I’m back! It’s a rare two-post day on the blog. For reasons that will soon be revealed, this space will be (mostly) silent on Monday and Tuesday next week. Also, we’re well into 2025 and my “chapter series” feels somewhat time sensitive.
In January I suggested we “write a book together” in 2024 and pitched the idea of assigning each month a chapter title.
So far, I’ve had:
- January – Steady: Finding Solid Ground After a Year of Drowning
- February – Busy (with Intention): Making Time for Things that Provide Joy, Energy, and Thrill
- March – Up and Down: Trying to Enjoy the View from Life’s Rollercoaster
- April – Spring Cleaning: Unpacking My Bags and Tidying Up (Oh, and Look At Those Pretty Flowers!)
- May – Reflection: Another Trip Around the Sun – Let’s Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
- June – The Murky Middle: Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead
- July – Unexpected: When Plans Go Awry, Life Still Provides Happy Moments
- August – Summer Adventures: Seeing the World and Coming Back Home
- September – Underwhelming: Fiascos with Enough Fun To Stay *Mostly* Positive
- October – Whirlwind: My Beautiful (Busy) Month of Visiting and Visitors
- November – (Not) Forgettable: Even When I’m Forgetful, Memorable Things Happen
I’ve already written a lot about our December, so I won’t rehash all that here today.
To summarize?
December – Celebrating and Savouring: The People! The Food! The Lights! The Gifts! Life...
And for the year?
2024: Despite New Battle Scars, I’m Older, Wiser, and More Optimistic
Some really hard things happened – mostly offline – in my life this year. But when I take the time to reflect, it’s not those experiences that stand out. It’s good things that come to mind. Two near-perfect weeks at the lake this summer. Exploring Barcelona and Portugal as a family. Walks to school. Meeting Kyria. Weekly at-home date nights with John. Watching the kids become more independent and confident. Welcoming my parents for another winter. A special Christmas complete with family and a magical blanket of snow.
If I sit and think about 2025 for too long, I can feel old anxieties surface. Some challenges may be unsolvable – as much as I hate to accept that truth. I suppose that’s life. And while I know I’ll have even more “battle scars” this time next year, I optimistically predict I will also be a whole lot wiser.
Your turn:
- First, thanks to everyone to participated in this series during 2024. (And a huge gold star to Stephany for using her chapter titles as prompts to summarize her year!)
- How would you label Chapter Twelve (December 2024)?
- What your “book” title say?
Header photo by Walls.io on Unsplash
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ccr in MA
I’m not at all sure how to sum up my year, but my chapter for December would be: Wait, What Happened to December? It’s Over?
December did seem to just zoom by. To be honest, 2024 in general felt the same way…
Michelle G.
Your chapters have turned into a beautiful book, Elisabeth! I’m so glad that December finished off the year in such a beautiful way! You definitely had some hard times, but you always shine bright and put so much joy into the world. My December chapter is also a nice one. I’d call it “Grateful”.
Aww. Michelle, you always find new ways to make me feel so loved <3
2024 was a good year, and I really do feel like I learned a lot.
Katy @ Practical Walk
Hmm, I’d probably title December as “The In-Between: Practicing Patience and Trust While in Limbo”
Limbo is such a frustrating (and sometimes scary) place to be. The silver lining is we do get to practice patience and build our faith. But still…it can be a tough spot. Hoping things resolve and you emerge from said limbo.
Lisa's Yarns
I am glad that December was the cherry on top of your sundae! Having a great Christmas can really leave a positive mark on your sentiments about the month.
My title would be: December: A time for reflection
I had a break from travel and had some time to sit with my feelings a bit more. So I ended the year on a sadder note because the year really challenged me. There was a lot of good, of course, but the challenges sort of offset the good because they pushed me to my limits. I’m hopeful for 2025 since my surgery is around the corner and I have faith that it’s going to make a huge difference in my physical health. But also, I have 18 trips scheduled for the year already (not actually booked, but I’ve committed to 18 trips). So yah… But I am getting into a rhythm with work travel and Phil is focusing on the fact that the kids will be a little bit older and more manageable.
2024 has been a really hard year for you. A long slog, quite frankly. I really hope that 2025 brings light. That the surgery goes smoothly, recovery is swift, and you notice real and lasting improvements. That work travel feels a bit less daunting and exhausting, and that motherhood feels a bit less exhausting. It’s amazing how quickly certain phases of parenting can pass!
December: the road less taken and a long and winding road.
Lots of stress and choice finally made about on big thing – that’s the road less taken. Waiting and waiting for important dr appointment for my daughter which isn’t until Feb, and dealing with her issues- that’s the winding road.
Soundtrack – Iris by the Googoo dolls.
Having a child who needs ongoing care and advocacy is a huge responsibility, with so many ups and downs. I’m glad that you had clarity on one issue, and hope the appointment goes well in February. Sometimes not knowing the way forward is the biggest energy drain. Having an action plan can really help even challenging situations feel a bit less onerous. Sending hugs <3
It sounds like December really filled your cup. Yay!
January: It Happened
February: CBBC, Tornadoes, and Snail Mailpalooza
March: SAD Lamp Needed
April: Denial…It Ain’t Just a River in Egypt
May: On the Road Again
June: Rainy Days and Rainy Nights
July: The Hospital and The Olympics
August: The End of Summer Suck
September: Routinely Fine
October: Terrible, Thanks for Asking – COVID, A Radioactive Cat, and No Halloween
November: Highs and Lows – Terrible Election Results and a Mouse in the House, but Great Books and Thanksgiving
December: A Tale of Two Energies
I am going to have to have to think about what the book title would be called, but I might write my own blog post about that, so I’ll leave you in suspense.
I know there were some great moments, but…ooof. 2024 was tough, Engie. I am hoping 2025 is a year of brightness and hope and vibrancy for you and yours <3
Perfect timing! I just finished my “steal” of Stephany’s post. I thought the 2024 “book” was a lovely series, even though it had some rough chapters. 2025 is going to be a big transition year for me as I leave work and start living the early retiree life.
January: New Year, New Puppy
February: 25 Days of Puppy Snuggles, 4 Days on the Beach
March: Hikeapalooza
April: The Escape Hatch
May: Wisconsin Dreaming
June: On The Road
July: Same Old Same Old
August: Same Old Same Old, Continued
September: New York Roaming
October: Hikeapalooza II
November: We Chased Waterfalls
December: That’s a Wrap!
I can’t wait to see what’s to come in 2025. Big changes in your house/life/work routine. And I will be following along for the whole journey…which will hopefully lead you east to Nova Scotia
Love the idea of chapters of a book to summarize how the year went for you.
Reflecting back 2024, it was “turbulent” in a good way as I had many stressful months and a lot of hyped.
Looking forward to another exciting year ahead.
Happy new year Elizabeth!
You have big changes ahead in 2025, and you travelled and did so many unique things in 2024. You definitely live a life of big adventure, Coco <3
I’ve enjoyed your monthly chapter headings! Looking back at the year as a whole are there any chapters headings that you are surprised by now that the whole year has gone by, or think would actually be better summed up with a different title? I’m curious because often it’s not until a couple months or more go by that I can look back at a month and go “ahhh, that’s what that month was.”
What a great question. There were some very unexpected things that happened in 2024, but I think that the chapter titles have held very well. I can’t think of…anything I’d change in terms of the selections I made and think my list is very representative of the year that was…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Funny, Birchie’s Dec was kind of what I was going to say, something along the lines of It’s a Wrap, or Wrapping it Up. However, I decided to be more descriptive and so chose West Coast Whirlwind. I was in Washington for 11 days, then took the train and visited a ton of people in California, then went to Germany, so it was a bit of a fast but fun month! My book title would be…
2024 – Getting Out There: A Tale of Change and Exploration
Chapter One – January: Everything Must Go!
Chapter Two – February: The Life Changing Event
Chapter Three – March: A New Beginning
Chapter Four – April: An Unquenched Hunger
Chapter Five – May: The Next Province
Chapter Six – June: From Freezing Snow to Burning Sunshine in Three Days
Chapter Seven – July: The Path Less Taken
Chapter Eight – August: The Great Expanse
Chapter Nine – September: Taking A Step Back
Chapter Ten – October: Unwinding
Chapter Eleven – November: Tides, Tasks and Trails in the Emerald City
Chapter Twelve – December: West Coast Whirlwind
You need to write this book, Kyria!!! (And I’m not just saying that because my beloved Nova Scotia would make a small appearance in October…)
Thanks for the shout-out! It was really fun to reflect on each month with these chapter titles, Elisabeth. December for me was “Savoring the Season.” I really enjoyed the holiday season to the fullest!
Hmm, my book title? Maybe something like “A Little Worse for Wear But Still Standing.” 2024 wasn’t my favorite year but I hope that means 2025 will be a GREAT one!
I feel like a lot of bloggers had tough-ish years. Health issues, family issues, etc. Onward and upward and I’m feeling optimistic about 2025, albeit already a bit tired.
Hi friend!
Sorry, been MIA from blogosphere commenting
2024 book, is ready! Thank you for this little challenge and a monthly reminder to look back on each month.
January: Chapter One: Rest and Relaxation.
February, chapter 2: spring awakening+more energy
March, chapter 3: anticipation and je t”aime Paris
April, chapter 4: garden and community
May: overwhelmed + busy
June: convalescing and camping
July: rest for me, camp for kids
August: Bella Italia + Back to School
September: Over My Head
October: Still Over My Head but At Least There’s Halloween
November: road trip, writing, and celebrating (Dutch County+L’s birthday+Thanksgiving+NaBloPoMO2024)
December: Counting Down to Winter Break+12 days together at the house!
Title… I don’t now… 2024: Thank you for the Lessons and the Beauty