Because of how the days of October ended up falling, we had “five” weeks in our challenge. Today is the final roundup. I’m both relieved – it is a surprising amount of work to pull together all the pictures and blog links – and wistful. It has been a delight to travel vicariously along the streets and forests and shores of our giant planet as a band of walking companions and I’m going to miss this form of blogging community connection.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures. Thanks to everyone who didn’t walk but cheered us on or pursued intentional movement in other ways. I’m planning to host another walking challenge in April. Doing this twice a year, on a 6-month rotation, feels doable. Plus, April is the perfect month to increase outdoor activity in Canada since we’ll finally be emerging from winter.
First up, my walks:

- Day #25: Indy wanted to see if a friend was available to play and wisely conned me into approving the request because he said walking me over would allow me to fit in my ten-minute walk. His friend wasn’t available, but he found some different friends to play with en route home. He also managed to spot a gigantic leaf (the perspective in this picture doesn’t do the size justice; it was huge). A measly 0.66 km, but it felt refreshing to get outside. Later we took a 7.08 km walk as a family.
- Day #26: 3.97 km walk with Joy; we walked by a home with a bottle sculpture. I’ve seen it dozens of times in the last a decade, but this was the first time I’d stopped to take a picture!
- Day #27: 5.84 km; it was windy and chilly, but John and I still had a lovely walk through a local trail system.
- Day #28: Lots of driving to get to my parents but the reward was a 1.14 km walk with my mom, followed by a 1.53 km walk with my dad through the woods on their property. (It’s hunting season, hence the orange garb.)
- Day #29: We had a busy day and spent a chunk of it in the car…but I still managed a 0.84 km walk with my mom, and another walk (1.05 km) through the woods with my dad. It was beautiful <3
- Day #30: A short-and-sweet 1.06 km walk with Mom.
- Day #31: One of the most beautiful walks of the year for me; a wooded hike to a remote lake with my father. 3.91 km of pure natural and relational delight. Later in the day, we tried another new-to-me hike: 2.36 km.
- Friends, if Suzanne did not post the picture-perfect representation of what this walking club is all about, then the Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and I do not have an unhealthy attachment to Magic Bags. If you happen to be feeling emotionally blue today, read her post. It is sure to leave you with a smile on your face.
- Allison continued to get her walk on; alas, Eve had to go back to school, but Lucy remained a constant and eager companion.
- Julie went walking and spotted a beautiful rainbow.
- You likely figured that Engie and Hannah were going to knock walking out of the park again. They did. And then poor Engie caught COVID. Hannah kept things going strong in the walking department, she just made sure a different human fit in their steps.
- I was impressed to read that Tobia organized a date day with her husband to make sure she was able to fit in her daily walk!
San and Michelle’s finished selfie trackers are so much fun!

- Jacquie and her daughter visited Maan Farms in Abbotsford. “The ice cream is pumpkin spice with a ginger cookie and a dollop of whip cream in a real mini pumpkin. It was delicious, and I’m glad we decided to split it because it was huge!” Isn’t that presentation adorable?!
- Lisa fit in a run (look at those leaves!) and then took a little trail home from church (more gorgeous leaves!) – all in a single Sunday morning!
- Michelle added some Halloween flare to her selfie for the final day of the walking challenge.
- Katherine sent more photos from Boston (England), all steeped in history. The first picture is of “the medieval Guildhall where some of the Pilgrim Fathers were once imprisoned, before being released, heading to Holland and then on the Mayflower to the New World. You can still see the cells they were held in. Then Fydell House next door, a grand 17th century town house and another shot of St Botolphβs Church, looking rather different from my last photo.”

- Nicole continues her dreamy vacation in Italy. This week she sent pictures from a hiking adventure in Cinque Terre. Doesn’t it look amazing? The only thing missing is Rex…
- Kyria sent some pictures from her most recent adventures.

- Tobia has been moving daily in Germany! One day, she walked through a nature reserve (where she can hear frogs in the spring). She enjoyed a night-time walk along the river with the full moon. And she and her husband incorporated the walking club into their date. About the CBWC she writes: “It was a fun way to get outside and my goal is to keep the momentum going…My plan is to do a lunch walk with a coffee every weekday at least.”Β
- Sabine sent three pictures from the Netherlands. The first was from a last-minute evening walk. The second was taken at the seaside while her kids were on autumn break. And the last one is from a favourite walking and cycling route. The big, beautiful tree is located in a local cemetery and serves as a reminder of a dear friend – that loved to be physically active – who passed away unexpectedly earlier this year.
- Bonus picture from one of my walks (the math didn’t quite work out for my collages).

- Julie sent photos from California where she has continued to walk daily! She writes: “I havenβt been sending photos of my walks because I go so early most days, the lighting isnβt great, and I walk in the suburbs so there isnβt that NATURE thing going on, blah blah blah.” I’m here to say I love receiving pictures of everything – blah, blah, blah images are welcome here!
- And our walking club wouldn’t feel complete without some final KANGAROO PICTURES FROM SOPHIE. Sorry I’m yell-typing, but I still can’t get over the fact some people see actual kangaroos while out for mid-day walks. I would definitely turn around if I encountered the Hunstman spiders she spotted another day…
- Bonus picture from one of my walks (the math didn’t quite work out for my collages).
And that’s a wrap. I hope everyone continues to pursue active adventures! Happy weekending and happy walking. See you Monday.
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Thank you again for this, Elisabeth. All of the pictures are great, but of course because it is so exotic to me, I especially love the kangaroos!
I think we all know nothing can compete with kangaroos <3
You're most welcome, and thank you! A walking club is no fun if there aren't "members"!
Michelle G.
I had so much fun walking with you and all the cool bloggers! Thank you for hosting this wonderful event, Elisabeth! β€οΈ
Michelle, it was so fun to have you participate this year. As you know, I loved your selfie tracker. Thanks for being such an enthusiastic member of the “club.”
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Big applause to our waking host, you Elisabeth. This was so so much fun. I have scribbled down April immediately. I am really hoping to fit in 10 minute walks Yesterday I went around the block while dinner was in the oven. I would have not done that without a month of getting out.
It’s been fun seeing all the fall colors in the images and the different places people visited.
Aww. You’re too kind, Tobia. You are so very welcome and I’m thrilled (THRILLED) this has inspired you to keep pursuing extra movement. There is something so refreshing and healing about even a short walk. I find it adorable you did it will dinner was in the oven. A walk, and then food. What’s better than that?
Cool Blogger walking is not a contest…but it appears that we have a tie. You and Kyria meeting up AND Sophie’s kangaroos!
Until next time, Cool Blogger Walkers!
Ha! Kangaroos are pretty hard to beat…
Wow, this really was an international challenge! I love all the photos, especially since I’m a poor deprived Floridian who doesn’t get to see fall colors in person. I wasn’t a cool walking blogger (this time) but I was definitely cheering everyone on!
You were a cool runner π
Lisaβs Yarns
Wow! Nicoleβs pictures! I canβt wait to hear about her trip to Italy. What an amazing destination!
I did not do well with this challenge but that is ok! I did great on weekends and during my trip to DC. I loved seeing what others logged, though!!
I am so excited for her Italian recaps. I know there has been some good wine, but the rest is a mystery and I am anxiously awaiting more details!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
What a fun post with such great photos! I love your wrap up; thanks for putting so much effort into sharing with everyone! It is so fun to see what everyone’s little corner of the world looks like. I cannot wait until April, because my tentative plan is to be on a hike somewhere and so I should have no issue walking every day and will hopefully have some good photos!
A month of hiking would be perfect timing for a walking challenge. I planned that just for you of course π
Seeing the pictures from all these walks was really fun. Thank you for the weekly recaps and the organizing.
My pleasure <3
Thank you for hosting the CBWC in October. I am so happy I was able to join this time. It’s so great to see all the pictures from all the different places where people have walked last month…. some are better than others (Cinque Terre? Yes, please. Beautiful fall foliage? LOVE it. Huntsman spider encounter? JUST NO. (I once had an encounter with one INDOORS when I was in Hawaii and it completely freaked me out, event though I was told that they’re actually docile and keep the house insect-free. Haha.)
Thanks for keeping everyone motivated! Can’t wait for the next round!
I’m with you on the spiders. That gets a hard pass from me. My parents had a mouse inside their house this week and I was reduced to a squealing toddler trying to jump up on a chair. A few days later a harmless snake slithered across a path in front of my and nearly fainted.
Thanks for the shoutout and the inspiration, Elisabeth! I really appreciate all the work you put into hosting this club and keeping us all motivated!
Awww. Thanks, friend. It was a lot of fun and I will be very excited for April to arrive!
KANGAROOS ARE REAL. I know, I know – I’ve commented that exact thing before, but it’s crazy. ON THE SAME PLANET as me! KANGAROOS.
It’s okay, Engie. It deserves caps lock. It’s not just that kangaroos are on this planet it’s the a human (that I know) sees them regularly. That is truly bizarre to me. If I walked outside and saw a kangaroo today, I’d likely faint from the shock.
Grateful Kae
These visuals are SO cool!! I don’t know how to do that (teach me?!) but I love it! I didn’t officially participate in your walking challenge this time, just because with 2 separate travel weeks and a lot of craziness, I didn’t want something I “had” to do. But you know I joined you in spirit, because I’m usually out every day with Charlie anyway! π I love the 2x yearly cadence too for your challenge. That seems about right! (I was thinking, I should have jumped on your bandwagon and done a Cool Blogger’s Gratitude Club in November in honor of the U.S. Thanksgiving! But I guess not everyone is American, lol. And there’s already NaBloPoMo in November! Ah well. π
I love that you and Charlie fit in so many walks together. That is one of the joys of owning a dog, I think. You get out in all kinds of weather and are probably much healthier than the average non-dog owner because of it!
Thank you for hosting the CBWC in October and including my pictures. Hopefully I will keep up with walking every day although it will be dark even before dinner (and the wet and grey weather is here to stay…until March or so).
Thanks for walking with us, Sabine. And thanks for sending such lovely pictures. Of course I’m hoping tulips will feature in some if you join me in April… π
Thank you for hosting Elisabeth. I love seeing all the photos from people’s walks. I did manage to complete the challenge this time around; luckily, there were no injuries to derail me. I will hopefully do a recap post sometime this week I think.
I’m so glad that your foot is all healed and you were able to not only join the challenge, but do it in absolutely stunning locations!
This challenge was a blast! I did not send nay pictures, but I DID walk outside every day, and it was such a good reminder of why being outside is so important π
I know you walked and I loved linking to your blog. I am pretty sure you were our chicest walker.
Thank you for hosting CBWC again Elisabeth! So fun to see these recaps and everyoneβs walks. Such a fun but do-able challenge π
My pleasure. I think you won “the most enthusiastic” mentions award. People really love seeing your kangaroo pictures – myself included!!!
This is amazing. Look at all those photos. I love reading about where everyone is located. The kangaroo photos are so cool. I can’t wait to read about Nicole’s travels when she gets back. I think my photos (That I failed to send, oops – sorry) would’ve fallen into the blah, blah, blah category too. It felt sort of silly sending photos of nothing of interest, because I, too, am walking/running in the burbs. Thanks for organizing this movement. Get it? π
I am so excited to read all about Nicole’s adventures in Italy!!!
I got it – haha π