Congratulations to everyone in the “club” for walking your way through Week #2. And special thanks to everyone who submitted pictures from their ten minutes of daily(ish) movement!
First up, my walks.

- Day #4: 7.3 km walk with Joy propelled by good conversation (and stalled by a few photo breaks).
- Day #5: 4.13 km walk with John and the kiddos (it started to rain on the way home, so we took a shortcut).
- Day #6: A Sunday evening family stroll along a local trail. I didn’t take my phone or record my walking distance (but I know it’s ~6.5 km). Lovely.
- Day #7: 3.12 km walk as a family to do school dropoff. A lovely morning – crisp and sunny. My idea of perfect weather.
- Day #8: 0.95 km walk in the rain with Belle. We did little more than the requisite 10 minutes, but found a few good books at a local lending library.
- Day #9: ~3.3 km walk to school (forgot to wear my watch); 7.5 km walk with John, including some lovely trails through local woodlands.
- Day #10: 3.36 km walk to school + a 1.96 km walk with Joy (she walked over to my house for coffee and I met her in the middle so we could walk back together).
San is filling in the printable tracker with pictures. Utter genius (then again, would we expect anything different from such an extraordinary blogger).

Engie and Hannah put me to shame with their (often thrice!) daily walks. This picture is of Hannah on Wednesday, and I quote: “It was a perfect Midwestern October day and we both loved it.” Curious how Engie knows Hannah enjoyed the walk? She speaks fluent dog.

Bibliomama fit in lots of walks and pitched the idea of starting a Cool Bloggers Crawling Club.

- Melissa! What a picturesque street.
- Kyria. Day 7 included an early morning run; Day 8 featured all sorts of colours.
- Sabine. No tulips this time of the year in the Netherlands, but gorgeous foliage nonetheless.
- Jan and Charlie out for a forest walk in Glebe Park (Ontario). Charlie is 13 years old and still a willing – and photogenic – walking companion.
- Nicole and Rex. These two walk every day…rain or shine.
- Lisa and Taco out for a jaunt through their neighbourhood to look at Halloween decorations!

- Jacquie sent me a lovely picture along with a special note (pasted below in its entirety). Thank you for sharing such a touching story and congratulations to your parents – 70 years of marriage is a tremendous milestone!
“I love being part of your walking club! It’s been particularly lovely getting outside on these crisp, sunny days.
I’ve attached a photo of a hike that I did with my daughter this week. It’s called Teapot Hill, and while the view at the top is minimal, it is a fun hike to do because people leave teapots, cups and saucers, and creamers along the trail.
We’ve done it several times before; however this time I wanted to leave something personal.
My parents celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary this past June 25th. The cup and saucer is from their “wedding China” and the playful looking horse is one of my mum’s collectibles. They are 92, almost 93 now, and I like to think that they will always be somewhere playing together.”
- Sophie found tulips! It might not be the season for tulips in Holland, but it is in Australia.
- Nicole and Rex on a very special occasion. Day #10 was the two-year anniversary of when Rex joined her family. Happy Gotcha Day to Rex!
- Tobia e-mailed me a collection of wonderful pictures from Germany.
- Maria sent snapshots from various walks in New Brunswick. In addition to beautiful fall views, one walk required rain gear and featured her four-year-old pushing a toy shopping cart full of various and sundry items.
If you are participating in the walking club and want to submit pictures for next Friday’s roundup feel free to e-mail them to me at optimisticmusings7 {at} gmail {dot} com.
Happy walking. And Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians here and abroad.
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Michelle G.
I love seeing all these photos! San’s idea of putting selfies in the chart is genius! This post warmed my heart and made my day. ❤️
Aww. I’m glad it made you happy; receiving all the photos sure made me happy 🙂
Jan Coates
Happy turkey day! Feeling grateful to have all the family at Pine Lake before heading back to NS on Monday:) See you soon!
Oh, you’re coming back this way soon. Can’t wait to reconnect. Enjoy this last special long weekend. I know you’ve been gone for a long stretch but somehow the summer months have flown.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
What fun photos! Thanks for putting them all together! It looks like you are getting out a lot, and the weather is still holding up (except for that little bit of rain) so far! Have a great Thanksgiving!
The weather has been nice…but it is getting much colder. Brrr. Like I needed finger gloves and a hat two days now. Sigh. But onward and upward. There is blue sky and I will go walking mid-afternoon when it is at the absolute warmest part of the day.
It is SO fun to see all these photos! Really builds the connection. 🙂
Isn’t it fun! And I just saw you had pictures from all your walking adventures in your post today. Loved it! I’ll link to that next week <3
I failed this week- a few walks mostly inside. However, on one walk, I did notice my lilac tree has some blooms- completely wrong season- long stretch of warm weather has confused it! Next week I’ll make every day.
There definitely is no way to fail in the walking club because life happens and there is no extra gold star for doing it every single day. But that’s so interesting about the lilac tree. I’ve never heard or seen such a thing. I wonder if it smelled as strongly in fall as a blooming one would in spring/early summer?
If anyone wants to know how you get your photo first, you just need to send it very late on Thursday night. LOL. Thanks for including us even though Hannah’s human is not good about getting things sent to you on time.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey – your ploy worked! Hannah got top billing.
Believe me, us hoomans know when our dogs really enjoy their walks. There are the “bad weather/I’m not in the mood for this” walks, during which the human spends contemplating how long it has been since the dog last went to the bathroom and not liking the answer. There are the “fine I’ll do my business” walks, and then there are the “woo hoo walkies!” walks, and then there are the “YESSSSSSSSSS” walks. It’s sounds like Hannah was at a YESSSSSSSS.
You and Engie are the dog whisperers! Though I’ve never had a dog, I think non-communicative toddlers are similar. As a parent, I learned to “read the room” even without words…
Lisa’s Yarns
These photos are all so fun! I love seeing everyone out on beautiful fall walks! (Well fall for us northern hemisphere folks!). I am admittedly not doing great at this challenge but that is ok. I got walks in when I can. We’ve had a rough stretch of accidents for taco which means a bath when he gets home from school and once he’s in pjs I don’t want to go back outside for a walk!
I hope no one is feeling any pressure. I may not even make it all 31 days! Today is torrential rain and winds. I suppose I could use the treadmill but that’s not appealing.
I love fall. My favourite time of the year without a doubt. But the temperature is starting to slip and I am not ready for what comes next.
Nicole MacPherson
Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, Rex and I are out every day no matter what. And you know what, even in the worst conditions we still have fun!
You have the single best attitude toward the weather I have ever come across. I wish I could so joyfully embrace cold and snow. Kudos to you and Rex for your Canadian fortitude.
Ally Bean
Yay to everyone who is keeping up the good work, doing the walks. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
Thanks! It definitely inspires me to make sure I get out for even a short walk when I know other people are joining in!
I love these posts so much. It’s so wonderful to see how many people are participating and to see these photos from all over the world! I love all the doggie pictures and the beautiful scenery! And thanks so much for including my tracker… you know how I feel about trackers LOL
It is so fitting you did something creative with the tracker. I love it and another blogger – Michelle – has adopted the idea and filled in her own tracker with daily selfies.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
This is such a fun thing to do together across continents. Love seeing all the different people and landscape and participants. What a great club to be part of.
I guess I could have given more context in where I take my walks… hahah.
Also I am impressed by how many km you are walking.
It is so cool to get glimpses into other’s lives and landscapes!
I try to walk most days anyway, but it is an extra kick thinking of all the other people walking while we all think of each other right now. There’s nothing like having a dog to bring it home how AWESOME WALKING IS and how lucky we are that we can just open the door and do it.
I do think I’d love walking a dog.
It’s just the caring for a dog outside of those walks I’m less thrilled to imagine! I should offer to dog walk for people. Best of both worlds?