This was an extra special week of walking adventures because I had another Cool Blogger with me on most of my walks! Kyria visited our family this week and we were oh-so-fortunate to have picture-perfect fall weather here in Eastern Canada.
First up my/our walks:

- Day #18: 3.36 km walk with John, the kids, and my father-in-law to get to school. The moon was still bright and beautiful in the sky. What a lovely morning! Belle and I stopped for a selfie. Later in the day, Joy and I fit in a 4.46 km walk.
- Day #19: 4.39 km early-morning walk with John. It was brisk but beautiful! Later in the day, Kyria and I did a 6.92 km walk at Grand Pré.
- Day #20: 1.34 km of
rock climbingparkourwalking at the one-and-only Peggy’s Cove. - Day #21: 3.91 km walk to school. Later in the day, we hiked Cape Split which rang in at 14.53 km.
- Day #22: I fit in my ten minutes (and then some) with a trip to Medford Beach: 2.67 km. I didn’t measure our walk around Wolfville, or a lovely stroll along the cliffs at Cape Blomidon but those happened as well!
- Day #23: 6.56 km walk to school + a local trail with Kyria. That was our last Cool Bloggers Walk together. *sad emoji*
- Day #24: A slightly overcast but windless and warm fall day. Indy was home with me, so in between schoolwork for him and work calls for me we fit in a short 0.78 km stroll together and spotted a very spotted pumpkin along our route.
Here are some blog posts that summarize walking adventures. Colleen posted some beautiful photos from her recent walks (which have included the addition of a weighted vest!). Sophie’s had lovely weather for her daily walks, most of which happen through a forest or beside a lake. Engie walked faithfully – with trusty sidekick Hannah sporting some brand new safety bling! Bibliomama went on some colourful, sunshiney walks with Eve home from college (and sweet little Lucy in tow). Sarah walked in style with leopard-print clothing, snazzy sunglasses, and bright red lipstick!
San sent me an updated custom-filled tracker!

- ccr sent “proof” that she took another walk. Look at the beautiful flower (and cheeky lizard!) that she happened to spot along the way. Indy would be in raptures of delight if he could see a lizard out on a walk in our area.
- Lisa and Paul had gorgeous weather for a walk around DC; you can see a glimpse of the 555-foot Washington Monument behind them! A few days later, Lisa stopped on her running route to take a picture of the lake with its “peak fall vibes”.
- Melissa sent a final picture from her Camino adventure.
- Nicole captured a photo of a walk on cobblestones in Italy. Also…she sent two pictures in torrential downpours with the caption “Rain? What rain?” That looks like a lot of rain, Nicole!

- Jacquie sent more pictures from Victoria, BC. One of the perks of visiting her parents is getting to walk with her sister. “The first photo is in the Fernwood area. The Belfry Theatre, formerly a church, is…in the background.” The next photo is “Craigdarroch Castle, a National Historic Site of Canada. It was the home of the Scottish baron, Robert Dunsmuir and family. He never lived to enjoy it, dying 17 months before completion. I had my wedding photos taken inside there. Beautiful place!” She also spotted a deer (apparently there are many in the area), and a colourful tree outside her parents’ window!
- Engie and Hannah got their walk on (see above) many times this week!
- Sophie and her kids got to explore some rock pools, and the second picture is at a lake close to her workplace. She walks every day over her lunch hour, and said: “...gee my mental health is happy about that.”
- Coree and her son spotted an albino squirrel up in a tree on one of their bicycle rides! I’ve don’t think I’ve ever seen an albino squirrel?

- Joy fit in lots of lovely walks this week; all of them showcase fall in its beauty, and one included a stop at the park so her preschooler could explore a playground.
- Elinoora sent a series of pictures from her walks in Rotterdam. The first was taken at sunset looking over the harbour (she bikes to/from work on Tuesdays and Thursdays). The fall foliage and cow shots were captured on running days, and the Erasmus Bridge features heavily in her lunchtime walks.
If you are participating in the walking club and want to submit pictures for next Friday’s roundup – the last one of our October walking club!! – feel free to e-mail them to me at optimisticmusings7 {at} gmail {dot} com. Happy walking.
Have you ever seen an albino squirrel? What was your favourite piece of playground equipment as a kid? Mine was definitely the swing and I still find myself drawn to them whenever I’m at a park.
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Kyria @ Travel Spot
Yay, what a great post! I am so glad I could be part of your walks this week! My favorite was walking the kids to school every day; it felt so Anne of Green Gables and I used to yearn to be able to walk to school when I was a kid (I had an hour long bus ride!) Thanks for including me, and for taking such good photos to do document everything!
Also PS is Engie wearing a tank top!!?
I’m glad someone can no confirm our commute to school really is as lovely as I’ve been saying it is! I love that we get to start our day this way (most of the time at least).
And I think you’re right – Engie is rocking a tank top (and Hannah’s in her birthday suit).
Michelle G.
I love all these pictures!! What fun to see everyone on their walks. This is so cool, Elisabeth!
I have never seen an albino squirrel. I always love the swings best, too. What a feeling!
The swings are just…magic. That feeling of weightlessness is priceless.
The exciting development of this week is that we went from not having a lot of fall colors to a sudden Fall Explosion. The peak came from out of nowhere. And the weather is still warm! Doggo is happy to be out walking no matter what but it doesn’t hurt that it’s so gorgeous out.
I’m not sure if I’ve seen an albino squirrel or not – I think so? I’m not really sure.
I love when fall bursts on to the scene. And warm weather is just my fave this time of year. It was so mild this week, but it’s cooler today and I am just so worried our warm days are coming to an end. Gah. I’m not ready for winter, but at least this fall has been SPECTACULAR.
Wow what a lot of walking you and Kyria did this week Elisabeth- impressive, both the distance and the locations you visited.
My favourite kids play equipment was the monkey bars, I used to be able to spin around on them no hands backwards! Those days are fine (also I don’t see monkey bars as often at playgrounds any more).
*Long gone, not fine 😂
It was easy to get in lots of steps with such gorgeous weather! It really made the week extra special.
I was never good at monkey bars because I have horrible upper body strength. But I did love folding my knees over the monkey bars and dangling down that way. They feel like a recipe for concussions, but I never got hurt!
Lisa's Yarns
What a fun group of photos. But holy batman, Nicole! That looks like some serious rain! I am sure she still had a delightful time, rain and all. I can’t wait to hear about her trip!
I failed to walk at all this week but last week was an epic week for walks/runs between our time in DC and beautiful weather back home. It’s been so mild out which is just wonderful. I hope it sticks around for Halloween! We’ll get lots of outside time this weekend but not sure how many walks we’ll fit in besides the walk to/from church on Sunday. I do love that you can walk your kids to school! Our school is about a mile away so it’s an easy walk but we’ve never done it since mornings are so busy and we are rushing to get to work. I did walk Paul to chess club earlier this month which was great!
If anyone could find delight in rain it would be Nicole.
You had such beautiful walks last week and I loved the pics you sent!
Lisa’s Yarns
I forgot to mention that we do have albino squirrels around us! There is one that tends to play at Paul’s playground at school. The kids have a nickname for him that is escaping me right now!
Aww. That’s so fun that they get to see him regularly.
We have an albino squirrel in our neighborhood! But around here, black squirrels are the celebrities.
No pictures though- I’ll try for next week.
I see black squirrels every month or so…but I can’t recall ever seeing an albino?!
Well, I have failed at being a cool walking blogger once again. But I’m loving all the photos! And I love San’s custom made tracker (why am I not surprised that she made a tracker for this???) I’ll bet all your walkers are going to be sad when the month ends!
I’m so happy that you’re content to follow along. Plus, you exercise every day. Walking feels like an unnecessary addition. Maybe the next time I should rename it The Cool Bloggers’ Moving Club.
6 Things Saturday | Thinking About...
[…] been walking every day for Elisabeth’s Cool Bloggers Walking Club, and I was treated to this rainbow at sunrise one morning. AC recently wrote about photoshop, which […]
I LOL’d about the albino squirrel because years ago, we were visiting my Grandma and her sister, my Great Aunt Flo, and Aunt Flo was facing the window that looked out on the street, and she kept seeing an albino squirrel scurry about, and interrupting our conversation to point it out, and of course every time we turned to look, it was gone. Finally my Grandma said, snappishly, “Shut up about the damn squirrel, Flo!” Aunt Flo was generally a nicer person than my Grandma.
You certainly have beautiful walks to school in the morning. I’ve never had any like that. When my daughter was little, I would drive her part way, and walk the last 3/4 mile or so, just to have that time together and once I started working from home in 2006,we brought our dog Genevieve, too. I don’t know how much Maya remembers those walks, but I do, very fondly. There was a horse along the way, and I remember the first time Genevieve saw the horse (I’m sure she had smelled it many a time, dogs have an amazing sense of smell), and she FROZE. She just stood there, staring. I imagined her thinking, “WHAT IS THAT BEAUTIFUL CREATURE?” I imagine that because I love horses almost as much as I love dogs. <3
I LOVE how you told that story, J. I really got a sense of their personalities 😉
I’m sure Maya remembers those walks and I’m so glad they’re a treasured memory for you. I think walks to school are such a nice way to start the day – for everyone involved.
I know you love horses and how incredible there happened to be one on your walking route! We don’t pass any horses where we live!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I love seeing all the different vistas our club member experience. So great. Best fall weather and some rain. And some fun vacation walks too.
I loved everything I could climb as a kid on a playground. Just this week I actually hijacked the playground at night and was doing some mental health healing on the swing after a very bad zoom call.
I’m sorry you had such a tough call, but glad that a swing was a nice setting to unwind. There is something so freeing about defying gravity!
Great pics. I have a few more photos to send . . . some from when Mini and I took 6 little guys to the zoo. We were walking. I also took a few photos of the sunrise when I was running. Does running count? 😉
I don’t think I’ve seen an albino squirrel but there is a black squirrel that lives in or near my folks’ yard. We so not have many black squirrels around here, so it stands out.
Running counts, Ernie!!!! SIX kids to the zoo is…a lot. Wow. Gold stars to you!
Once again, so lovely to see where people walk and what they encounter on their walks …. I love these round-ups. And obviously, you had the best walking buddy this week 🙂
It was so fun to have a blogging sidekick on my daily walks!!!