Happy Monday! Happy June! And happy reading!
Today’s guest is Julie. If you haven’t been introduced before, she lives with her husband (Ted) and their daughter (Maya) in Northern California. She’s been blogging since 2005, but our digital paths only crossed when I participated in my first NaBloPoMo.

Julie is a connoisseur of good food and good travel (with a special affinity for Paris; she even honeymooned there!); all the better when the Venn diagram of those interests generously overlap. She enjoys reading and yoga and walking outside; she occasionally posts pictures of citrus trees which boggles my mind when I’m still wearing a winter coat and mittens. Oh, and she loves dogs!
I alternated between smiling ear-to-ear, nodding along in agreement, or wiping a tear from my eye while reading her answers to these “interview” questions.
Without further ado, join me in welcoming Julie!

Q. What aspect of your current life would most surprise 20-year-old Julie?
My relationship with my Dad’s side of the family. I grew up not knowing my father, I met him when I was 21. We have never lived in the same state, so I didn’t have the same kind of relationship with him as my (half) sisters did. But we were close and I am so very glad that I had him in my life from 1987 until he died in 2017. He was a truly decent man, and I love my step-mom, and having my sisters in my life, and their kids, is a gift.

Q. Best decision you’ve made in your life (or, what decision are you most proud of)?
Is it trite to say having my daughter? Does everyone say that? Well, whether they do or not, that is mine. I have accomplishments that I am proud of (my college, my work ethic, etc.) but my daughter is a big one.

Q. What seemingly “little” moment have you observed or been a part of lately that brought a disproportionate amount of joy?
Spending time with Ted’s cousin’s daughter, Sloan, who is 2. She is a bright, cheerful, funny kid, and we get a kick out of time with her. I also get a disproportionate amount of joy when I see a Keeshond. They are an uncommon breed of dog, and they make me think of my dearly departed Mulder and what a sweet, funny boy he was.
Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
I like to go for a walk when I’m overwhelmed or frustrated. If I have some thinking to do and don’t have time for a walk, a shower can help. I do good thinking in the shower.
Q. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?
I’d like to not be such a worrier. I’d like to be able to enjoy the present without worrying so much about the future. [I think a lot of readers will relate to this; worry – and guilt – follow me like stubborn shadows.]
Q. What’s one piece of advice you wish you had heard or understood at an earlier age?
Enjoy your youth, you are enough.
Q. What has been your favourite purchase so far in 2024?
I don’t think I’ve bought anything interesting so far this year. I’ll say the banner that I got for my Great Aunt’s 100th birthday celebration, because you can’t really beat a 100th birthday celebration, right? Oh, I thought of something! I bought some toothbrushes that you suggested, and I love them! Thank you! [I’m so glad – and relieved – you like the Curaprox toothbrushes! It’s always a coin toss when recommending something to others…]
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
Hmmm. I like pasta a lot, but every day seems like a lot. I like scrambled eggs a lot, but again, every day? I had an amazing saffron risotto in Paris in 2018 that I still think about, so I’ll say that.
Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
I’d like to go to Scotland and Ireland. There’s nothing specific that I want to see, but I have heard how green and beautiful they are, and I think it would be amazing. I would also like to see Athens and Rome, there is so much history of Western civilization there. [Yes! Scotland, Ireland, Athens…and Iceland…are high on my list. I’ve been to Rome and I think, based on the fact we both love Paris, you would ADORE the city.]
Q. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, you’d magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?
Either a horse trainer or a dog trainer, I think. Before I broke up with American horse racing, I think I would have said a horse race trainer. Maybe a French horse race trainer? They are kinder to their horses. Bonus, part of that job would entail knowing French, which has always eluded me.
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
I would sleep in until at least 8:00. I would do a long yoga class, and take a long walk with my dog (I don’t currently have a dog, but I would on this day.) I would then go to a spa and have a massage and a facial. Then I’d get cleaned up, and go out for a late lunch with my BFF, and we’d share a lot of small plates and drink too much wine and laugh our heads off. Then we’d go to a museum or two, because we’d be in Paris.
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
I lived in a homestead outside of Fairbanks, Alaska when I was a little girl, when I was 4 and 5. I don’t remember a lot of that time because I was so young, but we moved into town when I was 5, and we lived there for a few years. Interior Alaska is beautiful and so different from California, where I have lived most of my life.
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
My wedding ring. I’m a sentimental person and I have a lot of treasured possessions, books and photos and knick knacks, but my ring is the best.
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
Probably black, though I love forest green. I just can’t see myself wearing forest green pants or jeans. But if I could wear jeans and a forest green top, I’d be up for that. I have several sweaters and shirts in that color right now.
Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
Are we being practical (like, a lighter, a net or spear to catch fish, a hatchet to make shelter) or no? If yes, then those three things. If no, then a book, a solar powered generator, and my iPad. I’m hoping I could get wifi from a satellite! [As a mom to two youngish kids, a deserted island WITH Wifi sounds pretty dreamy.]

Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
We had cats, and I loved them, and fish, and hamsters. But my main pet was Samantha, my dog that I had from the age of 6 until I was 22. She was the best dog ever, so patient and sweet and just a baby girl in all of the best ways.
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
If I were not a horse trainer in France, then let’s say travel photographer. It would be great to get paid to travel the world. And as this is a fantasy, I want it to be perfect and not a drag, and they only send me places I want to go, and I get to stay for as long as I want and have plenty of money to spend on museums and meals and nice hotels. [I’ll carry your camera for you if I get to tag along…]
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
I can’t think of any…maybe a croque monsieur? Though I’ve had the option and haven’t ever ordered it, so maybe not. I used to want to try skydiving, but that has lost all of its luster as I’ve gotten older.

Q. If you got to relive one memorable day from the past, which day would you choose and why?
My wedding day, because it was so much fun, and I had so many loved ones there with me. And I would change a few things, a few small regrets of being annoyed or neglectful of others’ feelings. I’ve been forgiven since then, but if I were to relive it I would fix it.

Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
My Smokey Bear, I got him when I was 9. I almost counted him as my favorite possession, but decided to put him here instead. I got my first Smokey when I was 2 or 3, and got more over the years (as replacements because I would lose one or whatever). The last one was a gift for my 9th birthday, after my puppy Samantha chewed up my prior one. I still have the prior one, in a bag in the closet. I can’t get rid of him. I told you, I’m sentimental.
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
I like early mornings. That quiet time of day when it’s just me and my cup of tea is delicious to me. Bonus if I can open the back door and listen to the rain.
Q. Tell us something about your personality you think might surprise readers!
I’m such an open book, I don’t know if I can come up with anything that would surprise those that know me.
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
When I get up, I go downstairs, brew a cup of tea, and play my word games. Wordle, Octordle, etc. Last thing at night is that I read a couple of pages of whatever physical book I’m reading in bed.
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
I hope they would say that I’m kind and funny.
Q. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Be nice to me, I cry easily.
Q. Favourite book/song/movie of all time?
That’s like asking me which is my favorite child (which is easy, because I only have one). I wrote a fan letter to Barbara Kingsover for The Bean Trees, but I don’t reread it. I reread Gone with the Wind, which I hate in so many ways but love in so many others. Movie – Babette’s Feast is pretty perfect, as is Before Sunset. But I don’t watch them as often as I watch Flashdance. I love David Bowie’s Space Oddity, and Life On Mars. Also Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet.
Q. Introvert or extrovert?
Extroverted introvert, I would say. I enjoy being with family and friends, and don’t mind being around a lot of people, I do fine meeting folks. But I recharge with down time alone. My husband is an extrovert, and it’s amazing to see him sometimes.
Q. Savoury or sweet?
Team savory most of the time. I mean, I won’t say no to a delicious bowl of ice cream, but I’m more tempted by potato chips or french fries.
Q. If you could trade places with someone for a week, who would you want to switch with and why?
I would trade places with my mom. She died in 2008, so think what a feat that would be! But I know she would be so happy to see Maya, and see how she has grown up into such a wonderful woman. Bonus, I would get to see if there’s an afterlife, and what it’s like.
Q. How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
I started blogging in 2005, mostly because a group of my friends all had blogs, and it was a really fun way to keep in touch on a daily basis with them. They have all stopped now and some of them have moved away and it’s more effort to stay in touch. I sometimes miss those early days of blogging. Also, my mom had a blog from 2006 until she died in 2008, and I LOVED having that contact with her. It was so different from anything else we did. Different than talking on the phone, different than writing letters. I wish my dad had had a blog as well.

Thanks for joining us here today, Julie!
Your turn. Any questions for Julie? How does your personality type – introvert/extrovert – line up with family in your immediate circle (kids, parents, spouse)? Do you have a most memorable meal of all time? Do you still have any special tokens from your childhood – a blankie, a stuffed animal, or something else that brought you comfort then and now?
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Thank you for hosting, this was fun!
Miscellaneous Monday | Thinking About...
[…] has guest posts, and when she asked me if I would be interested, of course I said, Yes! So pop on over. Speaking of Elisabeth, she recently wrote about ice cream, and mentioned how much she loved the […]
Oh, hi Julie!!! I love these guest posts because I learn new things about my blogging friends. It was interesting reading about the “good old days” of blogging. All Julie’s friends had blogs (and her mom!!!). I usually don’t tell my IRL friends that I have a blog, and if I do, they look at me blankly. Well, I’m glad you kept yours going, Julie!
The answer to the question about trading places with someone… my mom died when my son was 7 and my daughter was a toddler (I know- SO sad.) The thought of her coming back for a week to see how the kids grew up is so sweet… I love it.
Like you, very few people I know “IRL” know I have a blog. I like it that way, to be honest.
That is so sad about the passing of your mother, Jenny. I’m sure she would have loved celebrating all your personal and parenting milestones. We live vicariously through the ones we love and you and your family have accomplished and experienced so much <3
Lisa's Yarns
Aww this was so fun to read! I love that wedding picture – Julie is looking at Ted with so much love and admiration!!
A few years ago, we gave my mom a storygraph subscription. The company sends them one question/week via email and they respond and can add pictures, too. Then at the end of the year, they will print a book of their responses. I bought an extra copy of the book so we’d have one but I haven’t read it yet. I feel I want to hold off on having the experience of my “first read” of that book. But I know it’s something we’ll treasure having. I’d like to have my dad do one but he’s not great at typing but he could dictate the answers to my mom.
I am like Julie and consider myself an extroverted introvert but it doesn’t always come naturally. My husband is a very quiet extrovert so people think he’s the introvert and I’m the extrovert because of how we present to others. But I don’t recharge by being around others and need a healthy amount of alone time. And I will only be extovert around others if it’s worthwhile. Like I am not going to exchange life stories with a seatmate on the plane or talk to someone in the grocery aisle. No thank you.
I think the most memorable meals I’ve had are the multi-course “Julia Child Night” meals my family used to make each fall. My aunt is an amazing cook and I asked her to teach me how to cook and the tradition of “Julie Child Night” was born. We’d make a bunch of fairly involved dishes and several people on my mom’s side of the family would attend. But then the guest count grew and we had some REALLY LOUD gatherings so our last JCN was when I was pregnant with Paul in the fall of 2017. I miss those gathering but I’m just not in the stage of life to help plan/host an elaborate meal like that. But maybe some day we’ll bring back a scaled down version of that gathering. We made some truly amazing meals!
I keep thinking about doing Storygraph for my mom – she loves to write and tell stories. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but what am I waiting for? I should do that this year…
I think I “present” as an extrovert, but it takes a lot of energy from me to do so!
I’ve never heard you talk about those Julia Child Night meals. They sound amazing!
Wow! My mom doesn’t even know what a blog is and when I talk about mine, she rolls her eyes. LOL. I think she thinks it’s a version of old skool chat rooms.
As for childhood tokens, I have Ducky. My parents were in the military when we were young and we had a lot of scratch wool Army blankets. My mom bought yards of a white fabric with blue x’s and yellow ducks (some wearing hats, some not wearing hats) and put the fabric over an Army blanket. This blanket is WARM and cozy and you have to ignore some of the grosser stains on it. I still have this blanket and refuse to get rid of it!
I don’t talk to my parents about my blog at all. I like having this space online that is just…”mine.”
I’m sure I speak for all Cool Bloggers when I say we’d love to see Ducky!
Nicole MacPherson
Horses and dogs, yay!
I love this! Pretty much everyone I know IRL knows about my blog and reads my blog, including my mom. So it makes when I talk about sex or anything a little awkward…but still, it’s probably good to know THERE ARE EYES EVERYWHERE! I think it helps me write, because I know anyone could read it!
It’s so interesting – very few people who know me IRL know I have a blog. Or, some people do but I haven’t shared my URL. I feel like I can be more authentic in when and how I share (for example, I think if all my family read it, I’d feel like I needed to give more updates on the kids and less reflective posting). So I like feeling ZERO pressure from outside sources.
But sometimes I feel this niggling thought that it would be nice to have people who know me locally read my (sometimes incoherent) musings.
That said my best friend and my husband DO read my posts, so I feel like that keeps me in line 🙂 Anything I wouldn’t want them to see, I wouldn’t want anyone to see so it’s a good safety net for oversharing.
Nice to meet you Julie! Thanks for the dog pictures – keeshonds are so fluffy and adorable. They also always make me think about the dental hygienist I has as a child who LOVED her Keeshond and would often tell me about him.
Isn’t it interesting the details we store in our memories from childhood. I have all sorts of little connections to my past like that. Thanks for sharing, Maria. It sounds like your hygienist would get along well with Julie!
Ally Bean
Hi Julie! Fun to see you here. I knew you’d lived in AL which to me seems so unique. I remember your mother’s blog, she’d be so happy to see how far Maya has come.
I’m one of those people who has never been shy about telling people in real life about my blog. It’s an interesting litmus test to see who follows along… and who doesn’t.
I am the opposite! And I like it that way; though I think I tend toward writing deeply personal things that are best kept between my closest inner circle (who do read my blog) and strangers!
Ally Bean
It’s supposed to be AK not AL. Mea culpa… or maybe spellcheck…
How great to read about Julie! Julie sent me her scarves when I lamented on my blog that I am too cheap/inert to buy a scarf. So she sent me hers that she wasn’t using! Thank you 🙂 Loved reading about puppies, and horses, and everything.
Childhood toy… I had a very ugly monkey and a very pretty gypsy doll and I loved both!
How sweet of Julie. I remember you mentioning the scarf sharing and it’s simply delightful.
I’m trying to reply to Maria, who knew a keeshond lover! AMAZING! I’m not sure how this will post, I’ve never replied to a comment on your blog before. 🙂
I’m not sure how to reply to comments on your blog Elisabeth, so I will just reply to everyone here. 🙂
Jenny, I love these posts too. Especially since I’ve only ‘known’ most of our crowd for about a year and a half, so of course there is a lot we don’t know yet. I’m so sorry that your mom has missed out on your kids. And that they have missed out on her! Maya was 12 when my mom died, so she has memories of visits and so on. I’m glad for that.
Lisa, I love the storygraph idea. I feel like I had that from my mom’s blog. She actually did a bunch of posts that asked specific questions, and I learned so much about her through them. Truly, her blog was a gift, and we both felt it.
Engie, my mom was reading blogs before I got mine, I think. Then she started reading mine, and commenting on it, and finally asked me if I would help her set one up. I’m so glad it did, it was wonderful to have that in common. And yes, I think we need to see Ducky!
Nicole, when I started my blog it was IRL friends, plus Ted, and then it was my mom and occasionally my dad. My brother probably read once or twice, maybe my sisters once or twice, maybe some cousins once or twice….but my IRL friends have all given up blogging and the only person IRL that reads is Ted. He reads on his email, so doesn’t see comments or anything. But it keeps me honest, knowing he will read. (Not that I would lie, but you know, I don’t write about how he can’t load the dishwasher correctly or things like that…only positive things.)
Maria, I think I commented already, but again, I love that your dental hygienist had a Keeshond. They are wonderful companion dogs. Mulder was a darling boy, but for those that don’t want a dog to (occasionally) jump on them, or bark his head off, he would not be a good pick. Those were not things we were looking for in a dog, and we tried to teach him not to, but we were unsuccessful.
Ally, I love that you and Nance knew my mom’s blog!
Daria, I was so happy to rehome those scarfs! I hope that you get good use from them in the winter.
These guest posts are so fun and I loved reading more about Julie. I am so glad all our paths crossed thanks to NaBloPoMo 🙂 We’re such a diverse and interesting community of people… who all blog.
Isn’t it wild that so many people around us IRL don’t blog (and I like it that way, too, Elisabeth ;)), yet here we all are sharing our lives through blogs on a daily basis.
I love Julie’s wedding photo – such an intimate moment. And I still can’t believe she lived in Alaska!
Yup – aside from my bestie and my husband, basically no one IRL reads my blog. I think it makes me feel more flexible in what I post; though, as Julie said, knowing my husband reads each post does help me filter things in a good way!
Great post, Julie always has such great posts, and responds so thoughtfully and kindly in the comments.
San, I love the group you have gathered together in blogging. I do wish that my IRL friends who used to blog were still doing it. It was a lot of fun. Kind of like having my mom blog, the things that they would post about were not always the same things that we would talk about when we saw each other, it was a fun way to get to know each other on a deeper level.
Thanks Melissa! I love your blog, too, and your thoughtful posts.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I love these posts. Thank you Elisabeth for hosting. Julie I loved reading all your answers. It is always so fun to learn more about my online friends.
Marcia (OrganisingQueen)
I’m an extrovert and so is my son (although Covid did a number on the kids and as we were emerging, they got phones and now they talk on the phones instead of in person – very weird).
My husband and daughter are introverts.
I loved learning more about you, Julie. I still have my first and most loved baby doll. She is a little worn out, so she remains resting in my closet. I don’t have a favorite meal. I remember eating something in Greensville, SC (I think) when Coach was teaching a class there and we went to dinner. I cannot even remember what it was, but it was amazing. My most favorite thing to eat at a restaurant though is filet mignon and mashed potatoes and grilled veggies. I’m an extrovert. Coach does better in small groups, and talking to patients all day drains him. When he gets home, he wants to stay in – when I’m done dealing with babies and toddlers all day – I want to get out and socialize. Most of our kids are extroverts.