I hope other people find these posts as fun to read as I do to organize. One of the interesting – yet crazy – parts about blogging is how intimately we get to know…
*This post covers the topic of aging parents; I realize many readers may be grieving the loss of loved ones or struggling with the challenges that come with caring for aging parents. If this…
I have much to discuss! I feel like my life is overflowing with favourite things lately. Even though it’s not the end of January, I didn’t think I could wait another day to share…
This is either going to be YOUR TYPE OF POST or a complete snooze fest. If it’s the latter, feel free to skip today’s offering and come back tomorrow. If it’s your “thing” here…
I don’t remember exactly when Lisa and I crossed internet paths, but it has been lovely to get to know her online through her blog – and offline via text and e-mail – these…