- Owned a dog or a cat.
- Taken a cruise vacation.
- Boosted a car battery. (I’ve had other people boost my car battery, but I’ve never actually been brave enough to operate the cables.)
- Gone skydiving or bungee jumping or mountain climbing.
- Visited any continent other than North America or Europe.
- Pierced anything other than each earlobe (once).
- Been diagnosed with pneumonia.
- Worn braces.
- Been able to wiggle my ears or roll my tongue.
- Purchased a brand new vehicle.
(Part 1.)
Header photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash
Your turn.
- How many of my “Never Evers” have you done?
- Can you roll your tongue?
- Has anyone gone skydiving? I know Lisa has been bungee jumping!
- What are some of your “Never Evers”?
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I’ve done 1, 3, 9, 10. Currently own 2 cats and dogsit my daughter’s dog frequently. Though I can boost the car battery, I have to look up how to do it each time. ( Red, red , black , dead, but I like to double check.) I can roll my tongue, though my husband can’t. I’ve bought 2 new vehicles- a sedan when single and our first minivan- but probably won’t again as I don’t really care about newness when driving. And my husband can fix a lot of things with cars, so used doesn’t scare me.
I will never ever sky dive. Oh gosh, no. A cruise doesn’t interest me as I get sea sick- though an Alaskan cruise might lure me in.
I have never gone spelunking, ran a marathon, or swam in the Pacific ocean.
I am mildly terrified of doing the battery boost wrong and electrocuting someone (or, doing it wrong and killing the battery and hurting car fuses which happened to a friend recently – though it was a TOW TRUCK operator that did the boost wrong).
I don’t think I have much desire to sky dive at this point.
Nicole MacPherson
I have actually been on a cruise, twice – once when I was a teenager around the Greek Islands (same school trip as Italy!) and once on a river cruise down the Nile. Each one was three days, I think? That’s enough of cruising for me, though. I don’t like the idea of a big cruise trip, it feels too claustrophobic. I’ve obviously had dogs, but never a cat, and I never will. I haven’t/ won’t skydive or bungee jump but I do like zip lining. I haven’t had pneumonia but Mark did in grade one and god that was awful. I’ve been to Africa as well as Europe, I have three piercings in one earlobe and one in the other, nothing else, I never had braces, I can roll my tongue but not wiggle my ears and…what was the last one…I have had several new vehicles! A mixed bag for me.
Wait. A river cruise down the Nile? How did I not know that?
A big open-ocean cruise sounds very busy and not ideal for an introvert like me who doesn’t like crowds or overstimulation. I think I’d like a river cruise though. Someday?
Are all those piercings filled? I had no idea your ears were pierced asymmetrically!
I’ve never done 4,5,6, or 9, and I get double credit for 6 because I have zero piercings. 2 is iffy – does my day cruise of Lake Erie count;-) I’m on the fence about cruising, but I’d be most likely to do an Alaska cruise.
Zero piercings!! I actually know quite a few adults without piercings, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I love having my ears pierced SO much but also have zero desire to get any more piercings anywhere (including extra ones in my ears).
I’ve only done 1, 8, and 10. I love dogs so much I think it would be hard for me to not have a dog. I don’t think I’d like a cruise type vacation. I know the ships are huge but I still think I’d feel trapped. I also have no desire to go skydiving or bungee jumping or mountain climbing. I love to hike up a mountain on a trail but I’d be terrified to actually climb up the side of the mountain.
Ditto. I think I’d feel trapped and not only because I’m so far from land, but trapped with too much going on around me? That said, I haven’t tried it and might actually love it?
I’ve owned a dog (not a good experience) and currently own a cat (mostly a good experience). I have never taken a cruise vacation nor have a boosted a car battery. Son #2 is an auto mechanic so I give him my business (ha). I’ve hiked in Rocky Mountain National Park and also done sections of the Appalachian Trail. Does that count for mountain climbing? No to bungee jumping or sky diving but I have been ziplining. I have not visited any other continent besides North America and Europe. My ears were pierced at one time but I don’t wear earrings any more. I’ve not had pneumonia or worn braces. I can roll by tongue but not wiggle my ears.
Ha! I’m glad the cat experience has been mostly positive. Sorry about the dog!
One of my side dreams is to hike a big chunk of the Appalachian Trail. Would I actually like it? Who knows, but I’ve read so many books about people doing it that it has stirred up a desire to at least try.
When I was very young we owned a cat, but I was really allergic so we had to get rid of it. My husband and I got a cat that we loved and then Angus was…. very allergic, so his cousin took it. My husband’s family had had dogs but I never had and I was very hesitant and anxious, but it’s kind of awesome having a dog.
We went on a Disney Cruise with my parents and my sister’s family. It was mostly really fun but there was one turbulent day when everyone felt sick. I’m not sure if I’d do it again, except for an Alaskan one, that’s on my bucket list.
I’ve been ziplining, and it was kind of terrifying. I’d do that again, but probably not the others, except beginner’s level mountain climbing.
Me and my husband and our kids have all worn braces. You are a unicorn in today’s world!
I have been diagnosed with pneumonia twice. It sucks.
I cannot roll my tongue.
My husband would 100% have a cat if I wasn’t allergic. He LOVES cats. A fish is the right speed for me.
I actually have a space in between my front teeth. My sister and brother had it too and theirs has filled in over time. Will mine? 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth are out so I think it’s less likely to come together now?
Belle has had pneumonia TWICE, and John had it for the first time this summer, but so far Indy and I have managed to escape it.
I was twinning with you until #6, and can I get double credit like Birchie, because I’ve never pierced ANYTHING either. 😉 I had pneumonia in college and that was awful. I can roll my tongue and wiggle my ears.
Hmm, I’ve never ever smoked pot. 😉 I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I’d like to rectify that. I’ve never ordered something from Starbucks/never had a cup of coffee. I’ve never been to Vegas/have never gambled.
Look at you with your party tricks. It really does bug me I can’t roll my tongue. My kids + husband can and sometimes tease me mercilessly. If I look in a mirror and put every ounce of my concentration into doing it I can kinda get a roll, but not really. Sigh.
I’ve never smoked pot, been to Hawaii, ordered anything from Starbucks, or been to Vegas/gambled!
I share a lot of your “nevers!” Never been on a cruise, never done any of #4, never worn braces, had anything pierced (including my ears!), and never been diagnosed with pneumonia. I can roll my tongue though! But I can’t wiggle my ears, and I can’t raise one eyebrow. My sister can do that, and I’ve always been envious.
I’m envious of people that can wiggle/roll body parts too. I’m so uncoordinated and that includes just about everything. Sigh.
But, hey, at least we’ve never had pneumonia!
I love the idea of going on a cruise, I like being on the water, seeing new places, having food etc. included. I don’t love the idea of being stuck on a ship with so many other people. Maybe this is a reaction to the cruises in early 2020 where the whole ship had to be quarantined? So, no cruises for me.
I think a river cruise sounds perfect. Close to land, time to chill and watch sunsets, stopping to see things.
I think it tends to be a couple thing, too. John’s not that interested in taking a cruise, so it’s not high on the must-try list.
I am with you on #s 2, 4, and 5 — and when it comes to #6, I have never pierced ANYTHING. And I suppose *technically* I have never owned a cat or dog, but I lived with many cats and dogs (and horses) when I was growing up and felt ownership over many of them.
I am shocked by how many people have never pierced their ears!!!
I’ve done 6, 9, and 10. But for my ears, I’ve got three holes in each (if they haven’t closed up by now). And up until recently, I didn’t realize that not everyone can roll their tongue.
NO. Everyone CANNOT roll their tongue and I am one of those unfortunate souls. I suppose there are worse things to miss out on!
Katy @ Practical Walk
Never bought a new car either! And probably never will!
I’ve never done my own taxes….I married young and my husband does them every year.
I’ve never lived in one house for more than 5 consecutive years…and that one was my first 5 years of life.
The thought of moving overwhelms me, but I’m sure you have it down to a science!
I’ve done 1, 2, 5 and 10. I can’t roll my tongue or wiggle my ears. My parents took my brother and I on a Greek Island cruise, and that is the only time I’ve done that. I don’t have any intention of doing big ocean cruising due to sea sickness and it being not my thing.
I have never ever lived anywhere but Melbourne, taken recreational drugs, eaten oysters.
I think an island cruise (or river) sound like my type of cruise!
I’ve never eaten oysters, but I have lived in various places. Oh, and like you, I also haven’t taken recreational drugs.
Michelle G.
This is so fun, Elisabeth! I’m with you on most of your list! But I have owned several cats and dogs over the years, and I’ve purchased a new vehicle. I can roll my tongue, but can’t wiggle my ears.
Never have I ever: Been able to raise just one eyebrow, tried sushi, been on TV, read Moby Dick, or watched Game of Thrones.
I’ve also never read Moby Dick, watched Game of Thrones. Not surprisingly, I can’t raise one eyebrow (I can’t do ANYTHING cool with body parts). But I have tried and adore sushi.
John has been on The History Channel…but I’m nada for TV as well.
I have done 1, 5, 8 and 10. 8 twice. Sigh.
I have attached a bar battery charger to my car battery. We had to replace the battery anyway so it didn’t even work.
I have done a chair bungee ride at a fair, never again. Nor will I go on a cruise. I would feel trapped. I have a friend who lives on Grand Manan Island. I couldn’t do that either.
I can roll my tongue and I can wiggle my nose but not my ears.
I’ve been to Europe and flew to Egypt for a week in 1999.
Braces twice. Ugh. Teeth are such a pain and expense and yet…very, very useful!
I can’t wiggle my nose. I agree – I don’t think I’d like living on an island. It just seems to isolated. That said, I DO want to visit Grand Manan and keep meaning to make it there but never get around to finalizing plans. Maybe next summer?
Let’s see…
– I’ve definitely had /still have a few cats (or been owned by them).
– I have ear piercings, but I generally only use two for earrings. I used to have a nose piercing, but it was annoying when I had a cold, and then I lost the piercing and I gave up.
– Went to India for work, which was very cool
– Also had pneumonia and braces, less cool
– Does an overnight ferry count as a cruise? We used to take the Hull – Rotterdam ferry a lot when we lived in England.
Hmmm. I think I’d say an overnight ferry doesn’t count? Not that this is an exact science 😉
I think I would be so annoyed by a nose piercing, but I suppose most people get used to it? I still remember the trauma of trying to help a friend in university get her nose ring back in when it slipped out a few weeks after she’d got the piercing. Eeks. In the end, she had to get it re-pierced, but almost 2 decades later, she still wears a nose ring!
Wow, that’s dedication – I didn’t like the look of a nose ring, so it was more like stud, but it didn’t have a closure to keep in so …
Actually, come to think of it, I did buy new vehicles! I bought 2 new bikes! My last one was 5,5 years ago… but it pays for itself, as work gives you a home-travel allowance when you cycle, so I generally ‘earn’ about 20 euros a month if I cycle to the office twice a week.
That’s great – money in your pocket and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Scandinavia/Nordic countries are so far ahead of North America on this one…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I have owned a cat, jumped my and other people’s cars several times, gone skydiving, bungee jumping and mountain climbing, been to all continents but Antarctica, pierced other things than one earlobe, and I can roll my tongue!
I have never bought a new car and probably never will. I also don’t think I would ever go on a Disneyland vacation, although we did go once when we were kids, and all I remember is long lines. I have never waxed any part of my body, eaten Rocky Mountain oysters, or shaved my head!
Why do NONE of these adventurous things surprise me, Kyria! You and John need to start planning Antarctica. He is itching to finish his continent list!
I have had waxing done and HATED it. Ouch. Like…so bad.
Lisa’s Yarns
I have done 1. 4, 5, 7, half of 9 (I can curl my tongue) and 10. I gave actually only purchased new vehicles but it has worked well for us. I like knowing that there is no hidden history and less chance of something going wrong! But I also understand that buying new is not for everyone!!
Bungee jumping is so off brand for me but I am glad I pushed myself to do it!! I don’t care to do it again but doing it in NZ was amazing!!!!
It is SO off brand so that makes it extra awesome that you did it <3
ooh fun! I have:
Taken a cruise vacation. (2)
Pierced anything other than each earlobe (once) cartilage and 3 holes L ear, 2 right, it was the 90s okay?
Been diagnosed with pneumonia. – yep, 11th grade
Worn braces. for ages!
Been able to wiggle my ears or roll my tongue. tongue yes, ears no
Purchased a brand new vehicle. – yep! we generally buy new and keep until very old
No judgement on the piercing, though I hear cartilage is PAINFUL.
Ally Bean
Owned a dog or a cat. No dog, just cats
Taken a cruise vacation. Never done this
Boosted a car battery. (I’ve had other people boost my car battery, but I’ve never actually been brave enough to operate the cables.) Ditto your answer
Gone skydiving or bungee jumping or mountain climbing. No to first two, been mountain climbing *once*
Visited any continent other than North America or Europe. Been to Africa and Oceania
Pierced anything other than each earlobe (once). Ditto
Been diagnosed with pneumonia. Never had this
Worn braces. Had them twice
Been able to wiggle my ears or roll my tongue. Can’t wiggle ears but can roll tongue
Purchased a brand new vehicle. Have done this
I feel like trying to boost my car battery has a 90% chance of ending badly. I’d rather wait helplessly for someone to come along and do it for me.
I will admit I’m getting a bit concerned as I see how many people have had braces twice. Eeks. I’m investing a decent used car’s worth of money into Belle’s mouth right now. Please tell me we won’t have to do it again!
This is fun! I’ve owned cats but not a dog, had a piercing in my belly button as a teen, can roll my tongue, and been to other continents (South America, Asia). Oh and I wore braces. I’ve owned an ex-demo car (twice), but never brand new.
An ex-demo car…like one of the ones they have in the showroom and people use for test drives?
Yep! Knocks a few thousand off the price, yet only has a few hundred KMs on the clock and still has warranty etc. I’ll always recommend this option 🙂
These are always fun!
1. I’ve had a dog and currently have 2 cats. Feelings about having cats are complicated.
2. I have gone on a cruise to Alaska. My friend and I found a super cheap cruise to Alaska that we took to celebrate went I finished grad school. I wouldn’t do a cruise again for the cruise experience (it was like a giant floating hotel) but I would if it was the cheapest form of transportation, lodging, and food again, like it was for seeing the Alaska panhandle.
3 Maybe? I can’t remember if I have actually done it or not.
4. I have hiked on a bunch of mountains but if mountain climbing involves ropes and special gear then no I haven’t done that.
4. nope!
5. Nope
6. Nope! Just my ears once each
7. Yep when I was six. Still remember how NASTY the antibiotic tasted and that I coughed out my two front teeth.
8. Yes unfortunately
9. Nope
10. Nope! – used cars here!B
My husband would have a cat if I wasn’t in the picture. I’m allergic and *shhhh* don’t tell Engie, but I don’t really like cats that much.
Wow! I’ve never heard of someone coughing out their teeth. Eeks.
I have owned a dog AND a cat(s). I’ve taken MANY cruise vacations. I helped a friend boost a car battery so I guess so? I got my nose pierced, so checkmark there! I can roll my tongue but cannot wiggle my ears. And I recently bought a brand new car because used cars were NOT available, ha.
Sometimes I think about going skydiving because I think it would be amazing AFTER the parachute opens… but the plane ride up and jumping out of the plane and waiting for the parachute to open. That’s too much for my anxiety. NO THANKS.
I just don’t think I could convince myself to jump out of the plane. I don’t have a major issue with heights, but a rollercoaster is a lot different than hurtling through the air at high speeds with a piece of cloth (that is folded in a complicated pattern) to keep me safe.
Skydiving will forever be on the list of “never evers” 🙂 I’d probably die of a heart attack before even getting to the open door of the plane LOL
Yeah, I don’t think I could do it. Then again, maybe I’ll be an 80-year-old granny jumping out of planes with wild abandon?
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I have never ever #1 #2 #3 #4 #7 #10
Maybe I should come up with a list of my own…. Thinking hat on
Ohhh. I hope you do this! It makes for a fun blog post.
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
I’ve never owned a pet as an adult. And during lockdown I was soooooo glad. Others adopted pets; I was glad I didn’t have one more thing to look after.
I have been microgliding and that is the bravest thing I’ve done, other than ziplining. Basically I like my feet planted firmly on the ground.
I bought one new vehicle maybe 20-odd years ago and then I thought I got that out of my system. Then last year I bought another (a used demo model would have saved me a fraction only) and I love it, a bit too much actually.
I have zero desire to own a pet. I mean…we have a fish, but I don’t think that really counts!
Wow – micro gliding. I’ve never heard of such a thing!