I don’t remember exactly when Lisa and I crossed internet paths, but it has been lovely to get to know her online through her blog – and offline via text and e-mail – these last few years. Though we’ve never met, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re kindred spirits; something about our personalities “clicked” from the start and I have come to treasure our friendship very much!
I know many of you reading here today know and love Lisa as much as I do, but if this happens to be your first introduction…
Say hi to Lisa!!!

Lisa is a busy working professional in the finance industry; she and her husband Phil live in Minneapolis where they’re raising two adorable boys (Paul and Will). I was thrilled to have Lisa answer my random assortment of questions and I hope you enjoy this “interview” as much as I did…
Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
My Kindle (that magically never loses its charge and has WiFi, too – very realistic, I know), a hammock, and a flint to make fires (I only know about this tool from watching Alive).
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
I would work in an independent bookstore! [Ohhhhh! *Squeals* This would be perfect for you! I can 100% see you at Parnassus Books someday.]

Q. If you got to relive one memorable day from the past, which day would you choose?
I would relive our wedding day. It was such a fun day and there is nothing like being surrounded by people you love! [Awww. Wonderful answer.]
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
I’d love to do the 4-day trek to Machu Picchu. [Okay, I didn’t see that one coming!]
Q. What’s your favourite article of clothing in your wardrobe?
I love my Hoka running shoes! I had to wear orthotics in my running shoes prior to switching over to Hokas but I don’t need them in my Hokas as they seem to work well for people with high arches.
Q. If you could give new parents one piece of advice, what would you say?
Gosh, this is hard. I have typed and retyped an answer to this so many times. I think the biggest piece of advice I would give is that there is no one way to do anything but people will tell you there is. So find your ‘board of directors’ early on, i.e. the resources and people you will turn to when you need help/advice/a sounding board. For me, it’s Emily Oster, my parents, and my mom group.
Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
My mom kept a journal of my senior year of high school. She kept track of what I was doing and shared all the advice I was too stubborn to listen to. [What a treasure! This is such a sweet gesture and wonderful idea for me to ponder ahead of our entry into the teen years.]

Q. Of all the places – near and far – that you’ve been able to visit, what is your favourite spot on earth?
It’s definitely Paris. I’ve been there 3 times and can’t wait to take my husband someday, and eventually my children. It is the most beautiful, atmospheric city that I have visited. I can be entertained by walking down any given block. It’s truly a feast for the senses. [It really is a magical city! Maybe we can rendezvous in Paris someday?!]
Q. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) in 2023?
Some new long-sleeved dresses from Bodem that have pockets!! [Every single article of bottoms – skirts, dresses, pants, leggings – should have pockets. Without pockets, what’s the point?!]
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
Definitely tacos! [Suzanne said the same thing!! You’re twinning. Tacos are delicious.]

Q. What is your favourite time of day?
I like mornings best but not super early mornings – more like 7am! It’s the time of day that I feel most energetic and productive.
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
The first thing I do is put on my glasses – I’m basically blind without them. The last thing I do is read on my Kindle in my bed (and then take off my glasses).
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
I think they would say that: 1) I’m someone who is good at making friends, staying connected and I’m the planner/organizer of getting together, 2) I’m very practical/pragmatic, and 3) I’m reliable and trustworthy. [Check, check, check <3]

Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
Definitely black because it is such a classic color/look!
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
I was the 4th child in my family and the first that my dad got to name completely on his own. He named me after a character on a soap opera! My dad is the manliest man – like he wore wrangler jeans and worked in the trades – but he loved soap operas. I was named after a woman in ‘As the World Turns’. He said she was a strong confident woman and that’s why he named me after her. My middle name was going to be Suzanne but then my parents realized my initials would have been LSD and they were NOT on board with that (my maiden name started with D). So they went with Lisa Anne.
When I was young, I was vocal about not liking my name. In fact I tried to change it to Stephanie in the 3rd grade a la Stephanie from Full House. I would only answer to Stephanie and I wrote Stephanie on all of my papers at school. Eventually, I accepted that I could not change my name and have embraced it. Now that I am a parent I feel a bit bad about how outspoken I was about not liking my name. I think I would be sad if my kids didn’t like the names we chose! [My mind is blown by this story. LSD – that is too much. And YOU WOULD ONLY ANSWER TO STEPHANIE?! You seem too rule-abiding to write the wrong name atop your school papers. I love this. Also, you’re named after a soap opera character…as chosen by your dad? This story has so many intriguing layers and I am so glad that you shared this.]
Q. Favourite book (movie or song) of 2023?
My favorite book in 2023 was Hello Beautiful. I know a lot of people who didn’t love it, but as someone from a large family, it felt so true to life. [I also loved it; one of the few fiction books I gave 5/5 stars!]
Thanks for coming back, Lisa; this was so much fun!
Your turn. Any questions for Lisa? Do you have an interesting name-origin story? Do you like your name (I had a family member growing up who hated their name, but I’ve always liked Elisabeth and I especially love that it has an “s” despite the frequent misspellings)? Do you wear glasses or contacts? Define “early” and “late” in your world (for me, it’s anything before 8 am and after 10:00 pm).
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I really like Lisa’s personality, thoughtful, caring, and kind. Through these answers, I know I could be her real friend in life hahahah… I will so do the machu pichu trip with you Lisa!!! I will definitely include Kindle in my top 3 items for the island too.
I can see you doing Machu Pichu, Coco!!!
Nicole MacPherson
YAY IT’S LISA! Some of these things I knew (Paris!) and some I didn’t! I love the name origin story, and I just thought of Will answering mostly to Taco! Taco is to Will what Stephanie is to Lisa! I love that she was named from a soap opera. Originally my name was going to be Anastasia because my mom was obsessed with the book Nicholas and Alexandra when she was pregnant with me. She’s always loved Russian history. But everyone around her sounded alarm bells about Anastasia, how it was too “weird” a name (in SK prairies in the 70s it was), and I ended up Nicole. So many Nicoles born in the 70s! It’s just as well, I like my name and apparently, to be less “weird,” I would have been called Stacy, which just seems not me. So here we are!
I love the dress and the Kindle details! Your series of interviews is so fun, Elisabeth!
Nicole really suits you! I know a few people where I do NOT feel like their name matches their personality or mannerisms. But you really do feel like a Nicole to me. It’s a happy name <3 You do NOT seem like a Stacy.
Lisa’s Yarns
Thank you for hosting me again! We are so similar and are cut from the same cloth! I know we will meet in person. It’s just a question of when!!
Aww. Holding you to that, my friend <3
Lisa’s Yarns
@ Coco – I love how blogging can bring together so many like-minded people across the world! I have dreamed of doing the MP hike for years but didn’t make it happen before kids. I really want to do it before they close the trail down to hikers (I have read they might do that).
@ Nicole – I can’t imagine you as a Stacy! Good call to your parents to not name you Anastasia if that was going to be how it was shortened! You are right about not really using our names in our family. Paul picked out Taco’s nickname but it has stuck and it’s hard to imagine him going by Will. I do feel insecure when we are in public and I’m yelling ‘Taco!!’ I think people must think I am a monster for naming my child Taco. So I will usually say ‘Taco! Will!’ so it’s clear his legal name isn’t Taco… Paul went by Pablo and Pablito for the first 5 years of his life when he went to Spanish Immersion daycare. But when he started kindergarten he decided he wanted to go by Paul.
We have all sorts of nicknames in our household – one of which is Hector (from Hector Camacho) for our son. One time we were at a park and I was like: Okay, Hector. Time to go. And this little girl looked at me like I had 3 heads. You named your child HECTOR? I felt like I should explain, but I didn’t. I’m not sure if her look was funnier or if I found it hilarious that my son responded immediately even though his name is NOT Hector.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
How fun to hear more from Lisa! I am like you Lisa, and the first thing I do is to brush my teeth and put in my contacts in the morning. I don’t think I am as blind as you, but long ago, I once forgot to put my contacts in because I had a friend staying over and he distracted me from my routine and it was not a fun day.
Early and late for me are before 5 am (I get up around 3:45 on weekdays and around 5 on weekends) and after 9 pm. However, pretty much after 7 pm, I am not very good company!
I generally don’t brush my teeth until I eat. But my father brushes his teeth immediately.
And you get up at 3:45. WHY?????? That is not even a human time of day or night. Gah. I can’t imagine. And 5 is sleeping in on weekends??!!!
Oh, hi Lisa!!! I’m laughing a little at the story about her name. My daughter also HATED her name for years and vowed she would change it when she grew up. She’s grown out of that (phew) but the funny thing is (I never told her this) I actually wanted to name her LISA! My husband vetoed that for some reason, and we settled on Angela, but everyone calls her Angie. Every once in a while I think about how if I had had my way, she would be “Lisa.”
I LOVE the story of the journal her mom kept for her- I’m going to do that for my daughter’s senior year. I should probably start now but I’m afraid I’ll fizzle out before senior year- so I’ll wait.
I had no idea your go-to choice for your daughter was Lisa!
Ally Bean
Hello Lisa, she who was named for a soap opera character, a fact that made me smile. I’m with you about 7:00 a.m. being the best time of day. I know Hoka running shoes are popular, I read about them everywhere, but have yet to try some. Thanks for the reminder I should look into them.
I also feel like I have heard so much great stuff about Hokas! Report back if you try them, Ally.
Ha, I loved the story of your name! My dad (also a very manly man, blue collar type) was OBSESSED with All My Children – he would come home for lunch every day and watch it 🙂
My name came from the show The Waltons (which I have never seen) and I was almost Kelly! (which seems unfathomable)
I did not see all the “soap opera dad” moments that have come out of this guest post 🙂
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Lisa!!! How nice to see you here!!!
So much to say…my desert island list would include my Kindle and hammock as well. I think we should do a Cool Bloggers meetup in Paris – who’s in? All clothing should have pockets by law. Tacos 4 Life! You already know how I feel about Hello Beautiful – I have never loved a book so much that made me cry so hard.
Furthermore, if I were in charge of the world Elisabeth would only be spelled with an S. It just feels like the “right” way to spell it now.
CB Paris sounds EPIC.
I agree on the pockets. I have a few pairs of pants (they’re VERY comfortable) without pockets and it drives me crazy.
And just…aww…about Elisabeth with an “s.” Of course I’m partial to it, but I really do prefer the look over “z” 🙂
Tobia | craftaliciousme
It’s always fun to read about your guest. Thank you for introducing Lisa. I’ve seen Lisa’s comments but I fear I’ve never visited her blog. Need to change that.
Lisa is fabulous 🙂 I hope you both get to check out each others blogs!
My mom’s father got to name her, too! And he picked the name of a soap opera star and his favorite waitress! So funny! Lots of dads out there watching soaps!
Wow – what is with all the soap viewing?!
Lisa’s Yarns
@ Kyria – your schedule would be so hard for me. I know it’s necessary since your work day starts so early due to living in CA/the market opening. But I would be on the struggle bus. But I suppose your body adjusts and 3:45 becomes your 6. But then you cannot stay up late ever (or I couldn’t… I would need to stick to that schedule!).
@ Jenny – that is too funny that you considered Lisa. We would have had some major name overlap in our family since we both have sons named Paul! I bet your daughter will be very touched by the journal if you keep one. I am not a sentimental person generally but I will keep that journal until the day I die. I was very hard on my mom as a teen which I think is pretty typical. I had a kind of tumultuous junior/senior due to a relationship ending. I know my mom wanted to help me more through that process but I totally pushed her away. So the journal was the perfect way to gently share what she wanted to say if I hadn’t been a bull headed stubborn teen!!
Ally Bean – I hope you like Hokas if you try them! I think they are especially good for those with narrow feet and/or high arches.
@ Erin – my dad also watched his soaps during his lunch break at home! Who knew all these dads watched soaps! To this day, he loves melodramatic things, like he is more likely to watch a Hallmark movie than my mom!
@ Birchie – a blogger meet up in Paris would be EPIC! And I think you and I have total book twin experiences with Hello Beautiful!
Ha, I responded to Birchie and said a meetup sounded EPIC (all in caps) before I read your reply. We really are twinning, Lisa <3
If I was Kyria, I'd move East. 3:45 sounds like literal torture for my body and soul!
Lisa’s Yarns
@ Tobia – I need to check out your blog, too! It looks like you are an avid reader, too, so we already have something in common!
@NGS that is too funny that your mom was also named after a soap opera character. What is going on with the dads!! Soaps were such A THING in the 80s (and earlier clearly since one inspired your mom’s name) Now I don’t know who watches them.
I love this and love that I found Lisa through your blog 🙂
Really? I don’t think I knew this! Yay.
Lisa’s Yarns
@ Sarah – I love that a blogger from NS brought together 2 Midwest book-loving moms!
I’m here late, but I’m glad I didn’t miss this interview. I love these posts, Elisabeth. Hi, Lisa. Nice to meet you. How old are your boys now?
I so realte to your Stephanie story. I also hated my name growing up, largely because my name was so uncommon (my name isn’t really Ernie). The woman, who hosted a TV show where she talked to kids in her make believe mirror, greeted her viewers daily and she never once said my name. When I was in kindergarten, I told everyone to call me Julie or Mary – I couldn’t decide. That lead to a lot of confusion, so the name change did not stick. I like my name now, it’s very Irish. Hint hint – I have the same name as the reader who was named for a character on the Waltons. 😉
Oh, also . . . I’m glad my dad wasn’t allowed to name me. He wanted to name me Bernadette. My mom refused to sign the papers until he agreed with her name choice. If I’d been named Bernadette, my nickname might have been Bernie vs Ernie (which is a childhood nickname that came to be because of my dad’s very bad hand writing).
I wear contact lenses and would love to have surgery to be done with contacts or glasses. Such a pain.
I love to sleep late, but that’s so rare. When I’m not sleeping late (99% of the time), I do like mornings. I like to get a few things done before the rest of the house is awake. Usually I just do my workout, but still – check it off the list and then the rest of the day is wide open.
I look forward to visiting your blog, Lisa.
Julie or Mary…that’s too funny. I love the name Julie, actually. It’s so pretty. But I really like your real name, too!
Bernie. Oh dear. It’s kinda cute…but also…I think I’d not love it as a nickname if I had been named that. The only Bernadette I think I’ve ever heard of has been from Big Bang Theory?!
Lisa's Yarns
@Ernie – my boys are 3 and almost 6! I love that I’m not the only person that tried to change her name. My younger sister also tried to change her name from Abby to Jasmine in her early elementary years since she was obsessed with the movie Aladdin! I’d love to be done with contacts, too, but I am pretty sure I would need the PRK process that Elisabeth went through and I don’t think I could tolerate what she went through!! I have daily contacts and they aren’t terrible. But they are expensive. If lasik was an option, I’d sign up in a heart beat. I had a consult 15+ years ago and they told me my corneas were too thin and I think that is basically what Elisabeth was told.
Yup – thin corneas. SIGH. I wish I could have had Lasik but it was not in the cards for me. At least in my experience, the PRK recovery was long (still going on, but much better than before).
I won’t tell my A about Jasmine. She seems to love her name (and it’s EVERYWHERE. Like every movie/book seems to have an Abby?!)
Yay for a Lisa guest post! Taco twins!!!
I am cracking up at the Stephanie anecdote. That is one of the best things I’ve ever heard.
The journal your mom kept for you sounds so beautiful — what a precious keepsake! And that advice is so apt. I wish I didn’t find it so hard to follow!
So fun to read from Lisa today. I’ve been blog friends with Lisa for years and knew a lot of the answers but not all. There is always more to learn 🙂 I didn’t know you were named after a soap opera character.. haha… but I like the name Lisa. Stephanie probably appealed to you at the time because it was a popular name, maybe?
Sandra was so popular that I would have loved to be anything but a ‘Sandra’. Haha. Now I am ok with my name.
I don’t know ANY young Sandra’s and only a handful of older ones. Is it a popular name in Germany or where you live now in California, I wonder?
I’m surprised with how few young John’s there are; I know tons of John’s my husband’s age, but not a SINGLE child named John in any of our social circles. I actually know quite a few young Elizabeth’s – it seems to be coming back into vogue? And Audrey and Evelyn – my grandmother’s names. I don’t know anyone my age with those names, but all sorts of little kiddos with them now.
Sandra was VERY popular in Germany when I was born – I knew/know SO MANY Sandras in Germany, not many at all in the US (most are older – or Hispanic, interestingly – and it’s also not popular with younger people).
You’re right about Jo(h)ns… not too many younger Jo(h)ns these days.
I find names FASCINATING. A’s name is so popular, but neither John or I knew that when we decided on it (he had loved her name for years, so there was never any doubt if we had a girl it would be A’s name). And her middle name is Isabella, which is another VERY popular name. Then when L came along there were like no kids his name (he was the first in my doctor’s 2,000+ patient practice), but now there are all sorts of kids with his name.
Guest Post: Welcome Kyria!! - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] No contest. [You’ve met Lisa before, right? […]
Loved learning more about Lisa (wow, that was alliterative), as I only recently started *reading* her blog, despite seeing her comments on all the blogs I already read. Whoops. Sigh.
I desperately wanted to be a Katherine. With a K, for goodness sakes, not a C. 🙂
And, I am totally down for a cool blogger meet up in Paris. Let’s do it!