Happy Friday. Another day, another week, and we’re now firmly into the new year.
This was a mostly good week. There were some “moments”. Shall I discuss?
Perhaps I’ll start by recalling the morning our toilet overflowed and flooded the floor of our main bathroom. You know how I feel about doing much of anything before 8 am. Thankfully, the toilet had the good sense to wait until 8:15 am to overflow. Nevertheless, I was still not amused and did not enjoy the extra laundry and mopping said flooding required of me so early in the day.

Then there was the “snow day” which was mostly rain and high winds (school needed to be canceled, I just didn’t feel like working with kids home). I never found my Snowday Mojo and it showed. There were a few bright moments, like lighting candles at breakfast (the day seemed so full of promise at 7 am), L reading a funny graphic novel to me, and the giant dining room table fort the kids created, complete with an old play teaset that hasn’t seen use in years. But mostly it was me feeling cranky from the constant disruptions and, at one point, a screaming match between the kids.
Overall I felt tired this week; like no amount of sleep could give me enough energy to do anything extra. So I mostly didn’t. I cooked, I worked, I ate, I exercised, I blogged, I shopped for groceries, I did things with people I love, and that is a week well-lived. So while it was a cold and grey and very uninspiring second week of January, things feel better when I focus on the Happy Things.
Moving on.
I remade the Lemon Chicken recipe I raved about a few weeks ago and it was just as much of a hit the second time around. So easy, so good (I sub chicken stock for the white wine).

I also re-made the vegan lentil soup from last week. I tossed in veggies I had on hand (bell peppers, some leftover corn, some broccoli slaw) and it was yummy once again. In my opinion, the soup is elevated about 1000-fold by crushing up a handful of my all-time favourite crackers – Sweet Beetroot by RW Garcia – and sprinkling in some pumpkin seeds. I literally could not stop raving about how good this tasted.
Finally, a new recipe. I felt very “snacky” this week (hello there hormonal cycle), and I made these No Bake Protein Powder PB energy bites. I didn’t have chia seeds on hand so I didn’t use those, I sprinkled in a handful of pumpkin seeds because I might have a slight addiction problem, and I skipped the chocolate chips and coconut…but otherwise followed the recipe (you’re welcome Lisa). They were very good.
Both kids needed new pants – one keeps wearing holes in his knees and the other WANTS holes in her knees and dared to grow several inches in the last few months so most of her pants are now capris – and I had a few other wish-list items I’ve been keeping my eye out for that we managed to snag.
While we were running some weekend grocery errands, we stopped by our favourite thrift store. The clerk was enamoured with the kids. When I went to check out, she was gushing about how good they were at shopping for their own clothes and didn’t seem to mind being at a thrift store. It is kinda our MO!

In honour of dressing my body as-is, I bought a pair of pants several sizes bigger than what I’ve been wearing that feel like butter and don’t cut off my circulation. One child told me they looked terrible (maybe it’s the relaxed leg/flare – FLARES ARE IN AGAIN! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?), but I ignored their advice and bought them anyway ($5.75); I also really liked this shirt and bought it ($3.75). I own about 5 T-shirts and some of them are years old and none are very inspiring. For the child who wears jogging pants daily and won’t stop growing/wearing pants out, we found FOUR pairs of thrifted pants.
I also did another purge of my wardrobe and came up with a dozen things that I don’t love. Why was I keeping them? Off to the consignment store they go! Once again I feel like I’m down to only clothes I wear regularly, need (I don’t love my leggings, but they work and I need them under snow pants this time of year), or love.
For the first time – ever? – we bought the kids sushi just for them (usually they just nibble on sushi we buy or make for an at-home date night). They loved it. This feels like an exciting step. I was well into my teens by the first time I tried sushi, so I love that they already enjoy this flavour and texture profile. I mean…it’s delicious! I also have plans to pick up a platter the next time I’m solo parenting – easy supper idea for the win.
Tuesday I woke up feeling especially tired; it was bone-cold and pitch black outside, and I was not thrilled about heading to my yoga mat. I almost cried with delight to discover the word for the day was RELAX and it was a floor practice that involved three cozy blankets and basically zero abdominal or arm work. It really brightened my day.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself that this is their “commute.”
- Favourite snacks from the US, brought by a visiting aunt. When I texted to ask her to bring some (Dot’s Pretzels; original flavour) she said she already had them packed in her bag <3
- Sunshine after many dark, dismal (cold) days.
- A forecasted snowstorm that fizzled; school was on (that was Monday; Wednesday WAS a snowday)!

- For obvious reasons (Exhibit A: my blog name!) I paid special attention to this quote in James Clear’s most recent newsletter. What a great distinction and something I strive to do – not always successfully – in my day-to-day life: The pessimist criticizes, the optimist creates.
- My peppermint mocha creamer. Still delicious.
- My Sprouted Planner. I am loving planning out the weeks and months ahead.
- Improved flexibility. I knew that I needed to incorporate more stretching into my life, but I am thrilled – and a bit surprised – that less than two weeks into daily yoga I can see noticeable improvement!

- A sweet thank-you gift from a friend who elevated it with her fabric wrapping.
- My blog was mentioned in the opening segment of this week’s Best of Both Worlds podcast episode!
- Close friends are grandparents (again). Their son and daughter-in-law had a second child, just 3 days ahead of their first child’s first birthday!!

- My blogging friend Tobia creates “blackout” poetry and I thought her creation this week was stunning.

- Monday’s guest post – thanks again, Jan! – marked post #100 on my new blog. Woot, woot.

- This scene. A was reading to L and they were both sitting in (empty) laundry baskets. On the couch. I don’t pretend to understand, but it did make me smile.
- Rhythms and routines. I’m going to do a whole post about this soon, but I find rhythms and routines deeply soothing to my soul in the dark days of winter. Turning on lamps in the evening, lighting candles, hot chocolate for the kids each day after school. Little things like this can take on a bigger significance when everything else seems cold and bleak.
And that’s a wrap.
Your turn. How was your week? Any misadventures in your house – indoor plumbing seems to be cursed in our household? Do you alter routines seasonally? Sushi – yes or no? Do you find routines comforting?
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Misadventures galore! One set of kids returned to school Monday, and others Tues. then Tues and Wed were snow days. (First set of kids had them as remote learning days.) Those days drifted by in a fog of shoveling and snacking.
Everyone at school Thursday, but Friday-today- another snow day. All the winter weather at once, after nothing for weeks.
I’ve been rereading books and gong to be early. I want routine back.
And we have a cursed shower – sometimes comes out only hot or only cold. Usually when we are in a rush or when I’m trying to get shower adverse child clean. We went through a few years of perpetually clogged toilets, and replacing the plumbing stack was required. I hope you can avoid future wet disasters.
That is a lot of snow days. It’s so hard to get into a routine with that many disruptions, especially this early in the term.
Thankfully we had zero shovelling on our snow day since it was mostly rain.
That does sound like a cursed shower and having no hot water is my worst nightmare. I lived in a rented room for a year and my shower was NEVER more than tepidly warm, sometimes just plain COLD. It still makes me want to cry for my former self. It was misery.
Grateful Kae
I’m excited to hear that you are seeing flexibility progress!! I always kind of feel like I’m a lost cause. Ha. But I have become increasingly inflexible to the point that it’s like, whoa. I NEED to work on this- I know flexibility plays a role in aging well, too. Today I have “yoga” on my schedule (currently only aiming for 1x/ week but I’m hoping to increase…). I think I might try to start working through the same videos you are (just not one per day :)).
And amazing on the jeans find! I cannot believe you just walked into a store, tried on a pair of pants, and they fit?! I feel like this never would happen to me. I swear pants have a personal vendetta against me. Also, I’ve already saved the lemon chicken recipe. I have never made lemon chicken before! E went to a friend’s house a few years back and ate dinner there- I remember he came home raving about this “delicious” dinner the mom had cooked (I tried not to take offense to his tone that implied, “that was better than YOUR dinners, mom… 😆). It was lemon chicken! So I’ll totally have to try this and see if I can compete. 😉
I am still not very flexible, but I can DEFINITELY notice improvement which does surprise me. I hope you enjoy the yoga videos.
I had never made lemon chicken before either; I remember it being a running joke in the TV show Everyone Loves Raymond. One child (A) just ADORES it.
Nicole MacPherson
I think that outfit looks great on you! Ahhh pants that fit and feel good, what a beautiful thing that is. Yesterday Rex had a dental cleaning which is an all-day affair that involves total anesthesia. He was SO loopy when we got him home. Hmm, what else happened this week – oh yes, it snowed and we are having like two cold days so the whole city is all going nuts. Bitch, I spent my life preparing for this moment. Other than that, a pretty regular week!
It is so hard to find pants that fit and feel good (WHY IS THIS SO HARD).
Poor Rex. That is a big procedure.
What a difference from Calgary. I think I read it was like -37C PLUS windchill this week. You’re made of hardier stuff than I…
Colleen Martin
You are inspiring me to incorporate yoga into my routine, I am always so tight and stiff and can’t touch my toes and just kind of resigned to being this way, so it’s nice to hear that practice does help! Flares are most certainly in style again and luckily I hold onto clothes for way too long so I have plenty to wear this time around 🙂
Ha. That’s a great reason to hold on to clothes – they will definitely come back into style again.
I am not very flexible, but I am happy to notice improvements in such a short time. It’s not overly dramatic, but it makes me feel motivated to keep working on it.
First, I was so entranced by your candlesticks in that picture that scrolled down and started this comment before reading the rest; I LOVE THEM!!! I love that new t-shirt you found, it’s such a lovely color – and, it’s also lovely that you were able to find so many happy things navigating the week that you had. Congrats on the new found flexibility and know I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on rhythms and routines; they are something I have been giving so much thought to, as well….
Awww. Thanks. We love those candlesticks. My brother and sister-in-law (a Dane) like in Copenhagen and bought us those many years ago for Christmas. I bring them out from November – April and we light them every night while we eat supper. It makes everything seem more peaceful and I love them so (SO) much. And the IKEA tapers fit. Hurray.
I also like the colour of the T-shirt. I’m quite pale and a lot of colours make me look quite washed out. This one makes me look SLIGHTLY less washed out.
Totally agree with a previous commenter, the candleholders are gorgeous!
You look beautiful in your new jeans and shirt. 🙂
And I LOVE sushi! Love!
The first time I had sushi I HATED it, but mostly because I did not understand how wasabi worked. I took a giant gob. You can imagine how that went. And I had about 20 people watching me since they knew it was my first time. Ugh. Now I love it, but my first impression was not good.
Those candlesticks are one of my favourite possessions. They’re so classic and yet also modern and unique (Georg Jensen – COBRA). They were a gift from my brother and SIL years ago and I love (love, love) bringing them out as the days get shorter and darker.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Yes to sushi! My husband won’t go near it but the kids both like cooked rolls so it’s 3 against 4. I think when they get older they’ll expand to raw. I’m not a sushi snob either so I’m happy to get it from the grocery store.
Yes also to jeans that fit! I have a thin waist and bigger hips, so it’s always quite a challenge to find a brand that fits. Currently Old Navy OG Loose is my jam. The price isn’t as good as the thrift store but it’s easy enough on the wallet.
I’m all about your commute since it reminds me of the trails that I’m doing for my hiking challenge. The weather is going to get foul this weekend so I’m hoping to take a very long lunch today to get a hike in.
I don’t love raw sushi. I’ll do it in a pinch, but we never make raw at home and I prefer cooked seafood or just veggies.
I also have a much smaller waist and…generous hips. It is a hard shape to dress (aside from A-line skirts and dresses).
We’re also supposed to have horrible weather this weekend. I haven’t done a treadmill walk since last Saturday (I did a run one morning, but no 10-3-30), so I think I’ll do that tomorrow AM.
So many happy things! When you mentioned the cold, dark mornings, I shuddered- but it sounds like you’re embracing it.
Hmm, let me guess which kid said your jeans look “terrible.” Angie will not hesitate to tell me my clothes (or hair, or anything else about my appearance) looks terrible. We must have a thick skin to survive the teen years!
I love the James Clear quote and Tobia’s creations! Oh, and sushi is one of the things both my kids love. This past week we went to an “all you can eat” sushi night at a vegan restaurant, and well, let’s just say they probably regretted letting our family in the door.
Have a great weekend!
Embracing might be a bit strong, but tolerating with occasional bouts of momentary joy…
It was actually L. Yes, my sweet little 9-year-old told me (before I bought them and now after I bought them) that he “Does not like those pants!” Not sure why, but he is sticking with his thoughts on the matter.
Sushi is so yummy and a great vegan option!!!
Ally Bean
The fort is divine. I mean, so well constructed and obviously meant for watching movies.
I like your new jeans. I know flares are in and while I wore them last time they were in style this time I’m avoiding them, leaning into more boyfriend cut or a more modest bootcut until the style is over.
I find routines comforting but Covid and my husband’s retirement upended my daily routines. One of my goals/nudges of this year is to get my groove back, be a bit more routine again.
The fort is even more divine because they are now old enough to dismantle their own forts. That detail is a BIG DEAL.
I don’t think flares really suit my body type, but they FEEL good, so I went with it.
I love routines and find them deeply comforting, but then sometimes a routine can become a rut…hard to always find the right balance.
So many water fiascos in your house!! I am impressed you kept your cool, even if it was super early in the morning!
I have tried to break up with blue jeans because they always wear out in the thigh area. Look, I’m a lady with curves who walks a lot and jeans cannot keep up. But I recently bought a pair of flares and it makes me think I’m in college again and I’m loving them. We’ll see how long I can keep them before they rip.
We are in the middle of a huge snowstorm and both my husband and I are working from home right now. This is our second work from home day this week and next week Monday is a holiday here in the States and I’m honestly confused about what’s up and down in terms of day of the week and what needs to get done. I can’t wait until we can settle into a regular routine again, post holidays, but I think that’s still a couple of weeks out.
Now I need to figure out if we’re going to shovel or just let the snow bury us alive!
So many, NGS. SO. MANY.
Blue jeans are generally the worst, but I feel like I need a few pairs for casual events that I really can’t show up to in PJs and jogging pants. If I lived in a warmer climate I would wear a dress 365 days a year, but alas I really do need pants for much of the winter weather we have.
Eeks. There has been a lot of snow lately for people in your region. We are getting more rain, but mostly this winter has been all about high winds. Tomorrow there are some places that are to get wind gusts of 150 km/h! Yikes.
So much to love in this post (except the toilet because gah), but my favorite favorite is the laundry basket pic— kids!! Also very cute jeans and t.
The toilet sucked and the laundry basket was weird, but also deeply heart-warming.
Lisa's Yarns
Ugh, a snow day and an overflowing toilet! We did have a clogged toilet last night but it didn’t overflow thank God. Phil plunged it when he got home from his HH. I used the excuse of managing both kids to avoid that task! “sorry, I just couldn’t do that while managing the kids.”
This week was fine I would say? Not great, not terrible? We were supposed to go to my parents this weekend but the forecast is so awful and it’s supposed to be bitterly cold. Like -20 or -30F windchills. So we decided to hold off for a couple of weeks and will go up in 2 weeks or maybe in February when we have a long weekend. The boys are bummed and my parents are, too, but it was the responsible decision. Since it will be dangerously cold outside, I expect that the boys will watch a lot of movies and I’m going to just let expectations around screens slide.
The energy bites sound great! I should make some! I have been thinking about trying protein powder to get more protein into my diet. This might be a good place to start! And who doesn’t love PB?
I feel like I handle 90% of the clogged toilets and I HATE this job. But this was the first time one actually OVERFLOWED. I froze in shock and it took me a minute to get things under control (I didn’t know what way to turn the water valve). It all worked out in the end, but my heart was beating quickly.
That’s too bad about the trip cancellation. Sounds like you made the right call, but disappointing nonetheless. You know how I feel about screens. They’re a necessity for me to stay sane.
I’ve loved the energy bites and really enjoyed making them into bars. I didn’t have to get my hands dirty and they fit perfectly into a storage box in the freezer. I love PB and YOU love PB, but can you believe some people don’t like PB. It boggles my mind.
Unless you have an allergy of course!! But peanut butter is like my favourite food in the whole world. I eat it almost daily.
I think your kids have the right idea: have a tea party on the floor with lots of fun snacks, build a fort, and sit in a laundry basket just because you can! And how great to find comfortable jeans for such a low price! I hope you gave yourself a bunch of gold stars for getting through the toilet fiasco and the screaming match.
I also love Tobia’s beautiful artwork/blackout poetry.
It’s -20 today, so I’m just vigilantly watching to make sure pipes aren’t freezing, etc.
Honestly, January so far has been quite challenging.
Just because you can…
Well, that’s brilliant and absolutely right, I suppose. Because they can. Because their lives have nothing restricting their minds or bodies from thinking through things and acting on them. What a great life they have and this is just a little vignette into it, I suppose. Thanks for this comment – I really appreciate that reframing <3
I didn't give myself gold stars for the toilet or the screaming (which woke me from a nap, I might add - the best way to wake up as a mother...SIGH).
Oh brrr. I agree, January is a tough month and with all the health things you have on your radar, I'm sure it feels extra heavy. Sending internet hugs <3
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love the new outfit! Awesome that it fits, is comfy AND is not expensive! Triple win! Good on you too for getting rid of some old stuff right away. That’s the way to do it to keep it minimal! Also it keeps you from having to go through a lot of things at the same time; I would rather do it little by little.
My happy things are that I am hanging out with my family for a few days and will be going to the seaside for the long weekend with some friends. This week has been full of social events, but has not been tiring, and I am looking forward to more social time with friends. Sometimes you just have to take it when its available, and then rest later!
Yes. Little by little is my favourite way, especially since in small doses I find it VERY energizing.
Enjoy the family and then the seaside. Wow. What a great stretch of adventures and social time.
We ordered a new coffeemaker because the old one broke. It arrived yesterday and my boyfriend followed the set up instructions, wash the parts, run two pots with just water. The second one finished running and he and I were admiring it, when there was a loud “ping” sound and suddenly smoke started coming out of the bottom and top of the machine. We quickly shut it off, but the house smelled like burning plastic for hours! Obviously we are returning it.
Oof. That is a double whammy. Having to deal with such an unfortunate mishap AND having it happen immediately after purchase. The good news if you can return it, the bad news is…why did this happen, now you’re without a coffeepot again, and the house smells like burned plastic.
Sigh. Hope you find a new coffeemaker soon that works like a charm.
Maybe I only dreamed that I commented on this? Hmmm. I love your outfit, and I am glad wide pant legs are coming back, they are more flattering for me.
I’m enjoying the 30 day yoga a lot. I’ve been doing yoga with Adriene for a couple of years now, but usually only 3 or 4 days a week. Making it every day is really worthwhile, I am thinking I’m going to stick with it. Generally, since I don’t do it every day, I skip the rest days. This time I didn’t and really enjoyed it.
Your commute is amazing.
I have been loving the daily yoga and I think when this series is done, I’ll start another one of her 30-day challenges?
Tobia | craftaliciousme
That fort made me smile. Took me right back to being a kid and living in a fort. Also love the snack bar.
And I envy their commute. What a beautiful place. How do you handle it though when it is still dark out? Do you go with flashlights? If so what an adventure.
I feel you with the tired and unmotivated week. Mine has been too much scrolling, not feeling to great (understandably after testing coved positive on Thursday) and not getting anything done.
Thank you for sharing my blackout poetry. Very much appreciate it.
It’s never dark when we leave, so we don’t need flashlights…but it is cold! And this morning, snowy. So snowpants and boots and all the winter regalia was required 🙂
Your blackout poetry is gorgeous!
This was a low-energy week for me, too. Maybe there was something in the air. Here’s the a much more energetic week three of the year!
I love your candleholders – so pretty! I need to get into a candle lighting routine at night. I never light my candles!
I love the jeans and the shirt! Great finds, as always.
It took a few years for our candlelighting to really “take off” but now the kids are obsessed and it really does elevate our winter meals making everything feel cozier in the middle of the dark/cold days of winter.
I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I seriously could not get motivated last week!
I think your new outfit looks great and how good that you were able to find something that fit well, I hate having to wear clothes that are too tight. The fort and the laundry baskets bring back so many memories of my kids when they were younger. They loved their forts but also would do the oddest things sometimes. I am a little jealous about your kids’ commute too!
I wrapped up my time at my parents place last week and am back home again, but we have a long weekend coming up and we will go back down again.
Too-tight clothes, or something that itches in the wrong way etc is just the worst. Ugh. That said, it can be tricky to find things that are actually comfortable in our one-size-fits all sort of fashion!
Happy Things Friday: 19 January - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] toilet that overflowed is plugged again, so we bought a toilet auger. A fun purchase, […]
Routines are very comforting me. I occasionally break them (with pleasure – like sleeping in longer, for example), but I usually do best with set routines. We’re all creatures of habits 😉
I am so sorry about the flooded bathroom. Ugh, nobody wants to deal with that. What a terrible way to start the week. I am glad you found some other good things during the week though.
After you mentioned the Silk peppermint mocha creamer, I had to look for it right away…. and I don’t think it’s available in the US . Can you believe it???
I love your thrift store finds and I am determined to check out our local thrift store again soon.
Oh no…maybe it’s just gone for the season? It’s on clearance up here since it’s a seasonal thing. It is so good. Might even be worth a trip to Canada in the pre-Christmas season some year to get some.
I love thrift stores. Went again this weekend because I only had one real “yoga” outfit, and found a new-to-me set of bottoms and the cutest exercise crop top.
That outfit looks like it was made for you.
Seriously amazing.
Not amazing? The toilet. Egads. That almost happened at my parents’ house last summer and… not pleasant to consider.
Also, I can confirm that the Peppermint Mocha creamer is not available in the US. Whyyy…?
Why? It is so good and almost criminal that you can’t get it across the border 🙁
Uh, a pre-Christmas trip to Canada to get some Silk peppermint mocha creamer… now there’s an idea 😉
Do it!! I’d love to see the TSA agent when they scan a suitcase full of Silk creamer – haha.