Buckle up friends – this is a two-part blogging series. Today I’m going to walk you through before and after shots of a tween bedroom makeover! Tomorrow I’ll be back with a summary of how much it all cost (I did this after our trip to Rome, too – sometimes I see people write about redecorating a room or going on vacation and wonder: How much did they spend? Wonder no more!) and what we had to buy new vs. what we were able to purchase at thrift stores.
We bought this house – our first home – in October 2017 and it definitely showed its age. Built in the 1970s, there was dark wood trim, old windows, and chipped, faded paint…everywhere.
For the first few years we didn’t touch our daughter’s room – not a single upgrade. (We were too busy doing fun things like excavating drainage tile around the perimeter of our house, replacing broken sewer pipes, and jackhammering our basement floor.)
Eventually, when we got around to improving exterior insulation and re-siding the house, we replaced most of the windows, including the ones in our daughter’s room. This was not before time – on windy days you could LITERALLY SEE HER CURTAINS BLOWING FROM THE DRAFTS. I had rags stuffed in and around crevices and having new, properly sealed windows was a very practical upgrade.
What We Did…
This August:
- We had her room painted*; three walls in Benjamin Moore’s White Dove and an accent wall in Benjamin Moore’s Tropical Pool. All trim, the closet door, and the built-in shelves were painted in Benjamin Moore ADVANCE® (self-leveling; Pearl finish) White. Of all the things we did to this room, paint provided the most dramatic transformation. *I know painting is one of those home improvement tasks we “should” be able to do ourselves. Well, we are not “those” people. Hiring out was the biggest expense of this makeover, but sometimes you have to focus on your strengths and admit your weaknesses and home improvement jobs are NOT our specialty – see bottom of post for more evidence of this.*

- We bought a new bedframe, added a thrifted chair for a reading nook, bought a bedside table, switched out the dresser (to give her more space), hung some art and shelves, and added display functionality via a pegboard and magnetic whiteboard.
How I Feel
We have changed a lot of things in our house – in fact, the better part of the last six years has involved some sort of upgrade or total renovation. But I think this has been my favourite transformation.
Her room is such an inviting space these days. I love how calm it feels – yet the bright bursts of colour are downright joyful. Isn’t calm and joyful a winning combination for a bedroom? Before, walking into her room made me feel tense and guarded; now it feels light and airy and open. Bonus: it’s SO much easier to keep clean with under-the-bed storage and a streamlined closet.
My kids have never had a specially prepared room. Neither child had a nursery. We were living in tiny apartments for both of their infancies. They slept in Pack-n-Plays instead of cribs and I didn’t change the paint or have space (or funds) to bring in a fancy glider rocking chair. And that’s fine. The kids wouldn’t have remembered any of those details. But I remember and it really hurt my heart at the time. I craved that form of motherly nesting, of getting a space “just right” for my little one and bringing them – and my hormonally vulnerable self – back to a haven.
But then we re-did this room (which feels like a haven) and I think I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I had been holding for over a decade. It doesn’t have gold wallpaper or a fancy chandelier. We didn’t change the carpet and if you look closely there are a lot of dings in the baseboard because, well, this is an older home. And I don’t give two hoots about any of that because I love that we created this space together (other than the painting part, of course).
We’ve started reading books again before bedtime; once I’ve finished a chapter, she makes her cozy lighting choice for the evening – and there is lots to choose from: an LED lantern, bedside lighting, a glittery lava lamp, an LED strip, twinkle lights on the headboard – I kiss her goodnight, let her settle in to read a book on her own and walk out…feeling happy.
Enough words! Here are some pictures. Most of the “before” pictures are from the day we walked through this house for the first time in June 2017…
(Also, I spent less than 5 minutes picking up her room before taking these pictures. It is SO much easier to keep clean; maybe in part because she takes so much more pride in this space now that she’s made her own mark on it?!)

I hated this carpet before (with the old, dingy paint the carpet looked old and dingy). And now – it’s fine!

That little blonde head in the lower left corner is A! She didn’t know at the time this would be her room for the next 6+ years.

I will admit my heart wilts just a teensy bit each time I see the length of her curtains. I love the “puddled” look but it’s not practical for a tween (or our beloved robovac).

But my heart sings – SINGS I tell you – when I see her white closet door. I hated that wood door with a passion. It was so dark and heavy looking. And to make matters worse, the inside of her closet was a horrific shade of sickly salmon pink (no judgment if you happen to like Sickly Salmon Pink and opt to choose it for your own closet walls, but I highly recommend against that decision).

I took all the “cozy lighting” pictures in the middle of the day; use your imagination to picture things being even cozier after the sun goes down. Her pink lava lamp is one of my favourite thrift store finds ever (thanks, John!), but I don’t let her leave it on overnight, so the yellow halo-looking item on her desk is a short LED strip that she can/does often leave on.

And that’s a wrap on the tour! I’ll be back tomorrow with more details about what we got from where and how much it all cost (this bedroom makeover was her long-delayed 12th birthday gift + a “we’re-doing-this-cuz-we-love-you-and-know-you-want-a-space-to-call-your-own” update).
Oops. I forgot I was going to tell you about my DIY mishap. Long-time readers may recall that we had a hole in the wall repaired last spring. It had been caused by the lock mechanism on her door hitting the wall and slowly making a hole in the drywall. We got it fixed, but it didn’t once cross my mind to get a doorstop installed so, you guessed it, the freshly patched drywall very quickly had a fresh hole in it.
Oh well, when we got the room painted, we simply had that hole refilled again. I installed a doorstop – remember when I blogged about my prowess as a DIYer? I believe I may have even used the words, and I quote, I am woman. Hear me roar.
Well, that roaring became a very pitiful Meow when a certain brother in this house ran into his sister’s room with wild enthusiasm, swinging the door firmly enough it laughed in the face of my doorstop and made a new hole in the (now) twice-patched drywall.
I thought I would be smart and put a Command Hook over the hole so she could hang a bag there – serving as both a cover for the hole AND a handy feature. Hooks are wonderful to have, especially if you are a tween and like to accessorize with different purses. This was a very stupid idea. Of course, I recognize now, Command Hooks require surface area for the sticky pad thingamajig to work and a hole, by its very nature, does not have a surface. So the hook held just long enough for me to store a bag on it, where it promptly pulled both the Commond Hook AND a larger piece of drywall and paint off the wall so we were left with an even BIGGER hole than ever before. I had no idea what to do but certainly didn’t want to get it repainted/refilled anytime soon. So we installed another – second – doorstop (still not convinced it is enough to deter this very persistent door), and I used sticky tack to put a giant butterfly over the hole.

And this is representative of why we did not paint her room ourselves. If we had, I can guarantee I would have had weeks of blog posts that started along the lines of: And then there was the time I spilled an entire gallon of paint over the carpet…
Your turn. What’s your favourite room in your house and why? Do you ever thrift furniture? Do you have a nightlight in your room? If you could have one item from A’s room in your own bedroom, which item would you choose? What’s your favourite feature about your current bedroom? What colour is your closet!? Are you good at DIY tasks?
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Nicole MacPherson
Oooh it looks great. I love the pop of colour. What a perfect cozy room for your girl!
When we moved into our Calgary house the entire place was painted Pepto Bismol pink, with glossy forest green trim. It was gross. It took forever to paint over it (so many coats!) and we did it ourselves. I would not do that again, let me tell you.
Who makes these paint choices! Why are they even available at the store!!!
That said, I’m sure some people would hate a wall of Tropical Pool. But pink with GLOSSY?!…forest green trim. Phew. That’s intense.
The room looks so good! My LM would call it “inspo”! And, what a whole tale of a hole – at this point, you could have put an empty picture frame over it and treated it like art!
Oohhh. Your picture frame idea is hilarious. It might just come to that eventually. It’s practically like a Banksy 🙂
I LOVE IT! Great choice to paint one wall Tropical Pool (and not the whole room!) I love it. I think if I could have one thing from Abby’s room it would be, ahem, that butterfly you stuck over the hole… because we have the exact same hole in our bedroom wall. It’s been there since the summer and we still haven’t gotten around to repairing it (there are so many other things that are much more drastically wrong) and now I’m thinking of just getting something to stick over it. Ha ha… just like my carpet situation in the kitchen! Before you know it my house will have all sorts of holes and cracks that I’m hiding.
Seriously, great job with Abby’s room. A room should be a haven. She must be loving it!
Yes! I am so glad we opted to not paint the whole room Tropical Pool. I think it would have been…a lot.
That’s funny (not really funny of course – ironic, maybe) that you have a hole behind a door in your bedroom. I guess we’re not alone in having this issue.
She has LOVED it. (Maybe almost as much as I do.)
The room turned out beautifully! I love the Tropical Pool wall, the gorgeous comforter, the collection of stuffies on the bed, the little desk, and is that a garland? I love it all! I’m SO in favor of hiring professional painters. They do a much nicer job than I could ever do, and I think it’s well worth the money to avoid globs of paint everywhere! I love your butterfly DIY – such a cute idea!
Thanks! Yes, it is a little paper garland that I bought years ago for about $2! I bought it for a birthday party, never used it, and then thought: it would be perfect in her room.
Elisabeth, the pictures you took are so inviting—I want to come stay in that room! The Tropical Pool wall is such a lucious color and brings in so much light. My favorite feature is the white bookcase—so clean and fresh looking. Note to self—maybe I should try the half-full look rather than my jammed-full bookshelves. Could be why I feel so visually overloaded!
Job well done and such an inspiration for my not-so-DIY skills. I am working on a redo of my daughter’s old bedroom to serve as a guest room, and your pics gave me some great ideas!
Yes – what a perfect word for this space: inviting.
It’s interesting how everyone enjoys different aesthetics of course, so some people might not feel calm in a space with a bright teal wall (or might find the three white walls to “mellow”) but I just love everything about it and I’m so glad A’s happy with it.
All the best with your own bedroom makeover!
When we moved into our house, all the paint colors were lovely except for a room upstairs that was Pepto Bismol pink. It was truly hideous. My husband and I painted it a lovely blue, but it turns out that my husband is not a good painter. We did two coats and there were still spots where the pink was shining through. He literally said “good enough” and then I waited until he was gone to work and I did a third coat. LOL. He is very “good enough” about painting and it KILLS me because he’s a perfectionist about so many other things! Anyway. We did paint and our marriage survived, but I’m glad it was only one room.
A’s room looks so lovely! I am glad she’s enjoying spending time there and it seems like a great room for her to grow into as she become a real life teenager!
What is with all the Pepto Bismol? I know Kyria said it likely came from the “oops” department but surely to get to that “oops” a lot of people are trying to get close?
I’d better be careful – just watch Pepto Bismol pink end up being the next craze in terms of interior design.
Ha! Dr. BB’s comment is hilarious, and I’m very glad (for your sake) you opted to do an extra coat. Some colours can be TOUGH to cover up.
Thanks for the kind words – and yes, I think this space will be perfect for that transition into teen-hood (soon! just a few more months)!!!
The room is gorgeous! And that wall of bookshelves has me swooning!
I can – and will – paint but I’d rather if someone else does it.
I know – we have three rooms in our house with built-ins (the office and the guest room, too), but A’s are the only ones that go floor-to-almost ceiling and it’s such a great feature! Especially wonderful for kids – so much space to store things and arrange toys when she was younger!
I would also take the butterfly to cover the hole in our bedroom wall. We have some large books on the floor now, so the door cannot open that wide, just propped against the wall. I pretend it means we are oh so literary. It just means that we haven’t even tried to install door stops. We are very much NOT DIY people, it always ends up taking forever and making a mess and costing us as much if not more than paying someone (OK, not really on that point, but it FEELS like it!)
I love our little downstairs bathroom, because it is exactly how I want it. It is the only room in the house that no one else has any opinion on, so I took it over. I painted it a lovely blue grey called, ‘San Francisco Fog’, which I had cut with 1/4 off white to lighten it up a bit. I hung some pictures that used to belong to my Great Great Aunt, I bought a mirror from a consignment shop, which has a pretty frame. I put a vase and fake pussywillows on the toilet tank, and picked thin drapes that have pussywillows, so they match. I bought some lavender in Napa and dried them out, and I have that in a little vase in the corner. I love that room. I’m sure my husband and daughter think it’s fine, but they don’t care about it at all.
Apparently we all need to stop and install doorstops everywhere – but this makes me feel less isolated in our problem!!
J, your bathroom sounds divine! And what a wonderful paint name (side note: I think I would LOVE being the person who got to name new paints. Doesn’t that sound fun?!) I’d love if you posted pictures on your blog some time. I am a huge fan of pussywillows but have never seen them on curtains – what a genius design idea to pull that motif in via multiple mediums. And how lovely that you have art from a Great Great Aunt. One of my mother’s paintings hangs in our bathroom and its OF A LIGHTHOUSE, so special nod to her on that one <3
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love the makeover! It looks great. I especially love those curtains, and when closed, it almost looks like a fancy headboard to the bed; it sits just right there! I also really like the shelving; were those built in already, because that is very handy!
When I moved into my house it was painted blue and it is still blue. I actually do like and am good at painting, BUT I say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and will stick with the blue unless my realtor tells me to paint when I sell. I have a comment about all of these pepto bismol pink walls — (1) that was cool at one point (I know, why!?) and (2) there is a thing called “oops” at Home Depot where people can return paint that they mixed that is not the color that they wanted, and you can buy it super cheap (like $5 per gallon). We always joke about that any time we see a weird color, that it probably an “oops” color! https://www.hunker.com/13424998/how-to-buy-oops-paint-at-home-depot
Ohhh. I’d never thought of that before but you’re right – the curtains do almost look like a full-wall headboard!
Yup, those are built-ins. Handy indeed!
This makes sense about people liking the cheaper paint, but that still doesn’t explain why Pepto Bismol pink was once a popular colour. Why??!!! To each their own, I guess.
I LOVE the dark blue in your living room. It’s dramatic and lovely and really pops with the white elements you’ve brought in.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Argh, I posted a comment and your blog ate it.
Long story short, I love the curtains, especially the ones behind the bed, and I also am jealous of her shelving unit!
I still have the paint from when I moved in and unless the realtor asks me to paint when I sell, it will stay exactly how it is!
Those ugly colors (pepto bismol pink) are probably from the Home Depot “oops” section (you can get $5 gallons of either colors people did not want or extra that people did not use).
Kyria @ Travel Spot
It did not eat it after all!
Blog comments can be finicky sometimes!
Tween Room Makeover: Budget Breakdown – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] As promised, I’m back with more details about our recent bedroom overhaul for a 12-year-old tween. You can read lots more about the before and after of her room transformation in yesterday’s post. […]
Harry and Jack have those IKEA desks, and they have been so perfect! One of my all time fave IKEA purchases for sure. I thought the carpet was new! It looks fab.
We have two of these desks (in each kids room) and then we have two Ikea desks in our basement office. They have all be WONDERFUL.
The carpet looks so much better now that the walls aren’t so dingy. Amazing what a coat of paint can do.
Lisa's Yarns
We hire painters as well. I’m not great at it and I don’t enjoy it so we outsource it and get it done right the first time with no unsightly mistakes. It was worth every penny!
We had the means to decorate our kids’ bedrooms but not the desire. So they have incredibly simple bedrooms. We did get a very nice rocking chair from my MIL as a baby gift when I was pregnant with Paul. It’s in Will’s room and is a prized piece of furniture! Our kids are only in their rooms to sleep so it feels like a waste of time and energy to decorate their rooms. Plus we were house hunting when Paul was born so he spent the first 1.5 years of his life in a combo guest room +nursery with zero decorations. The boys both have some art on the wall but that’s the extent. Paul has a hand-me-down comfortable with dinos on it. I will put more effort into it when they care more/spend more time in their rooms – like when they are Abby’s age!
You make another great point – painting is NOT something I would enjoy. Also, it takes a financial investment to get all the tools, as well. Our painter comes with dropcloths and special (expensive, I’m sure) brushes and lights and fans and…it would cost me $100s to get all those bigger items – not necessarily imperative, but very helpful! So the labour cost also reflects the overhead in running a painting business.
Yes, we’re in no rush to update L’s room. It wasn’t as dated as A’s, but the paint is a mess. But he doesn’t care and still loves to play sports things in his room so the walls will continue to get dinged up for a while. I’m thinking the tween stage is a pretty perfect time to do a room overhaul as they’re on the cusp of big changes and I’ll have a better feel for what they’ll like into their teen years as well.
I bought 2 of these wall protectors at a hardware store because I had my bathroom painted before I moved in and then immediately banged the doorknob into the wall and left a dent. Got another one for the wall of another room. They’ve been taking abuse for a year and are still holding on! This is not the exact brand i got but it is similar. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Prime-Line-3-1-4-in-White-Door-Stop-5-Pack/5014403233
Well that’s just brilliant!! I wonder if Home Depot would carry something similar! If not, I’ll look at Amazon. This is exactly what we need there…
Oh wow, this is beautiful. Well done.We don’t usually do painting ourselves either. I would just get my husband to do a doorstop if I needed one.
Alas, my husband isn’t any handier than I am…
Wow, what a transformation. You guys did a really great job creating this bright and cheery room for A! I love it. I think I especially love the curtains and her cute little desk area.
The curtains are a huge fav for me; they’re shockingly lux for being relatively inexpensive and I just love the gold detail. I feel like this room is the right balance between tween and sophisticated. It looks fully livable, but also curated in a personal way?
I love it! It’s so cozy and inviting and FUN. I love white furniture so this just looks so perfect, especially with the pop of color of Tropical Pool!
My favorite room is my bedroom and I think it will be even MORE of a favorite once I have my established reading nook. I don’t do a ton of thrifting, but I am looking on FB Marketplace for a cozy chair and ottoman. It’s just the transportation I’m nervous about – buying online means it arrives right to my doostep but going through FB means I’ll have to arrange for delivery (and getting the chair up 3 flights of stairs!) so we’ll see.
We don’t get much furniture second-hand, mostly for the transportation issue. There are some great items, but since they’re already made (a major perk of IKEA furniture is how it comes flat-packed), we can’t fit them inside vehicles.
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