- Been pulled over by the police.
- Had a salon manicure.
- Used Reddit.
- Gotten a tattoo.
- Cleaned an oven.
- Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.)
- Worn a cast.
- Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert – I saw Joss Stone perform at a small venue in Montreal 20 years ago; it doesn’t really feel like that counts).
- Had pink eye.
- Run a marathon.
Your turn. How many of my “Never Evers” have you done? What are some of your “Never Evers”?
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I’ve done #1,5,8. I have never used Facebook. I never had braces. I never skied.
I’ve also never had braces!
Jan Coates
Uh, oh. I’ve done 7/10 of your never evers:) Must be an age thing… and a couple of mine: a) had a shower facing the water flow! b) planted a vegetable garden (but I’d like to)
I’ve helped OTHER people plant vegetable gardens but I’ve never had one of my own. It’s an aspirational desire – I’d love to wander outside and harvest my own food…but I have zero desire to do any of the rest of the work. Mostly because I’m clueless? I think if I had the know-how or someone to walk me through the steps, I’d really enjoy it?
I have faced the water flow in the shower, but I hate, hate, HATE getting water spray on my face.
1. I have, but not for the past 20 years so that’s something
2. Never have I ever and I don’t plan to!
3. Barely. I’m not opposed, I just don’t.
4. Never have I ever and I don’t plan to!
5. Well…I’ve never done it well.
6. I’ve never had TikTok or Threads, inactive on Twitter.
7. Thankfully this is a never have I ever…fingers crossed.
8. I wish I hadn’t…I’ve only gone to sports things for work events. It’s just not my thing. Does going to the symphony count as a concert?
9. No thank goodness!
10. Never have and I don’t plan to…I ran 9 halfs.
9 halfs! Wow…I’ve not done that, either.
If we’re counting symphonies, I HAVE done that!
I’ve done all of your list except for #3, #4 and #10, but I hope to do a marathon soon. #1 I’ve only been pulled over when the police setup for random breath testing so they’re just flagging all the cars to pull in for testing until they’re full. I’ve had that happen about five times but I haven’t been singled out to be pulled over. I broke my arm when I was a kid and I got my nails done for my wedding.
I’ve never done the splits, never owned a cat and never been a bridesmaid.
I broke a bone in my foot when I was a kid, but they didn’t cast it.
I’ve also never done the splits or owned a cat. I’ve been a bridesmaid, though. Four times!
Been pulled over by the police.- Yes
Had a salon manicure.- No
Used Reddit.- No
Gotten a tattoo.- No
Cleaned an oven. Ha, I’ll echo Birchie- never done it well.
Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account.- in active on Instagram, no to the rest.
Worn a cast.- Nope!
Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert)- Went to Cubs games all the time growing up!
Had pink eye.- Not yet.
Run a marathon.- Yes!
I’ve never been on a cruise, never dyed my hair, and never been skiing. Just to name a few things!
I’ve dyed my hair and been skiing, but also haven’t ever been on a cruise. I’ve been on plenty of ferries, though. Never overnight…but it’s how I used to visit my grandmother growing up – by taking a ferry across the Bay of Fundy.
Oh no, Elisabeth. I have done all 10. Eeeek! Now I can’t even think about anything I’ve never done!
I would like to amend the above! I’ve never “used” Reddit. But a couple of times when I’ve been trying to review camping stuff or certain products, Reddit comes up in the Google search, and I’ve read it. Does that count?!
I’m going to say no, because I’ve seen screen grabs etc like that from Google searches, but I’ve never actively searched on Reddit or participated etc. I think we can safely say you don’t “use” Reddit!
Ally Bean
Of the items on your list I’ve never been pulled over, gotten a tattoo, or run a marathon. I hope to continue this trend, btw.
Amen to all that. Running a marathon looks…sweaty. Cheering someone ELSE on running a marathon sounds fun, though.
Grateful Kae
Let’s see….
*Been pulled over by the police.- Yes, twice! Once because my car hood was open a little bit I guess and the police noticed and stopped me to fix it. The other time…heading to a swim meet in Missouri, I blew past a cop just sitting there going at least 10 over because I seriously thought the limit was higher!!! It was oddly low for the type of road it was. I got off with a warning because the cop agreed that the road “seemed” like it should have been a higher limit 😉 And I was from out of town, so he gave me some leeway.
*Had a salon manicure.- Yes, but only a handful of times and probably won’t anymore now that I discovered press on nails.
*Used Reddit.- Yes, but only a few times and just when Google searching something if it happens to show up in the web browser Reddit version. I don’t have an account/ the app etc.
*Gotten a tattoo.- Yes! I DO have at tattoo despite totally not being the “tattoo type”. lol!!! Got it at 17 (lower back) with my high school boyfriend and his stepdad on a graduation trip to Las Vegas with his family. My parents were thrilled!!! (not… HAHA))
*Cleaned an oven.- I don’t think I’ve ever officially done this? Do you mean with that self-clean setting? I’ve never actually used that. I suppose I’ve wiped a cloth inside occasionally (but that never seems to actually do anything, haha).
*Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.)- Yes, I have IG and Facebook. Never had TikTok, Twitter, Threads or any others.
*Worn a cast.- Yep, broke my R wrist a month before high school graduation rollerskating. Had a blue cast in all my graduation photos.
*Attended a professional sporting event/concert: Never been to a professional football or basketball game, but have been to many pro baseball games (Milwaukee Brewers) and also a couple pro soccer games. Not a big concert goer but have seen Tim McGraw, The Backstreet Boys, NSync back in the day.
*Had pink eye.- No
*Run a marathon.- Yes! One, I think it was 2011 or 2012.
WOW I’ve done a lot of these! And I think I’m a relatively boring person. LOL.
Hmm… random things I’ve never done…. let’s see. I’ve never gone golfing on a golf course. I’ve never had a facial or any other spa treatments except like, 2 massages maybe ever in my life. I’ve never cooked an entire chicken. (For some reason this intimidates me? I’ve never done it!)
I can imagine your parents response to the surprise tattoo from VEGAS!
I’ve never cleaned an oven…anyway. I’ve never had an oven with a self-clean option, but I think maybe I would do that if I had it? Everything just…burns off in my opinion? That or I’m just not that in to cleaning things…
I need to see one of those graduation pictures!!!
I have cooked a chicken a few times but why bother? A rotisserie chicken is SO MUCH EASIER (and tastier). I’ve had a dozen massages and they were all wonderful. I’ve golfed once and was terrible but I think I’d love to do it as a retiree? I’ve also never had a facial…though I bet I’d love it. I think I’d feel self-conscious about my face, though?
Never have I ever: Used Reddit. Had pink eye. Run a marathon.
For sure have I ever: Been pulled over by the police (sigh, but no tickets!), had a salon manicure (but never again!), gotten a tattoo (but I am one of the stories they warn people about), cleaned an oven (but only once, haha), had social media, etc. (but I am trying to be less on), worn a cast (when I was 8), & attended a professional sporting event (a few Red Sox games).
Never have I ever: Tried tuna or salmon (on the list for this year). Gone on a cruise. Been a waitress.
Oh no – I’m scared to hear that tattoo story!!!
Tuna and salmon are both SO delicious (IMO). I hope you love them. I’ve also never gone on a cruise or been a waitress (I think I’d be TERRIBLE at this job).
WOW! Love.
1. Been pulled over by the police. Three times back in the day.
2. Had a salon manicure. Every season change
3. Used Reddit. Once once and quite shortly after.
4. Gotten a tattoo. Nope!
5. Cleaned an oven. Yep!
6. Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.) Yes, no, yes, no. Facebook has been abandoned since 2018.
7. Worn a cast. Yes- broke my foot while 6 months pregnant with R!
8. Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert – I saw Joss Stone perform at a small venue in Montreal 20 years ago; it doesn’t really feel like that counts). Never.
9. Had pink eye. Never.
10. Run a marathon. HA. You know how I feel about exercise LOL
You broke your foot at 6 months pregnant? Ooof. That sounds horrible! It’s already hard enough to get around during a pregnancy. Also – ouch!
I know how you feel about exercise (and you know how I feel about exercise). Marathons are for other people – people who actually like to sweat.
Been pulled over by the police. – So many times.
Had a salon manicure. – Yep.
Used Reddit. – Way too much.
Gotten a tattoo. – No.
Cleaned an oven. – Yes, but not well.
Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.) – Insta for the win.
Worn a cast. – So many times.
Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert – I saw Joss Stone perform at a small venue in Montreal 20 years ago; it doesn’t really feel like that counts). – I’ve been to a pro football game (American football), pro basketball, and pro baseball. It’s not really that great.
Had pink eye. – So many times.
Run a marathon. – No. I’ve never really run longer than four miles.
Never have I ever: Changed my name, had a baby, or eaten Toblerone.
Wow – that’s a lot of “so many times” – especially sad about the casts and pink eye 🙁
It sounds like no one can clean an over well…so I will continue not bothering.
I have done all of your never evers! Though I have to admit I’m not a big fan of Toblerone. (Or Ferrero Rocher.)
Been pulled over by the police. Yes. I used to have a leadfoot (sometimes I still do, sshh!)
Had a salon manicure. Yes, love it. But not since the pandemic; and probably not anytime soon.
Used Reddit. Only if it comes up in a search result.
Gotten a tattoo. Nope and don’t see it happening.
Cleaned an oven. Yes and plan on doing this dreaded chore this weekend. We don’t use the self-clean though; we’ve heard it can harm the oven.
Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.) Twitter yes, but not lately. Facebook, I have an account but never use it. Totally addicted to Instagram though.
Worn a cast. No.
Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert – I saw Joss Stone perform at a small venue in Montreal 20 years ago; it doesn’t really feel like that counts). Yes to both sporting and concert. Enjoyed the concerts but not the sports.
Had pink eye. Too many times to count; do not recommend.
Run a marathon. No and why would I?!
I’ll be thinking of you and your oven cleaning this weekend, Gigi! Good luck.
Pink eye does not sound like it has much to recommend it.
I like the IDEA of running a marathon (I mean it’s a “thing”) but it’s never gonna happen…! I dislike running too much.
I have gotten pulled over several times, but I have never gotten a ticket. That’s when I know my good looks are gone– the day I get a speeding ticket 🙂
I laughed so hard at this answer, Sarah 🙂
1. Been pulled over by the police. No.
2. Had a salon manicure. Only once.
3. Used Reddit. A handful of times and I actually found the guy you helped me with Feedly (before) there.
4. Gotten a tattoo. Nope!
5. Cleaned an oven. Yes, but not often.
6. Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. I have accounts, but only use Instagram.
7. Worn a cast. Yes, only once when I broke my femur when I was 2.
8. Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert. Many..
9. Had pink eye. Never.
10. Run a marathon. No, but I think I’d like to one day.
I have never
… had major surgery.
… had my ear lobes pierced.
… plucked or shaped my eyebrows (just an occasional stray hair).
… been pregnant or had a baby.
… had a real job interview.
Ouch – a femur breaking must be so painful. And at 2! I wonder if you remember the experience?
I’ve had major surgery (three times), had my ear lobes pierced, pluck my eyebrows regularly, have been pregnant…but I’ve also never had a “real” job interview! I mean, kinda…but not really.
you never had instagram? wooo!
I never dated a non-chinese, tatoo, worn a cast, i’m sure so many more just doesn’t come to find. But I will never say never 🙂
Good point about never saying never!
So interesting!
1- I’ve been pulled over for speeding a couple times, though now the tickets just come in the mail.
-i’ve never had my nail done either- I just don’t like people touching me
-i read Reddit, but don’t post. I do find it useful crowdsourcing
-no tattoos
-i feel like I’ve cleaned an oven before, but ours has a steam clean feature that I use.
-i do have accounts for Instagram, LinkedIn, and FB, but I don‘t check them
-I broke my arm in Grade 5 and had to wear a cast. I’ve been to baseball games, but not to music concerts. Well popular music- I’ve been to the symphony.
-I’ve had pink eye several times
– nope on the marathon. Also not likely.
Let’s see- I feel like there are so many things I’ve never done, but common ones that I’ve never done:
– coloured my hair
– pierced my ears (or any other part of myself)
-had a pet dog
-held a job for a full year
– been able to snap my fingers
-seen The Godfather.
I have done all of your never evers (Godfather at least twice, the whole series!)…except had a pet dog!
This is fun!
Of yours, I’ve never gotten a tattoo, had a cast or pink eye. Or run a marathon!
For me, I’ve never:
– Been able to wolf whistle
– Jumped out of a plane or tried jet skiing or snow boarding
– Tried Botox
I’m with you on all your never evers…I don’t know if I’d have the gumption to jump out of a plane now? I guess I have RIDDEN on a jet ski, so maybe I can’t say never to that. But I’ve never been in control of the jet ski. It looks so fun; I could definitely get behind that one 🙂
Lisa’s Yarns
We have some things in common as I haven’t gotten a tattoo or worn a cast. The rest of the items I have done although I haven’t been pulled over in probably 20+ years? I would have to think hard to come up with a list of things I haven’t done, though! I wish I had never had my ears pierced as I never wear earnings but I haven’t ever had any other piercings and I never will (nor will I ever get a tattoo – it’s one of those good for you, not for me kind of things!)
So interesting – I know quite a few people who have never had their ears pierced. Wearing earrings is one of my truest joys in life. I LOVE wearing earrings – even though I don’t own a lot or even wear ones that are particularly memorable. Maybe because I wasn’t allowed to get my ears pierced as a kid, so I just love the freedom to have them now? A got hers pierced over a year ago and wears earrings 30% of the time maybe? I hope she doesn’t regret getting it done because the hole mark always stays…but I sure love mine!
That said, I have ZERO desire to get any additional piercings and about -1000 on the desire scale re. tattoos.
This was fun! I have never done 4, 7, or 10. The last time I got pulled over was in high school, though — and I’ve never gotten a ticket. (Probably just jinxed myself.)
I have never: had a body piercing, been on a cruise, taken my child to Disney, been to Central or South America, gone camping. (Okay, that last one is not quite true — my parents took me camping a couple times when I was small, but I have no memory of doing so.)
I’ve never gone on a cruise, been to Disney (let alone take a child) or been to Central or South America!
I have been camping, though, and 100% love having my ears pierced!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I’ve done #2 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
This was fun. I may do my own list.
Been pulled over by the police – Yes, but I was, like, 16 at the time and cried like a baby so I only got a warning. That’s the only time, knock on wood!
Had a salon manicure – Yes, but it’s been yeeeears.
Used Reddit – I use it daily, ha.
Gotten a tattoo – Yup! And can’t wait to get more.
Cleaned an oven – I’ve done this a few times and probably need to do it again soon, ugh.
Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account – Yes to all.
Worn a cast. – Never worn a cast! I’ve worn wraps/splints for broken ankles, but never got officially casted.
Attended a professional sporting event – Yes, I’ve seen quite a few pro sporting events!
Had pink eye – Ugh yes.
Run a marathon – NO NEVER GROSS EW
Hmm… some of my “never have I ever”: Been pregnant, baked a cheesecake, annnnd gotten married! 🙂
I think I’d still cry like a baby (or pee my pants). I would be SO anxious if I got pulled over!!!
I’ve done all your never have I evers!
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Kyria @ Travel Spot
Been pulled over by the police. YUP!
Had a salon manicure. Does Thailand count?
Used Reddit. Yes, it is a great tool for researching.
Gotten a tattoo. Yup, two of them and would get more.
Cleaned an oven. Unfortunately yes, although never very successfully!
Had an Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Threads account. (I had Facebook for a few years in university, but that’s over 15 years ago.) I have IG, Twitter.
Worn a cast. NOPE! That’s one so far!
Attended a professional sporting event (or, for that matter, a major concert – I saw Joss Stone perform at a small venue in Montreal 20 years ago; it doesn’t really feel like that counts). Have attended American football, non-American football, hockey, baseball, basketball and drag racing!
Had pink eye. I think yes, but I can’t remember.
Run a marathon. Most definitely.
Wow, so I only have never done one thing that you have never done! Here are a few more. I have never…
Had braces.
Been deep sea fishing.
Eaten a worm.
Ridden a unicycle.
Learned to juggle.
Played 9 holes of golf (or 18).
Had kids. (that I know of)
Been on a cruise.
Been to an all inclusive resort.
I have: eaten a worm, had kids, and been to an all-inclusive. All your never-ever’s are never evers for me, too! (The not being on a cruise sounds like a common one!)
Never Have I Ever…Part 5 – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. […]