After a few days of deliberation, I’ve opted to forgo a specific set of goals. That said, I do want to have some guiding intentions for the year and decided to create of list of mantras (inspiring reminders) and fun ideas that are goal-adjacent but purely enjoyable and/or whimsical.
I’ve written these prompts in my planner and each monthly spread has built-in reminders to check in on my progress.
- Let it be easy. (A simpler turn of phrase for “What would this look like if it were easy?“)
- Lean in. Embrace. (People, the current moment.)
- Choose the bigger life.
- Gratitude, not guilt.
- Rest is part of the process.
- Is this still fun?
- The scroll can wait. (In other words…put down my phone!!!)
- Celebrate “good enough”.
- Taking a nap is a job well done.
- It’s okay to say No.
- Have pumpkin pie (or some other dessert) for breakfast. This is courtesy of Kelsey at Rising*Shining. How whimsical! Of course I can have dessert for breakfast…but I never do. All these years I’ve been missing out on one of the joys of being an adult. I’m thinking of doing this on my birthday and again at Thanksgiving.
- Organize a progressive supper with friends. Have an appetizer at one house, an entree at the next, and finish up with dessert at our final destination – moving from place to place with each successive course.
- Try Dr. Pepper for the first time. A few people mentioned hesitations about its potential to be addictive. I have zero concerns I’ll struggle with this (I rarely drink pop). Mostly, I want to see what all the fuss is about since a number of bloggers discuss a shared love of Dr. Pepper.
- Don’t wear clothes that are too tight or are otherwise uncomfortable.
- Watch The Court Jester. (It’s time to watch this classic with Danny Kaye, per Joy’s recommendation.)
- Buy cuticle cream. (I’m open to suggestions!)
- Buy a new, thick, over-sized yoga mat for the basement. (Again, suggestions welcome.)
- Do a deep declutter of the house each quarter.
- Do something fun with my blog. (Could be more guest posts and giveaways, or maybe a themed week or writing from random prompts.)
- Meet a blogger in real life. I’m counting on Birchie to make this happen!!!
- Frame the art we purchased in Barcelona and Portugal.
- Go to the movie theatre as a family. Probably to see Mission Impossible – The Final Reckoning.
- Buy and put up outside lights for Christmas 2025. This could be a single spotlight or strand of lights. Or maybe a small outdoor tree in the corner of our deck?
- Walk daily in April and October. In other words, host the Cool Blogger’s Walking Club twice.
- Send at least one piece of “snail mail” each month. (And record each item sent.)
- Create a Happy Song playlist.
- Eat chocolate-mint flavoured gelato (or artisanal ice cream).
- Grow out my hair. (Only get a trim.)
- Leave encouraging (anonymous) notes in library books when I return them.
- Spend a few hours working at my favourite coffee shop at least once each month.
And that’s a wrap on my mantras and fun ideas for 2025. I think the mantras will inspire me to set boundaries, choose adventure, advocate for myself, continue to prioritize rest, and encourage a range of good habits. The fun ideas are just that…fun ideas. Nothing bad will happen if I don’t accomplish a single item, but I think 2025 will be more memorable if I bring at least some of them full circle. And, since none of my ideas are stressful, expensive, or overly challenging, I think I have a good chance of crossing many of these experiences off my list!
Your turn.
- Are you setting goals for 2025?
- What’s your favourite mantra and/or fun idea from my list?
- I’m looking for suggestions for upbeat, happy songs for my playlist – what would you recommend?
Header photo by Prchi Palwe on Unsplash
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I love these! I normally like a big list of goals but I know I’ve got full on teaching and really feel a bit burnt out at the moment. So my goals are much more minimalist, focusing on systems, routines, and family time.
I want to do a big declutter of the house and get the garden in shape. We only have 1000 square feet, and use the space pretty well, but after 4 years there, I think we need to do a big rethink of where things go, what we actually need, etc. I feel like a 10% reduction in stuff would help.
I’d also like to host more – the year of the casual hang. My goal is 15, which feels reasonable if I front load them (we spend so much of the summer abroad). I feel like this contributes to keeping the house in good shape as well.
I also want to play more board games with T, and pack my lunch more often so I’m not eating sad store salads. I’m very inspired to cut back on new spending – Christmas was 80% vinted and the zero waste org I volunteer with, and honestly, beyond sneakers (T and I have fussy feet) and undies, do we actually need new stuff? Often my vinted purchases are new with tags anyways, amazing how many clothes are purchased and go unworn.
Trying to take a step back to make things work more smoothly sounds like an excellent approach when you have such a busy workload.
The year of the casual hang. Love this! I think it could help to have a go-to plan for the snacks, time of day etc. One year we opted to have company on Monday nights. That way no one was likely to stay late (our kids needed to go to bed), it didn’t end up using one of our weekend nights, and most people tend to be available. It was odd, but it worked and I really enjoyed having a go-to evening where we often had friends over. I also rotated a handful of crowd-pleasing meals over and over.
It is incredible how many clothes can be found second hand that are in like-new shape or still have original tags on them!
The first upbeat song that popped into my head was “Closer to fine” by Indigo Girls, followed by “walking on sunshine” by Katrina and the waves. I have now dated myself! A more classical twist would be Vivaldi’s “Spring”.
No goals for me- just survival in 2025! I’m not a big goal setter. I’m more of a short term list-maker.
I like ” it’s okay to say no” , giving yourself permission to set boundaries. I had to say “no” to a lot over the years, due to family or finances, and it’s much easier for me now. But learning to say “no” means you also learn when you want to say “yes”.
Not certain if I have a mantra myself.( something full of profanity came to mind, but we’ll keep it family friendly here!) Your mantras reflect a lot of what you discovered this year- cool!
I’m hear for classic songs, too.
I hear you on survival. I felt that way in 2020-2024. Taking a year of rest (and stepping down from one work position) were excellent for my mental and physical health. I’m feeling excited for 2025. After recovering and convalescing in a way in 2025, I feel like I have a lot of good habits to carry some of the lessons I’ve learned forward.
Our plan is Souper Sundays or inviting school friends for our friday movie and homemade pizza.
Souper Sundays!! This is genius. I love anything clever like this and it is both witty and practical. Also the Friday movie invite sounds awesome!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I think having a list of fun things you want to accomplish is a great idea! I have so many places I want to see and things I want to do, but also now u may not get to all of them, and that is okay! However, I do better when I have a list, so I always have an ongoing one.
I am a big fan of ice cream for breakfast! Also when I was in Vietnam, I often ate pho for breakfast, and it was lovely. I say do what you want; you earned it!
So often we don’t consider certain whimsical things because they would have been banned or frowned upon when we were kids. We’re missing out on some fun adventures and delicious cake/pie/cheesecake for breakfast.
Michelle G.
I love your ideas so much, Elisabeth! The mantras are such an inspiring way to set your intentions each month. I said it before, but I really love the one, “Let it be easy.” That may be my mantra for the year!
I also love your list of fun ideas. A giveaway is so much fun—maybe I should give away something? I also want to send snail mail every month—and, of course, the CBWC!
One of my favorite happy songs is Shinin’ on Me by Jarrod Niemann.
Let it be easy! I used it already today. I was planning to make up some curried chickpea filling to go with our soup for lunch. I was dreading making the mess with the ingredients and decided “Let it be easy” would have me skip the chickpea filling. We can just have soup and crackers.
I will go look up your “happy song”! Thanks for the recommendation.
Admittedly, my yoga mat suggestion is pricey. However I have had mine for 4.5 years and it is still AMAZING! It’s the only thing I own from Lululemon and was generously gifted to me by a friend who knows that I am a sweaty exerciser (the mat boasts no slip properties!).
Thank you for this! I think it would be worth the investment and, like you, I don’t own anything from Lululemon, so this might be the item that changes that trend.
I think I’m going to go your route and make a list of fun ideas. I’m laughing at your idea to “try Dr. Pepper.” I never liked it, and my daughter HATES it! I mean, she hates it so, so much. But so many people love it. I’ll be interested to hear what you think.
For your mantras, I’m drawn to “Choose the bigger life” and “gratitude.” I’m getting excited about the new year!
I think I will dislike it, but I’m SO curious.
Lisa's Yarns
I love what you came up with! And I would definitely not worry about getting addicted to Dr. Pepper. You don’t seem to be a person that have an addictive personality. I definitely do. I’ll have a sip of Phil’s Dr. Pepper but could not drink an entire can. It has a very strong, distinctive taste. Maybe you will love it, but my guess is that you will have a “meh” experience? We’ll see!
I set a list of 25 mostly fun goals for 2025. I love the feeling of checking something off a list so I am looking forward to the challenge. But I am going into it with the expectation that I won’t do everything but will do more than I would have if I hadn’t made the list!
I have exactly zero worries about becoming addicted. I might even try to get one of the mini cans because I suspect a few sips is all I’ll want to try. Does Phil like Dr. Pepper?
Lisa’s Yarns
Phil does like Dr. Pepper. He drinks that or Coke. But he is a moderator and could probably stop drinking it tomorrow if he wanted to with no challenge!!
How do some people find it SO easy to drop certain habits? It doesn’t seem fair. Though I am like Phil and can have a freezer full of ice cream and be a complete moderator. Homemade sweets…not so much.
These seem like goals to me, Elisabeth. Fun, for the most part (growing out hair sounds frustrating and don’t get me started on how terrible I find going to the movies), but goals nonetheless!!
I did not try Dr. Pepper until I was a late teen and I think it’s gross. I think it’s one of those things that you need to first had when you were single-digit years old or it’s too late to develop a taste for it.
I have a feeling I’m also going to think Dr. Pepper is gross, but it feels very whimsical to try it. I’ve also never had Mountain Dew. Maybe that can be a 2026 goal…
What a fabulous approach to the year, Elisabeth! I love your mantras. And the “Lean in. Embrace.” one resonates especially strongly with me because “embrace” is a word that’s been calling to me as my word of 2025. (We’ll see.)
Such fun goals! Especially the breakfast dessert option. Yum!
My “fun happy songs” are influenced heavily by the tween fandom, but I think Chappell Roan’s Hot to Go and Pink Pony Club are so fun and upbeat. Perhaps the content isn’t the most, erm, appropriate… but I am overlooking that.
At first I was planning to just pick a word for 2025 and it was going to be Embrace. But I don’t do well to have a one-word theme, I don’t find. I did Be Kind a few years ago and it did help, but I think having a short list of mantras that will suit different occasions (It’s okay to say No and Choose the Bigger Life could be in opposition to each other) will be a better fit for me.
I will admit – perhaps to my detriment – I don’t always play the closest attention to lyrics.
Central Calif Artist Jana
Leaving encouraging notes in library books is one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard of! And snail mail . . . your postal strike is unthinkably horrifying to me. I send multiple cards and letters each month, whether just a catch up or a thank you note. It is putting tangible love in people’s mailboxes. Makes me happy! (helpful to remember after all the sad sighs in my last comment on your previous post.)
It was quite sad – especially over Christmas – but I tried to remember how little it really impacted me. So many Canadians had REAL problems (not getting cheques or medications), and the biggest thing for me was not being able to receive Christmas cards. Thankfully, it is up and running again. And just this morning I took a massive pile of Christmas cards and packages to the post office. So Christmas cheer will be spread well into 2025.
Every so often I find a grocery list or a quote someone has jotted down in a book and it always makes me happy. Why not leave something purposefully??!
I love the library book note idea. That’s so fun. What a great way to make someone else’s day. I do not set lists or goals. I am a worker bee and everything I do (practically) is on a list of things I want to accomplish. I could probably use a mantra to address people who stress me out or upset me, like Let them be/Don’t let the turkeys get you down, maybe? My sisters in particular can wreak havoc on my peace, and it’s unsettling/unnecessary to give them any power. But yet, old habits are hard to break. I’ve made amazing strides in creating distance and setting boundaries from them, so their nonsense doesn’t crop up as often as it once did.
I also love your snail mail plan. I used to be SO good at writing letters and sending mail before email. I used to write my childhood best friend, who experienced a TBI when he was like 10. My kids used to each take turns sending Johnny notes. I want to get back into the swing of that, as I know it brightens his day. I visited he and his elderly mom in Florida in March.
I love the song Walking on Sunshine. It is a pick me up song that always makes me happy, livens my mood. Also, Jump, by Van Halen.
One of my favourite things, though it didn’t make the cut, is “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” Sometimes I can feel stress that is not mine at all. Another parent has a toddler meltdown, or my own child makes a poor choice but it’s not critical and isn’t something I actively need to fix. Not my circus…!
Boundaries are the absolute hardest thing I have to learn over the last few years and I have come a long way. I’m sure I’ll always struggle with wanting to be liked by everyone, but I’m learning that just isn’t possible and it’s okay to say No. It’s okay to set boundaries. It’s okay to prioritize my mental health and remove energy sucking relationships from my life.
I tend to prefer e-mail and text, but it’s hard to match the thrill of receiving something in the mailbox.
I just started my Spotify playlist and Walking on Sunshine was the first song to make the cut
These are all fun ideas and great mantras! The progressive dinner is intriguing. Would there be a set time at each place or just go with the flow? It sounds fun and like a nice way to have a dinner party with bless cooking work!
For happy songs, two of my favourite upbeat, make me smile songs are Heaven and Diamonds both by Los Lonely Boys.
I think there would be a loose schedule and all the families involved would go from place to place. I did it a few times growing up and remember it being very fun, but haven’t tried to recreate this with my own kids yet.
Nicole MacPherson
Oooh oooh oooh I can recommend a yoga mat! The Manduka Pro mat is the best mat on the market. It’s expensive. But it’s heavy and thick and it will go with you to your grave, I swear. I think cheaper mats tend to shred and can get thin and worn, but the Manduka will last forever. Manduka has a bunch of other types but the Pro is the very best, and it’s nice and thick for cushioning. I use a yoga towel over it for easy cleaning – just pop it into the washer! But then I’m a sweaty gal.
I’m so excited that the mail is moving again! Gosh I hope you get the postcard from me. Maya said hers arrived just today so this gives me hope!
Thank you for the rec. It looks like an investment, but a comfortable and worthwhile one. I’m currently using a thrifted (thin) one which is not…ideal!
I’m going to check the mail soon! Maybe today? I will let you know ASAP when the postcard arrives (good vibes only, of course – I’m sure it will make it…right??!!)
I love all of those. I am still setting goals or maybe no goals, maybe sort of a list of intentions/reminders for self. I still have tomorrow and January 1st, I don’t want to rush it. I’ve been steeping in 2024 reflection, combing through my thoughts and memories from 2024. I can feel that soon I will be able to decide goals or no goals. Like you, I am a driven person so I don’t that without goals I’ll just throw my hands up and give up on everything lol I will still do things I love, but goals help focus the time a little.
When I lived in Russia and would read a book in English, I would leave an anonymous hand written note. I loved doing it.
I feel like I didn’t give this nearly enough thought even though I knew the exact day I would reach the end of 2024 (basically, I have no excuse). I think I want to do some more reflection in January. Not necessarily to change anything about how I want to move forward but to give some closure to the year. It was…unexpected in a lot of ways!
Oh, now this I can get behind 100%. Mantras sound so much more spontaneous and fun, and writing them as monthly prompts in my journal? A brilliant idea. I’m stealing some of these. I’ve never left notes in library books, but books I didn’t enjoy reading (which I bought) I have set free into the wild. I’ve left them bagged with a note inside, in parks, museums, and shopping malls. It’s fun when someone in Australia send you an email to say they read your free book.
And I love the snail mail plan too. Definitely want to do that more through out the year. I already have a couple of friends signed on to swap postcards. That random card in the postbox is always a great pick me up.
I think I might just make 2025 a year of having silly fun.
Wait – you put your contact info in free books you leave? That is so cool! I bet there are Instagram pages dedicated to the travels of various books around the world!
Yes, I do, Elisabeth, along with so many other people. Check out BookCrossing ( online to find out more and how you too can release books into the “wild” for people to find. It’s fun.
How have I never heard of this before?!
After reading your blog post the first song that popped into my head was, I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash (Canadian jazz singer Holly Cole also does a great rendition). It kind of symbolizes where you’re at, to me at least.
I don’t make yearly goals but am definitely a list maker. It helps me keep track of what needs to be done and what I want to get done. I also love crossing things off. Makes me feel good!
My favourite fun thing on your list is the April and October walks. I love taking part in them and seeing all the photos everyone contributes.
And as a recently retired library assistant, I would love to have checked in a book and found a lovely encouraging note – so thoughtful of you.
What a perfect song and I so appreciate you putting that song and my journey this year together! It gives me warm fuzzies.
I am a list person and will always be a list person. Daily lists are one of the major reasons I can function in society.
I am SO excited for April walks and mostly because I love seeing pictures from around the world. Maybe more kangaroos? I still remember drooling over the picture of ice cream in a tiny pumpkin you sent in. Yum! Are you still doing weekly lake walks with your friend?
Yes, I do still go for my Saturday walks with my friend! Last week it absolutely poured, but we always feel really good that we get out regardless of the weather and start our morning with exercise that sets the tone for the day.
Love this <3
I’m not a Dr. Pepper fan, but my brother and one of my good friends both LOVE it. I think it’s hilarious that people worry that one taste will make you addicted. Even if you LOVED it, would you be addicted after one can? Unlikely.
I liked ‘Let it be easy’ and ‘Choose the bigger life’. Both are lovely and thoughtful.
You’ve not had pie for breakfast after Thanksgiving? Were you raised by wolves?
Pie wasn’t a big deal in my family growing up (my mom made apple pies but…can you keep a secret…the crust was always soggy and just…ick). I only realized I liked pies later in life. But, no – no pies for dessert EVER. We do have a sweet coffee cake for breakfast on Christmas Day but since that’s tradition it doesn’t feel as decadent as actually having pie or cheesecake for breakfast.
Ooh I like this list! My quick reacts are:
– I thoroughly enjoyed nibbling leftover Christmas goodies in the AM recently. 10/10 recommend, and also 10/10 enjoying the return to normal eating
– HOW HAVE YOU NEVER HAD DR PEPPER????????????? Oh well, you can’t change the past but you can change the future. I don’t drink pop either, but if I was going to it would be a Dr. P. There is 0% chance of addiction.
– YES YES YES to the ban on wearing clothes that are tight or uncomfortable. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
– Meeting bloggers IRL is high on my list for 2025 – challenge accepted that I will come see you sometime in 2025.
– YES YES YES to leaving nice notes in library books. Let’s make this a thing!
I so agree. The food has been delicious, but at some point I need the literal gravy train to stop!
I have never had Dr. Pepper. Is it a thing in Canada? I know we can buy it, but I only know one person who drinks Dr. Pepper. I think it’s more common in the US?
Ohhh. Maybe we need to start a Cool Bloggers Anonymous Book Note Club? Does it need an e-mail address we can all list and see where our notes go? Am I overthinking this? Maybe, but maybe not…*thinking*
I love the Dr. Pepper goals! I actually disagree with NGS on this. I didn’t have a DP until I was in my late 20s, I think, and that’s when I got addicted. It’s definitely a love it or hate it kind of drink, though.
Your goals for the year look great! I don’t have any recs for you, but I’m excited to see how things shake out in 2025.
I will be reporting back – a play-by-play of my first experience. I think I WON’T like it, but maybe I’ll be surprised and suddenly love and crave it?
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I love your fun ideas so much. What a great approach to intentions and goals.
I can see them working for you. And making happy and fun memories will be great. I can not wait to follow along and learn of the things you experience in 2025.
And the mantras are also such a great thing to do and to steer you in the direction you want to go.
Wishing you the happiest of New Years Eves and great 2025.
I love those mantras! I will set up intentions/goals for 2025 as it will be a year of change, challenge, and fun. Mantras that I hope to remember:
– lean in into discomfort, discomfort is part of growth
– wander with thoughts and walks
– everything happens for a reason – embrace what’s here
– live everyday well no matter its ups and downs
– seek connection with friends, family, strangers
It is counterintuitive how sometimes leaning into discomfort can actually end up bringing comfort and ease!
I love the idea of wandering with thoughts and walks!
Marcia (OrganisingQueen)
Yes, of course, I’m setting goals. This is my core purpose in life – to motivate and inspire others to reach for their goals. I’m only kind-of joking.
I am doing Gretchen Rubin’s 25 in 2025 goals. I have a mix of once-off stuff like seeing a comedian that only tours Jhb 1 – 2 times a year (hope it works this year) and things like schedule all my medical appointments once-off (this is so I don’t have that monthly dread of thinking about what I need to do) as my calendar will then remind me a day before.
I ended 24 with 81% complete (and I abandoned 2 so I would only have reached 90% at best) which I’m very happy with in a not-great year.
For your playlist – I have a ‘get up and go’ playlist on Spotify (Marcia Francois) which sounds like your happy one – it has songs like Footloose, You can’t hurry love, Come on Eileen, etc. I switch it on shuffle when I get up for gym on a Saturday morning.
Marcia (OrganisingQueen)
PS I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mantras! Maybe that’s something I should add to my “happiness trifecta” as Gretchen calls it (word of the year, 25in2025 and #read25in2025). A happiness square? I already have something like that on my 25 goals – say yes to invitations (I am usually the one inviting, instigating, initiating (gosh – all those i’s) so it is rare to get invited but when it happens, I want to say yes. I said no more than I usually do in 2024 because of mental and physical fatigue.
A happiness square!!! I love it!
Wow! 81% is incredible.
Elisabeth, the BookCrossing thing has been going for years. I hope you find a book or two to release into the ‘wild’ where you are.
Jan Coates
Awesome mantra ideas! And I’d love to deposit/receive a library book message. I had this idea I’d walk 5 kms every day until I get sick of it. Let me know if you want to join in one day. And just before the postal strike, I signed up for Letters Against Isolation (LAI) and I’ve sent cards to several long-term care residents, people I’ll never meet. Hope my notes helped brighten their days.
I love the walking idea and would be keen to join you!
I’ve never heard of LAI. I’ll have to look into it. I have some lovely handmade cards from a certain someone that would be sure to brighten a senior’s day!
This is great Elisabeth. My favourite mantra of these and one I use myself is “Choose the bigger life” The fun idea that is right up my alley would be the progressive dinner. Although I feel like I need to get to know a few more people in the immediate neighbourhood to get this to work. Mayb e we could do a building progressive dinner?
What about doing something at your church? You could even have a progressive supper at the church building where some people are responsible for apps, others main, others dessert?
ccr in MA
I’m late to read this, but I just have to say, I tried Dr Pepper once, and I thought it tasted like cola flavored with cherry cough syrup! I’m interested if you will like it.
I need to remember to add this to my grocery list. It would be a very easy thing to cross off my list!
Love your list of mantras and keeping it open to pilfer some of them (“pilfer” doesn’t sound as bad as “steal”, ha. I hope that 2025 is a year of continued growth while maintaining what works for you. <3
Thanks! And pilfer away…