Today’s guest needs no introduction – and she’s actually “visited” me here before – but I’ll give her a quick one anyway.
Nicole is a glass half-full (and let’s pour the drink into a beautiful cup and savour it on the porch while watching the sunrise) kind of person. When I decided to ask a few blogging friends to help me wrap up this month of gratitude, it’s no wonder Nicole instantly leapt to mind.
(And you’ll be happy to know there are pictures of Rex!)
Enough blabbering from me – it’s time to hear from Nicole <3
When Elisabeth asked me to write about finding joy in gratitude for her month of FIGs, I was thrilled. I am a generally optimistic person and I don’t have a hard time finding gratitude. I immediately started listing off the things I am so grateful for: family, friends, my dog, and the modern miracles of running water and electricity. Luckily, she had specific questions for me, so that I didn’t just hand her a giant list that included everything from my husband to fuzzy slippers. [I’m sure your husband will be relieved to have been listed ahead of fuzzy slippers.]

Do you have any daily or weekly gratitude practices?
I do and I don’t. Most of the time I do not make a conscious effort to have gratitude, it’s something that just seeps into my life. I practice yoga and meditation early in the morning, every morning, and while I practice I’ll look out the window and just feel grateful: grateful to move my body, grateful to have this time and practice, and grateful to see the sky. I always recall the Mary Oliver poem I Wake Close To Morning that begins “Why do people keep asking to see God’s identity papers, when the darkness opening into morning is more than enough?” [I wonder if Oliver had just finished reading Psalm 19: 1-2 which reads: “The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.“]
When I was young I read the Emily Starr books, by LM Montgomery, and I remember feeling that her life was extremely relatable. Emily describes something she calls the flash which is a feeling of awe that is experienced outside in nature. I knew exactly what she meant, because it happens to me too. Every morning when Rex and I go on our walks, I look around me and try to notice things, little and big, that bring that flash feeling to me. [I’ll admit as the mother to a tween boy, I cannot hear the word “flash” without immediately picturing the superhero!]

What does your gratitude practice look like during difficult seasons of life?
During the pandemic I became friends, via Instagram, with a woman who had attended a few of my yoga classes prior to lockdown. I hadn’t seen her in a few years at that point, but I thought nothing of it. People come and go in the yoga world, class schedules change and if I had thought about it, which I didn’t, I would have assumed she was just going to a different class. She had come to my big, busy Ashtanga classes so I knew her to see her, but I didn’t know her well. It wasn’t until the pandemic that I learned a few things about her: she was a year younger than I was, she had three young daughters, and she was dying of metastatic breast cancer.
Melanie was featured on a locally made podcast called Sorry, I’m Sad, and I listened to it on one of my interminable pandemic walks, in 2021. On the podcast she talked about seasons: how in the dark and cold of January she enjoyed taking photos of the stunning winter sunsets, it was her favourite. But then when it was spring, and green shoots started appearing amid the thawing snow, well, that was also her favourite. She said her favourite season was always the current one; she embraced the season that she was in.
To say this affected me deeply would be a vast understatement. I could not stop thinking about it. Here was this woman, whose bones had crumbled from cancer and chemotherapy, who walked around in constant pain with cracked ribs and a hip replacement and spinal compression, who had three daughters that she would never see reach the teen years, let alone grow up, who was 45 and would die before her next birthday, here was Melanie, talking about the seasons of life and how she embraced them all.
We all have difficult seasons in our lives. Some of those seasons are difficult for specifically personal reasons – illness or injury, perhaps – and some are still personal but wider-reaching reasons such as grief or loss of a loved one. Some seasons are difficult on a global level, like the pandemic, or environmental crises, or our current season of stress and worry that the government of our nearest neighbour is aggressively encroaching on us. All of these things are hard, and cause pain, and can be discouraging and disheartening.
What we focus on is what we see more of. This is not to say that we should ignore the things that are happening around us or discount our feelings of fear and pain; rather, we can acknowledge that many things can happen at the same time. If we can cultivate that gratitude attitude, it can give us strength to face the other things that are happening in the world. [What we focus on is what we see more of. Indeed. Like begets like…]
When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I find I can reset by going outside. I go outside, I notice, I wait for the flash. I meditate. I read a poem or the Desiderata. I think of one good thing, one thing I can be grateful for, and then another. Just like negative thoughts feed on each other, so do grateful ones.
Embrace the Season doesn’t mean we have to be thrilled about the particular hardships of the season we are in; toxic positivity gets us nowhere. But I think we have to just be present, and look for the glimmers of hope and beauty amongst the bleak landscape. The Desiderata ends with “with all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.” It is.

What has most influenced your gratitude practice?
I think the most influential thing for me has been time. Growing older, I am more able to see everyday things that are truly miracles. This might be because I’ll be fifty in a few months and I don’t want to waste however much time I have left mired in unhappiness.
A few years ago, a woman in my yoga class said that gratitude is the first step to happiness, and that resonated with all of us, on that wintry Monday afternoon. Soon after, another woman in that same class brought keychains for me and all the students, stamped with that sentence. [What a great reminder. I suspect a few people stuck in 401 traffic could use a keychain like this to dispel road rage!]

As I write this, I realize how much my yoga students have influenced me. I have taught able bodied young people, I have taught seniors, I have taught people who have had strokes and who were very disabled, and I have taught everyone in between. Each one of them has taught me something, and most of them have taught me about gratitude. One of my stroke survivors had a goal, and that was to be able to get down onto the mat and back up to standing without the aid of a chair or a wall. In the two and a half years I worked with him, that goal was never met, and yet he never stopped trying. He never stopped being grateful for the class, for being there, and for being able to move, even in his limited physical capacity.
What books have most influenced your gratitude practice?
Every morning prior to my yoga practice I read a poem or a short essay, and then I meditate on it throughout my practice. The most influential for me are Mary Oliver’s Devotions, Cleo Wade’s Heart Talk, Morgan Harper Nichol’s All Along You Were Blooming, and Agapi Stassinopoulis’ Wake Up To The Joy In You. I also have my grandmother’s copy of the Desiderata, which is framed and hangs on my wall by my piano. I read it every day. [I will put a plug in for Cleo Wade’s Remember Love which was a 5/5 star read for me.]

How has practicing gratitude influenced your relationships, mindset, and mental health?
I think that if a person has been married or in a relationship for a long time, it’s easy and natural to take that relationship for granted. This is particularly true when children are involved, because life just gets so busy and can be one long firefighting episode after another. [And every mother said Amen. If we’re not fighting proverbial fires, we’re likely cleaning up poop that has hit the fan – perhaps literally.] This is why it’s so important to take a moment to feel gratitude for your partner, as well as gratitude for your friends and family.
Again, what we focus on is what we see more of, and if we can focus on being grateful for what we do have, what is working, what brings us glimmers of joy and hope and happiness, it will only improve our mindset and mental health. Giving in to the grim can lead to spirals and despair and hopelessness, which is exactly what those who wish to oppress or hurt us want to happen.

What’s the most ridiculous or oddly specific thing you can think of being grateful for at the very moment you’re answering these questions?

I am always grateful for running water. Isn’t it incredible that we can just turn on a tap and clean water comes out at the exact temperature we want? Just think about it: there were engineers that designed a water distribution system, there are scientists who figured out how to filter and clean the water for human consumption, someone designed home water heaters and someone else installed one in my home. It’s so incredibly simple on my end, but so incredibly complex to get to that point. In my grandmothers’ and great grandmothers’ lifetimes, there were wells and hand pumps and heating water on the stove. The sheer work that would have gone into a bath, or clean clothes, or even just a cup of coffee was immense. And now, all I have to do is touch the tap. [I cannot imagine handwashing clothes and chopping holes in ice to get water in the winter. And outhouses. Sometimes with multiple seats in one space. I am shuddering.]
What’s a simple, everyday moment that always reminds you to be grateful, no matter how busy life gets?
Every morning when I open my dog Rex’s crate, he behaves as if it has been years since he has seen me. He snuffles his snoot into my legs, he leans on me, he looks up at me with his smiley fuzzy face as if to say “It’s YOU! Yay!” Sometimes I can’t even move because he’s wound his entire body around me. It’s pure joy and it never fails to make me so grateful that we were chosen to be his family. [Rex sounds a lot like Indy in the mornings. He is so snuggly and it’s very nice to feel so loved first thing in the new day!]

If you could thank one object in your house for making your life easier, what would it be and why?
I have already thanked running water, and I am always grateful for electricity – what an everyday miracle it is! – so I will combine them to say The Washing Machine. Clothes go in dirty, and come out clean. All I have to do is pour in detergent and push a button. [Sing it.]

Elisabeth, I am grateful you asked me to write this post about gratitude! I am grateful for you, and for all of our readers. xo
Thank you Nicole. This post was such a pleasure to read and gave me renewed enthusiasm for my own gratitude practices.
Now it’s your turn.
- If you could thank one object in your house for making your life easier, what would it be and why?
- Who (or what) has most influenced your gratitude practice?
- What’s a simple, everyday moment that always reminds you to be grateful, no matter how busy life gets?
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I think I’d thank the hot water heater ( modern water and gas lines – hurrah!) as Nicole already took the washer. Hot water for cleaning, for showers, for tea.
I know the feeling of the flash- and I think I need to reread the Emily series.
Nicole, thank you for sharing more Rex pictures!
Nicole MacPherson
I love that you also have The Flash! And not to worry, many many many more Rex photos to come, always!
The hot water heater is a modern miracle. It’s just an amazing invention!
Oh my – I cannot imagine life without a hot water heater. Cold (or even tepid) showers are the bane of my existence.
Ally Bean
I thank my coffeemaker every morning for being there for me, loyal, and able to make a consistently good cup of coffee. It’s my favorite home appliance.
Nicole introduced me to Agapi Stassinopoulis’ Wake Up To The Joy In You and I’ve never properly thanked her for it. It’s an inspiring, fascinating book that confirmed the need for joy in my life.
Seeing trees outside, around me, is my ordinary moment of gratitude. They do so much and then just stand by, quietly, making me feel like all is well.
Nicole MacPherson
Oh Ally, how wonderful, I didn’t realize how much you loved Wake Up To The Joy In You! It’s such an inspiring book and it makes me SO happy that you love it.
The coffeemaker! Oh yes! I love mine too. What a great invention!
Yes – called it!
I also love trees! They’re so majestic and stable – I find them comforting. I think I enjoy trees most in fall (when they’re covered in beautiful coloured leaves) and winter (when they’re covered in snow).
I haven’t read Nicole’s response yet, but I am expecting she will echo your sentiment about the coffeemaker.
Jan Coates
Now that Charlie’s almost 14 (very old for a golden retriever), I love that she’ll still try to run a little when out on a walk, even though her hips aren’t great. She embraces the opportunity to get outside, the highlight of her days – especially when it’s a walk to the Little Free Library on our street – there’s always a box of Milkbones inside the library:) Love the description of Rex’s morning greeting:)
Nicole MacPherson
Dogs are an absolute joy and a gift to this world! Your Charlie sounds wonderful.
When you make it out to Nova Scotia to visit me, we’ll have to make a date to go walking with Jan and Charlie <3
I love picturing Charlie running happily toward her Milkbones. I know exactly what Little Library you’re talking about and I think a fair number of dogs have made that their favourite walking route 🙂
Wow- I was literally taking notes as I read this. “Many things can happen at the same time.” Yes, the political situation is terrible, BUT there are still sunrises, hot cups of tea, and cat snuggles. I love all the things mentioned here- electricity, running water, washing machines… wow, our lives are pretty easy. I’ll add my laptop to that list. I’m sitting here reading blogs while streaming the classical radio station from Chicago- the same station my sister (in Illinois) listens to. Sometimes we’ll text each other “Did you hear that?” or more recently, we’ve been amusing ourselves by analyzing the announcer’s tone of voice while they’re reading the news (“Did it sound like he just rolled his eyes?”) Anyway- we have so many luxuries that make our lives more pleasant and more fun.
Thanks for the Rex photos- as always it made my day!
Nicole MacPherson
Aw, Jenny, I’m just imagining you and your sister, together but apart! How wonderful is that!
Gosh, the situation is so grim. It’s so grim! And yet there are glimmers everywhere.
I love that you and your sister listen to the same radio station! That’s so sweet.
I’m a BIG fan of my laptop.
Lisa's Yarns
Wow the story about her student that was fighting cancer and still had an attitude of gratitude is amazing and inspiring!
I will admit that an attitude of gratitude does not come easily for me and I am more of a glass half full kind of person. I don’t think I put off a negative aura or anything like that but I’m not exactly an optimistic person – but it’s something I am working on because I know I do have life quite good compared to most of the people in the world.
I would thank our hot water heater. I cannot fathom taking cold showers. Her comments about the wonder of running water reminded me of the time when I visited my friend when she was in the Peace Corp in the Dominican Republic. She lived up in a mountainous area and the previous PC volunteer’s product was to bring running water to the village. But there was no electricity so there was no hot water. I loathed those cold showers so much but wow did it make me appreciate what I had. Her PC project was to build stoves in people’s home so they would not need to cook over an open fire. I had a really humbling experience when we had lunch at a family’s house. Latin cultures are all about hospitality so they insisted that I eat first. I could not finish the portion the woman gave me so one of the kids took my bowl and ate off one the chicken bones I had eaten from. I really wish I could have just not eaten as they needed the food more than I did but it would have been so offensive to not eat the meal they prepared. I did buy the chicken (which we bought live at the store in the community!!) so I contributed to the making of the meal financially but wow did it open my eyes to how very good I have it!!
Having kids has influenced my gratitude practice. They make me slow down and live more in the moment. Everything takes longer with kids but that is sometimes a good thing as you have time to notice the trees budding and the flowers blooming.
Lastly, going outside for a walk or run is always uplifting. And when I am able to run, I am especially grateful and rarely complain about running because there have been many periods of time when running was not possible due to my RA or complicated pregnancies. So when I feel good enough to run, life is extra good!
Nicole MacPherson
What a great story, Lisa, about the hospitality. It is so inspiring and eye-opening at the same time. Brr on the cold showers, no thank you. Well, unless I’m having a hot flash, and then maybe thank you.
Kids are so in the moment, it’s precious. And everything is amazing and new to them!
Hot water (so hot water heaters), a shower, and a microwave are some of my absolute favourite things in the world because I’m naturally cold. Anything that helps me stay cozy – a heated steering wheel, fuzzy blankets, warm socks, our propane fireplace – is almost always going to be beloved by me!
Michelle G.
Nicole is one of my favorite bloggers, and this interview was just what I needed to read today! Thank you, Elisabeth and Nicole, for this lovely, inspiring interview. I am thankful for both of you!
Let’s see. I will thank my microwave because it heats anything from leftover food to hot water for tea. It’s magic!
My gratitude practice was influenced by Sarah Ban Breathnach, who wrote Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy. There was a daily gratitude journal to go with her book, and keeping that journal changed my outlook on everything.
A simple, everyday moment that reminds me to be grateful is opening the curtains every morning to look at the mountains. I’m grateful every day for such a view.
Nicole MacPherson
Well, right back at you, Michelle. You bring so much joy and happiness to the world, I am grateful for YOU!
I immediately logged onto my fave local bookstore and ordered that book. I feel like it will be right up my alley!
It really was so inspiring! I read it with a smile on my face and basked in the delight of being friends with someone who is such a ray of sunshine!
YES to the microwave. I heat my beloved Magic Bags in it and leftovers. I use our microwave daily.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that book! Thanks for mentioning it. I’ll have to look that up.
Your view sounds beautiful <3
Central Calif. Artist Jana
So thankful for the chest freezer, which fights food waste and allows us to stock up.
Being around complainers has caused me to work harder at gratitude.
Having a studio on my property—each time I walk back to the house, I am SO THANKFUL that I get to work at home.
Nicole MacPherson
Oooh, a chest freezer! Yes! Fridges also, I’m going to give a huge plug for the humble refrigerator.
Yes!! I appreciate being able to batch cook or buy things on sale and have a place to keep them!
This is a great guest post. I really enjoyed it. Thanks, Nicole, for sharing this.
A few years ago, I tried to take a shower the morning after having a stomach bug and that was when I discovered our water heater had died. Ugh – timing! So, while I enjoy all the modern conveniences and I do love my computer – the water heater ranks pretty high. There’s nothing like a hot shower.
I agree with Lisa, being a mom has taught me a lot about gratitude. My offspring and my husband are my world and they keep me grounded and make me recognize regularly how blessed I am. I also have a friend who is very positive and very spiritual – it is impossible to be friends with her and not remember to be grateful for all of life’s gifts.
I think that the change of seasons where I live impacts how grateful I feel – because I so appreciate the weather when I can run and the weather when I can’t get outside and exercise helps me appreciate perfect outdoorsy weather even more.
Nicole MacPherson
Oh no, Ernie!!! What a time for the hot water heater to stop working! Noooo! Sorry you had the stomach flu, that’s the worst. Hope you feel better and hope your hot water heater gets fixed!
“There’s nothing like a hot shower.” YES!
I think our friends and family can have a huge influence on our approach to gratitude – positively and negatively!
Thanks, Nicole! I really needed this bit today “Again, what we focus on is what we see more of, and if we can focus on being grateful for what we do have, what is working, what brings us glimmers of joy and hope and happiness, it will only improve our mindset and mental health. Giving in to the grim can lead to spirals and despair and hopelessness, which is exactly what those who wish to oppress or hurt us want to happen.”
Nicole MacPherson
Thanks so much, Gigi! I know things are tough right now. xo
I loved this interview with Nicole and enjoyed getting to know her better. Such great advice!
How water heater is my favorite, favorite. I actually stand in the shower at least once a week while thanking God for hot showers! I loved Nicole’s point about clean running water. What a blessing it is.
I have to say that something in one of Elisabeth Elliot’s books did years ago. She was commenting on the Israelites’ tendency to complain and how we did the same. I was so convicted and ever since, I try to find things to be thankful for when I’m tempted to complain.
This month—my FIG sheet. 🙂
Usually, I think about it while I’m laying out my day in my Hobonichi (shout out to SHU for introducing me to this wonderful planner). I tuck in at least one thing to be thankful for as part of my planning ritual and sometimes also in my 5-year journal in the evening.
Nicole MacPherson
Clean running water at any temperature you like! It’s such an everyday miracle! Thanks Joy!
Grateful Kae
Awww, I LOVE the visual of Rex coming out to greet you like that every day. Charlie acts like that whenever we get home, even if I was just gone for a short while! I seriously feel like dogs are the absolute epitome of giving unconditional love. I sometimes feel like, What did I do to deserve this much love?!?! Charlie (and Rex, I can tell from afar!) are just little fur balls of pure goodness.
My everyday moment that always causes me to pause and be grateful is a beautiful sky. Any time I see the sky just looking extra pretty, I can’t help but pause and just briefly NOTICE it. It always makes me feel like, there must be some sort of higher power or greater meaning who carefully and artistically created all of this, because if not, how can the sky be so beautiful??!
Nicole MacPherson
The sky always gets me too, Kae! I just am always in awe of it.
Charlie! He is so cute. I just love the unconditional love of dogs. I feel like I’m not good enough to deserve dogs, but I try to be!
This was so beautiful, Nicole – and to you and Elisabeth, thank you for making gratitude such a big part of my life this month and beyond. My heart is very full, reading this. xxoo
Nicole MacPherson
Thank you my friend. xoxo
I kinda ran out of words at the end of the “interview” because I feel like Nicole has basically said it all. I’m so glad I have it as a resource to come back to and re-read during harder times.
And I’m so glad you’ve joined in wholeheartedly to the gratitude “challenge” – reading your posts has been simply lovely.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Yay Nicole! I am always amazed at Nicole’s ability to remain positive, even when faced with some interesting situations in the grocery store or wherever! Also, the daily yoga and morning routine is something I aspire to someday emulate. Thanks for this post and for brightening my day, as always.
Nicole MacPherson
Awww thanks so much Kyria! I have to go to Costco today, so who KNOWS what might happen!
This is another wonderful gratitude post. I loved Nicole’s take on gratitude and the things to be thankful for. I can very much relate to her story of the yoga friend who was dying from cancer. As you know, my best friend from home has been battling brain cancer for 15+ years and she teaches me every day to be thankful to be healthy and happy. It can really put things in perspective.
I need to email my thanks to Nicole, as I suspect she is no longer checking comments here. I needed this boot in the rear. Plus, there is so much that is save-able. (The book recommendations…the quotes…the Nicole-isms.) Thank you for giving me what I did not know I needed.