We celebrated Belle’s first Christmas with dear friends. And that was the year they introduced us to one of their beloved family traditions. A few years later we had adopted it as our own!
On most main gifts under the tree (for both kids and adults) we write a Bible reference (chapter and verse) that serves as a clue. Sometimes the hint is obvious, sometimes obscure. It extends the fun of gift-opening, and generally leaves us in fits of laughter at various points.
The example we’ve always used when people ask about how it works came from our friends. They once labelled a gift with Isaiah 40:4. That verse reads: Rough places will be made smooth. The gift? A set of razors.
So before people open a gift, they check to see if it has a Bible reference. If so, they find the passage of Scripture and read the verse out loud to everyone in the room. (Some adults use digital devices; I’m old school and prefer to flip paper pages.)
We don’t sit and ponder the clue for long – usually just a few seconds – but it adds to the fun of the morning. Here are some of the verses I used this year. (Belle labelled most of her gifts with verses and John did too – so there were LOTS more verses than the ones I’m listing below.)

- Indy’s mug. Matthew 20:23a – Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from my cup.” [Fairly obvious it’s going to be a drinking vessel of some kind.]
- Indy’s Guinness Book of World Records book. 1 Samuel 17:4 – Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall!” and Genesis 5:27 – Altogether, Methuselah lived a total of 969 years, and then he died. [A cryptic way of highlighting Biblical characters with impressive records.]
- Indy’s harmonica. Psalm 100:1 – Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth. [Music is an obvious thought; because of the size of the box, Belle suspected it was a harmonica.]
- Indy’s Levi’s sweater. Genesis 29:34 – “Now this time my husband will be attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” Therefore his name was called Levi.

- Belle’s Air Jordan sneakers: Luke 6:23a – Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy. and Exodus 24:10 – Under his feet was something like a pavement made out of sapphire as clear and blue as the sky itself. [She guessed not only that it was sneakers, but that it was Air Jordan’s in University Blue. The logo features someone jumping, and then the second verse talks about feet – which fit into sneakers – and the colour blue!]
- Belle’s dishwasher dirty/clean sign: Matt 23: 26 – First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. [Zero chance she was going to figure this out, but it fit the gift perfectly!]
- Belle’s cactus candles: Ezekiel 28:24a – The house of Israel shall no longer find a pricking brier or a piercing thorn among all their neighbors. [Again, there was no chance she was going to figure this out, but she when she opened the present she was very excited to get a replacement for the broken candle.]
- Belle’s pencil set. Jeremiah 30:2b – Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you. [I think she guessed it was a notebook, but you can see how a pencil set also fits the clue…]
- Belle’s Malibu sweater. Jonah 4:8a – When the sun came up God appointed a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on Jonah’s head so that he became faint. [Fairly obscure, but I figured Malibu is hot…though it is in the west. It was the best I could do.]
- Belle’s Telestrations game. Deut 28:28 – The Lord will make you lose your mind. He will make you blind. You won’t know what’s going on. [This was a funny and relatively accurate – albeit cryptic – description of playing Telestrations.]
- Belle’s gnome. Luke 19:3 – He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. [Makes sense once you open the gift, but her mind didn’t immediately jump to gnome.]

- John’s glass cleaning kit. 1 Corinthians 13:12 – Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.
- John’s screwdriver set. 1 Corinthians 15:58a – be steadfast, immovable and Exodus 31:5 – to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. [A bit of a stretch, but funnily enough, they don’t write explicitly about screwdrivers in the Bible so, again, this was the best I could come up with.]
- Reading light for my mom. Matthew 5:16 – Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
- Candle for my brother. Matthew 25:7 – …when they were awakened, all of them trimmed their wicks. In other words, they made the most of whatever lamp they had.
Your turn.
- Do you have any gift-opening traditions in your house?
- What’s your favourite verse/gift combo above?
Header photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
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Nicole MacPherson
Well colour me impressed! What a fun thing to do! The gnome verse cracked me up. Poor short gnome! Also the clean/ dirty sign, very funny!
Isn’t the gnome one HILARIOUS. I had verses for Indy’s gnome too, but I didn’t think to jot those down.
Colleen Martin
These are so good! I love the idea of incorporating the Bible in your clues – I went the lazy route this year and asked AI to come up with 10 clues for teenagers to have a scavenger hunt in the house, then I tweaked them a bit and it worked out great. The kids look SO happy with all of their gifts this year 🙂
We used ChatGPT to help us polish off the treasure hunt clues for the kids (post about this tomorrow). It was VERY helpful.
It was a great year for gifts. Not sure we’ll be able to pull off such satisfaction every year, but I’m treasuring this year for sure.
This sounds fun! So Belle actually guessed the sneakers from that clue? (And by the way- I forgot to say yesterday that I love Indy’s mug. I saw that same sign in a coffee shop recently and thought it was hilarious.)
We don’t have any special gift opening traditions. Sometimes we’ll put things in joke boxes, or disguise them in some way, which definitely adds to the fun of the day.
Yup. I mean, it was the ONE thing she really wanted, but that is NOT the sort of gift we would generally buy so there was zero chance she really thought she would get them (hoped of course). But she put two-and-two together.
Indy’s mug is so cute and he is very possessive of it 🙂
Michelle G.
Elisabeth, these bible clues are beyond awesome! What a fun, creative tradition that includes the meaning of the season! Of course, my favorite quote is the gnome one. But I love them all. I think you’re a genius!
I will admit that Google helps, though I’m always pleasantly surprised how many verses come to mind as I’m looking them up!
Just when I think you could not get more wholesome and adorable.
Ha. Haven’t I got you fooled…:)
Wow! What a fun tradition! What’s your process for finding the quotes? We don’t do anything like that. Our only real Christmas gift-giving tradition is to get an ornament every year and I try to get us a board game or jigsaw puzzle, too.
I love our annual ornament tradition. If I could only keep one, I think I’d keep that over the verses? Especially since Indy tends to tire of looking things up part way through so some of the verses never get read.
I know a lot of Bible verses (maybe not by heart, but at least in general), so I type the general verse into Google and it will give a reference. Or I’ll think of something like finding a verse that references the colour blue and type in blue + Bible verse. Looking up the verses for the packages is actually a lot of fun!
Lisa's Yarns
I think the telestrations clue is the funniest! But because my word of the year is light, I’m drawn to this one: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
We don’t have much in the way of traditions around gifts besides opening one at a time from youngest to oldest. Although because the kids have far more gifts than the adults, we’ll often skip the adults for several rounds to even things out a bit. At most, the adults had 3 gifts each, the kids probably had around 10 each between gifts from their nana and mom and dad!
I was SO happy with the Telestrations clue! And she was so excited to get the game and VERY surprised! Not quite as excited as the sneaker reaction, but close!
What a clever tradition, and what fun too guessing the content of a present from the verse. You do some really fun things at your house.
The traditions in our house kind of morphed to the point by the time we were a certain age, we had a cooked breakfast BEFORE presents were opened because there were so many, and my parents made us do one present per person going around the room. One year we’d start with the youngest first, one year the oldest first. And with usually 8 people plus, it took a good few hours. Somewhere in those years I remember charades being played too. But I’m not sure that came later when we were more adult?
And I do remember when we were really small, there being a present (treasure) hunt of sorts. Mainly because at that time, we only got one main gift, which my parents hid.
I think it’s great to extend the joy and festivities of opening gifts over the span of many hours. It takes so long to shop and wrap, why not savour the fun results of that work!?
Exactly my sentiments. Though I am sure my parents did it to make sure we were well and truly occupied for a good three hours, which meant we weren’t arguing or running around the house. 😀
What a fun tradition. I’ve never heard of this before. So clever. I liked the Telestrations verse the best. That is hilarious. “lose your mind.”
We don’t have a tradition everyone uses when they open their gifts. When I was a kid, my siblings and I did a gift exchange after drawing a name. My brother feared that I saw him buying me a purse at our local K-Mart (where my mom dropped all of us off at the same time and we ran around the store hiding from each other. As a decoy, he wrapped up Elmer’s Glue for me. I feigned excitement and he walked in the room a bit later with my new purse wrapped up, but hanging from his shoulder. Ever since then (when we lived in the same home), we each tried to give each other some form of glue. We studied abroad together in college, and I gave him glue sticks. I think that was the best/most unexpected version.
What a fun tradition!! I love how little things like that can end up meaning so much over time. I’m sure he had no idea it would become a “thing”.
This is SO fun and creative, and it’s such a great way to incorporate Bible verses into Christmas. It makes the Bible come alive, I’m sure!
I don’t think we have any fun ways to open gifts in my family. Definitely not in the way you guys do!
I like when church and faith-related things are fun (I suppose some people would frown on using Scripture this way?!), and it’s a great way to engage the kids in reading, the Bible, and their critical thinking skills!
Central Calif Artist Jana
Thank you for sharing all the examples!
Thanks for the prompt! I’m so glad I have this tradition recorded on the blog now.
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
100% impressed by this! I have never thought about it nor will people be patient here 🙂
It does take patience and Indy tires of it after a few gifts (so some of his verses didn’t end up getting read which I’m 100% okay with). I ALWAYS want it to be fun and non-pressured. They’re there if he wants them. But Belle absolutely loves the clues, so she uses every single one.
This is a fabulous tradition, Elisabeth! I love it! The clues are so creative! My family-of-origin always had a tradition of writing clues (non-Biblical, though) on gifts, too, which I have tried to keep up. I loved it most when my grandmother (usually) would “give up” and write “to match your eyes” or “but you don’t know what color” on a box that was obviously a shirt.
Obviously a shirt – hahah. How perfectly stereotypical of a grandmother. <3
Allison McCaskill
The Telestrations one is hilarious. We always play at my friend’s cottage, and absolutely lose our minds. “Janet, this is one straight line”, “yep, do what you can with it!”
Isn’t it HILARIOUS. I also like that it’s pretty age neutral. Once you can read, you can basically play. Highly recommended as a fun family game. Though my drawing skills are truly ATROCIOUS.
This is so clever. I like Belle’s Gnome clue. We don’t really have any gift giving traditions round here, especially now we’re not all living in the same house.
Yes, I wonder if the verse-writing will persist once the kids move out? Will they adopt the practice in their house? Time will tell!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Oh wow… you really do need to know your scriptures to pull this off. I am amazed.
I do love the sample one from your friends. But the gnome one is also great.
Such a fun tradition.
We usually open gifts from my parents first then have dinner and after gather around for the second round of gift opening where we had each one out and watch the person open it.