – coming soon – is going to channel the vibe of option #2. And if I ever get around to writing a book (long shot!), you might see #8 gracing a shelf near you.
Now for the fun part. I promise my feelings won’t be hurt – if you got to choose, what would your #1 vote have been?
*NOT sponsored, but it really is a great program.

Your turn. Questions, comments, or other feedback?
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Kyria @ Travel Spot
You already know my answer! However, I also like number 6, as it is a good combo of rectangle and circle and sits nicely at the top of a post. I think sometimes a more square logo does not always fit well as a header as it takes up a lot of space.
I have not updated my header since….maybe 2010? I got lazy, I wondered if people who read from Feedly really care, and I had a moment where I could barely post each week let alone work on other stuff, and I was having trouble getting motivated! However, I could definitely use an update on mine! I have a few that I have started but they have gone nowhere, but your creativity is inspiring! Maybe I will brush the dust off of them and put a new one up.
I had SO much fun playing around with different ideas. I think in another life I’d love to be a graphic designer.
I think your header/logo is great as-is (but let me know if you ever want feedback on other options. I WILL BE THERE FOR IT!).
I honestly think if I were going to redesign my blog, I would have to hire someone to help me. I am SO BAD at things like this! I definitely like what you ultimately chose, but I also would have thought most of the other ones looked good to if you had gone with them (remember how hard it was for me to choose a kitchen tile!) I will say I’m not as crazy about options 4, 7 and 13, and the lighthouse is a clear winner over the garden shed (although that is cute.) I’ll be interested to see what other people say!
If you ever want a new logo, let me know because it was SO fun.
I did buy a template – though there are definitely still kinks to work out. I actually find WordPress very intimidating in terms of layout and aesthetics. It’s like a whole other language (I mean – it is, computer programming IS a language)…and I do not understand it.
Yup – decisions are hard for me, too!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
How did I not notice the lighthouse in your logo????? I love a good lighthouse.
My answer is that obviously only the logos with lighthouses are serious contenders. With that said, you got the right one!
Ha – and to think in the first round of drafts there was nary a lighthouse…Again, shoutout to Kae for her brilliance in suggesting I incorporate a lighthouse. It’s perfect <3
This was so fun! I love seeing your thought process in action. It’s like being in a design team meeting at work, but without the pressure! For whatever it’s worth, I LOVE what you ended up going with. The lighthouse is really such a perfect emblem. But 5 and 6, with the sunshine rays, are my next favorites!
#5 was one of John’s favs, and I loooved #6. I was sad to not use #6, but got to repurpose it for Happy Things Friday which makes me happy. I think the font was a bit harder to read, and I like the versatility of incorporating a lighthouse which is more specific and thematic. But that sunburst just looks to cheery!
Hello, Elisabeth,
Better late than never, I wanted to send an affectionate “welcome back” to you and your fabulous web site. I am a retired person who lives a much quieter life than I used to (by choice) but I feel great joy in reading about your life and family and work; it brings back such warm memories for me of times that were more active and at times, even chaotic but always, rich in people and love.
It was a happy day when I found your new website. Thanks for letting us in on your design process! I love all of the choices that feature the lighthouses—one thing I noticed is that the clean, simple lines of the lighthouse you chose are ledgible and clear even in the smaller version. Looking forward to reading future posts!
Hi Linda! Thanks for the warm welcome and I’m so glad you found your way back to my (new) corner of the internet.
Wow! I’m just like Jenny and I would have no idea where to even start with something like this. Nicely done. I like #5 and #6, but I do no like the script in #6 because I just feel like it’s impossible to read on smaller screens. However, what I know about design can be put in a thimble, so take it with a grain of salt.
Ha! No, other people (including my hubby) pointed out how hard the scripted font is to read. I still love it, but acknowledge the issue BUT IT LIVES ON in another way. (I really did love #6…but it also wasn’t “the one”).
It was genuinely fun for me. I think I’d have loved to be a graphic designer!
First of all, how did I not know you lost your old site? Thanks to Nicole for tipping me off in her last post!
I am such a nut; if I were trying to design a header it would take me a hundred years because I can be so undecisive when presented with so many options. I think you did a wonderful job with all of them and I love the one you ultimately chose.
Yup – all gone. *Sob*
Ha! I am NOT decisive (and got other people to weigh in to help me make my final decision), but doing things like this is just FUN to me. I love design (just not making decisions).
When I first popped into your new blog one thing I noticed was the lighthouse and thought how appropriate. The one you went with is my favourite, readability, as you mentioned, is important, and I think the lighthouse is cuter than the others you tried.
Yay! Glad you like it.
I love number 6! I don’t think the script font is hard to read at all and also, it’s more of a slogan so it’s ok if it takes more time to read. The one you chose is good though! Making logos is so much fun but can be so hard too. I’ve been working on a new logo for my whiskey blog for a year!
Number #6 was one of my faves, so I’m glad I was able to “repurpose it.”
Wow, I absolutely assumed that you had hired someone! The new logo is beautiful but I love all of the other options too. I agree with the one where you say it’s hard to read the word “Pessimist”.
Really, really stunned to know such things are possible on Canva!
Canva is really fun and so easy to use!
Nicole MacPherson
I definitely think you chose the right one! I like the little house ones too but lighthouse is so perfect for you!
Thanks for all your feedback and patiently putting up with all my iterations. I’m so pleased with the final result <3
As a person who doodles, I love 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. I think you chose the perfect one for your blog! What fun!
Thanks <3
I love to doodle but feel like I'm not good at "doodling" - so Canva is the perfect middle ground.
Lisa’s Yarns
I’m so impressed you did all of this yourself. I would not know where to start and don’t think I would do this myself. You have many talents! I love what you went with but it’s nice to have those other logos for other themed posts!
It was fun and to be honest, Canva does 90% of the heavy lifting. I genuinely loved doing it…
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I think you picked the perfect logo. I probably would have chosen #9 but that is the crafter in me liking the sketch circles. For you I think the more minimal version fits perfectly. I also liked #6 but not so much the color.
After seeing this I wonder if I should redesign my logo too. It may be a little too playful for me now.
When I polled people, they also preferred #9, but in the end…I do think the minimalist in me likes the tidier look of #8!
Canva is such a fun app to play around with. I could waste hours on there! You already know that #9 and #6 were my favorites and #8 would have been my runner-upper, so you picked wisely (IMHO :)).
I had to chuckle and I am not surprised that Tobia had the same thoughts as me about #9.
Thanks for all your (patient) help on this. And I’m so happy with how it turned out.
Canva is ADDICTING, eh? Like I don’t play video games or Candy Crush, but give me Canva and I can spend many hours without realizing any time has passed.