It was a pleasant surprise to wake up to double digit temperatures. It was less pleasant to wake up at 3:15 am. That said, I used the time wisely, tackling my work inbox and mostly managing to clear the decks!
I came out from my bedroom to find Kyria and Indy already sipping morning cups of coffee. When I opened the fridge I saw Kyria had prepped snacks for our hike – she had a neatly packed baggie filled with perfectly sliced apples and cucumbers!
Our morning involved the regular rigamarole. Oatmeal preparation, constant reminders to the kids about this or that, looking in dismay at the state of my floors. But we managed to all be ready and out the door at a reasonable time. The kids and I were excited to have Kyria join us on our walk to school!
One of Indy’s friends joined our walking procession and we had a nice little group of morning walkers (who had no idea they were participating in a Cool Bloggers challenge).

After dropping the kids off at school, we meandered back via a more circuitous route ducking inside my favourite building on campus and admiring how pretty every scene looked bedecked in fall colours. It’s like the absolute best form of free exterior design.
Doesn’t this room look like something from Beauty and the Beast?

After we got home we each had a cup of coffee (second for her, first for me), chatted leisurely at the table over a late breakfast, and then I closed the loop on some work e-mails, put a tenderloin in the slow cooker for supper, and we were off.
The first stop was a trip to our downtown bike shop so Kyria could get a box for transporting Bob on his first-ever airplane ride. From there we headed toward our main destination of the day: Cape Split Provincial Park.
En route we popped into a local meat market and bought some of their jerky (unfortunately they were sold out of my favourite flavour), and while we waited for our orders, Kyria channeled her inner Nicole and got friendly with a gnome on display. We did discuss the irony of the moment, since Nicole follows a vegan diet and we were standing in front of a giant display case of cured beef and aged cheese.

Back on the road we couldn’t resist one last pit stop. This is one of the nicest views in the Annapolis Valley. The colours seem to be a bit muted this fall – primarily yellow leaves, and very few red – and it was oddly hazy, but a gorgeous stop nonetheless.

Finally we were ready to start hiking!

There are a few different configurations for this hike, but we opted to take a new route on the way out and an older (more established) path on the way back.
Aside from stopping at one coastal viewpoint along the way, we moved at a quick pace – perhaps sped along by the rate at which our tongues were moving. There was no shortage of conversation and I feel like Kyria and I are aligned on many topics. It was fun getting to know each other more intimately, and this hike was a great time for fostering meaningful conversation. We also started working through these thirty-six questions designed to “increase closeness”, asking things like: When is the last time you sang out loud? Would you want to be famous? and Do you have a secret hunch about the way you will die?

We had stripped down to short-sleeve layers on the walk out. It was warm, sunny, and sheltered. As soon as we reached the end…yikes!
The pictures don’t do the strength of the wind justice. It was so intense and I did feel like I could be blown away if a gust came along and hit me “just so”.

We took the requisite pictures, but didn’t linger long at the summit. Our coats, our pants, our hair – everything was billowing in the wind and it was quite chilly!

We followed a little side path about 40 feet into the woods and set up our picnic site in the midst of a protected grove of trees. Goodness this food tasted good after that hike! (Especially Kyria’s perfectly cut fruit and veggies.) It looks fairly humble, but I left this luncheon perfectly satisfied. Everything tastes better eaten outside!

Kyria captured this very flattering picture of her and I managed to be mid-blink and mid-bite on a cucumber spear but it gives you the best perspective of our impromptu picnic site so I will swallow my pride for the sake of you getting to see our cozy little hideout!

We had started hiking later than originally planned (no regrets – it was nice to not rush around at home in the morning), but I looked at my watch and did the mental math until school let out and knew we needed to mobilize for the return trek. We stopped by a tree traditionally used by couples to carve their initials. When we started hiking this trail several decades ago, the tree had a giant branch defying gravity. Well… gravity caught up with the tree, but it’s still a fun cultural marker.

I enjoyed the scenery on the return walk so much. Even without brilliant reds, we both agreed it looked like something straight out of an Anne of Green Gables storybook.

Another lookoff…

And one last shot of those gorgeous leaves!

Once home, Kyria tracked down some bike tools from a neighbour and started the job of dismantling Bob. I headed out to collect Belle from a sports practice, dropped one of her friends off at home on the way back, and when I walked through the door Kyria had potatoes peeled, sliced, and cooking on the stovetop.
I could get used to this.
We puttered around with various tasks – lunchbox prep, some laundry. I put on a timer for 10 minutes and threw myself down on my bed. That 3:00 am wakeup and 20ish km of walking were starting to catch up with me.
Indy had been invited to spend the afternoon with a friend, so Belle, Kyria and I went ahead with supper. Pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, whipped potatoes, and leftover peas. There was supposed to be corn, but I discovered too late that we were all out. Oops.
After supper, Indy arrived and I headed out, yet again – this time to take Belle to her evening drama class.
The next few hours were wonderful. I showered. I puttered. I sat in a comfy chair and chatted to Kyria. Indy played a rousing game of street hockey with some friends and only came in when it was too dark to see anything.
It was a relaxed evening, and Indy and Kyria became fast friends playing some word games on her phone and duelling over highly competitive rounds of Quick Pucks.

Between my father-in-law visiting, all the evening commitments, Kyria arriving, and the kids just generally bouncing off the walls, this particular nighttime routine felt especially lovely. There were snuggles and reading in bed. Some nights I skip those activities, but everything and everybody felt more settled with these quieter wind-down rituals.
I was in bed (barely keeping my eyes open) by 9:45 pm. It had been a busy, full, fun Day #3 with Kyria.
Your turn. Have you every carved your initials into a tree? Do you have a very specific “order of events” before you go to bed, or is your bedtime routine haphazard? Tell me what would be included in your ideal picnic lunch?
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What a delightful visit- I am loving these recaps 🙂
It was a fun visit and very fun to relive the experiences while writing about it for the blog <3
Jan Coates
Love the Irving Centre – and Cape Split, although the last time we hiked out there, have to admit I was underwhelmed. In that I wondered if the sweat was worth it. Maybe we chose a day that was too hot. Can’t remember. So nice for you to make new connections/friends through your blog!
We tend to enjoy the Blomidon hike more than Cape Split. Also, I’m not a huge fan of the new route (not nearly as pretty as the old route). But Cape Split is definitely more iconic (and we would have been hiking Blomidon at high tide, so the cliff view isn’t nearly as spectacular).
Isn’t the Irving Centre such an architectural gift to our town?
Lisa’s Yarns
What a fun day together! Kyria did some meal prep for us, too. I basically left a recipe out for her and she put it all together. Usually I don’t except offers of help but I know that Kyria genuinely likes to help and it’s a genuine offer when she says to put her to work. Plus she doesn’t get to cook much when biking across a continent so she probably enjoyed those kind of tasks more since they are a novelty.
I’ve never carved my initials anywhere! I would be afraid to carve a tree as I would fear it would hurt the tree and shorten its life!
I do have a pretty specific bedtime routine but it’s short. Take out contacts, wash face and apply various ointments and creams, and then lay in bed for about an hour reading!
I asked her to help a few times, but mostly she took it upon herself to jump in and do things that needed doing without being asked. #LovedIt.
Kyria said the same thing about carving initials into a tree; I have done it once – and it was actually this tree. I guess I figured it was already going to have a shorter lifespan because there were dozens of carvings, so one more wouldn’t make much difference? Unfortunately, I couldn’t find our J+E initials…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Ooh! It looks like you figured out your comment strings! Anyway, I totally do enjoy cooking and baking A LOT and I definitely miss being able to putter around. What you guys didn’t know is that I also got out the mop and cleaned your bathroom while you were asleep. (just kidding! But I bet you wouldn’t mind!)
Yes! With all the drama surrounding the blog issues (which I still haven’t sorted – DEMERIT ALERT), at least the nested comments are working.
I read your mop comment and legitimately thought you meant it! Ha. I wouldn’t put it past you and my floors definitely need attention. Next time you’re here: the mop and bucket are on the left-hand side of the PAX in the entryway; how’s that for a subtle hint.
I love this so much! It’s like Kyria became part of your family for a few days. I’ll bet it was hard to say goodbye to her! The photos of your hike are gorgeous.
Let’s see… my ideal picnic lunch? A sandwich (tofu banh me would be amazing, but I’ll also take peanut butter and jelly) some chips, and a square of chocolate. Oh, and a thermos of iced tea!
She fit right in and it was really special to have her accompany us on “everyday” activities.
Mmmm. I haven’t had a PB&J in…ages!
Michelle G.
What spectacular photos! It is exactly how I imagine Anne of Green Gables! Of course, my favorite photo is the one with the gnome. I love seeing a random gnome out and about. How lovely to have a house guest that helps with the meals. Your day sounds very full and amazing!
Something about fall screams Anne of Green Gables to me. I guess being close to red mud also screams PEI?
The extra set of hands – especially since John was out of town – were very much appreciated 🙂
Epic! A nice long hike is the perfect place to chat about the 36 questions.
Ideally I would take a nice sandwich with me on my hikes, but the reality is that I never plan that well. I always take a protein bar with me as a plan B if there is nothing better or if I don’t feel like stopping. This weekend when I went to Mohican, I lucked out because there was a very nice hotdog stand at the park. The way that I think of it is that I never crave hotdogs and would never have planned for a hotdog lunch, but when I run into a nice hotdog stand in the wild, I’m down for it!
Birchie, I know we’ve never met but I have a feeling you would have loved this hike. So…it’s officially on my list for when you come to NS 🙂
I like to have easy finger foods that don’t need to be kept cold and aren’t too fiddly. A hotdog can taste so good in the great outdoors (hence why we have them once or twice a summer at my parents’ house on the lake).
Love those friendships where you can do everyday tasks together. It is special!
For hikes or packed lunches I tend to do snacky items, like crackers with tuna and cheese, sliced veggies, fruit, chips, and cookies.
I’m a huge fan of snacks! I love to “graze” and I enjoy snacky things. I am with you 100% – hiking (and even picnics in general) I like to be easy. If we have a full-on picnic sometimes we’ll take sandwich ingredients with us and I actually prefer that to having pre-prepared sandwiches. But for hiking – we just toss things in to a bookbag that don’t need to be kept cold and…YUM. I was hungry and it tasted amazing.
Wow, those pictures are knock-your-eye-out. I tried to channel my inner Nicole with some cute gnomes at the craft show but my daughter said she actually found them a little creepy – hmph.
I was hoping to get out to the Gatineaus for an October hike but didn’t quite manage it. Did do a nice long walk with a sort-of woodsy trail yesterday.
Knock-your-eye-out; is that from The Christmas Story? Or maybe it’s “shoot your eye out?” Wow – that was a tangent 🙂
I think gnomes are adorable, but own not a single one. I let Nicole remain the reigning queen.
I love how naturally Kyria fitted herself into your daily life for the few days of her visit. Isn’t it wonderful to have low-maintenance guests who just go with the flow and don’t have expectations other than having a good time together?
The hike looks amazing btw, and all the beautiful fall foliage. And I find that the best conversations happen when you have leisure time with someone and the conversation can just flow naturally… you talk about things that would otherwise not come up in conversation. (I do have to check out the 36 Questions for Increasing Closeness – I am so intrigued!)
YES! I tend to stress a bit about having company but Kyria was literally like part of the family. 10/10 recommend her as a house guest <3
Hiking and driving seem to be ideal times to foster deep conversations. Which, as introverts, we both love! Deep connection with one person at a time ticks all the boxes for me.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Your comment thingy is working! Yay! I really liked that hike; maybe it is not as nice as Blomidon, but the company and the conversation (and the snacks) were excellent and the views were good too, so I am a happy camper. I also want to give you a big hug because you said “luncheon” and it reminded me of my grandmother, who said that, and also used to say “supper.” It just made me feel warm and fuzzy, and so east coast! As a side note, she also pronounced “horrible” like it has an “a” — harrible, and “marvelous” like it has no “r” — mahvelous, which you don’t do, but you still have a lot of the same phrases!
Next time I come, we can do the Blomidon hike, and all of the other things that we did not get a chance to do. However, I feel blessed and content with what we did do!
Cape Split was 100% the right hike for when you were here. It’s iconic and I really do love it. And the fall foliage was lovely and I really did think our picnic was just…perfect.
I am an old soul. I say lots of old things and am coming to embrace that as part of my “charm” 😉
I think we fit in the perfect mix of seeing things and getting to relax. I wouldn’t change anything about the trip, except maybe to extend it for an extra few days!
what a lovely hike! and yes, fully agree that food tastes better when eaten outside, preferably after some physical activity.
gorgeous fall view!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Oh my gosh it all looks like so much fun. Not the 3:45 am was up obviously.
Thankfully, I haven’t woken up quite that early since…
I think all households could use an extra set of hands, and it seems like Kyria fit right into your household!
The hike looks amazing but eeps, all that wind!
I have a very strict nighttime routine – I even keep the list in my Notes app to make sure I get everything done. HA.
I am laughing at your list in Notes. Haha! That is hilarious.
The wind was a bit unsettling; the cliffs are very high and death is pretty certain if you fall over the edge, and the wind was STRONG. Thankfully, we both survived to blog about it 🙂
I love this so much. Your area is just lovely; the scenery inside and out. Girl, you did start your day very early and I’m proud that you made it to 9:45. But, what a fun way to spend your day!!
I can’t say that I’ve ever carved anything into a tree, but if that TREE could talk, it would probably be cussing. 🤣
Ha – I bet you’re right about the tree’s perspective.
I am so, so fortunate to live in such a beautiful natural landscape!