Today’s the very last day of February! This month seemed to have both simultaneously lasted forever while also flying by. Anyone else feeling odd time juxtapositions lately?
John arrived home yesterday and won’t be travelling…
I thought it would be fitting to round out this month of FIG collection by taking a deep dive into the particulars of different gratitude practices. And we’re starting this little series with a…
I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record but…the world has felt so dark, cold, and inhospitable lately. Literally and figuratively. I’m hoping for brighter news…
If you’d asked me during a few particularly “low” points this week, I would have told you I wasn’t going to be able to muster up many Happy Things or FIGs. It was miserably…
We’ve talked about everything from condiments to emojis to ice cream flavours, but now it’s time to tackle a cold, hard truth. It’s winter in Canada. And I. am. over. it.
John and I ended up working in the kitchen for the fundraiser dinner (which was amazing; helping behind-the-scenes was a blast)…but it meant we missed almost all of the after-dinner trivia.