Clothes. I love ’em and I hate ’em.
And I figured it was time to rank the top and bottom contenders in my closet.
- Dresses. If I could live in dresses I would (I actually sleep in a sleeveless stretchy cotton sundress in the summer, so I’m doing my darndest to make this dream a reality). With a relatively small waist and, how shall I put this…generous…hips, dresses are the most comfortable clothing I own.
- Pajamas. If I’m not in a dress, I really hope I’m in pajamas. Stretchy, cozy pants are just the best. Also, pajamas likely mean it’s bed time (yes please), probably mean I’m freshly showered (yes please) and have a Magic Bag at my feet (YES PLEASE).
- Spandex. In the form of shorts or leggings. While they don’t look particularly flattering on me, I love the comfort factor of tight-fitting-yet-feels-like-butter material.
- Cozy sweaters. I love the aesthetic and texture of cozy, warm, loose-fitting sweaters. Very hygge.
- Skirts. These come in at the end because they are inferior to dresses in so many ways, but if needs must, they fit the bill.
If I were including accessories: sunglasses and earrings.
- Shorts. They never fit my body right. Literally never. I hate how they look, I hate how they ride up and give me wedgies or leave my inner thighs chaffed. Ugh. Shorts would be so convenient, but alas they just do not work for me.
- Winter coats. This should be self-explanatory. They are a necessary evil. Big, bulky, and if I’m wearing one it’s WINTER.
- Bathing suits. Need I say more?
- Tank tops. I have always had big upper arms; I’m both self-conscious of my arms AND find they make finding shirts a nuisance. Tank-tops always make me feel extra self-conscious. I wear short-sleeved dresses because it’s hard to find many summer dresses that aren’t sleeveless, but I only own a single tank top in my whole wardrobe.
- Pants that don’t fit. Really, this could be numbers 1-5. Is there anything worse than pants that don’t fit? Too tight. Too loose. They ride too high or too low. There are so many ways pants can be awful and ill-fitting pants are every woman’s nightmare.
If I were including accessories: scarves (sorry Engie), rings, and necklaces.
Your turn. Top five/bottom five clothing items? What’s your favourite outfit in your closet? Do you own a lot of clothes or just a few? Do you live in a climate that requires winter coats and boots? What’s colour are you most drawn to when buying clothes?
Header photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash
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Hah – your bottom five reasons is why I started sewing. Besides the fact that it’s fun to just make something and be creative I can FINALLY make things that FIT. Rather than having something that only fits my waist. Or my breasts. Or my hips. It’s hard to find a dress that works for all those parts – but now I can make them! I did manage to find shorts recently that actually worked – cause they had elastic at the back.
(I also had to laugh at the list of accessories, as I’m currently wearing a scarf, rings, necklace and earrings.)
I don’t think I have enough finesse to make my own clothes, but sewing is clearly the best way to circumvent the issues faced by women who use mass-produced clothing that is designed to fit everyone and in the end fits no one!
Anything with elastic anything is a bonus!
Great list! I agree with you on some things- pajamas might be my #1 though. I do like shorts and tank tops (which is lucky since I live in Florida.) Jeans- forget it. They go in the “pants that don’t fit” category. And, bathing suirs, AAAUUUUGH!!!
Aren’t bathing suits just THE WORST. Does anyone like wearing bathing suits.
I mean if I felt like I could wear pajamas everywhere I go without attracting strange looks, they’d probably be my #1 as well. There is nothing as wonderful as finishing a day with a hot shower and sliding into PJs and then vegging on the couch with a book or good show.
I love your Top 5/Bottom 5 posts! So fun!
Probably my top favorite clothing item is leggings. They are so comfy! I also love my husband’s old T-shirts. And then jeans. But, like, jeans that are flattering and fit well.
Bottom of the list includes bras (UGH), ill-fitting jeans, tights/nylons, and one-piece ANYTHING (romper, bathing suit, bodysuit, UGH).
Also, I love the aesthetic component of shoes but I would prefer to be barefoot. (I am never barefoot outside my own home though.)
Leggings never seem to fit me right unless they are a super stretchy exercise kind (I have one pair that I love and alas it is no longer made by Old Navy and I wear the pair all the time and I really need to find a backup!).
I love jeans that are flattering and fit well they are just so darn hard to find!
Bras are a nuisance! Especially getting sports bras off and on when sweaty. Yuck.
I’m in barefoot 90% of the time I’m home.
Dresses are #1 for me, too. I don’t need anything with a waist and that includes skirts. I just don’t need skirts in my life.
I disagree with you on Spandex, though. I don’t need that in my life AT ALL. Natural fibers for LIFE. And, truly, my love of scarves does not have to be yours. That means there are more scarves out there in the world for me to wear.
Yay! Another dress fan. I knew you loved dresses.
And I love your perspective on me not liking scarves means there is more for you!!! What a positive spin on things <3
No shorts or tank tops for me. No one needs to see my legs or my upper arms. I own a 2 piece swin suit- tankini and Capri swim bottoms, which do cover most of my problem areas (though I rarely wear them).
I love jeans- though finding ones that fit great is a challenge. I used to love dresses,as there was only one article of clothing to put on and it stayed looking nice all day. However, they just fit me right anymore.
I do love scarves for warm and to add interest to my boring long sleeve tshirts.
Amen! That’s how I feel about shorts and tank tops, exactly!
I think it doesn’t matter what type of swimsuit, I feel uncomfortable and exposed and self-conscious.
I agree that one of the nice things about dresses is how it requires less thinking. One selection and I’m done! It also tends to be cooler for me in the summer/more comfortable. But dresses in the winter aren’t nearly as fun because then I have to wear tights or nylons and my legs get cold!
Love dresses. Also love bathing suits! And shorts! But dresses are the best.
You love bathing suits and shorts!!!??? I am jealous because I think those would be two amazing clothing options to love (I tend to hate both), but we definitely agree on the dresses and I love your “dress challenges” – you have so many incredible dresses in your wardrobe <3
Nicole MacPherson
I HATE SHORTS. There, I said it. And in my humble opinion, they are the least flattering clothing item in existence, and that includes 1980s style jogging suits.
I just purged my closet of my ill-fitting jeans and bought all new ones and wow, that was life-changing. I live in jeans in the winter, and I need to be comfy. You’ll never guess where I bought them – Mark’s! As in “work wearhouse.” I should do a whole post on these new comfy stretchy jeans. MAYBE I WILL.
I love a good pair of yoga leggings – lululemon all the way – and sweaters. I love a thick cozy sweater.
In the summer, it’s all about skorts and tank tops, I do love me a tank top.
I don’t mind a swimsuit but it has to be a two-piece. I do not need to get naked just to pee.
Shorts are the devil’s clothing, I’m convinced of it.
I’m so glad you have found jeans that are comfy and I live 10 minutes from a MWW, so do tell!!!
Ha – getting naked to pee is the worst. I generally do the pull-to-the-side technique because I am lazy, but I’d rather just not wear a bathing suit at all. That said, I went swimming SO MUCH this summer compared to most years and I consider that to be worthy of a gold star, so maybe it’s time to invest in a bathing suit I really love?
My top five would be very similar as yours, I live in dresses all year round. I wear really thick tights in winter and find them warmer than trousers (pants), but I don’t think our Winters are as cold as yours so I can get away with that. I prefer cotton leggings to lycra which I think is the same as spandex? I have a few lycra type which I use for cycling/yoga etc. Yes to cosy jumpers, p-j’s and skirts
My bottom five, however, would be different, jeans would be on the list, I don’t own a single pair now and have not owned many pairs in my life although as a teenager they were the only trousers I wore as they were the only type of trousers that you could buy by the leg length for women at that time. I have very long legs (31″ inside leg) and trousers did not come in those length in the 80s when I was a teenager. I love shorts and own several pairs but I am very choosy about the style, mine are all nearly knee length. I bought a swimming costume this year which I can honestly say is one of the most comfortable I have ever owned, I don’t have a very long body, tops are always too long for me and yet swimming costumes are always too tight as if they are no long enough in the body, what is that all about? Anything that has buttons down the front, dresses/shirts look terrible on me that would also be on the bottom five list. Also Yellow clothes, I know that is weirdly specific I have yet to find a single item of yellow clothing that looks good on me.
I really need to get some more winter dresses. I wear dresses to church each Sunday, but I don’t really have casual dresses that I can wear in the winter and I think they would really come in handy!
I don’t think I own anything in yellow. It does NOT suit my skin colour at all. I look sickly. I think white, blue, and deep purples/greens/black look good on me. Pastels are not very flattering on me.
I love jeans. I wear them all the time, but they need a good amount of stretch so they don’t cut in you know where. Ill-fitting pants are the worst which is why I switched entirely to wearing dresses for when I want to feel more dressed up. I have two great dresses (one winter and one summer) that travel well and are super easy to wear. I throw them on and feel put together instantly. I wear shorts a lot in summer, but only once the temperature is over 26C.
Dresses definitely make me automatically feel more “put together.”
Can I just amen and yes to having a smaller waist although mine seems to be thickening somewhat and bigger hips. Also annoying upper arms
Dresses are number one. I just wish it was easier in winter. I do have a long coat and do tights to make it work. I was nodding vehemently along with you. Pants are so hard to find. I have a couple of pair of Costco jeans that are pretty good. Never shorts. Ever.
Iโm definitely in for leggings and a cozy sweater that covers hips.
Ha! I’m glad to see we have some overlap.
A smaller waist sounds nice in principle, but since I have large hips, it means to get pants that fit my hips…they is like 6″ of extra material on my waist. Sigh. I am a big fan of the high-waisted trend, though. That’s helpful for my body type.
I agree that wearing dresses in the winter in Canada is not ideal. I used to wear Costco jeans (Santana brand) and found they fit my curvy body quite well.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I currently only own about twenty five pieces of clothing so this will be easy! (Obviously the bottom five are “do not own” though!)
Love: pajamas of course, but I do not own actual pajamas, just comfy shorts/pants and shirt. Hoodie, good for lounging around my former house in winter. Tank tops (hello summer!). Puffy jacket (so snuggly). Running shoes (not cute, but I wear them nearly every day!)
Don’t love: shorts (do own, do wear occasionally, don’t love my legs), leggings (do own, don’t love, too tight and hot), dresses, skirts, bras (only wear sports bra now, plus I have no boobs so what’s the point).
Ha! I love that you have such a minimal wardrobe – makes sense! I’m surprised you don’t wear shorts. I find it hard to get leggings that fit me properly, oddly enough. They’re stretchy, but most leggings that are dressy (i.e. to wear under a dress) never fit over my bum properly.
So basically, I want to live in a climate where I can wear dresses without something underneath all year round. And that is definitely NOT Nova Scotia, Canada.
– running outfit from lululemon
– jean short + t-shirt
– Pj
– jogger + t-shirt
– skirt with sleeveless shirt
– long pant jeans
– winter coat
– dresses with sleeves
– tight everything. I like to be comfortable
– bikini
fortunately I don’t need to spend $ nor time to change clothes since I live in a tropical country. same outfit all year long.
You have such a great “uniform” of jean shorts and a t-shirt and they look so comfortable and great on you!!
I am jealous you can wear the same things all year round…
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
Top 5
1. Bags (I love bags and change them like I change my clothes for the day)
2. Jeans (truly, if I didn’t have to go to the office 3X w, I would wear jeans and t-shirts every day, weather permitting)
3. Pants
4. T-shirts
5. Winter jerseys, scarves and coats (I lovvvvve winter)
Bottom 5
1. Dresses
2. Leggings
3. Heels
4.Bathing suits
5. Shorts for how they look but you can’t beat the comfort in 27C plus temperatures
I own so few purses/bags, but that is such an important accessory and it’s so interesting that you change them based on the day/outfit!
Heels. I love how they look, but will admit I’m a lot more comfortable wearing running shoes ๐
Well, my #1 would be hats. I love hats.
-Overalls is also in my top, though my current pair doesnโt fit so Iโm in the market for a new pair.
– I love dresses and skirts with pockets.
-tank tops with shelf bras or built in bras. I hate wrestling with bras, so this is the casual comfy alternative for me. I usually wear them layered with a button down worn open or a looser running tank.
-+1 to a cozy sweater.
-Pants are definitely in my bottom five list. I donโt think I even own jeans anymore; Iโve given up on those.
– Turtlenecks. My head is too big for these. Also something I donโt own.
– Button down shirts that I have to button. I mean who has the time to do all those buttons. Or iron them.
– heels. Also have practically given up on these, except maybe twice a year for work events.
– tights. Leggings I wear a lot, but tightsโฆ no thank you.
Oh, Engie would love this answer!
My dream is to find a pair of overalls that fit me. Alas, no luck yet.
I agree 100% about dresses with pockets. It makes them even more versatile!
I also hate button down shirts and don’t own a single one!
Lisa's Yarns
This is fun! I do not really love clothes or dressing myself… I wish I did but I’ve really struggled more with this as my body has change in this perimenopausal stage. But I am working on accepting those changes! Here are my top 5:
1. Dresses
2. Sweatshirts because I am always cold
3. Leggings because they are comfy.
4. My long sleeve running shirts – the material is super soft and it has thumb holes so provides great coverage when the weather gets colder.
5. My jean jacket – this is a great layering piece for our colder months!
Bottom 5:
1. Skirts (I can rarely find a good skirt/shirt pairing and I do NOT have a small waist and skirts tend to draw attention to the waist.
2. Jeans – they are so rarely comfortable
3. nightgowns – I only want to sleep in pants or shorts and a shirt. I don’t like things “riding up” my body when I move around when sleeping!
4. button down shirts – they can easily gap out even though I am not at all chesty!
5. overall – I know some love them but I just can’t get behind this look!
I don’t think I could pull off overalls (and don’t own any), but they can look SO chic on the right person. I think you have to wear them with confidence, which I don’t think I’d have if I was wearing overalls.
Michelle G.
I love this post! I’m all about comfort.
Top 5:
1. Pima cotton nightdresses from Land’s End.
2. Starfish pants from Land’s End.
3. Long and short-sleeved t-shirts from Land’s End. (OK, I like Land’s End!)
4. Oversize fleece jackets.
5. Anything loose, stretchy, and cotton. I always buy my clothes a size up from what’s suggested.
Bottom 5:
1. Bras. OMG, I hate them.
2. Jeans
3. Leggings
4. Sleeveless tops
5. Shoes
You need to be a spokesperson for Land’s End! It’s great to find a brand that works and is comfortable. In the long run it ends up being cheaper and more sustainable to invest in pieces you know will work well over the long-term.
I agree about footwear. I’d rather be in barefeet at all times.
And I am clearly not the only one who doesn’t like sleeveless tops!
Ally Bean
Top 5:
Flannel PJs
Bottom 5:
Wool sweaters
Tank tops
Bathing suits
Wool sweaters. Preach it. There is little worse than a scratchy sweater!!!
Some of these comments are making me really sad! I guess it’s the way it goes with our bodies and showing certain parts of them off. Coming to terms with the way my body looks in clothes has been such a LOOONG part of my body positivity journey. Now I’m like “so what if I have jiggly arms? It’s hot and I want to wear a tank top!”
Can I also say that I don’t mind wearing a bathing suit? I have found these really flattering one-piece suits from Amazon that make me feel really good! I will also choose shorts/pants over dresses (I always feel like I am sooo dressed-up when I wear a dress, even a casual one, haha). I love leisurewear and yes to pajamas! I started wearing nightgowns a few years ago and I’m never going back!!
Aww. I definitely didn’t want this nudge toward body dissatisfaction. I think, for me (can’t speak for anyone else), it’s a mix between social pressures which we ALL know promotes thinness, and also some limiting factors that are undeniable because of my size. For example, when I wear shorts they always ride up (uncomfortable both emotionally and physically) and I get chaffing. So I really dislike wearing shorts. Dresses make me feel more put together (which makes me feel better emotionally) and they fit me better than just about anything else (make me feel physically better).
I would LOVE to see some flattering one-piece suits. I saw someone with the cutest one piece in Portugal. I couldn’t stop looking at it (I’d never seen anything quite like it), and I wanted to ask where she got it from but thought that might be weird. My swimsuits are all just a smidge too small and that makes them uncomfortable. Time to invest in some new comfy bathing suits!
So I just stared which is clearly even weirder *facepalm*
What a fun post and so many fun responses. People are different! Ha ๐
– shorts
– running tights
– sleeveless tops
– cropped pants
– hoodies
– bathing suits
– skirts
– sweaters
– hats
– dress pants
I feel best in a athletic outfit – is that a surprise? ๐
Athletic gear (especially if it’s soft and stretchy) is soooo comfy. No judgement from me!
This is a fun post.
Top 5:
1. Skirt with spandex shorts underneath. I live in this in the summer. LIVE! So comfy and the pockets are great.
2. My long sleeve spandex shirt – the brand is escaping me, which is silly, alo – is that it? – because that’s what makes it great. Total comfort.
3. I have a pair of pants by Robin something or other, crap- my memory is interfering with my list. Well, they’re perfectly stretchy, but not leggings. Can be dressed up or down, Long enough for my height – a rare find, and travel well – no wrinkles.
4. jean jacket – because I can wear it with anything
5. any sundress (I have a collection)
bottom 5:
1. pants that don’t fit – I’m tall. I dislike the stretchy jeans that become stretched out and slide down during the day
2. tops that make it difficult to wear a bra – I know, I know, bra straps that show aren’t the worst thing in the world, but it drives me insane. Why not make the neckline work with bra straps?
3. anything that shrinks in the wash – this is not a me problem, I’m definitely not expanding or getting taller. Nope, not possible. ๐
4. sweaters that might make me too hot – these fall into ‘they seemed like a good idea at the time’, but if I start to overheat, eek
5. any and all accessories – I can’t be bothered
Anything without a pocket it quasi useless. Unfortunately, most of my summer dresses don’t have pockets and I miss them!!
Pants that stretch and slide are the worst (I’m generally a fan of high rise since I have big hips.) And I agree about tops and/or bras that reveal straps. It annoys me to no end as well.
My bottom five include, I think, 3 or 4 of your top ones? LOL.
Top 5:
See Michelle G’s list + some of San’s. Biggies are:
Yoga pants
Fleece tops
Anything with a cowl/turtleneck
Anything that is too long (I’m probably the shortest person reading your blog…)
Anything with a tight waist band
Bathing suits
Tank tops
Anything that shows much beyond my hands and neck/head.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I am outing myself here: I own two bathing suits and have worn them a lot this summer.
Also Ia m a jeans kinda girl. Do they always fit, nope. Would I love them to fit better yes. I have switched to more stretchy pants a couple of years back.
Dresses probably more on the bottom part. I can never wear dresses without Spanx.
I always wear shorts under my dresses too (spandex material of some sort!)