Inevitably, unwanted guests show up at every picnic. They buzz annoyingly in our ears. They land on our delicious food. Sometimes they even brazenly attack us.
We could barricade ourselves inside to avoid the nuisance altogether, but life isn’t meant to be lived in isolation. And let’s be honest, flies always find a way inside anyway.
So, we step outside, picnic basket in hand. We spread a checkered tablecloth, ready to enjoy our deliciously sweet fig jam…and then the buzzing starts.
This is all to say, regardless of how many FIGs we’re finding in February, there are always flies. And if we’re practicing gratitude together this month, it’s only fair to acknowledge both sides of the experience.
Let’s talk about it. Here are some flies in my FIG jam:
- The geopolitical and environmental crises plaguing the world. While a certain administration – and it’s shocking fallout – is getting the majority of the world’s attention, upheaval is circling the globe. Sudan, Gaza/Israel, DRC/Rwanda, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen. There are famines and earthquakes and hurricanes and fires and floods. It’s impossible to not feel a tangible weight from living in a world that is buckling under the stress of human greed, desire for power and control, and the very real and catastrophic results of not caring for our environment. While these global issues weigh heavily, personal challenges – big and small – still find their way into everyday life.
- Dormant challenges. The last few years have brought two fairly significant situations into my life. I was speaking with a friend yesterday and described both as being in “dormancy”. They’re not resolved; in fact, next steps are ambiguous and wholly uncertain at this point. I remain on alert knowing that one or both of these situations could escalate again. At the same time, these issues are no longer front-of-mind.
- The suffering of people I care about. It feels like an increasing number of people I care about are either directly or tangentially being impacted by health challenges, the majority related to cancer. I feel both sad and helpless.
- My left elbow. If the first few were wasps, this one is more of a housefly – pesky but not a crisis. In the course of my strength training, I have managed to tweak something in my left elbow. Certain exercises are now extremely uncomfortable and that is frustrating.
- The weather. It feels like it has been cold forever. I am tired of trying to cajole kids into dressing appropriately for the weather, getting into a cold vehicle, and all the other things that are loathsome about winter.
- Allergies. My allergies have been dreadful lately – as usual, this predominantly manifests as itchy eyes and throat. Is it dust/dust mites (I don’t dust very often)? Is it mold I don’t know about? Is it the tremendously dry air? (When I take half of a non-drowsy antihistamine, it solves the issue, but I don’t want to have to take one every day!)
- Dry air. I swear everyone in our family can get an electric shock just by looking at a light switch. The air is so dry – inside and out – even with action taken to increase humidity.
- Sick kids. It has been over a solid week of sickness (thankfully they are on the mend). I am ready to no longer have giant piles of dirty tissues and cough drop wrappers festively adorning every surface of our house.
- Sleep. Between the sicknesses (which included two nights of extremely disturbed sleep) and then another night when some consistent, light tapping woke me up (best I can figure it was something hitting the side of the house in the wind, but I was CONVINCED it was a child knocking at our bedroom door and then of course couldn’t get back to sleep). All told, my total sleep hours seem to level out across the weeks for a consistent average, but daily consistency isn’t great.
- Kid emotions. Their sibling squabbles and emotions have been next-level this week – more with regard to intensity, not frequency. I know they’re tired and cranky from being sick for a week, but they seem to be taking it out on each other. Sigh.
Yes, we’re practicing gratitude this month. No, that doesn’t mean life is easy. Yes, we’re identifying FIGs each day – but we’re also fighting flies. Even when we find joy, there are coexisting stings.
I know many of you reading today are facing difficult circumstances and I’m so sorry. Sometimes gratitude and grief/sadness/anger/fear have to coexist. Sending hugs <3
Now, let‘s commiserate – what’s been pestering you lately?
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There is always something, isn’t there?
The term “dormancy” strikes me as very appropriate- I have 2 long-term issues that stay quiet right now- again, not resolved, but because I can’t do anything about them- they sit quiescent.
A few issues spike and struggle though!
* Snow days. They are ruining my efforts to maintain a schedule. And the snow day we had yesterday was wasted- the storm veered north so we had a few powdery inches. The school had canceled the night before in anticipation of the worst.
*The big copier at work. Who keeps throwing away the waste toner cartridges it needs to run ? I can use other machines to print, but the big one handles the large print jobs easily. It’s so annoying to hassle with other printers.
* Certain people in my house come home and say things that are thoughtless and not helpful. I’m sure it’s from being hungry and tired, but really, take a minute to think about what you say.
*Child left backpack at school. Hopefully it’s there when he goes back today, but how hard is it to remember the thing you take back and forth every day?
Grump and humph.
It seems counting minor grievances generates more. Back to looking for the joys instead!
The term dormancy hit me a few days ago and I can’t think of a better descriptor for my current situation. It’s a weird limbo of having two big issues settle down (until they’re virtually imperceptible), but the ripple impacts + knowing either could become more pressing again does sometimes stilt ability to relax. But looking for FIGs helps and I also feel like I have learned SO much in therapy the last few years and will be better prepared to deal with related situations in the future. Here’s hoping…
My kids have been off school SO MUCH LATELY. I have zero routine and it is slowly driving me crazy.
That printer situation sounds extremely frustrating, I cannot tell you how many times in the last week there have been sibling tears because of some unhelpful word that has been spoken (why must they purposefully push each other’s buttons?), and Indy loses something at least once a week. ARGH.
I agree with you. I’m finding more and more flies the longer I dwell on it. Back to FIGs.
Central Calif. artist Jana
@Mbmom11, if I were you, I’d tape a sign to the big copy machine that says, “Copier requires waste toner cartridges to run”. If someone removes the sign, do it again on a Post-it note. Do it over and over and over. Make ‘em learn!!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Sorry that you’ve got some flies! Your story about the tapping makes me think of my similar situation, where the night before last I woke up around 11 to… hammering? And it kept going for over an hour and I could not get back to sleep. Who hammers at midnight? Was I imagining it? Was it a dance club or something downstairs? I don’t know. But last night I woke up unexpectedly around 11 and could not get back to sleep for about an hour or so, but there was no tapping. So, maybe in just restless?
Right? When something like that happens you start wondering if it’s all in your head. I looked like a maniac putting my ear to the door, to the heater, to the wall trying to figure out where that infernal tapping was coming from.
And it hasn’t happened since, so if it was something banging against the house why isn’t it still doing that.
I suspect it will remain a mystery forever.
Here’s hoping you get a much better sleep tonight!!!
sorry about the allergy, I thought it’s something that gets bad in spring/fall, in winter too? are you taking something for it? I can’t handle constant sneezing and watery eyes.
sleep… well, for 10 days since I came back to Jakarta, I was sleeping very very poorly and not feeling normal during waking hours. Finally, I have started to sleep through the night and I feel 100% better.
You’re right – it SHOULD flare up in the spring and fall, but it’s been bothersome all winter. I am taking 1/2 of a non-drowsy antihistamine each morning, but I’ve never needed to take it so routinely. I suppose it’s fairly common to take an antihistamine daily? But it’s new for me.
I’m so glad your sleep is getting back on track after such severe jet lag!!! You have such good sleep habits, Coco.
Michelle G.
It’s true, there are always flies in the figs. (Great analogy!) The world news is a swarm of them, constantly buzzing in the background. I hear you on the dry weather and the risk of electric shocks! I have a touch lamp that gave me a big shock – and now it no longer works! I also understand about dormant challenges. (great word!) Focusing on figs is a great way to improve my attitude, but you’re right, the flies are a part of life.
When I was a teen, every single day during the winter in high school I would get shocks off my locker. I still have flashbacks about how horrible that was!!!
I can relate! There is a balance between taking the time to notice the good things in life and saying “hey there’s some stuff going on that’s not right”. I have a situation and that I’ve been struggling with for a long time, and it’s very hard to suss out whether it is a problem that I need to deal with, something that’s fine, or something that’s dormant.
And the weather tho. I got out of a week of ice and cold by going to FL, but now I’m home and it’s clear that winter is not done with us yet. January’s snow is now February’s perma layer of ice on the ground, so hiking is probably off the table for now. Well, this too shall pass.
Sometimes the only way through is through – my current Canadian winter mantra.
“It’s very hard to suss out whether it is a problem that I need to deal with, something that’s fine, or something that’s dormant.” YOU ARE READING MY MIND, Birchie. Ditto.
Nicole MacPherson
Well, yes *waves hands* it feels like the whole world is just…well, things are bleak. I am not going to hijack your comment section about things everyone already knows about. But yesterday I heard that the US is bringing back plastic straws. It was literally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I mean, what.
Anyway. Plastic straws are small compared to everything else, it’s just a symbol of everything else, I guess.
On the topic of the plastic straws, I just texted you something that will likely make you chuckle on that score.
Bleak is a good description.
Yep- I almost wrote a post called “The Anti-Figs of February” (and maybe I still will!) There are always challenges. I think this time of year is especially hard up north- I know by this point i always felt like I had been miserably cold for SO LONG, with no hope in sight. Plus, sick kids… and it sounds like you have some loved ones going through tough times. But this is why you formed the FIG Collective! It’s so easy to notice all the negative things- we have to look harder for the positive. It doesn’t mean the negatives aren’t still there though. Hugs <3
It has felt cold FOREVER, Jenny. I know I complain every winter, but it does feel like this winter is colder than usual? Or maybe I’m just getting more sensitive in my old age 😉
I heard the term ‘toxic positivity’ recently. I’m sure it has been out there for a while, but it’s relatively new to me. Ignoring everything bad in the world and insisting it is good would be an example. That is NOT what the FIG collective is about, the FIG collective is finding the joys in every day life.
The flies in my figs? Well, the political shitstorm is really getting to me. I fear that Musk is making such huge changes, that Congress will not rein them in, that the Supreme Court has been overrun by lapdogs and sycophants. I fear what this trend toward authoritarianism in the world means. When the big things are SO BIG, sometimes getting pissed off about the smaller things (plastic straws, Gulf of America) feels more manageable.
Then, as you said, there are wars and famine and so much of it is entirely avoidable (I mean, wars don’t HAVE to happen, there is enough food for everyone, etc!) The world in general feels so dark, it is hard to think of small good things that don’t seem meaningless in comparison or small bad things that don’t seem petty in comparison. That’s not a good place to be I don’t think, but it’s where I am.
I was struggling to think of FIGs yesterday, and now today I’m struggling to think of personal flies. I mean, small flies. My brain always goes dark and says things like, “Well, your parents are dead, Mulder died from cancer, I don’t know if we’ll ever have enough money to retire, your friends and family have all moved away and you never get to see them.” Thanks brain, that’s not very helpful. But life right now feels daily to me. Nothing standing out as great or crummy really. My knee kind of hurts.
Oh, I have allergies today too.
Central Calif. artist Jana
@J, take a tiny bit of comfort in that Musk isn’t the one making changes. He is finding waste and making recommendations to the one who is making (or rejecting) his findings. Often if we dig a little deeper, we can find things aren’t as awful as all media (both sides) wants us to think, because it is anger and fear that keep us tuned into them.
I don’t trust Musk to have any idea of what waste is, he is just cutting to the bone, and Trump owes him too much money, so is fine with it. Was there waste? Surely. But changes need to be thoughtfully made, and this is not happening. This is ridiculous and no one elected Musk. I am really scared for what the changes he is making will do for our ‘country and our world. He has purchased Trump, who was a bad actor to begin with.
Thanks for reaffirming what the FIG Collective is all about (and what it very much is NOT about).
And I’m sorry things are so dark on the big (and small) scale. And I really hope your knee starts feeling better!
Solidarity about the allergies. I took a 1/2 non-drowsy antihistamine first thing this morning and it definitely helps!
My heart is with you on the bigger flies (oof, bad image there) and the smaller ones <3 We are in the midst of tween feels being all over the place and not always approaching our girl in how she wants to be approached… Some days, we ask a question and it causes big emotions. Others, we give her space and it causes big emotions. Honestly, I am hoping it's the full moon and will chill out, haha sigh. With school vacation next week, I'm hoping some together time and fun activities might turn the tide a bit? I'm also 100% over slush. All slushed out. It's just so messy and wet and unavoidable!
You are so right that the feels are ALL over the place and something that is nothing one day could be a VERY BIG DEAL the next day. There are so many hormones and changes in that tween stage. Hang in there and I hope the school vacation is a great one for everyone.
Ugh. Agreed. Slush is just the absolute worst weather winter could send our way.
Ally Bean
WordPress is bugging me lately, but I guess you know that already. I’m also not happy about our old bed with the lumpy mattress. I want a new mattress but that means we have to go shopping which I hate. So I’m stuck between a saggy place and a hard shop. 😁
You win the internet today with that pun! Glorious!
Ohhhh. That’s the best joke I’ve heard all day.
My husband texted me this yesterday and I did have a chuckle.
Can you tie a knot?
I cannot.
So can you tie a knot?
No, I cannot knot.
Central Calif. artist Jana
1. Great photo
2. Love the idea of dormant troubles
3. My list of pesterments is too long to bother with—hands over ears, eyes squinched shut, mentally shouting LALALALALA
4. Glad you will make a post on things that you can only enjoy in winter (or something similar)
5. September and October around here can be decent if not too hot and if no fires.
Stay tuned! I prepped the post about the joys of winter and it’s ready to go live next week. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
There’s a lot right now (#1 and #3 on your list are particularly resonating), but I think for me it’s the lowest time of year. I struggle in February and March because it’s still winter and cold and there’s no end in sight. Spring is MONTHS AWAY. It is getting lighter each day and I celebrate that, but it’s still dark when I get home from walking the dog after work and it feels like the I should just go to bed at 5:30. This is the time of year when I am at my lowest and I know that everything seems worse right now than it actually is. Or maybe it is that bad? I don’t even know anymore.
I know you have a lot on your plate, friend. Big, heavy things and most of them are completely outside your control. Plus it’s winter.
Ugh. Hang in there, and thanks for bringing joy into our lives with such great blogging content and for hosting the CBBC!!!
This is all feeling hard because it is hard, but I’m so glad you are managing to find FIGs.
Political climate
My kids’ behavior at times
No margin in my days lately, especially this past week…
Cold weather
Anxious thoughts about … everything.
The cold weather is exacerbating everything for me. I’m just so tired of winter and it being so draining just to walk outside the door and go anywhere. Spring can’t come fast enough for me!
I hope the show was amazing with T and that you get some downtime this weekend to recharge your batteries a bit <3
Lisa’s Yarns
Ugh this has not been my week. I am not on my a game prob from the sinus infection which gives me major brain fog. I have had peak absent minded professor energy. And just an unreal level of fatigue. Then there is the major stuff happening. Gah. It’s so much to handle.
Sometimes it doesn’t rain, it pours. And it’s just…miserable. I appreciate you still making the effort to find some FIGs, but some days, weeks, months, years, flies come to dominate <3
I do have dust mite allergies (confirmed by skin prick tests) and I have found I need to take an antihistamine more often as I’ve got older. I don’t take it daily, but probably about 4-5 times a week, which is not great, but I don’t feel like being driven nuts by itchy skin and waking up with a sore, scratchy throat and stuffed sinuses every morning.
I have found the last two weeks very demotivating for some reason. I thought it was mainly hormones, but that should have righted itself this week; I’m still feeling blah and tired. I’ve been writing a little list of things to talk to the doctor about when I next go, but I probably need to go sooner rather than later. My plan was to wait until the flu shots came out and then do everything at once, but I think I might need to go earlier.
Yes! Ditto with me. I have confirmed allergies and have had the prick test. Like you, I don’t take them daily (and I take a low dose and halve that pill), and it does make a difference so I guess for now it’s what I need to do.
Melissa, I am so, so unmotivated. I am tired of the weather, I am tired of the bad news, I am tired of having sick kids home. I’m also just…tired. Sleep hasn’t been great. I think it’s a giant mixed bag of weather, news, kids, life, hormones etc.
I hope you get answers from the doctor and are feeling better soon <3
I’m sorry everyone has been sick. That is so taxing. I’ve had a few days last week and this week when I felt off, not my usual motivated self. I can’t explain it. I think the word that best sums it up is glum. I suddenly felt like the things I do everyday without much of a bother were annoying and tiresome and WHY did I have to do them all again. I’m looking at you laundry, groceries, food prep, more laundry. And – I was tired of babysitting. I think it’s normal to be worn out by one’s job, and I’m honestly usually a go with the flow type, and I always have things to look forward to – even it that means just looking forward to finishing the things on my to do list. But lately, BLAHHHHH! I don’t wanna do much. Of anything. It comes in spurts. I want to call my mom to talk to her for a pick me up, but the Alzheimer’s has taken that conversational part of her away already. She’ll listen, but she won’t have comforting words like she once did. *sigh* My bestie said it’s because it’s February and she thinks I need to go to a tanning bed. I’m thinking I need a weekend in Florida. I have my old former neighbor I’d like to visit. I had a couple of bad dreams last night. I work up to pee and almost laughed, because one dream was clear stress from the adoption and the other was clear stress from WHERE WILL REG GO TO COLLEGE (and soon after Curly?). I’m sleeping, so I can’t complain there. I don’t babysit tomorrow and I have plans. Ah, ups and downs. I’m mostly fine right now. (I also have a dormant situation going on, and I have moments where I can shrug it off and other moments that I take it so personally and I can’t understand why people behave the way they do).
Okay, is there something in the water/air?? A group of highly motivated women are all feeling unmotivated and blah at the same time.
GLUM. Yes, that is how I feel right now 100%.
Life is just…a lot. And in addition to various crises, the monotony but pressure of having to take care of the same things over and over (food, laundry, logistics, parenting) can start to feel weighty and exhausting. A weekend in Florida sounds AMAZING! Any chance you could make that work?
Sorry the sickness lasted so long and interrupted sleep too!
Flies for me are:
The house was such a mess after I was away at the conference last week, and stayed that way until Thursday when I finally did a big tidy. Ditto the laundry. Al had been working and parenting and couldn’t keep up the house, and it was mildly stressful all week.
I have a rash show up under my eye for no reason this week.
Our ride on mower is broken and in the heat and rain of summer the grass grows so fast it always looks mildly overgrown outside.
Of course, world affairs are depressing as you say, and I also have some dormant tensions.
Getting behind on house stuff can be so stressful and it’s always depressing to me how quickly everything can fall to pieces! It really does take near constant work to stay on top of clutter, cleaning, and laundry.
I hope the rash goes away ASAP!
Oh are there MANY flies in my FIG jam. I think that’s what makes this gratitude practice so necessary right now. We need to remember that there is joy and happiness in the midst of the terribleness that is happening.
I remain very scared of the future of the U.S. My SIL’s sister was approached by someone in public when she was talking on the phone in Spanish (my SIL’s family is Puerto Rican) and they threatened to call ICE on her. She was there with her 6-year-old daughter, which makes this whole situation even more terrifying. Another person I talked to of Mexican descent told me she carries her passport with her everywhere she goes now. How is this ok?! Ugh.
My nerve pain continues to be a major annoyance and I think I need to message my doctor to see what else can be done. I am so over all of my ailments!
My mental health is on the struggle bus right now with everything happening politically and in the world at large, and just feeling very bored at my job so I feel like I don’t have purpose right now.
This was a helpful exercise, though. Sometimes we just need to VENT.
The insecurity that so many people are experiencing right now (and they’re worried for good reason; what’s happening is terrifying) is truly horrific.
I think it’s easy for discouragement to set in when the news (and even our own bodily experience – that nerve pain sounds awful) is overwhelmingly apocalyptic 🙁
The flies! Always with the flies in our fig. (I tend to only see the bees as good, and not annoying. HA)
Sickness can bring out the worst in all of us, can’t it. Hopefully everyone is feeling better, getting enough sleep and happy campers once again.
Your elbow. Could it be tennis elbow? I’ve had that (and I’ve never played tennis before!) and it is so painful and challenging. They do make a little brace that really helps alleviate the pain….but also, a shot of cortisone ended up curing mine after suffering for months.
I’m experiencing the Dormancy thing right now; knowing that something big is coming down the line that will be a huge annoyance. *sigh*
I do wonder if it’s tennis elbow. I think it injured it with one of the weights exercises I was doing. I’m being gentle and avoiding exercises that exacerbate the issue.
Dread is no fun; hope whatever is dormant now doesn’t rear it’s ugly head and become a big issue!
I think there is definitely a place for recognizing the flies. Thank you for acknowledging that – as much as we try to focus on the positive – there are always, always going to be frustrating, annoying, and downright maddening things in our lives. Sunshine, rainbows, and bunnies are great. But rain clouds come, too. Sharing the burden makes it less of one. <3
(I am not FIG-ing, sigh, but so appreciate reading everyone else's….thank you, my friend….you are a true light bearer in this world.)