I hope other people find these posts as fun to read as I do to organize. One of the interesting – yet crazy – parts about blogging is how intimately we get to know our internet friends. Something about the barrier of space (without the barrier of time) allows us to share a lot of day-to-day quirks that those around us in “real life” might not get to observe.
Today I’m thrilled to host Kyria. Most of the time I throw my hands up when trying to recall when I first made my way to someone’s site, but my introduction to Kyria was 100% via Lisa. They have met in real life – a number of times – and once I started reading about Kyria’s travel adventures, I was hooked! She loves to explore, hike, organize, cook/eat, and pursues a frugal lifestyle. Um…check, check, check, check, and check.
When you’re finished reading Kyria’s “interview” feel free to head over to her blog where I’m guest posting later today. I think I’m an open book, but my answer to her first question is something I haven’t shared before (I had to scratch my head for a while to come up with something I thought no one would know about me).
Settle back, enjoy, and join me in welcoming Kyria.

Q. What aspect of your current life/career would most surprise 20-year-old Kyria?
20 year old me would probably be surprised that current me rarely drinks or stays out late. When I was 20, I used to work in retail and my shift was 1 pm – 10 pm and then I would go out after that and get drinks with friends! Now I am in bed most nights by 9 pm. [Y’all – she gets up most mornings by 3:45. AM!!! I can’t even…]

Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
If I could get motivated, I would go for a run or a hike, as I really get a boost from fresh air and exercise. If I was not as motivated, I would probably watch a YouTube video about travel, as they often give me ideas for what my next adventure will be.
Q. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?
I would like to get better at adding some sort of strength training to my life. I have been a runner for so long, but don’t really prioritize other exercise that much.
Q. What’s one piece of advice you wish you had heard (or understood) at an earlier age?
I actually don’t have a lot of regrets, and I do think that everything we do is part of us learning and goes into who we are, but I do wish I would have just listened to the wisdom of older people more. I definitely thought I knew things that now I look back and realize that I had no clue. But maybe certain things are better when we learn them ourselves. [Yup. And maybe sometimes we can’t learn the lessons without experiencing the situation/consequences first?]
Q. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) in 2023?
I actually did not buy a lot of “things” in 2023, so I guess I would have to say that my favorite things I bought were experiences. I went with my family to a VR space exploration, went and saw Book of Mormon and Les Mis, went out to dinner with friends and had a fun weekend on the coast with my friend and her kiddos. All were money well spent! [I would LOVE to see a professional production of Les Misérables. The music is spectacular and I find myself humming Master of the House regularly.]
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
I would love to eat carnitas burritos every day if I (a) wasn’t bothered by wheat (boooo!!) and (b) wouldn’t gain weight. So I guess I will say a kind of carnitas plate instead? I do love me some crispy, salty, porky goodness.
Q. What song is most likely to put a smile on your face?
This is a hard question. I can think of several. The Turtles “So Happy Together,” because it is peppy and you can sing along with it. Sir Mix A Lot “Baby Got Back,” because it is funny and I know all the words. Alice In Chains “Got Me Wrong” because AIC was a huge part of my formidable years. There are hundreds more and they all make me smile for different reasons!
Q. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
I think you’re going to need a bigger blog post! I have a lot of peeves, but probably my biggest is people who are late, especially without any notice. I find it very disrespectful and feel like they don’t value my or anyone else’s time when they do this.

Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
Another one that I have hundreds of answers for, but one for sure is the Balkans; I have heard that there are some beautiful places. For example, Google Mostar! It is stunning.
Q. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, you’d magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?
I would love to be able to sing. I love to sing but my voice sounds like two cats fighting. [Across all the guest posts, singing consistently comes out as the top answer, followed by dancing!]
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
Can this be fantasy? If so, I would have Scotty beam me to Mostar (or various other places!), where I would eat some sort of food that I had never tried before, have a nice glass of wine and then take a hike in the mountains and end the day reading my book and getting a massage at the same time.

Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
I was hiking to Everest Base camp with a friend and he slipped on a wet rock and fell off a rock ledge off the mountain. I thought he was dead but luckily he landed on a ledge below. However, he had hit his head and was bleeding everywhere and I had to figure out how to get down to the ledge, wrap up his head and get him down the mountain, which proved to be difficult as it was snowing and there was no communication or transportation for miles. We ended up walking in the dark (in the snow!) for hours and hours and finally getting to a teahouse that had two volunteer medics from Scotland who were both named Sara who cleaned and sewed him up. Silver lining: the next day we got a helicopter ride back to Kathmandu, which had a great view of the mountains! [Yikes! That is all so scary and thank goodness you were there to rescue your friend. I’m sure that is a story that has been shared many times! Does your friend still like to hike?]
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
I have quilts made by both of my grandmothers and one made by my aunt.
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
Black. No contest. [You’ve met Lisa before, right? Haha.]
Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
Kindle, endless supply of carnitas, water (unless it had water, then I would bring either a knife or a flint).

Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
I had a lot of cats, and a lovely black lab who was a great friend to me.
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
Travel or nature photographer.
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
My trail name is prepper and I was once called “regimented” so I guess that they think I am organized (sometimes too much?)
Q. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Ha! I answered this before but like I said then, my Dad always used to say that I do not suffer fools, so I guess that would be my label.
Thanks for visiting here today, Kyria. It’s always so fun to get a behind-the-scenes look into other bloggers lives and adventures (and we know you LOVE a good adventure).
Your turn. Any questions for Kyria? Have you ever been in a helicopter? Do you tend toward order or chaos (no judgement either way)? Do you arrive early, on time, or late to most things? Anyone fortunate enough to have visited Mostar before? Do you have an all-time favourite song from a musical?
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These are all great questions, but I was so struck by your strength training answer— so practical and also ME TOO! And? NOTHING IS STOPPING ME, so thanks for helping me identify a missing piece 🙂
After my month of yoga, I want to start doing the strength training videos Suzanne has recommended; Caroline G is intimidating to me, so I want to start with something that feels a bit less overwhelming and Suzanne has shared some great suggestions. That’s my February strength training goal!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
@Sarah – there is nothing stopping us! I even pull up videos on YouTube and do them….for a few minutes…and then I get bored or lose motivation. I just have a hard time not letting my thoughts wander!
@Elisabeth – my friend still hikes! After that trip, we spent some time in New Zealand and went hiking almost every day. Luckily he got back on the horse fast enough. Re Lisa and black, that is because we are both practical!
Feeling bored when I exercise is my biggest problem. I rarely “get in a zone.”
Ooh, Kyria! I also found Kyria through Lisa’s blog. Travel photographer would be a perfect job for her, and I like her description of her perfect day- one point in particular stood out to me- get a massage AND READ A BOOK AT THE SAME TIME! Why does no one do this? And… I think we need to plan a blogger meetup in Mostar.
Isn’t Mostar incredible? I’d never heard of it before and now I really want to go!!!
ccr in MA
That hiking story, wow! My heart rate went up just reading it.
I am an early person, and I do feel that late people are showing some disrespect for others. A friend said that when she was in theater, the person in charge said, “If you’re early, you’re on time; if you’re on time, you’re late; and if you’re late, you’re out.” Pretty much me!
If you’re late you’re out. Ha! My Dad would agree with this 100%.
If I were ever in a helicopter, I had better be unconscious because I would really freak out! I do not care for heights. Even the casual “hiking to Everest Base camp” made me shudder. Kyria is infinitely more adventurous than I am!
I’ve never been in a helicopter and it DOES sound freaky…but also really cool? Though I don’t think I would have handled her Everest situation well.
Ally Bean
I can respect a woman who doesn’t suffer fools. That’s a good warning label. I’m smiling about The Turtles “So Happy Together.” I haven’t thought of that song in years and now it is my ear worm for the day. A happy one, of course.
Colleen Martin
That story about her friend and that hike was terrifying! I’m actually very nervous to hike in case something like this happens, so even small hikes to me are not fun. I wish I could be more like Kyria!!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I’m having a great time party hopping this morning! First I got to chat with Elisabeth over at Kyria’s and now I get to chat with Kyria over at Elisabeth’s house!
A+++ for the graphic.
Watching travel videos on YouTube is definitely a guilty pleasure. I like to think of it as tiding me over until I can get the real thing.
I really want to see Book of Mormon. When it came to my area the tickets were too expensive so I didn’t bother – but surely by now it’s been long enough for prices to come down.
Yay – I’m glad you’re on the party bus. I LOVE making the graphics for each guest post. So much fun and I thought this one suited Kyria <3
Lisa's Yarns
Aww, I love that you met Kyria through me! We’ve seen each other so many times that I don’t even think of her as a blog friend anymore! She’s visited us several times and I’ve visited her several times – often when I am in SF for work but Phil and I went out there in April of 2016 for a vacation and stayed with her. She’s an awesome host and her and Phil are 2 peas in a pod w/ their frugality and love of craft beers.
I tend toward organized and being on time = late for me. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves, too. I have seen Les Mis twice – once in London and then again St. Paul, MN. But I have to admit that I don’t LOVE musicals. They are fine but I don’t like get into the soundtrack for example? I did go through a long stretch of listening to the Rent soundtrack, though!
I LOVE musicals. Like love, love, love them. I would go see a Broadway show once a week if I could.
Rent. Not THAT takes me back. I should listen to it again; I bet I would remember 90% of the lyrics even though it has been years since I saw/listened to it last.
Kyria @Travel Spot
Woohoo! Time to party!
@Jenny – there are actually a lot of cool places near Mostar too. I really want to explore the Balkans more for sure. How about blogger meetup, CBBC books, and massages all around! I’ve also never been to a Turkish bath, which is on my list.
@CCR if you are early, you are on time. Amen. I get stressed if I am rushing around trying to get somewhere.
@Engie – the base camp hike is all on the ground, I assure you!! Well except for the slippery rocks I guess. Anyway you should Google the airstrip at Lukla. It’s insane.
@Ally – I also now have The Turtles in my head, again! I can’t see me luvin nobody but you, for all my liiiiife!
@Colleen – it was probably the most I sweat in one day, ever! It was a high adrenaline day for sure. I can’t imagine being an EMT or something where you deal with life and death every day.
@Birchie – agree re the graphic. It’s stellar! Book of Mormon was about $125 so definitely still not cheap…and travel videos for the win! Just dreaming and scheming for now though!
I have to admit I love massages so much I think I’d be jealous and horde the massage and skip the reading part.
I was two minutes late to meet someone today and all I could think about was what Kyria and Lisa would say…but then the person I was meeting was 5 minutes late so I actually looked early 😉
really enjoyed reading more about Kyria. What a scary experience at Everest camp. I wouldn’t know what do to with the incident in the middle of the snow.
I didn’t know you are a runner as you post more about cycling. are you still running?
Kyria @ Travel Spot
@Lisa – I love that you guys came to visit me; I always have a good time when I am with both of you! Like I said over on my blog, I am happy to join you in Paris if you can’t convince Phil to go (his loss, my win!) with you. Actually, side note, I think one of the reasons that I was drawn to your blog (aside from books, running, coffee & a winning personality) was your tales of your trips to Paris. Isn’t it funny how the community works?
@Coco – I do still run, although it is a lot less than I used to. I enjoy doing ultras, but last year I only did one marathon and the Quad Dipsea. Some years in the past, I did over a race per month! Now I enjoy spreading it out and usually hike and bike a little more. Actually if you go to my site under the tag list, my top two most talked about subjects are Travel and Running! Biking does not even make the top 20!
Paris. *Happy sigh*
I’ll join you both there.
Grateful Kae
Love this! Kyria seems so great and like such a fascinating person. I love her blog too and her travel stories and all of it!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
@Kae – thanks! I love reading about your travel stories too! I am always amazed at people like you who can organize kids and work and travel and life so well and still not just be a crazy ball of stress all the time!
Oh my goodness that hiking story is HARROWING. I am so glad it had a good outcome. Kyria just blows me away with her fearless adventurousness! I am in awe of her determination and courage. I definitely turn toward order, which means resisting my natural tendency toward chaos. And I am so afraid of being late to things that I often arrive ridiculously early. Not that I’m never late — I am, much more than I want to be. But it gives me such anxiety to think of people waiting on me!
Oh goodness, that Everest story was terrifying, thank goodness for a happy ending! I have never been in a helicopter and never want to. Too scary. Some coworkers of mine were in one once that went down. Thankfully they were OK, but it was really scary. Also my step-mom’s first husband died in a helicopter accident. Clearly a NO for me. If I were in Kyria’s situation and had to ride one to get down a mountain with my friend, OK…but that’s about what it would take.
I’ve never heard of Mostar, but it looks utterly charming. When I was in 5th grade I had a friend from Yugoslavia, and her mom made this bread that was incredible and had a very distinct smell. I have never smelled it since. I guess I should try to find some Baltic restaurants and see if they have something like it, huh?
We saw Book of Mormon when it was here, and I’m sorry to say that the acoustics where we were sitting were pretty bad, so I couldn’t hear half of the jokes. It was a bit of a let down for me, though parts were very good. I’m mostly not a big musical fan. The one musical I saw that I loved was Wicked. Musicals I saw that were meh for me were Book of Mormon, Miss Saigon, and Spamalot. I don’t know if I’ve seen any others…
Count me as team early. I like to be at least 5 minutes early anywhere. My husband’s time clock is different, he’s more of a 5 minutes late guy. Somehow we’re still together after 36 years.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
@Suzanne — yes! I get anxiety thinking about people waiting for me! I also get anxiety having to look for people; for example, if we are meeting in a crowded place, and I am late, that really makes me uncomfortable, as I am now late and I can’t find them! Plus I hate to think of them seeing me but me not seeing them. I like to be early, with a good view of the door so I can spot them before they spot me.
@J – OMG with the helicopter stories!! How did your friends go down but still end up being okay?! That seems like a very lucky break (PS have you read Drowning yet?) Also what a coincidence that your stepmom’s husband died that way. I would also swear off helicopters if I were you. My Dad had a pilot friend when I was a kid and he used to fly helicopters in Alaska (I think) and when he would visit we would always get a small plane ride or something and I loved it! I guess my experiences with that kind of thing were normally good! I like musicals, and loved Wicked. I also enjoyed seeing My Fair Lady and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in London, although I can’t remember if the latter had singing…
A helicopter going down sounds utterly terrifying and I would NOT recommend Falling or Drowning if you don’t like planes or the thought of crashes (though the fact you travel on planes makes me think you’re okay with it?)
I’ve seen Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, Fiddler on the Roof, Newsies (probably our fave experience in NYC ever), Aladdin and Harry Potter (on Broadway but, sadly, no singing). I LOVE musicals.
I loved this interview with Kyria. I’ve been reading her blog for a long while (definitely ‘met’ her through Lisa) and knew quite a bit, but again, so many tidbits that she hasn’t shared before. I don’t think I knew the story about Mount Everest Basecamp and her friend’s accident. So scary.
I have not been on a helicopter and while I think it would be cool, helicopters also scare me a little bit.
I can get on board with Carnitas Burritos though 🙂 And I love your warning label, Kyria!
Hi Kyria, You sound very adventurous and fun. Why do you get up so early? Is it on purpose? I love that you and Lisa are in-person friends. I admit that I tend to run late. I am forever trying to accomplish one more thing and then I get a late start. I am forever underestimating how long something will take me. The hiking story sounds like something from a movie. So frightening. Yikes. Love your warning label. Oh, and I’m not a huge fan of musicals either.
I think Kyria has to get up that early for work? She starts her day early since she’s on the West Coast and the Eastern markets open very early in her “day”? I think I have that right…
Or maybe she’s just CRAZY. 3:45 am is just…it’s the middle of the night!!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
@San — The Everest thing was definitely an adventure! I was surprised at myself to be honest; I would not have been able to tell you how I would react in an emergency before that, but now I know that I am actually quite calm and rational. This was news to me though! It is amazing how your second brain takes over when you have a crisis. I did things without even realizing or knowing I was doing them.
@Ernie — I love your question: do I get up early on purpose!? Haha. I am not an insomniac; I work in finance and need to be in the office for NYSE hours, which are 6:30 am to 1:00 pm. However, we have to start before that so we can put on any pre-market orders etc. The rest of my group starts at 6, but I like to be in an hour early to get things done before the other people come in. In order to get to work by 5, I do have to leave my house by about 4:45!! So I get up around 3:45. Don’t worry, sometimes I sleep in until 4. 🙂 However, I do feel more productive in the morning and even on my day off, I will get up at around 5 and get things done early so I can relax later in the day. I also really love the quiet of the morning in general. A run around the neighborhood at 5 when there are no cars or people out is so peaceful!
Hmm, obviously one can reply, but I can’t make the reply button work. My friends in the helicopter that went down, it went down during lift off, so wasn’t very high. I guess it went down on its side, and the propeller made a horrific noise and threw sparks and it was terrifying. I wasn’t there, I arrived a few hours later, but everyone was very shaken.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Another fun post getting to know people behind the comment name. So fun.
Even though living in Europe and having seen lots of Eastern Europe I have not been to Mostar. But I think my sister has since she was living in Bosnia for a year. And went back last year.
That Everest story sounds so scary and at the same time for the longest I dream about going to Everest. What an experience.