This week was quite lovely. Good weather. Extracurriculars went smoothly. The kids showered with reasonable frequency. But Sunday and Monday were spent in an epic funk. I wrote a big brain dump but didn’t end up posting it; the writing bit was cathartic and I will be back with some thoughts that percolated out of that angsty stream of consciousness.
Getting all the feelings out on paper (screen) helped reframe and refocus some life situations and I just kept doing the “right” things – spending time with people that bring me joy, walking, yoga, reading, trying to get to bed at a decent time. The result? The ability to identify Happy Things.
I wonder if gratitude isn’t a skill, just like piano or jiu-jitsu or chess. Maybe it takes 10,000 hours of practice until it all clicks? So I just pick away at that time bit by bit, flower by flower, meal by meal.
- Food. Homemade burgers. A modified Smoky Chickpea, Red Lentil, and Vegetable Soup with hot, fresh-from-the-oven biscuits on the side. These No Bake Energy Bites.

- Going out for a sushi lunch date with my hubby.

- Hot showers. They refresh my body and mind.
- Recommitting to daily yoga. The sense of accomplishment at the end of a video workout…especially if I get it done before breakfast.
- Sandwiches. A good sandwich is pure culinary joy.
- My favourite cafe. It is mostly populated by seniors and the same people come every single day. Many of them read the daily newspaper or bring a book. Seniors are my jam. Maybe I’m an old soul trapped in a young(ish) body? I just love the vibe…
- Watching The War with Grandpa movie with the kids. So many giggles.
- All the graphics in Hidden Potential by Adam Grant. This one was especially relatable:

- A hammock! I have never owned a hammock but have wanted one for years. What fun! I thought A and her friend looked like two peas in a pod – literally. We hot swapped and I snuggled in and read a book for thirty blissful minutes; this reading posture has potential, folks!

- Walden. This is my third read-through. The first time was a DNF, the second time felt like a slog until the mid-point. The third time feels like a charm. Some aspects of this text do not age well, but the concept of radical simplification fits in extremely well with my Year of Shmita. I also happen to admire the aesthetic of this cover. (The cover matters!)
- School gymnasiums. The smell of the floor. The squeak of shoes. The shouts of kids. This tableau is made even better with a book in hand.

- Last week, A and I joined friends to see a local high school drama production of the Anne of Green Gables musical. It was fantastic. The students who played Marilla and Matthew were particularly brilliant. Surprisingly high-calibre; great sets, wonderful live music, and a very engaged audience.

Kae’s gratitude moment on this post was about bloggy friends and “finding her people.” It made me smile because the friendships I’ve made while blogging are such a vibrant part of my life. Speaking of Kae, I was reading one of SHU’s most recent posts and saw my name crop up in the comment section – which always makes me pause – and my heart MELTED.
I do not feel smart and am barely qualified to be a mom to my own brood, but the sentiment was touching.


Sarah has been walking faithfully and I keep forgetting to link to her bloggy summaries (this post is doubly joyful because she has been wearing skirts/dresses every single day in April so you’ll get to see her excellent fashion skills in addition to lots of outdoor time).
Check out this picture of Hannah walking Engie. I told Engie she needs to bring Hannah to my backyard because there are a lot of sticks that need collecting. Perhaps Hannah would be more enthusiastic about helping than my children? For more pictures of Hannah and all the great stuff they spotted on Week Three of CBWC, see here.

Of course it wouldn’t be a walking roundup without a picture of our favourite tuxedoed pup. Hi Rex! He spotted a marmot!

On a related note, we were driving through town last week when John and I looked out the window and simultaneously declared we had spotted Rex’s doppelgänger. Celebrity sighting, alert!

Rachel got out for a rainy walk with her twin babes which she captioned a “very Welsh summer.” Where do I start with the gold stars? It’s RAINING! She had to wrangle two babies into a stroller. All the gold stars here, Rachel!
I spotted these daffodils outside our library on one walk and couldn’t resist capturing them in all their brilliant, yellow glory.

John and I also spotted a marmot. Two, actually – the male was feeling amorous, if you catch my drift. The female was playing hard to get and I kinda wanted to tell the male off but I settled for staying on the path and wishing her luck. She kept scurrying away and he kept pursuing; a case study in rodent persistence.
Another day I enjoyed the company of one of my favourite Wolfville residents – Jan Coates (see her guest post here.) This walk offered a double dose of happiness – we stopped for hot beverages at our favourite cafe and drank them OUTSIDE IN THE SUNSHINE on bright red Adirondack chairs.

I also got to enjoy a walk with Joy but neglected to take any pictures because it felt like minus 100 DEGREES. It was so cold and windy and my body wanted to curl up in a ball with a Magic Bag but my soul was so toasty and warm because time spent with Joy is…always, always joyful. (I decided to draw our walk so there is some form of pictorial evidence it happened.) Thankfully, in real life, my legs have not been broken off my torso.

Well, this post about names was SO MUCH FUN.
Your creative guesses about my middle name were delightful to read through. In the end, only one person was successful. Congratulations to Sophie. Your postcard is in the mail.
My middle name is – Heidi!
Speaking of names, these two clips (watch them sequentially) from Nate Bargatze about names/nicknames are hilarious:
And that’s a wrap on Happy Things from this week. Let’s stretch our happiness muscles together and chip away at those 10,000 hours of practice. I’d love to hear about your Happy Things from the week…
Do you like spotting doppelgangers? It is one of my FAVOURITE things to do and my preferred mode of people-watching. What’s your favourite flower? Favourite meal this week?
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My favorite flower probably is snapdragon- maybe petunia? Something not too big, but fun and bright. I love a riot of color in my flowers.
I still walk for CBWC. The best walk this week was around the new library that just opened in my town. We arrived after it closed on the first day (whoops- I need to read more carefully) but we walked around the outside, peeked in windows, and admired the brick and stone work. In my neighborhood, a lot of the dogwoods and redbuds are blooming , so the walks are always pretty.
No good meals this week – survival mode lately! I eat a lot of ramen.
A new library! How exciting. We’re supposed to get a new library in the coming years. My relationship with the library is soooo different now that the kids have aged out of the programs and we don’t get picture books. It makes me a bit sad, actually, to go now because there are so many memories in that space but that era is behind us. I think I might enjoy a new library where it feels like none of those memories of all the fun we had are there. I don’t miss having small kids most of the time, but at the library, I really do. It was such a HUGE part of my parenting in those early years and it’s a bit astonishing that it’s just…over!
I DO think a gratitude practice is helpful;l– but this is NOT something I do on the regular since I, too, am a pessimist. I have a really dumb gratitude journal, but it is so rudimentary that it makes me feel silly to use it. Maybe I need a better one? Or to stop judging happiness as dumb?
Well…the fact it’s a dumb journal is telling and made me laugh. Sometimes it can be SUCH a slog to look on the bright side. Especially as a pessimist. But I do think I’m getting better. And it does help. Not always – see notes on a funk – but I think I’m able to get out of those low moods slightly faster than before?
On a side note: I find journaling HARD and think it becomes a bit onerous to keep a daily gratitude journal. Doing my weekly posts has been transformative (and I just keep a running list in my planner each week, but I don’t save that list, so the stakes feel very low – somehow if I’m journalling I feel the need to preserve things “well” so I like that this list is very transitory). Also! I have a Five Year One Line a Day journal. I don’t always list happy things in here, but it’s a record of life and I could definitely make this into a gratitude journal if I wanted. At this point, I just appreciate having a tiny snapshot of each day’s events. I’m on YEAR THREE! And it is such a trip to look back at what we were doing this day last year, two years ago…)
Love the walking pix! Doggo is really skittish around lawn mowers, so we’ve had a lot of interrupted walks where she’ll turn back for home as soon as one of those Dreaded Machines start up. Last night I just happened to bring some cheese along to soothe her and she did a full loop of the block, so I’m very proud of my Brave Girl.
I love Doggy Doppelgangers! Rex is often imitated but never duplicated.
My very long meal slump is continuing without any end in sight…oh well.
Awww. What a perfect sentiment: Rex is often imitated but never duplicated.
This reminds me of when my kids were little and BOTH hated hand dryers in public washrooms. It was SO bad. I’m shuddering just remembering the experience – their fear, my inability to prevent other people from using those loud, loathed machines. Maybe I just needed some cheese snacks as distraction. Congrats on making a full loop!!!
I do feel like gratitude can be a skill; as someone with a busy, swirly mind, it does take intention and practice to slow down and just appreciate… I don’t know why, but I just love a daisy; they are the definition of simple joy for me! Our meals were all over the place because of a wild schedule this week, so my favorite one was Tuesday when we ate outside at the picnic table. The food wasn’t anything special, but the moment sure was.
This is me! A busy, swirly mind!!!
Daisies are probably my favourite flower, too.
What a great point that sometimes it has far less to do with the food and it’s all about the setting! The magic combo is when the two line up. Those meals can be utterly unforgettable!
HEIDI! I didn’t even think of that name. Good job, Sophie.
I’m laughing at the stick figure drawing of the walk with Joy. I’m going to try that next time I forget to take a picture of something.
Yes, I think gratitude is a skill. I wish I could remember more details, but I was once listening to someone on a podcast, who had some big recent success. When asked what he changed, he said “I got really good at gratitude.”
I’m loving all the walking pictures. Rex! Hannah! But I think Rachel is the winner this week. I’m glad I don’t live where she does, but gold star to her for getting everyone out for a walk like that.
I know. I am such a wuss about rain – mostly because then I always get cold and I HATE the cold.
Maybe I should just stop taking pictures and illustrate my life in stick-figure drawings…?
Colleen Martin
Yay for happy things! I posted some photos of my walks this week for CBWC but it’s so much more fun to see photos from people walking in other countries! Although I guess I am in another country from you 🙂 Your food sounds cozy and healthy and delish this week…taking notes. Happy Friday!
I have got the link ready to go for next Friday! I think you’ve posted other CBWC photos before and I’ve missed linking them. Sorry!
Michelle G.
I love all your happy things, Elisabeth! I love the idea of a gratitude/venting journal. Both sides are helpful to me. Your meals look lovely, and the hammock looks like the perfect place to read and relax!
I think sometimes it takes the venting to get through to the other side and start noticing all the good things. Too often we try to squash the bad with good – it’s more a counterbalance, maybe? Bad/hard things DO happen and pretending they don’t is a recipe for mental health struggles. On the other hand, taking time to recognize the GOOD stuff, too, acts to show us that while hard things happen…so do many good things, too.
I was not going to guess Heidi . . maybe ever!!
I get in that negative mood every 35 days or so . . . and then hormones shift and I’m fine 🙂 🙂 Love the happy things and that Kae’s comment made the list!!!
It’s not a common name – first or middle! – in this part of the world.
I can’t wait for my postcard in the mail! How fun!
I’d like to try to read Walden although you’re not really selling it haha.
Those name videos made me laugh. There’s another hilarious video about names by comedian Michael McIntyre everyone must watch
I hope the link works!
It is a bit of a slog. There are some true gems, but there’s a lot of deep, dry reading to get through to find them. No harm in trying it, though?
I watched the clip – FUNNY!
You have been such a sweet and unexpected encouragement to me in this lonely season of my motherhood.
Your meal mentions this week sounded delicious!
My most favorite thing this week is definitely the clothesline that my dad (who is visiting) put up for me at our new house. I’ve been pondering a line I read, too, while putting the laundry on the line each day. “Convenience has cost us…” I haven’t used the dryer once-which feels like my environmental contribution, and it brings me great joy to say tiny prayers over the clothes as I hang them and bask in the sunshine in the middle of the workday.
Aww. Thank you, Sara <3
Yay for clothes that smell like clean, outdoor air!
Lisa’s Yarns
Blogger friends FTW!! It is such a source of joy and often you ladies that I message with know more about my life than most other people in my life!
My favorite flower is peonies. My MIL has some in her yard so always makes a bouquet for me when they bloom. I also love rununculus which was one of the flowers in my wedding bouquets.
I am glad your brain dump was cathartic. Sometimes we just have to get it down to really process it. I should do that more often!!
Your comment asking SHU to consider whether she actually wanted to write a book was so insightful and gentle!!
Texting you is such a happy part of my life (I just sent you a text, in fact!)
I’ve bookmarked the soup recipe to try. It looks yummy. And that hammock—so much fun. I love all the photos and stories from everyone’s walks.
I thankful that we had nothing on this weekend because I have a cold but I’m not missing out on any major fun plans.
The soup is delicious and very versatile!
Ugh about the cold – me too. I haven’t been sick in almost a year and I am not enjoying it!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Ohhhh I am reading out of order so I know your middle name and can’t join in the fun. However I am going to read that post now.
The hammock looks so fun. We have gotten one for our wedding. I thought it was a great gift but living in an apartment we don’t rally have a way of using it unfortunately. I remember a summer in Madeira riding tons of books in a hammock.
Heidi!! Who would have guessed? Someone in the comments talked about how pretty Hope Elisabeth was as a name and I’ve been thinking about that name ever since! It IS pretty. What a weird thing for me to perseverate about, though, right?
I just had pizza with two of my uncles and one of my aunts and it was a hysterical dinner and I’m hoping to maybe get a chance to write it up on my blog, but it may have been my favorite meal in ages.
Aww. Love that you got to share a great meal – and good company. Looking forward to hearing all about it. <3
Gratitude can be a HARD thing! For a while, I was doing monthly posts where I tried to find one good thing every day and it could be a very, very hard thing, especially during a busy season.
My favorite flower is tulips! I really want to go to Amsterdam and see the tulip fields. One day!
Favorite meal?? Ehh… did I even make any meals last week? I can’t even remember, sigh.
Tulips are SO beautiful. I would love, love, love to be in the Netherlands some year at peak bloom. It’s stunning, especially when they’re planted en masse!
Good Things Friday – The Brighton Jotter
[…] made a Smoky Chickpea, Red Lentil and Vegetable Soup recommended by Elisabeth, and it was good. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it. It’s easy, tasty […]
For me, at least, I can only start to feel a smidge of gratitude – and even then, it’s a smidge – after I’ve done my dump-all-the-crap-from-the-day journal entry. I do it by voice dictation in an app, and just standing there, talking to myself about the things that drove me nuts that day, or that are worrying me (there’s always something), or the other frustrations I encountered, helps so much. Not that I remember to write what I am grateful for, much of the time, but I can at least think about it. Usually because of the time of day, it’s ice cream. 😉
Favorite flower? I love lilies-of-the-valley but not sure they’re my *favorite*. It’s hard to pick one, you know? I know that I do NOT like zinnias and dahlias, and every year, my dad plants so many of them and I swear he does it just to taunt me with the pictures. 😉
Also, hammocks. Sigh. There is something about being cradled by the cloth and suspended above the ground that is just so relaxing. 🙂
Brain dumps are one of the most important mental health strategies in my health toolbox!
I love spotting doppelgängers! You won’t believe when I say that the bishop who performed my niece’s confirmation last week looked exactly like Robin Williams 🙂
I believe it!
I spotted a dead-ringer for Robert DeNiro in an airport last year.