Phew. That was…a week. A very hectic, very full week. I can’t believe January is almost over. To be honest, the start of 2024 has felt a bit anticlimactic – it’s taking some time to settle into the idea of a Year of Shmita, but I’m trying to look at this season as a preparatory opportunity for the days, weeks, and months ahead. It takes a while to get back into the groove of routines (and form new habits) and that’s okay.
Mostly, though, I think January is just “not my month”. While some people are aglow with fresh enthusiasm for a new year, I think I’m still stuck in mourning that Christmas is over alongside dreading the onslaught of winter. That said, I can see more light at the end of each day which feels like incredible progress toward spring.
This week was all about blasting through some home projects and getting caught up with work tasks; I managed to fit in a few fun outdoor activities but spent a sizable portion of time running hither and yon chauffeuring kids to/from school and extracurriculars (John was overseas).
I had hoped today’s blog post subtitle could read: I Am A Domestic Warrior Woman: Hear Me Roar. In the end, it should read more like I Am A Domestic Wannabe: Hear Me Whimper. (Spoiler alert – I painted a space and it looks like a child with limited skills went crazy with a paintbrush; I augered a toilet and sliced my hand open in three places doing so…and the toilet is still backed up).

- A and I rearranged the master bedroom. It really opens up the space and after 7 years of the old configuration, a change felt overdue. Next step: getting this space painted (most certainly not by me) and coordinating the art. We’ve invested zero dollars into this room since moving into our house and I think 2024 might be the year it finally gets a facelift.

- We had 80’s mustard-yellow shag carpet (put down by the previous homeowners, though looking at current fashion trends, 80’s shag carpet is likely to be all the rage again soon so maybe I should have left it) on the floor + old dingy yellow paint in a cubby over our stairs; we store things like overstock, reusable bags, and snacks in this space so it doesn’t particularly matter what it looks like. But it looked bad. I painted it white and put down some shelf adhesive on the subfloor. I don’t even have the heart to tell you all the ways I went wrong with the painting – seriously…it’s paint and a box, how could I mess this up…but I think it looks better? Sort of. Sigh. In certain light it looks very streaky, though my DIY guru assures me it was the fact I used the wrong paint and has nothing to do with my painting skills. She’s very kind. There is a reason some people make a living painting for other people – because chumps like me aren’t able to properly paint.

- I replaced the old shelf adhesive in our pantry. Bad news – the adhesive isn’t very sticky so this is likely a temporary improvement, but for $4, it was worth it. The before (see the old liner on the floor in the first picture) looks like something straight out of a CSI crime scene.

- I added in drawer liner to my ensuite bathroom drawers ($3). Last year I put a “Band-Aid” on my ugly drawers by using DollarStore wrapping paper. It was fine, but not ideal as it was hard to keep in place. I got some anti-slip mats that fit great and keep things from sliding around. The wrapping paper was a lot more whimsical and fun, but it felt like time for a change. I also moved around drawer configurations in my dresser because organizing a drawer is about the epitome of enjoyable activities to me. Take from that what you will about my personality.

- The upstairs main toilet: score = nearing infinity; me with my auger-cut hands: score = zero. We need professional help on this one. As much fun as I had shoving a giant metal spring down a toilet (please infer the sarcasm here), I just can’t solve this issue.
Ready for some Happy Things?

I took L and one of his best buds for a skating adventure at a local pond and it was so much fun. The conditions were near perfect and we managed to stay just long enough that everyone was satisfied but no one was cold or hangry.

We have turned a corner with silent reading thanks to Cat Kid Comics. He is obsessed and I am delighted.

I did have to chuckle when I saw him coming up the stairs one day with his head buried in this particular book. It’s a bit of a leap from graphic novels to Tolkien…and I’m not entirely convinced this second obsession will have sticking power.
Despite having season’s passes, we had yet to make it out to the slopes. We have exactly zero snow on the ground, so everything is man-made and not all the runs are open, but we finally carved out some time and had a blast!

I actually pulled A from school a few hours early for this adventure (which ended up being a nightmare; school had been delayed that morning due to icy roads, so her big Math test got bumped to the period when I came to collect her. I was unaware and what a brouhaha that has been…). Since we arrived about 2 pm, we were there during “off” hours and I never waited more than a minute for the chair lift.
Apparently, I have the plague because my child categorically refused to go on the lift with me. More little goodbyes, I guess.
It’s okay. I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I snapped a few pictures and then my phone died which wasn’t a bad thing.

Last year my mantra was – literally – Just don’t die. This year my manta is – Just have fun. I’m slowly learning that to have fun you don’t have to be good at something. I’m a perfectly okay skier, but I’m not great. And that’s fine. I can still have fun! So I did. Until my knees started screaming after about 15 runs. A certain someone was NOT impressed we were leaving after “only” 3 hours of non-stop skiing. But according to the The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, that sentiment just verifies she’s doing her job.
One day after school L asked if he could make his own hot chocolate. After I said yes, he set to work frothing the warm milk, stirring in the powder, adding marshmallows and then – to top it all off – he crushed some candy canes. When he was done he called me out to the kitchen and insisted I hand over my phone so he could take a picture. Regarding the candy cane, he declared – very seriously – It’s more about the scenery than the taste. That made me laugh. I may start calling aesthetic “scenery” moving forward.

Cheers to pretty scenery and frothy pepperminty hot cocoa.
- This spoof on how IKEA was invented:
- A few weeks ago our pastor referenced this Peanuts cartoon and I’m still thinking about it. It’s meant to be funny, but I think it is deeply heartwarming too. Friends help friends through fears – however irrational – and provide practical support. Can I get an Amen and a chuckle?

- Ally introduced her Tuesday blog offering with the following line: This is what I think of as a flapdoodle & twaddle post. That might be the single best sentence I’ve read in 2024. Flapdoodle and twaddle. *Laughter with tears emoji*
- A had her first professional manicure as part of a birthday party. I have still never had a professional manicure; apparently I need some teenage friends! I did manage to get in on the ice cream cake part of the birthday celebration. Yum.
- Last year I had several anthems and this year I decided my two anthems are The Goodness of God (Rhett Walker) and Blessing (Kari Jobe). Wouldn’t you know it – we sang both songs as a congregation on Sunday morning.

- I was putting A’s clean clothes away and spotted the label on her new (thrifted!) pants. 80’s Mom. I’m a mom and I was born in the 80s and my daughter thinks these jeans are trendy. Does this mean I’m trendy?
- Audiobooks. They don’t do it for me, but my kids just soak them up.
- Great friends for my kids. Watching them interact with others who “get” them means a lot to me. Especially for this tough middle-school phase; A seems to have found her “person” and watching their friendship develop gives me hope and joy.

- Homemade sushi for supper on Monday night. Sticky rice in the rice cooker (after it’s cooked I mix in a sprinkle of sugar + rice wine vinegar + diced pickled ginger) + homemade tuna filling + julienned veggies + snack-size nori. Everyone got a dollap of everything and made their own sushi. So yummy, quick (less than 30 minutes prep start to finish), and it’s always fun to choose your own adventure with a meal.
- Day 24 of Yoga with Adriene (Create). I loved this floor practice!!
And that’s a wrap. How was your week? Do you get January doldrums or do you embrace the weather and feeling of a new year? Are you good at DIY projects? Sushi – yes or no? What’s something that made you smile or laugh this week?
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Ally Bean
I like the concept of Shmita but can also see how it is difficult to apply to daily modern life. You do the best you can following through and that is something worthy of note. I like your new bedroom configuration, the placement of your furniture and the colors are soothing and pretty. The Peanuts cartoon is touching, I like how it frames friendship. Sorry about no snow, makes snow skiing a little tricky. And thanks for the shoutout. I appreciate it. Happy Friday, Elisabeth. Have a great weekend.
Thanks, Ally. And thanks again for making me smile/laugh.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
You are a domestic warrior! You really got a lot of things done this week! Plumbing is my least favorite thing and I have had similar issues to your toilet one that made me want to cry. I would rather put a new roof on a house than struggle with strangely shaped pipes under a sink or a toilet. I have low water pressure in the shower and I have decided to just put up with it rather than try to fix it.
My happy thing is that I bucked up and set up a couple of needed appointments over the next week. I went and picked up contacts for the year (already!), set up a new dentist (the thing I was avoiding, but unfortunately only step one of three in my crown journey) and have a realtor coming over to do a walk through on my house to see what would need to be done if I wanted to sell. While these may not be fun, they are all necessary. Also, I decided to WFH at my parents house today so I get to see their smiling faces for the next 24 hours.
We need new roofing shingles put on, so you’re welcome to pop by and fix those for us 🙂
We also have VERY low water pressure; old house + where we are in relation to the pumping station. We can’t run anything else while showering or the water is freezing.
I NEED to book a cleaning at the dentist. I’ve been putting it off for an appalling length of time…
I can totally relate to the ignored primary bedroom situation. While we got nice furniture for the room in our last house, we have yet to do anything in this house…aside from move-in said furniture. Big blank walls and a (boring) gray quilt. I have plans, but just keep putting them off for other projects. Currently, it’s painting the hallway. Maybe this is the year something happens!
Also, your graphic novel/Tolkien reader should check out the The Hobbit graphic novel. My Dogman / LOTR lover enjoyed it a lot.
Ohhhh! I had no idea there was a Hobbit graphic novel. I bet he would LOVE that. Off to look that up right now.
We have a few very ignored spaces, but I think it would be nice to finally pull the master bedroom together. Even though I spend most of my time sleeping in there, I think it would be very calming to have everything freshly painted (there are still holes all over the place in the walls from the previous owners) and put some crisp white paint on the existing wood-toned trim.
I’m going to agree with Kyria and say you ARE a domestic warrior! You got a lot done, and should get a gold star for even attempting the toilet on your own (I would have called in a plumber long before that.)
About those jeans- be careful that you don’t say to Abby “Hey! I’m an 80s mom, just like it says on your jeans!” because she may never wear them again. I think I need to read that book (Emotional Lives of Teenagers.) Angie seems very angry with me these days (more so than usual) and although I’ve tried, I can’t think of what I could have done to deserve this. SIGH.
Anyway, I read all the Peanuts cartoons growing up, and I actually remember this one- but I didn’t appreciate the deeper meaning (about friendship) until now. I love it.
Sounds like you’re making the most of the winter weather with skiing, ice skating and hot chocolate! You’re actually making it look kind of fun. Kind of.
I think I really SHOULD have called in a plumber long before this. Oh well, live and learn.
Ha, yes…I purposefully DIDN’T point out the label to A. Since we got them at a thrift store, I suspect she didn’t even give a passing glance to what they said so…hopefully she just keeps thinking they’re cool because they were inexpensive and look very “in.”
I found The Emotional Lives of Teenagers good – I’m reading How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk by Faber and Mazlish. It’s an updated version of their original book on parenting younger kids and it’s…so good.
“It’s more about the scenery than the taste.” could be Lil Momma’s cooking / baking aesthetic haha! I am deep in the doldrums and looking forward to February (and then spring). I had a former screen name that was Domestic_Disaster from my many years of completing messing up any DIY project I attempted; my guy used to fondly call me “Pinterest Fail”, as well, haha! In my head it makes sense, but in reality it tends to go awry. I’m at the point where I own it! But, I do try to run my ideas by someone before going all in now which has saved us from quite a few DIY disasters.
Domestic Disaster. Yup, that sounds about how I felt by mid-Wednesday with the plugged toilet and streaky paint.
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
Your bedroom looks GREAT!!!!
Thanks! It feels soooo much more open. All the same furniture is in there, but it’s incredible how a different configurations completely changes the feel of the space.
Grateful Kae
Hahaha that Ikea video is HILARIOUS!!! I laughed out loud when Todd writes down “Sexist? Call HR?” on the Post-It. 😂🤣
It’s pretty brilliant! And the constant chugging of energy drinks. “They’ll hate it…and we’ll love it.”
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
When the boys were younger they used to walk around reading their books all the time. They would even bring them along on dog walks so that they could get some extra reading in. It was hysterical. They’re still very intense readers, but for walking around they have phones now, so we don’t see “walking books” as much.
There is someone who lives in my town who is ALWAYS walking with a book. It makes me so happy to see her wandering around reading…but I don’t think I could do it without breaking my neck!
Your bedroom looks fantastic! Like a luxury hotel!
This is a good reminder that I have yet to implement the shelf liner I bought in, let’s see, September.
So jealous of the outdoor ice skating! I used to do that as a kid and it was so fun. The weather is too warm here, though — I would be afraid that the ice wasn’t sturdy enough.
Love the photo of you on the ski lift. Although the math debacle sounds stressful! Why didn’t someone let you know what was going on???
I feel like sometimes I adore January, and everything feels new and fresh and full of possibility… but not this one. I am limping through every day, somehow. Will February be an improvement?!
I’m sorry January has been so rough. It’s just such an “in-between” season. And I feel like it’s easy to feel run down physically and emotionally. I’m cheering you on from Canada and wishing you a wonderful February <3
I think the outdoor skating days might be over since we've had rain and snow this week so I don't think it will be smooth enough anymore. But it was fun to go once (and, really, once is all I need to feel like I've checked that box off my winter list)!
Yes, you ARE a Domestic Warrior! Look at all you accomplished.
And, by the way, your painting skills are not at fault in any way (it looks great!) – just keep in mind that Semi-Gloss or Gloss paint goes on trim, doors, baseboards, etc. For the walls you want Flat or Eggshell. I prefer Eggshell because it allows you to wipe away (for the most part) any smudges/fingerprints, etc. later without removing the paint.
Yeah…it was gloss. BIG mistake. Oh well…
The projects you take on when John is away… you deserve kudos for that alone and I think you did well. Sometimes hacking it is the way to go and it’s not always feasible to hire someone. I really should think about what kind of upgrades I can do in our rental, because I definitely have a few corners that could use a facelift.
Oh man, I am so glad you got to go skiing with A. 🙂 Sounds like an amazing day with the right attitude (‘just have fun’!).
It was fun. I went into the day kinda dreading it, but I found ways to streamline getting all our gear to the lodge and then just…had fun. Sometimes it’s hard to just relax in to things, but it made for a very pleasant afternoon.
I’m intrigued by the closet you painted. Is it just my eyes, or did you put something on the sides that makes it look like there are mirrors or something in there? It looks cool. Amazing that you took all of this on when John is away. I tend to do projects when Ted and Maya are out of town, but that’s because I’m alone. You still had to parent! I hate those auger things. I’ve successfully used them, but I don’t like them.
I’m really sorry you cut your hand, but it doesn’t sound like it was a hospital situation, so that is good!
Love the ice skating pics. When I was a kid in Alaska, people used to make skating rinks in empty fields next to their houses. How did they do that? I don’t know. I seem to remember we were going to try it once, and the first step was the stomp the snow down really hard. Maybe we were supposed to pour some water on it or something? I don’t know, a big snow came in and rendered our efforts useless and we gave up.
I just can’t believe toilet augers exist. This doesn’t feel like something homeowners should be doing…but I did it twice. For now, at least, the toilet is working again.
I had some old art (just IKEA prints) that was sitting in our basement so I popped those up on the walls in the pantry. MOSTLY to cover the streaky paint. Haha.
No, no stitches needed and it’s all healed now but it hurt like the dickens for a few days.
ccr in MA
I have recently cut myself on a can of corned beef and a contact lens package, so I would definitely never try a toilet auger! Kudos to you. And that storage cubby absolutely looks better–who needs perfect? I also love the “scenic” hot chocolate: he’s right, it looks good! Definitely do not point out to A that you are an 80s mom. She won’t want to think about that as it refers to her clothes.
My husband cut hit finger on a hummus container last week. Like a plastic hummus container?! How does that even happen.
Cutting oneself on a tin can is SO painful. Ouch.
Lisa’s Yarns
We have had such a weird month of weather. It was horrible cold and now it’s unseasonably warm. We don’t have any snow which is so odd for Jan in MN. We would actually like some snow so we could take the boys sledding. There is a hill a block away so it’s an easy small adventure.
I had a super busy week at work that left my head spinning. I was so excited to go to my parents this weekend but Paul woke up with a fever yesterday so we canceled the trip. I was hoping he’d be better today but he started the day by throwing up (in a bucket at least – silver lining?). I fly to LA for work on Monday so just hope and pray no one else gets it!!
Oh no! Not another fever and trip cancellation, Lisa. UGH. I’m so sorry, my friend. And vomit. That is just the rotten cherry on top of it all. *Sigh*
I am very impressed with what you accomplish while solo parenting! Yes, we can hear you roar (even you don’t think you can/should roar — LOL)
Oh, being a warm-weather gal all of my life, I’m very fascinated by the idea of skating on a pond. I have seen many pictures and seen it in movies so I know it’s common enough in some places — but it still blows my mind! LOL Looks like fun, though….the skating and the skiing!
Your bedroom looks lovely — so nice and relaxing! Is that a window by the head of the bed? For some reason, I never thought of positioning the bed so the head of the bed is right by a window — I always positioned it to avoid that….but this makes me think twice! We can get a lot more room in our master bedroom and in the guest bedroom (that’s quite small) if I could reconfigure the furniture/bed that way. Thanks for the idea!
Yes, it’s the window. And I LOVE it. The first thing John said when he walked in was how much bigger the room feels now. We used to have the bed positioned facing the window and I just didn’t think it seemed right to have a bed under a window, but now I wish I’d moved things around years ago. I also feel like when the curtains are pulled it looks a bit like a floor-to-ceiling headboard?
You got so much done this week – and that’s WITH John being out of town. Way to go! Painting is something that always sounds interesting in theory, but once I start to do it, I realize how hard it is, lol. It takes a lot more skill than one would think!
Your bathroom drawers give me heart eyes. OMG. I love them so!
Three hours of nonstop skiing sounds like a lot to me, haha. And I’m glad you are embracing the fun aspect of skiing – it’s fine to be okay at something and just do it because it’s fun! We don’t need to be experts in everything.
I tried sushi for the first time last night! I’ve been wary of it, but my friend Bri started me off with something much more doable than raw fish: fried shrimp. So yummy!
I know – painting is like…legit hard (for me at least). To be fair, I have zero idea what I’m doing and don’t have the right tools – or paint apparently. Oh well, if we were all good at it, pro painters wouldn’t have a job 🙂
I’m so glad you enjoyed sushi. It’s a family fav; we actually all had it for lunch today.
Bummer about the toilet. You are so organized. I am impressed with your drawer and pantry cleaning efforts. Oh how I hate skiing. My first time skiing was in the Alps. Big mistake.
Ha! We have a very small local ski hill; just the thought of a proper ski location makes me nervous! I can’t IMAGINE skiing in the Alps.
I think you’re right about hiring professionals to do certain jobs – painting and plumbing definitely require pros in my opinion! Your bedroom looks gorgeous! I laughed out loud at your CSI drawer paper! 🤣 Thanks, I needed that!
That shelf liner was just…so bad. How did I let things get to this point without doing something? It really didn’t bother me but when I saw it all ripped out I was rather appalled. Ick!
This line “I have the plague because my child categorically refused to go on the lift with me” made me laugh. Parents are just embarrassing, you know?
Laughs have been few and far between for me in the last few days, but I am meeting up with a friend from high school for Sunday brunch tomorrow and I am absolutely thrilled and looking forward to laughs there!
She REFUSED. What’s wrong with me? But it did make the lift experience very tranquil.
I know there has been a lot of hard stuff lately (I do hope your trip to see your mom went smoothly) – so hooray for a fun visit today. I hope you were able to share many laughs and leave feeling a bit lighter in spirit.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I’ve been really struggling getting the joy out of January that I have felt in recent years. I blame it of being sick again. This time Covid. The exciting start into a new year was postponed to February. Sigh.
We did have wonderful snow and I enjoyed sitting in my reading chair watching the flurries dance.
You made me laugh with the I am from the 80’s am I trendy now. I want to be trendy too. Lets forma trendy 80’s club. I think we are a few.
I think February can be the new January. We all need some time to settle into a new year (at least I do).
And – ugh. Covid. I’m so glad you’re feeling better now, but that’s a very rough way to start the year.
Whoa, I can totally hear you roar! I never take on any projects for when T is away and I’m alone with the kids… Love the drawers!
January has been so-so. My eye balls need to see sunlight and we have not seen the sun in NJ for like a week and a half!
Winter is LONG and January is just…a slog (for me at least). That said, I cannot believe it’s only a few more days until February?!
I love your DIYs!!
Also! If he likes Cat Kid, try Catstronauts– Coop loved these.
Thanks for the rec; I just went and ordered the first 2 books from our library <3
The cat kid books are also a big hit around here. L might also enjoy also the XXX storey treehouse series (where XXX is a multiple of 13) – not to be mixed up with the Magic treehouse series. The former is an Australian series, some are better than other.
Thanks so much for the suggestion!
After reading your comment I went immediately to put a hold on the first book in the 13-Story Treehouse series.
I walked in to see L reading Dogman this morning WITHOUT BEING ASKED, so I am keen to find ALL the graphic novels that will hold his attention. Thanks again.