Please give a warm Monday-morning welcome to NGS!!
NGS is another blogging friend who was kind enough to answer my litany of questions. The result is simply charming; read on to learn more about a delightful cast of characters including Dottie (a girl), Penny (a cat), and Uncle Kevin (her Uncle Kevin).
NGS is a voracious reader and a dedicated letter-writer – I’ve been the lucky recipient several times! She and her husband also have two of the most beautiful pets known to man: Hannah (their dog) and Zelda (their cat). She also launched the affectionately titled (thanks, Birchie) “Cool Bloggers Bookclub” last summer which involved a group slowly reading through, and discussing AT LENGTH, the classic novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
We share a passion for heated vests and libraries – basic necessities when you live in chilly places like Wisconsin (her) and eastern Canada (me). While we’ve never met in person, it feels like we’ve known each other for years…and this fun little Q&A session provided some fun insights into her past and present.
Q. What seemingly “little” moment have you observed or been a part of lately that brought a disproportionate amount of joy?
A. I was on a Zoom call during a stressful meeting and one of the other people on the call was babysitting her granddaughter named Dottie. We were having a Very Difficult Conversation and all of a sudden we heard Dottie singing to her dog Cooper off-camera. The camera was immediately moved in their general direction and it was so sweet and we all watched until Dottie was finished singing. This made the whole vibe of the meeting turn around. Huge thumbs up to Dottie and Cooper.

Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
A. I go for a walk. I have a dog named Hannah and when things are just not going how I want them to be, I take her for a walk. Even just ten minutes around the block can be good for both of us. Or, if things are so terrible that I can’t even deal with the thought of leaving the house, there’s always cuddling on the couch with my cat named Zelda and reading a book. Those are my usual coping strategies for Bad Days.

Q. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) so far in 2023?
A. Technically I didn’t buy this, but my husband gave me a popcorn maker called a Whirley Pop as a birthday present and it’s fantastic. It only takes four minutes to make a batch of popcorn and it’s easy to use and clean and I’m basically obsessed with it. (Also, how many times a week should you eat popcorn? Asking for a friend.) [Popcorn is its own food group, isn’t it? So daily?]
Q. If you had $5,000 that had to be spent “frivolously”, how would you spend it?
A. I would get myself a brand new capsule wardrobe. Five dresses for summer/spring, five dresses for fall/winter; three or four jackets/cardigans; five pairs of wool leggings; and a pair of dressy boots that can handle being worn daily during the winter. I’m pretty into ethical and sustainable fashion and I’ve been trying to move my wardrobe in this direction, but it would be awesome to be able to do this all at once.

Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
A. We moved to a farmhouse in a cornfield in Michigan when I was in second grade and the first cat we had was a mean old tuxedo cat named Penny. Penny did not care for me and would hiss at me as I walked by her. I still have a scar on my right wrist from when she scratched me. But then I got older and Penny got older. I was less hyperkinetic and she mellowed out and by the time I graduated from high school, all Penny wanted was to be cuddled in a warm lap. I don’t exactly miss Penny, but whenever I see a tuxedo cat with white socks and a white nose, I can’t help but think about her.
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
A. I have always wanted a nose or eyebrow piercing, but I’ve never had the nerve to do it. I think I might make it a present for myself for my next birthday.
Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
A. When I was seven or eight, I begged my parents for a Cabbage Patch doll, but they did not have the money for it at all. My Uncle Kevin sent me one from his Navy deployment in Hawaii. As an adult, I really don’t want to know how much all this cost him when you factor in getting the most popular toy of the year and shipping it! Anyway, my Uncle Kevin still sends me Christmas presents every year and is a great guy. [Aww! This reminds me of you in YOUR role as super-cool Aunt NGS who takes such care to send cards and presents to all your nieces and nephews!]
Q. How and when did you meet your husband?
A. My husband and I met in graduate school at the University of Minnesota. He was a year ahead of me and while we were both studying political science, we each had different subfields and never had a class together. We’d hang out together in the shared workspace for grad students, though, and got to know each other.
He had a crush on my roommate, so we didn’t start dating until we’d known each other for a few years. Too bad for that roommate – she really lost out on a heck of a guy!
Thanks, NGS.
Your turn. Any questions for NGS? What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Does anyone have a nose or eyebrow piercing? Do we have other huge fans of popcorn? Did you own a Cabbage Patch doll? If so, what was their name?
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Are you still friends with your roommate?
Both my sisters had cabbage patch dolls, but not me. Maybe it was slightly after my time?
Great question. I know that at least one of my sister’s had a Cabbage Patch doll, but I can’t remember if the other did; the craze was past by the time I was born.
I am Facebook friends with my old roommate, but I don’t think I’ve seen her in a decade. Does that count?
AWWWWW! Engie!!! I love these stories so much. Penny! Uncle Kevin! I love the answer to the $5000 question- that’s exactly what I need, except I would have to spend part of the money on a personal shopper who could actually pick out things that look good on me.
I have no piercings, but my daughter has pierced ears and of course the controversial septum piercing, sigh (I’m used to it now.)
I like Melissa’s question about the roommate- she definitely lost out on a great guy!
No piercings! I seem to know a lot of women without earrings; I love, love, love wearing earrings, but only have one hole in each ear and that’s as far as my piercing will ever go!
It is interesting that you don’t have any piercings, Jenny. It’s very unusual in this day and age, isn’t it? It seems like a lot (most?) women have pierced ears. When do you think that happened? Like, were women in 1920 getting their ears pierced?
I got a Cabbage patch doll as a gift when I won a scholarship from my dad’s company as a senior in high school. It was sort of fun – you were a good doll, Fredericka Elizabeth! I think we donated her the next year to a good cause (along with my sister’s doll, received for the same scholarship, Daria Danielle). Those Cabbage patch names were wild.
You pets are glorious, NGS. Zelda has the most beautiful eyes.
And popcorn is the best – hot off the stove, salty, and delicious! I make some for lunch when I ‘m not too hungry but want something special.
Love that you still know their names! Cabbage Patch dolls were such a THING!
I do not remember my Cabbage Patch doll’s name and I don’t even know where she ended up! You were obviously a better doll mom than I was. Ssshhhh…let’s not tell Uncle Kevin about that.
Ha. I won’t tell Uncle Kevin if you don’t…
Lisa's Yarns
Our cat Oscar kind of sounds like Penny. But she’s 8 years old and has not, um, lost her edge. She hisses and growls at the boys so much. To be fair, they are loud and make unpredictable movements but they SO BADLY want to be friends with her and it’s just not going to happen.
I LOVE popcorn. I am tempted to get a whirly pop. We have a “stir crazy” popcorn maker but we have used it like twice. It’s great when you need popcorn for a crowd but we really never do. Maybe I should get one for Christmas for the family.
No nose or eyebrow piercing for me. Like nose piercings on others but it’s not really my vibe if that makes sense? I regret having my ears pierced when I was a child. I never wear earrings as I have the hardest time finding ones that don’t make my ears hurt and I don’t like wearing them enough to invest in some high quality ones that wouldn’t hurt.
I did have a Cabbage Patch Doll. I can picture her in my mind but I cannot remember her name! She had blond hair and a little sweatsuit and I ADORED her. That is so sweet that Engie’s uncles sent her one from Hawaii!! And he still sends her presents! Wow. I have a rule that when my nieces or nephew turn 18, the presents stop… and my presents are always books or money so I am not a super fun aunt!!
I don’t think I knew you rarely wore earrings. I LOVE having my ears pierced and can’t imagine life without it. I will say that A doesn’t wear earrings every day after begging to have her ears pierced for Christmas last year. I rarely go a day without putting in a set of earrings. My ears used to be really sensitive, but now I’m careful what ones I buy + I NEVER sleep in them and that really helps with sensitivity.
I like popcorn, but can totally leave it. My kids, on the other hand, LOVE it. A is pretty bummed it’s off limits while she has braces.
Well, it wasn’t until I was in HIGH SCHOOL that Penny started to tolerate me, so I am not sure if the Oscar will ever warm up to the boys. Fingers crossed for all of them!
Uncle Kevin!!!! What a guy! How cool that you two are still so close. And I love the parallel Elisabeth drew to your own amazing aunt-ing.
Engie, you would look fantastic with a nose OR an eyebrow piercing. (That makes it sound like I think you should get one or the other. I am not opposed to both.)
I definitely prefer nose to eyebrow, though can assure you I won’t get either!
One of my best friends in university had a nose ring and it really suited her. Another friend worked at a salon and would let people practice piercing on her – she had SO many piercings in her ear (like every inch of space it seemed); that was the point I decided one piercing in each ear was perfect!
I think I might end up going with a nose piercing. I do think both a nose and eyebrow would be a little much. I have two holes in each ear and a cartilage piercing on the right. I might get a third hole in each ear, too. I also have a navel piercing. Is this all too much? I don’t know!
If you like them, why would it be too much? I will admit I am NOT a fan of tattoos, but piercings – aside from stretchers – are SO easy to remove. It feels like pretty low stakes and you’re old enough to take care of them properly so you don’t have to worry about infections after a piercing. Go for it if you like it! I happen to love just one piercing in each lobe for myself and have ZERO desire for anything else, but I think two in each ear look really nice on others.
Ally Bean
This is a great way to get to know NGS. I like her “go for a walk” approach to dealing with life. Love the idea of spending frivolous money on a capsule wardrobe. So sensible and indulgent. I met my husband in college, too.
Capsule wardrobe was a brilliant answer.
I have a friend who will leave a party to go for a walk and I think that’s just so admirable. Her own party. She’ll just leave. That seems like real life goals for me!
I want to be this friend. So not my personality. I would feel guilt for MONTHS over doing something like this. #LifeGoal to leave my own party – confidently – for a walk.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Yay Engie! Fun fact, my parents had three tuxedo cats when I was born so I have a huge soft spot for them (I mean I have a soft spot for all cats but tuxedos have a special claim on me). My dog and I can heartily endorse going for a walk anything that we’re stressed or just need to clear our heads. I never had a cabbage patch doll but I wanted one so badly so I appreciate what Uncle Kevin did.
Uncle Kevin is stealing the show!!!
I’ll have to tell UK all about his starring role here today.
Love this! I need to read your archives for your grad school love story
Ohhh. Good idea. I should get a link from her to add in here!!!
Don’t dig too far back in the archives. Apparently I didn’t discover paragraph breaks until 2007. LOL.
Nicole MacPherson
Awww, this is great! Uncle Kevin made me smile so much. I did have a Cabbage Patch doll and it was in 1982 so it was a HUGE ordeal for my mom to get it for me. Like, she had to be on a list, and then brought secretly to a Zellers back room, and then it had to be specially wrapped so no one would know she had it and mug her in the parking lot. Her name was Kora Candi and I still have her AND her adoption certificate!
Popcorn is pretty much a perfect food!
You are an infinitely better doll mom than I was. I hope your CP doll appreciates how good she has it.
It sounds like an undercover drug deal. I’m pretty sure John had a Cabbage Patch Kid; I feel left out. And I LOVE that you still have Kora Candi. Might become a beloved toy for a grandchild or grandniece/nephew some day!
Engie is a perfect guest poster, isn’t she? Nice questions too.
I have pierced earrings, double on both sides, but one side doesn’t stay open so really it’s just one side. And I very rarely use the second hole. My daughter pierced her bellybutton when she was in HS, and her nose when she turned 18. She has let them both close now.
I used to take Mulder for walks in the middle of day if I was stressed, but I don’t now that he is gone. Of course, what was stressing me out was his illness, so I don’t have as much need now.
I have endless hoops in my second holes and I haven’t taken them out in months, so that’s how I keep my second holes open! I used to have three holes, but the third holes did close. It’s hard to keep them open if you don’t wear earrings every single day!
Mulder loved his walks; I do hope you have another walking companion soon, J.
This was a great guest post. It’s fun getting to know more about everyone and Engie shared some great memories. I did not have a cabbage patch kid but I did have a pound puppy!
I love the answer of capsule wardrobe. Another great topic would be the sustainable brands as it’s great to know of some good ones. I am slowly working on shifting my wardrobe as well. I prefer to buy less clothing as I hate shopping. I wish I didn’t mind it as I would do more thrifting but I just don’t have the desire for that.
Shelly, doing a post about ethical shopping is a great idea! I’ll add it to my list. It’s really hard because you have to figure out what your biggest concerns are: sustainability, human labor, transportation, etc. Thanks for the idea.
Pound Puppy’s. Remember a few months ago we were talking about Pogs. Bellbottoms and fanny packs are back in vogue, so maybe Pogs and Pound Puppy’s and Cabbage Patch Kids will be too?!
Such a great interview! I loved the Uncle Kevin story and great answer about a capsule wardrobe. I didn’t realize NGS was in Wisconsin too! I’m here—not too far away from “Grateful Kae”. Maybe we should host a WI meet up!
Oh, wow! Another Wisconsinite! I’m about 20 miles outside of Madison, so if you want to do a meetup, let me know. We might be able to get Anne (My Commonplace Book) in on it, too. Wisconsin for the win!
So jealous there are little pockets of bloggers that live relatively close together!!
Like another commenter, I have no piercings. I pass out easily and get grossed out just thinking about sticking an earring in my ear. My aunt’s traditional gift for nieces turning 13 was pierced ears and she was disappointed when I refused.
Some of my nieces and nephews have 3 Uncle Kevins, which is what happens when each of your parents have a brother named Kevin and your aunt marries a Kevin. (I’m the marrying aunt – fun fact, since I don’t use real names on my blog).
I was in 7th or 8th grade during the Cabbage Patch craze. I made a fake version our of panty hose (I took a class on creating soft sculpture faces out of pantyhose) and gifted it to my best friend’s little sister.
I do like popcorn, but I HATE getting it stuck between my teeth.
Wow – that’s a really fun birthday idea from your aunt. I’m a bit of a wimp, too, and only got a piercing when I was in the late teens. One in each ear was enough for me.
Three Uncle Kevin’s! That’s hilarious 🙂 My kids have two Uncle Timothy’s and they also both have the SAME MIDDLE NAME (my brother and John’s brother). Go figure, eh?
Popcorn in teeth is the worst. It can really hurt, too, and get lodged for a long time. This is clearly a risk NGS is up for taking 🙂
That is too funny about your husband’s initial crush on your roommate! Glad it worked out the way it did 🙂
A short walk is absolutely magical. I’m amazed at even the simple reset of the *two* minute walk to take my kids down to the bus stop. We had the incredible opportunity to live in Europe from 2018-2020 and didn’t have a car: I was in the best physical and mental shape of my life from all the walking!
Europe designs things right in terms of mobility – biking and walking are just hardwired into everyday life. And people don’t even feel like they’re “exercising” because it’s incorporated so naturally.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Oooh, Engie, go for the nose for sure! I love the look of a nice nose piecing but would never get one myself as it is not really my style. My parents would not let me get my ears pierced until I was 13 (I think?) and then I did it and rarely ever wore earrings. I got a second hole, which is basically closed up now and I probably only wear earrings once a year or so, to events like weddings etc. I did get my tongue pierced but it would bang up against my teeth, plus it made the guys think things about me that were not true, so I took it out.
My other question for Engie would be…favorite ice cream flavor and spot!?!
I’m shocked with how many people don’t wear earrings very often. I might go 2 days all year without putting in a pair of earrings. It’s one of my favourite decisions of the day!
Great question. Mmmm, I love ice cream <3
ccr in MA
Another dated-the-roommate-first story! My parents had one of those: Dad dated Mom’s roommate first, then asked her out, so she asked her roommate if that was okay, and her roommate said, quote, if you can stand his sense of humor, you can have him! Dad always did have the corniest sense of humor, but clearly mom could stand it.
Ha! If you can stand his sense of humour; that’s hilarious. I think my Dad either dated my mom’s roommate or one of her friends. The details are fuzzy, but he definitely didn’t date my mom first!
Two things: 1) I love Zelda. 2) I love your idea of the capsule wardrobe with dresses and wool leggings. I own two pairs of Thursday Boots and had them since 2017. That’s all I wear in the winter/fall 🙂
I hate pants and would wear dresses 365 days a year if I could, but I have yet to find a combo that keeps me warm enough in the dead of winter.
Isn’t Zelda gorgeous?!
Oh, Engie, yay! So happy to read more about you here – the story about Dottie on the Zoom call was delightful and made me smile 😉 I also love the story about the Cabbage Patch Doll. They weren’t very popular in Germany at the time, but of course I know “of them”.
I think you should definitely go for that nose piercing – I secretly want one, too.
You 100% could pull off a nose ring. As soon as I read you say you secretly want one I think it would look great on you (and I’m not generally one for nose rings, but I think it would suit you perfectly!).
Tobia | craftaliciousme
This is so so fun. I am a fellow pop corn lover. But I only eat it salted. What other version can you whip that are not sugary? Want to hear that.
I am not sure what my greatest was. I need tithing on that.
Guest Post: Welcome to Sarah Jedd!! – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] shocked that she’s a suburban mom of 5 with a PhD. [Cabbage Patch dolls are becoming a bit of a theme in guest posts…! Also, you are the first guest to mention the dream of being a soap opera actress. The real […]