Kae and I have been trying to make this guest post work for over a year and today. is. the. day. She’s proving the old adage that good things come to those who wait!
Like most of my friendships created via the blogging world, I have no idea how and when I stumbled across Kae’s blog, but we both started this online writing thing about the same time and I’m forever grateful (yup, pun intended) our internet paths have crossed. Now I’m just waiting for her to make it to Nova Scotia for a visit.
*Did you notice the tiny Canadian flag on the bag icon in the header image – that was a very deliberate and none-too-subtle hint; *hint, hint, hint, hint*.
Kae is a registered nurse living in Wisconsin with her husband (Ivan), two teen sons (Ethan and Asher), and their adorable dog, Charlie. The whole family loves to travel, eat spicy food, and be physically active. Kae also writes THE BEST travel recaps with amazing photos and descriptions that leave you feeling like you’ve been on vacation with her. She has taken that same storytelling skill and applied it to this “interview.”
You are in for a treat – her answers are so dang interesting!
Q. What aspect of your current life/career would most surprise 20-year-old Kae?
I’ll maybe back this up just a little to “what would most surprise 16-year old Kae”. I think I’d be surprised to know that I often speak another language to my husband! I’m married to a Mexican guy (also did not see that one coming, just because as a girl born and raised in suburban Wisconsin… it’s kind of random!) and we flip pretty constantly back and forth between English and Spanish. [I never stopped to think about what language you would speak at home. Do you exclusively speak English with the boys, or do you flip back-and-forth with them too?]
This would especially surprise 16 year old me because I distinctly remember being in middle school and choosing my “language course” for high school: French. I recall saying to my parents, who I think suggested I instead study Spanish, “I don’t want to take Spanish. Everybody takes Spanish. That’s boring.” HAHA!! So French it was.
Turns out, once I got to college, I decided I actually did want to learn Spanish. So, I enrolled in Spanish 101 my first semester at UW-Madison… LOVED IT…. and found I was weirdly really, really good at it! I ended up studying abroad, double majoring in Spanish (along with Nursing), and ultimately became fluent in Spanish.
And, then to top it off, I married a Mexican guy, with whom I now have two mixed-race/mixed-culture boys. I absolutely love the richness that merging our cultures has brought to our lives!! It is so awesome. We take the boys to Mexico often and immerse them in Ivan’s (VERY) large extended family culture, as well as travel around Mexico.
But, I definitely wouldn’t have expected all of this when I was 16.
[That photographic timeline of wedding —> kids —-> TEENS was genius and it was fun to see a montage of Ethan and Asher growing up.]
Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
If I’m having an emotional or rough day, I usually end up sitting down to play the piano to de-stress. If I’m just feeling unfocused, I usually have to get my phone away from me. Lol! The physical act of deliberately putting my phone on Do Not Disturb mode (and then putting it in a drawer somewhere, not near me) usually helps. [One of my biggest regrets in life is dropping piano lessons when I was young. I love music and singing and grew up with my mom playing the piano basically every single day.]
Q. What’s one piece of advice you wish you had heard (or understood) at an earlier age?
Hmm, that’s a tough one. I love quotes and little pieces of advice. However, I think I’ll go with: You can’t please everyone, so you gotta please yourself. I am, sadly, a bit of a people pleaser, and always have struggled with this. I actually recently shared about this in my speech at our goddaughter’s quinceanera in Mexico. I told her, “If I could go back in time to when I was 15, I would not waste so much time in my life worrying about what other people are thinking about me!” It’s still hard for me to push those thoughts aside sometimes, even now at 41.
Case in point: This summer I was driving in my car, with the windows down. I was playing some symphony music, loudly (which I don’t actually do often, but was just in the mood for it that day). I pulled up to a stoplight (with my windows still down) and saw the car next to me had their windows down, too. I turned my music down because I was a little embarrassed and thought this complete stranger (who I’d never see again…) might think I was weird for blaring symphony music. I mean. Really?!? Who cares?! Ha. (insert face palm emoji). This tendency spills over to obviously more important life arenas besides just symphony music, too, of course. It can affect my overall confidence, decision making, and more. In general, it’s gotten a lot easier as I’ve gotten older to JUST BE MYSELF (hey, I like symphony music, what’s it to you?!!), but I still have to check myself sometimes. [I’m pretty sure I can confidently speak for most readers when I say: I can relate! Also, I didn’t know you liked symphony music!!]
Q. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) so far in 2024?
These Mavi jeans are amazing. (I have ISSUES with pants, but these have Tencel in them and are so soft and so lightweight and so comfy and I can either roll them for boyfriend style or unroll them for a basic full-length straight jean, and I’m so happy to have found them this year. I think $118?) [Is there a single woman on this planet that does not have ISSUES WITH PANTS? Sigh. Side note: I feel like you are ambidextrous with clothes – I doubt this is a thing, but for the purposes of this post I’m making it a thing. You look equally comfortable in dresses and jeans; when you went to Nashville you cycled through all sorts of styles and they all suited you. You’re a fashion chameleon.]
I also purchased some “high school spirit wear” this past year- a hoodie with Ethan’s high school soccer team name on it, and a HS volleyball t-shirt for Asher’s team. I really like having those to wear to their games and cheer them on! (This reminds me, I need to order a swim team shirt! Asher’s freshman swim season starts next week, and the shirt deadline is Nov. 26th!) [That’s so fun and really sets the tone for your cheering section.]
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
Nachos!!! They have to be just right, though, like the ones we always get at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It goes: chips, refried beans, melted cheese, pico de gallo, FRESH (not pickled) jalapenos, grilled steak/chicken/shrimp combo. Guac and super spicy arbol salsa on the side to spoon over it. [You clearly have your order well memorized…!]
Q. Describe your job in 100 words or less.
I’m a Registered Nurse specializing in Abdominal Transplant (kidney, pancreas, liver) and have worked in that field since I graduated in 2006. After 10 years as an inpatient/ floor transplant nurse, I moved to an RN Transplant Data Analyst (work from home) position for the same hospital in 2016. More recently, my role has changed, and although my title is still officially the same “RN Data Analyst”, I really am now more of an ‘RN Transplant Quality Analyst” (still for the Abdominal Transplant Program at my hospital).
I help oversee quality control and transplant outcome metrics, compile patient data to help the physicians/ surgeons see if their patient outcomes are on track, write up reviews when adverse events occur so the team can meet, discuss and learn from those situations, participate in Process Improvement projects, am involved with hospital and transplant regulatory/ compliance stuff, patient safety, and more.
Q. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Well, certain grammatical things make me bristle. (Please people, it’s not that hard to learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”. Also, my blood pressure rises instantly if I hear someone say, “I seen him.”) Ok, I swear I’m not a judgmental person!! Ha. But these just get to me.
Other than that, let’s see…as a not super punctual person, it’s a pet peeve for me if someone starts calling or texting me like <30 seconds past the agreed upon time. Like, hold your horses! I’m coming! Relaaaaax. (Fully realize that me being late might be their pet peeve! Ha!). I also get annoyed when people are overly serious all the time. I’m just, not. Lighten up!
Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
Ahhh so many places. The Greek Isles. Machu Picchu. Iceland. Egypt. An African safari. The Christmas Markets in Europe (any!). Switzerland. Prague. New Zealand. Everywhere!
Q. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, you’d magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?
I’d like to be naturally super confident! I’d love to be a totally fearless, carefree type, happy to just get up in front of people and talk, anywhere, any time. Not sure exactly what career I’d want to use this in (I have no desire to be, like, a politician or a trial lawyer!), but it’s just a life skill that I don’t have that I often wish I did.
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
- time to “putter”, either on my computer (planning, blogging, organizing stuff…) or around the house (tackling some (fun to me) personal projects like photo organization or something). *Elisabeth is my “Puttering Soul Sister”, right Elisabeth??
[Goodness, I absolutely LOVE a good putter.]
- a soak in my hot tub [I think it’s amazing how much you use your hot tub; I get the sense many people buy them and then only use them sporatically, so it’s great you maximize all the benefits of owning one!]
- a gym strength workout, and then I’d go home and crack open a soda (sigh, if you know me, you know…hehehe.) [Dr. Pepper, right? Which I still have never tried a single time in my life!]
- no actual obligations/ deadlines (i.e. I don’t have any appointments, I don’t need to drive anyone, I don’t need to cook, etc.)
- a quiet, clean and empty house, on an overcast day, with my fireplace + soft music on + fuzzy socks
*Ok, this is obviously my ideal/ perfect SOLO day. Not meaning to leave out my amazing husband and kids, but a perfect day with them would just be a different version, and would probably involve being in an exciting travel destination! [I think just about every guest poster has described an ideal primarily solo day – at least sans kids – so you’re in excellent company!]
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
Hmm, weird fact….I don’t like coffee? Not sure how weird that is, but I always feel like the odd man out on this one. Also, I could not name 5 Taylor Swift songs if my life depended on it. [How can you possibly be friends with SHU and not know 5 Taylor Swift songs?]
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
I’ll go with my Amazon Photos account. I would CRY and CRY and CRY if I somehow ever lost all of my photos. I take a lot of pictures of my kids/ family/ travels, and I would be beyond devastated if I ever lost those photo memories. [Ditto, though for me it’s OneDrive + photobooks.]
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
I really love a deep mauve/ purple!
Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
- A home gym complete with a set of dumbbells and barbells. (What? That’s one item. See? “Home gym”.
). [You’re definitely stretching the rules, but I’ll allow it…]
- My Google Calendar (to organize, um, my coconut picking schedule. Can’t live without my Google Cal!) [My husband lives and breaths by his online calendar; I use Google Cal once or twice a year…so it would definitely NEVER end up with me on a desert island. Also, I’m assuming by listing Google Cal you’re implying you automatically get a device – and Wifi? – to go with you. You’re a wizard at squeezing water out of a stone here…If I listed Magic Bags, does that mean I get a microwave – and electricity! – thrown in as a package deal?]
- Probably a sweatshirt, because it always gets chilly at night, even by the ocean, and I’m always cold.
Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
I had about 9,000 pets as a child. We had 2 dogs, a Lhasa Apso named Gizmo and a long-haired chihuahua named Chico. Then, we also rotated through countless hamsters, gerbils, 2 guinea pigs, a rat named Captain, 2 parakeets, multiple bunnies (including a surprise litter from the “brothers” that were not indeed “brothers”, oops) [LOVE IT! Hilarious – what a surprise that must have been…], fish….we had them all! I volunteered at a local pet store when I was 11-12 cleaning cages in the summers, and ended up bringing half the animals home. LOL! [I didn’t know you loved animals this much! Who named Gizmo, Chico, and Captain?]
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
I recently had a kind of crappy, stressful work day. I went to the gym on my lunch break, stewing a bit over an issue, and in a huff, I texted both my husband and a friend and said, “I just want to work at the check-in desk at the gym, greeting people and then folding those little towels in my down time.” Ok, maybe I don’t really want do that, but hey, I do love the gym, and doesn’t that kind of sound lovely and low stress?? Haha. (I could totally see myself working part-time at our local gym in retirement though!)
For real though, I think if I could do anything, I’d love to do something involving travel writing or planning. [I can see that! You’d rock that sort of position, though I’m sure your towel-folding skills are also stellar.]
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
I can’t really think of something I want to try that I haven’t, but a few things that I haven’t tried that I don’t want to try include: sky diving and bungie jumping. NO THANK YOU, HARD PASS. Oh, and scuba diving. I get panicky just thinking about somehow running out of oxygen and being unable to get to the surface! Gahhhh…..
That said, I’m decently adventurous, within reason. I’ll do roller coasters with my kids, I’ll jump off cliffs, I’ll swim under waterfalls, I’ll zipline, I’ll crawl through caves, I’ll parasail, I’ll rappel down the side of a cliff, I’ll fly in a small seater plane… just don’t ask me to jump out of a plane or free fall off a tower with a rope around my ankles!! [This sounds VERY fair, Kae.]
Q. If you could give new parents one piece of advice, what would you say?
Well, this is maybe random, but I really wish I had written up recaps of our family vacations from the very beginning. Travel is one of our family’s favorite things, and ever since I started my blog in 2020, I’ve been writing (overly) detailed recaps about each of our trips. (See current full list here.) But my oldest was born in 2008 – what I’d give to have write-ups from our first family trips! I absolutely love re-reading these posts and remembering all the little details that I know I’d otherwise forget. It’s actually a goal of mine to slowly go back and write up recaps from our past trips, using photos to jog my memory. It won’t be perfect, but hopefully better than nothing. (Although at the rate I’m going, this may end up being a retirement project! LOL.) So, I’d recommend to new parents: document your family vacations!
In terms of actual “advice”, I’d say: You can try, but you can’t actually control who your child “is” and what their passions or personality really are. I’ve had to learn this one! I think I sometimes figured my kids would basically just be mini versions of me. Clearly, all of my, ahem, BEST qualities and opinions would automatically transfer over, and they’d just follow suit. Ha! In reality, this is obviously not the case. Sometimes it can be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s really important to understand that just because we would do something a certain way, this does not mean that it’s what they want, or how they are. And that doesn’t make it “wrong”! [So wise, and such a hard truth to accept as a parent. I’m slowly learning this myself and, to be honest, it’s a lot less stressful to let our kids be themselves and cheer them on – advising on some course corrections when necessary – and realize they are their own people!]
Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
My husband surprised me with a puppy last year for my 40th birthday. After years of him saying “NO” to us getting a dog, he surprised me and brought home Charlie!!!! Definitely a gift I’ll never forget. He’s basically the love of my life and I’m obsessed. [How could he ever possibly top this gift?!]
Q. How and when did you meet your husband?
My husband and I met when I was in college. To many people’s surprise, we did not meet when I was studying abroad in Mexico. (I studied in Guadalajara; he’s from Mexico City.) I waitressed at a Mexican restaurant here in Madison, and by chance, ended up working with my husband’s cousin. Ivan was in college too at the time, in Mexico, and he used to fly up to Madison on his spring or summer breaks to see his cousin (and just to vacation in the U.S.). He’d often come into the restaurant during those visits to eat or hang out. It was kind of funny, because I had met him, briefly, on several occasions before we ever really got to know each other. Eventually one night a bunch of us went out after work (when Ivan was in town visiting and came along), and the rest was history. Later after graduation he ended up moving to Madison and here we are, almost 18 years later. [I didn’t know any of this! It was so fun to hear a bit about your relational backstory.]
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
I LOVE the early morning between 5:30-6:30 a.m. when no one else is awake and the house is dark and quiet, with just some soft lamps and preferably twinkle lights on. [You know how I feel about early mornings, but at least you’re in the 5’s and not the 3’s…As Engie so eloquently put it, and I quote: “3am is NOT A REAL TIME. It’s a black hole of time in which EVERYONE SHOULD BE SLEEPING.”]
Q. Tell us something about your personality you think might surprise readers!
Even though I’m pretty into planning/ lists/ etc, I’m actually not a super regimented or routine person. I like certain routines and favorite rituals, sure, but I always scratch my head at people who live in a super strict way. Like the people who always have to eat dinner at the exact same time, no exceptions, or can only get their groceries on a certain day/time, or must be in bed by 9 pm sharp, or else. (shrugs). That just doesn’t work for me and feels so rigid! Life is always kind of a rollercoaster, and it ebbs and flows a lot around here. I’d go nuts if everything always had to be “just so”. [I feel like both sides of you come across in your blog posts. I admit this DOESN’T surprise me. You’re too great at travelling to be completely rigid, and you seem to have a great mix of planning and spontaneity.]
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
First thing: I check my phone. Sigh. [Guilty as charged…]
Last thing: Usually flip the TV off. I like to have our local 10 pm news on in my room while I putter around getting ready for bed.
Q. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
“Don’t serve me anything with mayo, sour cream, cream cheese or salad dressing in it- I won’t eat it.” (Yuck.)
Q. Favourite book/song/movie of all time?
As a general rule, I hate picking “favorites”. But in recent years, a favorite book was Amor Towles’ A Gentleman in Moscow. LOVED that book. [Me too and I refuse to re-read it in case it goes the way of Jane Eyre.] I also have a strangely strong love for John Denver’s song Take Me Home, Country Roads. I don’t know why, but I’ve always just loved it! I think maybe something about it makes me nostalgic for when my family would go on long “country road” trips every year visiting national parks when I was a kid.
Q. Introvert or extrovert?
An introvert, who can also be probably annoyingly talkative in certain situations, has a very easy sense of humor and is pretty laid-back, but can also simultaneously be a total worrywart and control freak who hates conflict and is always working on practicing gratitude! [Kae, aside from the laid-back part, THIS IS ME. Are we secretly twins separated at birth? Where did you say you were born again?…]
Q. Savoury or sweet?
How about: Spicy.
Thanks for having me, Elisabeth!! This was so fun!
That was epic! Thanks, Kae. I’m sure there will be questions, but since I’m the interviewer I get to jump the line and ask mine first. I know I’ve already sprinkled in some above, but I have more!
- Do you only have the one sibling? I feel like I should know the answer to this (I believe it’s just you and your sister – who lives in Ireland), but maybe I’m missing someone? Also, who’s older – you or your sister?
- Favourite place you’ve ever visited in your life? Favourite travel destination you’ve visited with your kids along? You can have the same answer to both questions!
- Do you have any phobias? Is there anything that really scares you? Spiders? I’m assuming not heights with the mountaineering and rollercoasters…
- I know you have an incredibly close relationship with your parents. What are the top three things you think they did to help foster such a great connection with you into adulthood?
- If you could learn one other language, which language would you choose?
- Do your parents, husband or kids also really love soda?
Okay, okay. I’ll stop. I feel like we might need a Part 2 to this interview?…
It’s your turn. Any questions for Kae? Have you ever jumped off a cliff into a body of water? Have you ever received a new pet as a surprise birthday gift? Who else would choose spicy over savoury or sweet?
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Tobia | craftaliciousme
What a fun read. And the many amazing pictures illustrating all the stories. That was great. Thank you Kae.
That Costa Rica cave photo gives me the creeps. I think I’d rather jump of a plane… (not really it’s on my no-no list but I am tempted to prefer that).
I agree – crawling through that tiny space would be a definite no-go for me! I don’t know how I’d fare jumping out of a plane either! Yikes.
Grateful Kae
Ok, I feel like the cave pic is maybe a little deceiving… I mean, we DID crawl through that hole, but there were larger areas surrounding us, too. This was what they called an “optional extra” or something, where we could go into this little area. It was kind of a little “tunnel” in a larger cavern area. There were a few spots where I got a little claustrophobic, but overall, it was just really awesome! Way better to me vs jumping out of a plane!! omg!!! haha.
Your kids are cute and you’re too, did I get that right? Haha.
Great interview, beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!
Grateful Kae
Thanks! I am not sure about me, but I definitely think my kids are darn cute! LOL! (May I be biased? Yup!)
What a great read! Kae, you sound so cool and those adventures sound so amazing! I totally get wanting to go back and write out the trips you took pre-recaps. I’m about to get my first passport ever (yay midlife) and am really inspired by travel stories! Team savory over here – although mixed with a little sweet and spice sounds ideal, haha!
Congrats on your first passport, Lindsay. Travel is great, but it’s definitely not a necessity for a very satisfying life! I know many people who have never even left the MARITIMES here in Canada in their entire life. That said, I can’t wait to hear where you go!
Grateful Kae
Ahhhh your first passport?! That is SO exciting! Where are you going?! Thanks for the nice words and for reading my interview!
Nicole MacPherson
Kae and I have the same piano!
I loved learning more about her, this was so fun. I did know the little tidbit about not liking salad dressing!
I love these dives into other blogger’s lives – Kae is so fun and interesting. I love all her travel.
I remembered she hated mayo…because I LOVE mayo.
Grateful Kae
Haha, I know… I get heat from people often about me not loving mayo and sour cream… and ranch…. haha! I don’t think I knew Nicole and I have the same piano! I knew San said she has it in Germany, but how did I miss Nicole?! I love it so much.
I love it! I already know Kae from reading her blog, but I didn’t know a lot of this! I was always wondering how she met Ivan. And it’s true- Kae writes THE BEST travel recaps. So many things to comment on here, but I’ll just pick one more- I love the parenting advice. It’s so true- you somehow think your kids are going to be mini versions of you, and they ARE NOT. Which can be a littel frustrating sometimes, but once you accept that, it’s fascinating to see them grow into who they are.
I wonder if we tend to struggle with this more with same-gender kids? As in, mom’s have a harder time accepting daughter’s as-is? I wonder if that’s more common since we can maybe relate TOO well to what they’re going through and/or they tend to inherit more of our personalities? Maybe it’s the reverse? Or maybe it makes no overall difference for the majority of parents? But either way it can be frustrating! But also wonderful as they spread their wings and fly. It also reaches a point where what they decide to do can’t be controlled in any way by us, so better to loosen those strings a bit when they’re teens?! Or that’s what I’m hoping…*gulp*
Grateful Kae
Well, I only have the 2 boys, so I can’t really speak to the gender divide thing, but I still feel like I so often over the years have found myself saying, “Well, “I” used to …. ” or “When I was your age, I….”… Things specifically related to like, study skills, or extracurriculars, or even personality type things like how much effort (or lack of..) I’d put into certain things… as well as different interests that I might have that they don’t, etc. The list goes on. It’s an interesting, albeit frustrating sometimes, topic!
Yup, I do that too. A lot really HAS changed for this generation, I think. Some of it positive, but…lots of it not
Lisa's Yarns
This was very fun to read! I knew most of the answers since I’ve gotten to know Kae very well over the last several years. I feel like I am that rigid person that she describes, though! I am not the most flexible person and we do have a fairly regimented schedule – like Phil nearly always gets groceries on Saturday mornings while I do something with the boys. But we are out of food by that point and don’t have time/the desire on week nights to get groceries during the week since neither of us are “go to the grocery store at 8pm” type of people… But this weekend we mixed it up and Phil got groceries on Sunday. So we CAN adjust things!
But I generally like to be in bed at 9pm every night with lights out around 9:30-10. And I am very very punctual – typically early versus on time. But I would never text someone unless they were 10+ minutes late!
I am not great at jumping off cliffs! I have rarely done that but haven’t had a ton of opportunities to do that. I did bungy jump, though! I DO NOT LIKE SURPRISES so a surprise puppy would not be good for me (see comments about rigidity above) but I am also not a pet person besides cats. And I would pick savory over sweet. I like spicy foods but not to the extent Kae likes them, like I can’t eat a raw jalapeno.
Wow – look at you two, living life on the edge with SUNDAY groceries. Haha. I’m somewhere in between. I like structure, but I try to have some spontaneity in me.
I can’t believe you have gone bungee jumping. That sounds terrifying – but also highly exhilarating – to me.
Grateful Kae
Haha, I love Elisabeth’s comment re: your SUNDAY GROCERIES!! Woooo Lisa!! Lol!
I still cannot believe that you bungee jumped, Lisa. That seems like the most non-Lisa activity that I can imagine! Ha! So cool though! I think I need to see photo evidence of this to believe it though.
Ditto! Bungee jumping does not scream “Lisa” so I love that she did this. It sounds almost as terrifying as switching grocery day
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I knew a lot of this stuff already, but it was so fun to learn more and to see it all through such fun photos! I love the throwback photos of Kae and Ivan and the kids. I agree that the postpartum photo looks really good to me! You don’t look tired at all, Kae! Also I love all of the travel photos and your take on keeping a record of your travels. I have been recording voice notes while riding or hiking to keep some of the memories alive; otherwise I have to use photos or fitness data to try to recreate what I did, and that is definitely harder to remember!
I am with Lisa re ridgitidy; what can I say, I feel like my life is more efficient when certain things are done at a certain time. Personally, I don’t have dinner at the same time every day, but I do like to be in bed and hopefully asleep by 10, so I work around that. Yesterday I had dinner at like 8 pm; you would be so proud! Also I am early vs on time and almost never late. I just met up with my cousin yesterday and he was about 15 minutes late and I did not text him to see where he was until about 7 minutes after the planned meet up time. I think a five minute rule is fair enough, but I feel like the person who is late for meeting up should at least send a text to say that they are running late. Because sorry, one minute after IS late (but I won’t bug them until at least five minutes after).
Weren’t the throwback pictures SO. MUCH. FUN! I think because we’ve made these blogging friendships in adulthood, while we know A LOT about current lives, we don’t have as much context for earlier life since it wasn’t documented on a blog.
Like I said in response to Lisa, I think I’m somewhere in between. I am rarely early now. As a teen/early adult I was always early. ALWAYS. Now I feel like time is too precious to use it up being early. So I aim to get everywhere basically exactly on time (maybe 1 minute early, preferably never late, but I don’t stress if I’m a minute late). But I do like structure. I think with kids and a fluctuating schedule since my husband comes and goes and that really does impact how our days are structured, I have to let some things go in terms of having dinner at a certain time.
Grateful Kae
Okay, yes, there are definitely limits to appropriate lateness. I would say anything over 5 minutes and I would definitely call/text. Up to 5 minutes is fair game for me to come rushing in saying, “Hiiiii so sorry I’m a few minutes late!”
I agree with Elisabeth that being early just “feels” like a waste of time to me! Ha. I think maybe because so many things often end up starting a little later than the scheduled time, anyway, so then you end up waiting even longer…. It usually boils to me just wanting to continue doing something else and then leaving just a little too late. Oops. It depends, though. There are certain things that I do NOT run late for- namely things where I know they won’t wait for me, like an airplane! I try to be plenty early and I do not like cutting it close for anything where I feel like there are dire consequences. I guess meeting up with a friend, or being 2 minutes late for a hair appt, just are situations where I don’t feel like I’m going to get any negative repercussions for being a little late.
I think it depends on the context, too. If I’m going to a party where the start time is 10:00 am, but I know there are going to be a number of people, I wouldn’t let someone know I was going to be late until it was 15+ minutes (not that I’m often in this situation). If it’s an appointment or a 1-on-1 meeting, I call.
We definitely need a part 2 Kae guest post!
I did not know that you (Kae) played piano! I don’t play any more, but it was a great way to destress. I want to go back to WI just to have those nachos! And of course to meet you, which we just couldn’t make happen when I was there before.
I share your peeve with you/you’re. I never heard anyone say “I seen him” until my family moved to Ohio, and I’ve often wondered if it’s just a part of the regional dialect since there’s no way that so many people missed that class in grade school English. But then that begs the question if it’s also part of the WI dialect. I am also not super punctual – I mean I’m generally not *that* late.
I would die if I ever lost my Google photos. So many memories, and so many joys.
Birchie, I don’t think I knew you played piano?
My goal these days is to arrive on time. Not before, not after!
Grateful Kae
I am not sure on the dialect thing. I would say it’s NOT something that I hear all the time here in WI where it’s a regional thing. I feel like it generally seems to be more of an “under-educated” situation type thing, to be honest. But I’m not sure in other areas, as I’ve only lived here!
I also don’t think I realized you played the piano Birchie! There are a lot of piano playing bloggers out there!
Wow, what an amazing interview and lovely snapshot of your life, and family, Kae. Thank you to both you and Elisabeth for doing this and giving us a glimpse into your life. You certainly have had an amazing busy life to date, and all that travel? I’m envious. I have yet to get to Mexico and climes further south. And you certainly sound adventurous. Again, thank you both, that was a fun and enlightening read.
Oh, and yes, I’ve been lucky enough to jump off a waterfall into a big pool in Malaysia, and off a cliff in Norway for a kayaking course. And in my house it’s always spicy here, not sweet. There’s a post coming up on that subject later this week.
Wow!! You are very adventurous when it comes to jumping. Both sound scary to me!
Oh dear me, neither were as high as Kae jumped in her phones, believe me, I’m scared of heights.
Grateful Kae
Wow, Malaysia and Norway… you sound like the adventurous one! That’s so cool. You definitely need to get to Mexico! So many beautiful places there. I’m excited to hear you’re a fellow spicy food lover. I understand it’s not for everyone, but I secretly adore it when other people get equally excited over spicy food as I do! (Not saying people who can’t handle spicy foods are wimpy, but, you know, maybe they are, just a little. HAHA!
Malaysia was when I was a kid, I was lucky to live there. And Norway was when I was stationed in German in the WRAFs. I did some fun things in fun countries. Oh and you bet I would love to go to Mexico, one day I’ll get there. I just have to convince my partner who is most definitely not a spicy food person. I’ve tasted some of the best the world over, but Mexico is supposed to have some of the best. And if you can’t take the heat, get out of the restaurant! Ha! Ha!
Hello, Kae. So nice to meet you. I admit that I’ve seen your name in comment sections of various blogs, but I’ve not read your blog. I look forward to checking it out. I’m in a western ‘burb of Chicago, so not too far from you. I also don’t like coffee – and how is that possible? Everyone likes coffee, right? I would’ve been a nurse, but I pass out too easily (vaso-vagel thing). My dad really wanted me to be a nurse. If someone would’ve told me that I’d be able to overcome that, I’d have done it. I feared it would be an occupational hazard though. Is it true your sister lives in Ireland? What part? I studied abroad outside Dublin for my whole junior year, and my SIL is from Northern Ireland. She and my brother met through Irish music. They both play traditional Irish music. You have such a cute family. I love photos of your guys from when they were little through present day. Charlie is super cute. That’s quite a surprise gift.
Half of my family members DON’T like coffee and I didn’t start to like it until my early 30s. It’s definitely an acquired taste
Grateful Kae
Nice to meet you, too Ernie! Yes, my sister and family are in western Ireland, out towards Westport area. They lived in Dublin for a little bit before moving to a rural home in the beautiful western side of the country. That’s cool about the Irish music! My nieces I think are learning Irish dancing.
I’m also always relieved to meet others who don’t like coffee, because I always feel like such an odd duck. Ha! I do drink black tea, although that was an acquired taste for me. I’m glad to have it in my life though, because I enjoy having a hot drink that I can have when others are drinking coffee!
Nice to meet you Kae! I am with you on not liking coffee and it’s wild to me how shocking this is to many people. I am a heavy tea drinker though.
Grateful Kae
Yay for tea! What kind? I really mostly like plain black tea ( English breakfast type). I also will sometimes enjoy a flavored black tea, like vanilla caramel, and occasional herbal teas like peppermint, just to mix it up. The one I don’t care for is Elisabeth’s fav- Earl Grey! I don’t like the bergamot!
Hmmm. Earl Grey. So good. I haven’t been drinking tea at home much at all, but Earl Grey is still my go-to order at my favourite coffee shop.
Michelle G.
It’s nice to meet you, Kae! I haven’t come across your blog yet, so it’ll be fun to check it out. Your job sounds amazing and so important, and thank goodness there are people like you who can do that kind of work. I love the bunny brothers story! Too funny! All of your photos are great, and I totally could NOT jump off a cliff or squeeze through a cave like that.
Elizabeth – Ha! Ha! Again on the 3AM comment from Engie! That cracks me up!
I’m sure you’ll love Kae’s blog, Michelle!
Grateful Kae
Haha, yeah, my parents LOVED having to deal with a bunch of baby bunnies! Not quite sure how we didn’t realize she was pregnant… lol! It makes for a fun story nowadays at least. (We named them Eenie, Meenie, Miny and Moe- there were 4. Before we sold them to a pet store!)
And thanks- yes, my job is interesting for sure! I never really imagined I’d end up doing exactly what I’m doing now when I first became a nurse. It’s one of those jobs that you don’t set out to be, exactly, but kind of fall into! It is perfect since it’s directly related to all my years of transplant nursing experience, but in a unique way.
OH MY GOODNESS. Love the names.
This was so fun to read. I learned a few more things about you, Kae! I had no idea how you met Ivan so that was a nice peek into your relationship history. I also loved how “cleverly” you answered the three things for the desert island question
I remember when I came across your blog and saw a picture of your piano! I have the exact same one (sitting at my parents’ house) and I miss it so much. I am so happy you get to play when you need to de-stress!
I think my 20-year old self would have also be surprised to know that I would speak another language to my husband! Isn’t it so cool though to be able to communicate in two languages and combine two cultures?
She was sneaky with her desert island answers, but I secretly loved it. Shows she’s spunky and willing to walk the line on rule following
That’s so cool that multiple readers have the same piano.
And RIGHT! You don’t speak your native language to your husband either. I wonder how much German Jon has picked up over the years?
Grateful Kae
Yes, we’re in the same boat with our husbands having different native languages from us! I have never had the opportunity to live long term in a Spanish speaking country, though, so despite being fluent in Spanish, I still am not probably ever going to be EXACTLY on native speaker level, you know? I still definitely find English easier (obviously), and there are times when there are still words I may not know in Spanish, especially in very technical things (like, say, talking about car repair parts or something!) You, after soooo many years living here, definitely seem to be on native English speaker level!
And haha about my desert island question… gotta push the boundaries a bit sometimes, especially if it comes to surviving on a desert island!
Really enjoyed reading this Kae! Love the story of how you came to love Spanish and met Ivan. Those Nachos sound delicious! Also how can you be too nervous to scuba dive but you’re happy to go CAVING??? I guess all our anxieties are different, but squeezing through a deep, narrow cave is something you I would not do for any money! The ziplining looks fun though. I love reading your travel recaps
Grateful Kae
I don’t know, but being in the cave at least I can BREATHE! Something about being wayyyy underwater just scares me!!
And nachos are just so good. It’s like the perfect combo of ingredients for me! I am not big on eating plain tortilla chips, at all, but give me a super spicy salsa and/or nachos and mmmmmm.
Hi Kae, I think I’ll need to go and check out your blog. We have a bit of overlap. We both have an Ethan. Mavi jeans are the best jeans I’ve ever had, but I’m struggling to find a stockist in Melbourne. The shops that used to have them don’t have them anymore. You can imagine my excitement when I found a pair in my size in an Op Shop but they recently got a hole in them. I had to buy a different brand, and they have plenty of stretch but they’re not as comfortable. And yes, also to the not too regimented lifestyle. My husband is a bit more regimented than me but I think now that he is working from home my eat anytime ways are rubbing off.
Your job sounds really interesting, I always forget that there is a lot of variety in the types of work nurses do.
Grateful Kae
I’m glad to hear you also love Mavi jeans! My husband actually introduced me to them- he found a pair (for himself) once at a nice department store, and they are basically the only jeans he ever wears. Eventually it dawned on me- wait, they make women’s jeans, too! Duh! I’m assuming that they won’t ship to where you are? I’ve only ever ordered them online so far. I’d LOVE if there were an in person store though where I could go try on different styles/sizes.
I will be popping over to check out your blog, too! Yay for Ethans!
Yay for thrift store finds!!
I love these and learned new things about you Kae, how you met Ivan, your love for animals, your favorite food (i knew it would be mexican but not nachos specifically). We can do machu pichu together!!! And I should show your line about regretting to quit piano, and that you like to play music when stressed.
She has the best questions.
I agree with you that Elizabeth should have a podcast for real life bloggers
Ha! My questions mostly stay the same, it’s the people I’m “interviewing” that make it interesting