Friends!!! I did it.
Here is proof.

Look at me – fully dressed and at the door – ready to grab my bag and water bottle at 5:42 am!! This time of day actually exists.
I realize 5:42 am isn’t early to some readers, but it is to me. (And, for extra gold stars, I was out of bed by 5:20 am…)
It has been over 15 years since I attended an in-person fitness class. It was blessedly small (no wonder because IT’S STARTING BEFORE SANE PEOPLE GET OUT OF BED) and I didn’t feel intimidated or overly self-conscious.
My legs are still wobbly and I know tomorrow I will be incredibly sore (it was a 45-minute HIIT class)…but I did it! Go me.
Today marks the official half-way point in the year. I can’t decide if that feels liberating or depressing? Today also feels like the first real day of “summer.” School is done, Canada Day is over, summer is here…
A made a complete and dramatic turnaround after starting a second antibiotic and was feeling well enough to head off to leadership training on Sunday evening. She’s gone until Friday which means we only have one kiddo under our roof!
That kiddo is attending a morning sports camp this week + has various playdates and other things scheduled. Today, in fact, he’s going to be gone over supper and for a big chunk of the evening living his best life with a friend. Friday included a spontaneous pool party at a classmate’s home, and a chunk of yesterday was spent building a “cat trap” with friends. There are two missing cats in our neighbourhood and a group of four boys spent hours creating a trap out of cardboard boxes and cat treats. L was out checking on the trap early this morning; alas, no missing felines.
Canada Day was…fine. I was feeling off emotionally most of the day, for no particular reason. I was exhausted (and turned off my light/fell asleep by 9 pm, which is a good thing since my alarm was set for so early today). I know I’m still recovering from the physical and emotional exhaustion of my “caps lock” week.
We fit in a long family walk, John made delicious food for lunch and supper, we went out for ice cream and re-visited a camera obscura about an hour from our house. The last time we went the kids were itty bitty!

I was too lazy to get the original, but here’s a picture from our photobook of both kids at the camera obscura four years ago. The days can be so very long, but the years are definitely short…

Your turn. Is 5:30 am early or late to you? Have you ever seen a camera obscura? For my American friends, what are your July 4th plans?
Header photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash
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5:30 is about the time I get up in order to be at my desk by 8:00. I take almost an hour looking at email, playing my word games, having my morning tea, etc. Then yoga, then I go for my morning walk. On weekends I can sleep later, usually until 7, sometimes even 8.
Not sure yet about the 4th. I suspect weโll be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers at my in-lawโs place, but not positive yet. I havenโt had a hot dog in ages, I know theyโre terrible for you, but I love them, so Iโm looking forward to it.
There is something nice about having a leisurely start to the day. That is one thing that appeals to me about getting up earlier. Easing in to things slowly (and having time to do some self-care things like enjoy a cup of tea slowly or do Wordle etc). That said, I feel like my kids still tend to be young enough to hear me up and want to get up with me so I still hesitate to emerge from my room too early. They’re such light sleepers in the morning. While they’re old enough to do things independently, the spell of peace and quiet is broken a bit by having them be up.
I don’t eat hot dogs a lot (definitely multiple times a year though) and they are delicious!
Lisa's Yarns
5:30 is early! I was up at that time yesterday because Taco was yelling for me. This morning I slept through his yelling thanks to my ear plugs. I was in the middle of a dream so must have been sleeping to deeply for his yelling to wake me. I set my alarm for 6am on week days. On weekends my kids are my alarm and they are generally up around 5:30-6:15. Good for you for getting up early and doing a hard class! HIIT workouts are so challenging and 45 min is a long class!
We will drive to my parents on the 4th. The weather forecast does not look great. It looks like it will be rainy on Thur and Fri but at least we’ll have a change in scenery and different toys/games/puzzles to entertain the boys. Plus my brother and his wife will be there, too, so there are a lot of adults to help out w/ the boys. Basically I am hoping for a bit of a break/the ability to lay down in the afternoon for a bit with no one touching me. Ha. My parents are hosting a very big family party on Saturday. I think they are expecting 50+. They don’t really want to be hosting this party but my dad’s sister from CA comes for the 4th every year and wants this big family gathering… but she’s the guest, not the host and doesn’t seem to realize/appreciate that my dad is almost 77 years old and maybe doesn’t feel up to hosting 50+ people… Allegedly this is the last year they will host this party but I will kind of be surprised if they can be direct with this aunt and say enough is enough… Gotta love family dynamics!!
It is NO fun to wake up to yelling (or any sort of “emergency”, parenting or otherwise). Glad the earplugs helped today!
That sounds like a lot of pressure on your parents. I find guests enough work at my age. I suspect I’ll be a hermit by the time I’m in my 70s!
Gold stars! It’s not only the time of day but 45 minutes of HIIT!! Well done!
Here’s to more 9pm bedtimes as much as you want for as long as it takes to be inwardly lowercase again.
Also, where is that camera obscura?
“inwardly lowercase” is the best thing I’ve read all day. Brilliant link there, my friend.
I texted you about the camera obscura ๐ I bet your husband would like it!
Great job!
5:30 isn’t early for me. In the school year, that’s my ” make lunches and do wordle” time. Now, waking befoee then means going out for a walk with husband in the early dawn . Not every day, mind, but when we can swing it before the morning chaos commences.
I don’t mind waking up at 4 or so- it’s the “3am and can’t get back to sleep ” I abhor.
I can’t imagine waking up consistently at 4. But it does sound lovely to be out for a walk with your husband that early! A nice way to enter that “chaos” with some endorphins and the peace that comes from being in nature (especially when it’s quiet outside! which I’m sure it is in the early dawn.
I get up at 5:05โ for me, the alone time before the house erupts trumps sleep.
Fair enough…but I don’t know how you manage to stay up as late as you do. A lot of caffeine? Naturally low sleep needs? I think I’d crash and burn after about 2 hours in your life!!! I honestly don’t know anyone virtually or in-person that juggles as many things as you do, Sarah. And so competently!!
You know I am an early person – many weekdays Iโm up at 4:35-4:45. Honestly Iโm used to it. But having the coffee on a timer is essential!! And I love being done with my run before 7!!
4:35. My stomach just turned over, Sarah. I cannot imagine doing that consistently, but it’s amazing that it works for you and I can also see that over time your body would adjust both to the early wakeups AND to needing to have a reasonably early bedtime.
Welcome to the wee hours! The earliest that I’ve ever gotten up was 5:20 to be at the gym by 5:30 so that I could be at work by 8. But currently my alarm is set for 5:50 and I usually wake up a bit before that. I love getting my workouts done early.
5:50 is borderline reasonable, I think? Like I could probably swing that long-term if I had to? I agree there is something so satisfying about ticking off tasks before the morning rush…but not enough that I can conjure up the willpower to do it consistently. Maybe these early-morning classes will turn the tide!
GREAT job! Yes, 5:30 am is my usual wakeup time during the school year, but I don’t like it. One of the reasons I’m enjoying the summer is that I can get up a little later- today I was up at 6, which is much better- at least it’s light outside. BUT- I do like getting my workout done early. Your fitness class sounds great. I’m sure you felt pretty happy all day.
Glad A is better and your summer is officially underway. And… I don’t actually know what a camera obscura is. I’m going to have to look it up.
I felt very accomplished yesterday, but today I just feel sore. I did over 100 squats (and I haven’t been doing squats lately) and OOF. I am feeling it today.
Well done Elizabeth for having the workout done early in the morning. Hope you enjoyed it.
You know I get up super early between 4-4:30am without an alarm, like Sarah, I like the quiet morning alone and start the run early. it’s my sacred time.
4…without an alarm! My brain can’t wrap itself around that. But maybe if I did it consistently, I’d get “addicted” to the positives of having so much time to ease into the day.
Yay you! Iโm glad you are making the time to workout. Iโve thought about joining a group class, but Iโm too self conscious.
My husband gets up at 5:20am every day, so it seems a reasonable time to me. Sometimes I think if I can go to bed earlier, Iโd be able to get up that early too. Having that quiet time would be so lovely.
Agreed that the quiet time would be nice; during the school year I get up just before 7 (which still feels hard; I think based on my early adulthood, 7:30 am is the sweet spot for me in terms of getting up)…but then I have to launch right into the morning routine. Breakfast, bookbags, any minor emergencies with the kids. And it IS intense and rushed in a way it wouldn’t have to be if I got up earlier.
Yay for you! Am I going to lose my morning-hating buddy in what seems like a sea of early birds? If you’re going to get up that early, I’m sure they’ll be a few more 9 pm bedtimes on your horizon. I have never seen a camera obscure. I did a little googling, very interesting. Kids change so much at that age.
I don’t think I’ll ever LOVE early mornings; it’s just not the way my body is wired. But I did feel accomplished having an intense workout out of the way before many people had finished their morning coffee ๐
Grateful Kae
Awesome job!!! I don’t think there is anything “virtuous” about getting up or working out early, but I do think from a practical standpoint there can be many benefits. I will admit I have struggled with early morning workouts myself in recent years. I used to get up and head straight to the gym, but then my work schedule changed and I didn’t really “have to” anymore, and this made it harder. During the pandemic especially I got in the habit of still getting up early, but having this nice window of time in a quiet house alone (since as we all know, there was a lot of togetherness the rest of the time….). That used to be always when I’d blog, or read, or do personal things- and I often got some work done! Anyway, I now find that I’m always so tempted in the morning to just…. sit. haha. With my tea, ideally in my office, alone. But morning workouts are just so smart! There really is no comparison to getting that checked off first thing, and I’d argue it’s the best way to ensure that you actually DO IT. I can attest to the fact that planning a later workout definitely puts it at risk for getting the axe, as sometimes things just come up and get in the way. So, I think if you can hack the morning workouts and/or learn to love them, you’ll be better off for it, especially if re-incorporating consistent exercise is something you are really prioritizing right now.
LOVE how you articulate this. Yes, there is no moral high ground for people who are larks…but practically speaking, the world is better arranged for people who get their act together in the mornings (better than I typically do).
Nicole MacPherson
You did it! You did it! And now you can bask in the glory that is having your workout DONE for the day! Yayyyy! I’m so excited for you and proud!
You know I’m an early bird, which of course has its downside as I am in a coma by about 8:30. We have had a houseguest here who is our friends’ son, and when I was saying goodnight to everyone he looked at his watch. “Oh yeah, it IS 8:30, my mom is the same.” I love his mom!
5:30 is a sleep-in for me because I’m insane, but I have to tell you – J is working the Ogopogo golf tournament this week, and he is grounds crew, which means he needs to be AT work at 4:30. Usually at this time of year it’s 5. So this week he’s awake at 3:20!!!! That feels unhinged to me, but he only works 4 hours and gets paid for a full day, which is the deal when it’s a big tournament.
I did it! And I thought of you MANY times throughout the morning (e.g. Nicole would be so proud of me!).
3:20. Eeks. That is the dead of night. I was about to write I could never do that, but forgot that for one of the summers I worked in intertidal research we had to visit the mudflats at night – we used night vision googles to watch the nocturnal foraging habits of shorebirds. It was all according to the tide schedule, so I got up at ALL HOURS that summer and would schlepp 30 minutes out to a mudflat and then walk in the dark (with other people – NOT ALONE). I had forgotten all about that side of that summer job. Oh to be young again? I don’t remember struggling with it too much at the time? Also, I didn’t have two kids at home or a travelling spouse, so perhaps my forays into early mornings were better suited to a different season of life.
Anyhoo…yes, it felt amazing to do the early morning class and I will see if it “sticks.” It definitely felt great to be finished a workout so early!
5:30 is when my alarm usually goes off, so it’s early, but not obscene. I used to do a 6am yoga class and I sort of liked it because I was halfway through class before I fully woke up, so it always seemed like the class was a bit short. LOL.
My plans for the 4th are to try and keep my dog from losing her mind. I didn’t realize I would become a fireworks hater when I adopted a dog, but here we are!
5:30 is obscene, Engie. Anything before 7:00 am is obscene to me. Look at me – straight-laced Elisabeth – doing obscene things. Will wonders never cease…
Your comment reminds me of San who said something like your yoga comment: if you exercise early enough, your brain doesn’t fully recognize what it’s being asked to do.
Fireworks with dogs (or babies) is the WORST. Thankfully, we almost never get them where we live. A bit sad, maybe…but I like to be asleep before most fireworks start anyway.
Yay for you! Going to an in-person class is so inspiring. I miss the days when I could do it.
5:30 is late for me most mornings. I try to be up at 5 so I can have a leisurely morning routine before heading to work.
I have not been to a camera obscura and only know a bit about them from reading about Vermeer.
Nothing much for the 4th. We will grill unless it pours and I always find a few minutes to reread the Declaration of Independence.
I am proud of myself! Definitely not an “easy” thing for me.
I can’t imagine 5:30 being LATE. I have an uncle who has gotten up at 4:30 for decades. He loves the quiet time.
That’s impressive that you re-read the D of Independence each year. Is that a common thing for Americans, I wonder? I have no idea what the equivalent would be in Canada. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Gah. You definitely take your history and patriotism to a higher level than Canadians!
Elisabeth… I am giving standing ovations over here. You got up at 5:20 am… holy mo, and hit a 45 min HIIT class. I am so, so proud of you. Now tell me, didn’t it make you feel accomplished?
5:30 am is early, even for me (ha), but I am usually up and at it at 6 a.m.
So, so happy that A is doing so much better and could go to camp.
Okay, now I feel even more accomplished since it’s early for you.
I did feel VERY accomplished.
I don’t know if many people read it each year. It started when my boys were young. We had been reading the Little House books and read the description of how they read the Declaration at the Independence Day celebrations in town. That year, our local newspaper published it in the 4th of July edition so I read it to my kids and it started a tradition. Fortunately, the Declaration of Independence is fairly short. I do NOT read the Constitution every year. ๐
I’ll admit I haven’t read either, but I’d definitely pick the shorter option!
Nice job! I was very much a morning person pre-kids. Now I am still not a night person, but I lack the energy and sleep to manage to wake up before the kids the vast majority of the time.
The 4th of July as an American living in Canada is interesting. It was a big deal for my aunt/uncle/cousin so we always went there for the day and now itโs just another day. I had a lot of big complicated feelings today about my homeland.
Alas…I have never been a morning person.
Yes, 5:30am is VERY early! I am just not someone who thrives on being up early. I’d prefer a later bedtime + later wakeup time. I try to do a 6am workout at the gym on Fridays (since I can take a nap later in the day, lol), and it’s always amazing to me when I see people LEAVING the gym when I arrive. Insanity.
Congrats on getting it done! A 45-minute HIIT class is intense. My HIIT classes are usually around 30 minutes or less.
I would stay up late any day over going to bed early. But I also think I just generally have fairly high sleep needs and require a lot of sleep. These people that make do with 6ish hours a night long-term. I can’t even?!
For the people already done by 6 am, it’s like they stayed up all night!
The class was intense. It felt intense at the time and I literally could hardly walk for the next two days.
ccr in MA
For me, 5:30am is wicked early. On weekdays my alarm goes off at 6:30 and I hate that enough that I can’t imagine it an hour earlier. I am so not a morning person: I work from home and still get up 90 minutes before work starts to try to grind my brain into gear. Of course, I am also very much not into exercise, so the idea of getting up that early for an exercise class is a double-no from me. But you did it! That’s a real achievement!
Are you going to do it again?
Yes, I will do it again but spoiler alert I could barely walk two days later when the next class was offered and literally could not go.
Wicked early…I think I might steal that phrase. It’s exactly how I feel…but it also felt pretty amazing to be done exercising so early! I’m like you and really need a long runway to ease in to the day.
The State of My Early Morning Exercise Classes - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] went to my first HIIT class on a Tuesday morning and loved it but could not move properly for almost a week. Doing an excessive […]