I’ve done this exercise several times before – I sit down to write a quick post of three things currently bringing me joy. (Does this make Three Little Joys the baby sibling of Happy Things Friday?)
Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, so there isn’t a better time to practice gratitude and celebrate joyful things.
- Home is where…traffic can be avoided? I love that I’m so familiar with our town that I can make snap decisions about where to go based on the time of day or current events. If I happen to be headed one direction and see a long string of cars signalling I should find an alternate route, I can make those adjustments with ease. I know where to find the best parking and what end of town to avoid during rush hour. It gives me a warm sense of “home” that I have this level of insider knowledge.
- The cool cloth the yoga instructor puts on our head at the end of her vinyasa class. It’s damp – which is good because I’m always drenched in sweat – and smells like lemongrass (some weeks) or peppermint (other weeks). She puts a cloth on everyone’s forehead when we’re in a final shavasana, pushing down on temple pressure points as she goes and it is *amazing*.
- I know I’ve talked about this little joy before, but it still brings me joy so I’m going to mention it again. Opening/closing curtains and turning on/off lamps/outside lights. The ritual of “putting the house to bed” and “waking it up” again – typically performed by John when he’s home – are calming and deliciously predictable.
Your turn. If you’re not Canadian, when – if at all – do you celebrate Thanksgiving? I’d love to hear three (or more) little (or big) joys in your life today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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American Midwest here, so 4th Thursday in November for Thanksgiving. I need to send my Vancouver area sister a holiday greeting, though.
Three joys?
Soft cat sleeping at my feet, a four-day weekend from work (really needed that break) , and finding just the right item for a gift.
Love your three little joys! It is a special delight to find the *perfect* gift!
Nicole MacPherson
Awww, I love these. Happy Thanksgiving!
I find that I’m now used to Kelowna “traffic” and when we were in Calgary, I kind of forgot what actual traffic is like!
I’m sure it took some adjustment! I’ll admit I’m not a fan of city traffic, so my view of “traffic” is very different living in a rural town. That said, it’s a very popular tourist destination and we don’t really have the parking or road infrastructure to handle all the people that pass through so it does get congested!
Oooh! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a lovely day.
Let’s see… three little joys. Sleeping in a little (no school again today), SLIGHTLY cooler weather on my run this morning, and Earl Grey tea. Is there a better start to a day? I think not!
When I read your comment, I was drinking Earl Grey, Jenny. So you know that I agree with you.
Yay for sleeping in. When I left the house at 9:15 this morning Belle was still asleep! It does make it easier to manage sibling dynamics now that one likes to sleep in
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I’m in America, so we have ours on the 4th Thurs of November.
Joy #1: my daughter and I were running into run errands and we both just stopped and smelled the smell of almost rain for a moment
Joy #2: It was so chilly in our house last week and I made a cup of tea midmorning and it was just so lovely and warm to hold
Joy #3: A podcast that ended 3 minutes before I got to work so I could have a bit of quiet before starting
These are lovely, Lindsay. A hot drink on a cold day is one of life’s most wonderful luxuries. That first sip feeling is pure bliss!
Little joys:
Upgraded hotel rooms that include private outdoor space!
Trying a new-to-me food!
The first sip of coffee!
Ha – I just responded to Lindsay about how blissful that very first sip of coffee or tea is (especially on a cool day).
Your hotel room sounds lovely.
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s one of my favorite holidays.
My three joys of the day are: no work b/c it’s Indigenous People’s Day (the holiday fka Columbus Day), watching Doggo playing with other dogs on the Doggy Daycare Cam, and being able to do a long leisurely blog read this morning instead of being rushed like I usually am.
Yay for no work.
What? Doggo’s daycare has a video camera??? That is SO fun and SO cute! Wow, modern technology can be swell sometimes.
Lisa's Yarns
Happy Thanksgiving! American Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. I love Christmas but then you have all the gift giving and such. I love that Thanksgiving is just about getting together and eating delicious food!
My 3 things: 1. I’m really excited to go on a trip with Paul. He’s at a really fun age for adventures. 2. I’m excited to see my sister and her family this week. I haven’t seen them since last September so we are long overdue for a visit! 3. Cooler fall temps have arrived and I am loving it! It’s still nice during the day but I am not sweating profusely which I appreciate. Now I just need it to stay like this for a LONG TIME.
Thanksgiving feels like a much quieter holiday in Canada vs the US. Like…it’s not that big a deal. I like it, but we have zero traditions associated with Thanksgiving, don’t necessarily eat the same foods, or get together with certain people. I do love Thanksgiving though, since it’s usually a nice time of year where I live and any excuse to eat stuffing = great.
I can’t wait to hear all about your trip!!
Yay! Happy Thanksgiving!
Three little joys… My kid has been having a really nice time visiting her grandparents, which is happy and gratifying in many ways. A black bean burrito for lunch – such a treat! And time to read blogs!!!
There are so many facets to the joy you feel as a parent when your child is enjoying time away from home!
Happy Thanksgiving! My 3 Little Joys are 1) a 3 day workweek 2) a fall camping trip this weekend and 3) the fall foliage is at it’s peak here in central Minnesota and just beautiful!
Fall foliage is one of my absolute favourite things to see in nature…ever. Something about the colours and the sounds and the smells and the crisp air. Ahhhh. It’s so refreshing and also comforting. (I say as I watch out the window mid-day in pajamas while it rains in torrents outside.)
ccr in MA
Let’s see:
1) Having vacation this week–I am trying hard to enjoy the break from work, and not focus only on the trip that was cancelled by the hurricane
2) For some stupid reason I can’t watch today’s Bruins game on TV, but at least I can listen to the radio broadcast
3) Sunshine outside my windows
It would be hard not to long for the vacation that wasn’t to be. That is so frustrating and of course it’s not like you missed your trip AND had a blast lounging at home. Evacuating for a hurricane is no ones idea of a fun time.
Sunshine makes everything better, doesn’t it.
Michelle G.
Your three little joys are lovely, Elisabeth! Mine today are: 1. Cold, crisp air and even a bit of frost on my daily walk. 2. I’m having a lazy day. I even took a nap! 3. I’m still enjoying having internet at home so much! It still feels like a luxury!
I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving when you do, or even earlier in November. It’s such a short time between our Thanksgiving and Christmas!
We haven’t had frost yet, but I see we’re to get to 0C this week, so it is coming my way.
Naps are lovely; I didn’t have one today, but I had an hour-long nap yesterday and it felt luxurious.
I love a good gratitude practice.
1) Being able to walk Hannah right after lunch on a work from home day. She’s such a lovely companion on my strolls.
2) Roasted veggies for lunch – is there anything better than roasted root veggies?
3) My heated vest – I’m wearing it right now!
Roasted veggies are the best. I used to whip up a batch all the time, but haven’t been doing that as much lately and must get back in the habit!
I haven’t gotten out my heated vest yet, but I know I’ll need to do that soon! #NotReady
happy thanksgiving. I also enjoy closing the curtains, turning on AC before end, signaling that the day is ending and it’s time for rest and recharge.
3 things that brought me joy yesterday:
– finishing my priority tasks (2) before noon
– catching up with colleagues coming back from leave and exchange highlights of our trips
– coming home and see everything in order, thanks to our efficient helper.
It’s nice to have a wind-down ritual that clearly marks the end of the day!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
That cloth sounds wonderful. I had a diffuser and peppermint was my favorite oil!
I am always happy when I am cycling and it’s not raining. Or if it wants to rain and it does it overnight, I am happy. It’s amazing how this little thing can make me so much happier. Lately, I am finding so much joy in the fall colors. Every turn is a new beautiful view. And third… I have been playing online rummikub with my brother a few nights a week and we really are having fun with it. I love playing games and that is something I miss while I am on the road.
The weather looks REALLY good for the next week. Fingers crossed so tight for you.
You like games? Do I have the right kid for that. Belle is obsessed with games and I eventually tire of games so guess what you’re doing next week at my place…haha.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
1) A set of buttery soft leggings I bought on a whim during Amazon Prime day sales. It was a pack of 5 for $18 (more than half off original price) and they are so comfortable but not too thin! I wear them under dresses this time of year, and to bed
2) Elizabeth is in a huge book-reading phase right now. As I type she is reading aloud to Victoria. “Green frog, green frog, what do you see? I see a purple cat looking at me.” Every night she requests to read The Cat in the Hat “by Dr. Seuss” (she always specifies) and can end most of the sentences on her own (she completes the line about Thing One and Thing Two causing havoc in the house with gusto: “and all kinds of BAD TRICKS!”).
3) White chocolate raspberry coffee creamer.
I need soft leggings. If you’ve opted into comment replies, I’d love to know the brand!!!
Isn’t having a kid learning to read some of the ABSOLUTE BEST MOMENTS in parenting?
That sounds like such a delicious and decadent creamer. Yum.
I can’t tell if this comment will nest as a reply, or if it will start a new comment thread, but either way I trust you’ll figure it out
This is the link to the leggings! They have gone through the wash once and so far so good.
High Waisted Leggings for Women -… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGS7Z9G?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Thank you so much. Alas, my nested comments do not work on this site and it is so frustrating. I will get it fixed eventually. Until then, thank you so much <3
Happy thanksgiving! No thanksgiving in Australia but I like the idea of it (Christmas is probably when we reflect the most on what we are grateful for).
Little joys for me would be:
1. My morning coffee and reading (from bed or the couch) before the day starts
2. Waking up to the birds outside our window every morning (the kookaburras particularly call every dawn)
3. Driving to work through the forest with minimal traffic (I used to live in Sydney so this is very welcome).
Christmas is definitely the “big” holiday for me and I don’t know of any Canadians that celebrate Thanksgiving in the same way as Americans. It’s a fairly low-key weekend in our country, but it’s a nice excuse for a nice meal with family.
You drive to work through a forest? That sounds lovely!
I love this! American Thanksgiving this year falls on my birthday so it will be extra special!
My three joys: getting back to my normal routine after 2.5 weeks of madness, Florida fall (temps in the low 70s today!), and kitty snuggles when I woke up this morning <3
Isn’t it crazy how the simplest things of everyday routines seem so, so sweet after a major disruption. I can’t imagine evacuating for a weather disaster (I’ve never done it). How unsettling. I’m so glad you, your pets, your family and your apartment are safe. And I hope you’re closer to getting a solution to Gladys’ loss
That’s a fun birthday confluence!
Happy belated Thanksgiving. I’m from Chicago, so we celebrate on the 4th Thursday of November.
My 3 little joys: when college kids come home to visit (Tank was here for 1 night last Friday and will be again this Friday for 1 night and Mini comes home this Friday and will be home for a week), having my daycare kids picked up by 4:00 this school year (for 5 years I had one family who needed care until 5 pm – that one hour is huge), and a great night’s sleep last night.
One hour makes a huge difference. I remember when my kids switched from preschool (a 5:00 pm pick-up) to elementary school (a 2:30 pm pickup), it felt like I lost half a day! So when you flip that narrative and it’s the person hosting children, I can see it would be such a relief to have that extra time!
Yay for a good sleep. I know sleep has been rough for you lately, so I’m sure a good night of sleep feels like a real “win.”
No thanksgiving at all in Sweden, which I’m happy for because I do want to focus on christmas

1. The fall colours
2. My cuddly kitten
And 3. Returning home after three days away on a job conference. I love it at home!
Have a nice weekend
Doesn’t it feel so lovely to get home after time away? We see it through new eyes and being back in our own bed is a special sort of comfort.
You know I love fall colours (and I don’t have any pets, but if I did – a cuddly kitten sounds like the absolute best option!)
We love our traditional American Thanksgiving which will be here in a few weeks. YAY. It is my favorite holiday.
I too love knowing the best places to park, side streets to take to avoid a long line of cars and the best direction to take during rush hour. Who knew such things brought joy.
I know a lot of Americans enjoy it more than Christmas; I can see why with all the good food and none of the “gift” pressure.
Happy belated Candian Thanksgiving – as you might know, here in the US, it’s a full month later
I am looking forward to the long weekend though 
Three little joys right now: moving to a new place (hooray!), an engagement in my family, and my first cup of coffee in the am (always!).
You must be so excited for a long weekend. And I know you and Jon always have a lovely celebration for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Those are such lovely things that really run the range: coffee is the gift that keeps giving every day, moving happens infrequently, and engagements (hopefully) only happen once. How joyful indeed.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Late to read but I love your little joys.