It’s almost Christmas. I feel like I’ve been blogging about festive things for months now, but also can’t believe the final stretch of the holiday season is officially upon us. I’m happy and sad all at the same time; Christmas emotions are an assorted mix!
This was a very nice, pleasantly busy final holiday preparation week filled with perhaps a bit too much sugar, lots of Christmas music, and some last-minute shopping and cooking. And many Very Happy Things. I keep reading my One Line A Day entries from this time last year and things were DIRE. I feel sad for 2022 Elisabeth and my heart is full of joy and gratitude that, so far at least, everyone has been healthy in the leadup to Christmas. (Update: we now have one child with stomach bug symptoms. Oh well, it was inevitable.)

Joy came over last Friday evening for our annual viewing of White Christmas. As always, it seems like I enter a time warp about five seconds after hitting Play. We both know the lyrics and script so well that it feels like just a week or two ago we last watched it together. (Can it really have been a whole year?!) We chatted plenty, sang with gusto, enjoyed munching on holiday treats, and laughed at all our favourite lines. It was, in short, a practically perfect evening.
My father-in-law arrived safely and we’ve had a wonderful week so far; it has been relatively relaxed with one walk to school with the kids, and yesterday he went to a local nursing home to help my mom sing for the seniors (she visits a local care home every week all winter). He is such a wonderfully easy houseguest.
He is home for the rest of the year and this is such a Happy Thing. Having two trips almost back-to-back to round out 2023 travel was TOUGH. So I’m very relieved he’s back in Canada for a long holiday stretch.
As much as I love the routines of school and appreciate the break from full-on parenting responsibilities, it also feels incredible to not have the pressures of that schedule for a few weeks. No more lunchboxes! No more drop-offs and pickups! And no more extracurriculars for several weeks.
Remember how last week, when John was away, we had a major wind storm and some shingles blew off the roof? Well, this week we had an even WORSE storm and all sorts of shingles blew off the roof. Sigh. But we are counting our blessings because there were trees down everywhere – in some spots in town they fell on top of houses and vehicles – a portion of a neighbour’s fence blew down, and many people are STILL without power. Other than the shingles – which will soon be repaired – we emerged unscathed. I cannot believe we didn’t lose power. But our local school did, so Tuesday ended up being a surprise day off school for the kids.

I went with the kids and my parents to a late-evening concert at a local university chapel. It was a beautiful night – cold and clear, and it was a lovely musical event. A talented choir and some inspirational musicians. My favourite part was when the choir dispersed through the auditorium and we all sang a few Christmas carols together. It was an eclectic mix of music – lots of Latin and German, but then some hilarious Irish tunes and a haunting Bach cello solo. L slept through the whole thing, so I paid $6.50 for him to have a nice evening nap, but it was worth it.
One of my Happiest of Happy Things this week was sitting on the couch one evening in the dark (well, all the twinkle lights were on!) when the rest of the house was asleep, working on a blog post, and I would get a whiff of fresh tree scent every few minutes. What a beautiful tree it is, even if Darth Vader’s head was temporarily severed from his body.
I love last-minute gifts. They’re low-stress and usually unplanned. Just little things that catch my eye. This was a bumper week for thrifting for last-minute goodies. I have been wanting to get my mom some new slippers (I bought her a set years ago that she loved but they wore out). Then I came across a set – NEW – at a thrift store for $4.99 (minus the 20% coupon). THEY ARE FROM LL.BEAN and were originally about $175 USD (so, $235 CAD…and I got them for under $5!!!).
A great deal…though not as impressive as this news story: a woman bought a vase for $3.99 at a thrift store and then sold it for over $107,000. That’s a pretty great return on her investment.

I also got my parents a folding camping chair ($8); when I was in high school I won a Fear Factor competition by, among other things, eating live worms. My father tells this story (often) to anyone who will listen; my prize was $5 and a bright red folding chair that my parents have used profusely in the ensuing decades. That chair FINALLY broke down this summer, so I was thrilled to find a new red chair to take its place.
I also bought my parents my favourite reusable basket for grocery shopping. I found both mine at thrift stores, but splurged and bought theirs new (they’re $7). If you live in Canada, I cannot recommend these highly enough.

When I was at the library a few weeks ago I noticed they had a huge display of Christmas-themed magazines. I started flipping through them and ended up bringing a small stack home and leaving it on the coffee table by the tree.
I have loved sitting down on the couch in my spare minutes here and there to look at festive decor, holiday recipes and gift ideas. I don’t necessarily plan to use any of the information I’m reading, but it’s very pleasant and relaxing and helps amplify the holiday mood. In previous years I’ve tried to fit in some holiday books ahead of Christmas…but the stakes are so much lower with magazines as I can flip through them quickly, read the articles I’m interested in/skip the ones I’m not, etc.
Every year we get sick over the Christmas break, and every Christmas Eve I am literally a puddle of exhaustion stuffing stockings through gritted teeth or barely contained tears. Anyhoo…this year I decided enough was enough. No kid in our household believes in Santa so I do not need to maintain any ruse.
When L was out at a Christmas event, A and I stuffed all the stockings and got the overflow neatly sorted. Everything is prepped in plastic bins in the basement ready to bring up on Christmas Eve to arrange hither and yon in the living room. This idea is so brilliant I can’t believe I haven’t thought of it before.
I DO always separate stocking stuffers into bags ahead of time based on recipient, but this is the first year I’ve actually stuffed the stockings and I am 100% certain I am going to be thrilled to not have to do this late on Christmas Eve.
After we played the part of Santa’s elves, I put A’s hair in curlers while we watched Charlie Brown’s Christmas and the 1966 Grinch and ate Doritos and mint M&Ms. I usually leave these two classic cartoons until Christmas Eve, and then inevitably someone is sick (every year) or there is an emotional meltdown (last year) and I can’t enjoy either cartoon. So we watched them on December 21st instead and it was great. Why save the good stuff for later?
- The kids’ veins are flowing with hot cocoa.

- Stew. I never make stew (well I do, but it has been YEARS), and I had a hankering for a savoury stew and it was delicious – especially with fresh buttermilk biscuits on the side.
- We have all the clues prepped for our Annual Christmas Scavenger Hunt. I can’t remember if I’ve talked about this before, but every Christmas we wrap a clue up inside a whole bunch of boxes (nested doll style). So the kids keep unwrapping layer after layer after layer. At the very end, they find their first clue…which directs them to a location where they find another clue. Rinse and repeat. I’ll let you all in on the secret of the gift AFTER Christmas, but it always takes some time and creativity to come up with all the hints (we write them in rhyme). I am beyond excited for the kids to follow this through to the end as we have them zigging and zagging around the house and even outside.
- Sleep. I was behind on sleep and I managed to fit in one nap and an especially good sleep.

- 10-3-30. I have been doing this every day and…not hating it. I do struggle with feeling bored (I think that’s my #1 issue with exercise) but I’ve been listening to old episodes of the Girl Next Door podcast which is just such a fun, uplifting show.
- Kid activities: A had a 24-hour sleepover. She was so excited and guess what – NO SIBLING RIVALRIES for that whole time she was away. L had a Charlie Brown Christmas Party with church friends that included watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas and a White Elephant Exchange; later today we have a visit from senior citizen friends who spoil the kids with all sorts of elaborate home-baked goods over Christmas and L has another stint on the university rink.

- It wasn’t amazing, but Heidelberg Christmas (set in Germany) was pretty sweet and felt “different” from the cookie-cutter experience. I enjoyed it and would gladly watch it again.

- I have to get brownie points for making cornbread in the shape of gingerbread and snowflakes, right?
- Christmas crack. If you know, you know. That incredible toffee, chocolate, and cracker bark that is so good it should be outlawed? IT IS SO ADDICTIVE. I’ve made it before, but kinda hate the process. Bless her soul, because for the last three years our neighbour has gifted us some for Christmas. I was delighted to my very core when she showed up on our doorstep yesterday with a 2023 batch. A favourite holiday treat and none of the work? Yes, please <3
Your turn. Highlights from your week? Do you have last-minute shopping to do? Any concerts or holiday movies in the works for your weekend? Do you receive any magazine subscriptions? What’s something that made you happy yesterday? What about today? Anything you’re especially looking forward to tomorrow? Have you ever done anything crazy to win a prize?
P.S. Bonus points if you can tell me something different about this Happy Things Post. The first person to mention it in the comments will get a Happy New Year postcard from me in January.
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Oh nooooooo not a stomach bug! I hope hope hope it remains mild and with the one family member!
Love your illness mitigation strategies even though I am sad your experience has led you to develop them.
That stew looks delicious and your cornbread cutouts are adorable!
Stay healthy my friend xxoo
Wishing the same for you and everyone here in blogland. Sickies at Christmas are the worst, but so far things seem to be okay today. FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED!
I love magazines too, for those very reasons. I enjoy sitting in waiting rooms and reading whatever magazines they have on hand. I don’t have a subscription to any, but occasionally the library will give them away and I’ll carry some home. They’re good for traveling too.
I have to get a few last stocking stuffers, wrap presents ( though teen daughter did a lot for me), and take my kid’s class to a bakery for a treat and sing a carol to a former teacher who works there.
I hope the germs go away quickly, and that you have a peaceful holiday!
Like you, I don’t subscribe, but they really are a nice treat. I can see why people buy them at gift shops before hopping on a plane.
Sending wishes for a wonderful Christmas <3 Hope everyone stays healthy and these last few days are filled with fun and joy.
Jan Coates
Yes to those cornbread people! And you’ve been busy. Highlight of the week for me was I texted Noelle’s second birthday in to Canoe FM, the Haliburton community radio station which we listen to non-stop when we’re here. I teared up when the woman read it and wished her a happy day, with love from Nanny and Grampy. We have yet to hug Ada as all three of them got Covid the day we arrived in ON – hopefully tomorrow:) Wishing you cozy and quiet for the next few days:)
Oh, Jan! What a lovely experience. I’m so sorry to hear Ada and crew came down with COVID, but glad everyone will be clear before Christmas. I hope it’s an absolutely fantastic time.
I read Karissa and Felix last night and I almost cried when I saw you dedicate things to your husband and mention that he’d make a wonderful grandfather some day. And now you’re grandparents x2. <3
Oh, i just wrote a whole comment and then deleted it, grr. To summarize- LL Bean has a lot of nerve charging $175 for slippers!!! It’s amazing that you got them for $5 (and I’m hoping to see a photo of these gold-plated slippers at some point.)
I do have a little last-minute shopping, but sometimes that works out well. You’re not overthinking things, and I’ve gotten some successful gifts that way. I also have more cookie baking to do for our Christmas Eve get together, and this involves cutting out the shapes with cookie cutters, etc. So it’s an involved process. But I think we all do the things that are important to us- your treasure hunt of clues sounds very complicated and time consuming to me! But I’m sure it’s super fun (as our cookie decorating will be on Christmas Eve.)
Okay, I’m off to Target before work! I’m just trying to remind myself to enjoy these busy days- I love the lead up to Christmas so I just have to embrace the busyness.
Ha, gold-plated INDEED?
The treasure hunt IS a bit complicated and does take some time…but it’s one of the highlights of the season. I’m glad it has become a tradition.
I also love the last few days of the season.
The different thing is your cute & festive new logo!
I enjoy your Friday posts so very much!
Aww. Thanks for commenting. And yes, you were correct! It’s a new header image. Great sleuthing. I just sent you an e-mail to get your address for the New Years postcard <3
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I love Christmas Crack AND I’ve never made it. I guess it’s one of those things that I just want someone else to make for me.
You inspired me to try 10-3-30 and I am very impressed by it! My treadmill can do 12% so I’ve got that part of it but so far I’ve only done 20 minutes. Just as soon as I tear myself away from the couch and go workout I’ll take a shot at doing the full 30.
Merry Christmas!!!
In so many ways it’s superior to have someone else prepare your favourite treats.
I cheated yesterday and did the incline at 5 for a while; I was tuckered. And today I went for a 8.3km walk outside with a friend, but I hope to do the whole shebang tomorrow.
Merry Christmas to you, too, my sweet bloggy friend <3
Eating live worms? EATING LIVE WORMS? Why has no one asked/talked about this?! I am…not in a good head space thinking about this.
We used to make stew regularly and I have a truly deep confession to make. Frozen and canned peas are not for NGS and we started just replacing all peas with green beans and then I was able to live my best stew life. I need to look into vegetarian stew options. That would be lovely for winter days.
You have a special holiday-themed logo for this Happy Things Friday, right? It has color and different images? Is that what’s different?
Yeah. Some things are better left in the past AND I WOULD BE HORRIFIED IF MY KIDS DID THIS AT A BIRTHDAY PARTY (it was at a birthday party), but my dad has loved the chair…and seems quasi-proud of me for doing it.
I LOVE frozen peas, but canned peas are not even real food. Blergh.
You are right about spotting the difference!!! Someone else beat you to it with an earlier guess…but a sheet of gold stars in lieu of a postcard to you.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love cornbread and I am sure it tastes even better when it is shaped like a snowman or a star! More crevices to put butter on! Also your stew looks great; I actually really love stew but barely ever make it. Why? I don’t really know. Maybe I will go home and make some after Christmas.
My happy thing for the week is that I rode my bike in the rain and I survived. I had always avoided riding if the weather was not good and especially when raining, as I was worried about tires and brakes. But I did it and it was fine and now I know! Yay.
My guess for the difference this time is that you have a festive Santa hat in the photo header.
Correct on the header (a few others beat you to it, but a sheet of gold stars).
I never make stew. Also…why? It’s so easy and delicious.
Doing just about anything in the rain – especially driving – is a HARD pass from me. I am so stressed driving if it’s raining hard. I would rather drive in a snowstorm than a rainstorm (though neither is pleasant).
I love Christmas magazines and a friend gifted me a few to flip through this past week! Actually, I love magazines in general. I think it’s also why I love blogs; short form articles and essays have a specific place in my heart. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas and a ridiculous amount of happy things over these next few days!
What a great observation! Blogs are like little bite-sized magazines (and a bit like a soap-opera too, with seeing the inside lives of different people that sometimes overlap).
Wishing you a relaxed, wonderful Christmas <3
Lisa's Yarns
That stew looks so delicious! I haven’t made stew in such a long time. I love it but Phil does not so I don’t make it very often but maybe I can convince him that we should have stew in the next month or so. It would be a good week night meal on a day I’m working from home. My recipe is kind of putzy so you need to be home for a solid 3 hour stretch. But that’s doable on a week night.
I am sorry to hear a stomach bug is surfacing in your house. Ahhhh! You know how I feel about stomach bugs. Luckily Taco’s was extremely short lived. He only threw up the one time – thank God. I was on a call with my new hire at one point and he laughed at my knee jerk reaction to Taco coughing in the background. He’s 25 so he doesn’t quite understand the reflexes we develop as parents. But he can appreciate those reflexes.
So far so good today. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells, but maybe we’ll pull off a “healthy” Christmas.
One kid came in at 12:45 last night when I was DEAD (DEAD) asleep to tell me…they couldn’t sleep. Sigh. It ended up being a very disjointed night. But I hear my door crack open immediately. I cannot sleep through a child tiptoing into my room.
Any time I see the school number come up on my phone I panic. It’s almost never good, right? But now A sometimes calls to let me know about after school activities, so my heart rate is racing and then I realize: everything’s good! No emergency. But I wish she could call from a different line so I wouldn’t feel such deep despair!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Your site keeps eating my comments… you may get a dupe, if so, sorry!
I love cornbread and I am sure it tastes even better when it is shaped like a snowman or a star! More crevices to put butter on! Also your stew looks great; I actually really love stew but barely ever make it. Why? I don’t really know. Maybe I will go home and make some after Christmas.
My happy thing for the week is that I rode my bike in the rain and I survived. I had always avoided riding if the weather was not good and especially when raining, as I was worried about tires and brakes. But I did it and it was fine and now I know! Yay.
My guess for the difference this time is that you have a festive Santa hat in the photo header.
My site does have an issue with caching and it means that comments don’t show up right away! Gah. I’m sorry – this is such a nuisance, but if it doesn’t show up, just be patient and know that it WILL! It just takes a while. Argh. Sorry again.
I hope you had a better night! The picture of your son sleeping is just ahhh I don’t know, so special. He reminds me of R, straw hair, light eyes <3
My highlight would be today! I was at work, but did not teach, students and I had hot cocoa and watched a movie in Spanish :))
That sounds like the PERFECT last day of school.
And I’m hoping for a much better night tonight. I fit in a short nap this afternoon and it REALLY helped.
Remember when you did a post on fun fact about yourself? How is eating live worms not on your list of fun facts about yourself? (Or maybe it is, and I don’t remember?)
I am finding myself very unprepared for Christmas being on Monday – which is alternately relaxing because I’m just gong to say “F*ck it, this is where we are,” but then stressful because I think, “Well, maybe we should have a special dinner on Christmas Day after all.” I think Christmas being on a Monday is tricky because I usually do a lot of shopping the days leading up to Christmas since I’m often not working (for pay..) while the kids are at school, but with Monday Christmas, shopping the the days before feels so much more tedious because the last thing I want to do on a weekend is to battle holiday crowds.
I love magazines! I don’t pick them up as much now since so many are available via Libby, but there is something really leisurely about sitting with a cup of tea and leafing through an actual paper magazine.
Ha – I guess I missed that little tidbit in my Fun Facts About My Post.
Monday IS tricky. It feels really weird going into the weekend and having Christmas Eve on a Sunday. I was just talking with someone today about how distorted the week is going to feel (because really the week starts on Wednesday in terms of going back to work etc).
There really is something so unique about a magazine. I downloaded a few to my e-reader and it was NOT THE SAME!
Merry Christmas, Elisabeth!
It has been really heartening to read over my December 2022 entries in my One Line a Day journal. My anxiety was really bad and this year, I’m in such a better mental health space! I remember writing those entries and hoping I would read over them in 2023 and be in a better space. And I am! What a relief.
You’ve had quite the winter of windstorms. I hope that was the last of it for a while!
A Christmas 2023 Summary (We Stayed Healthy!) – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] pm – …and then I brought up the stuffed stockings. Having stockings already prepped was amazing and I hope to do this every Christmas for […]
I was thinking of you with those windstorms and hoping all would turn out okay. I am sorry about your roof, but so glad you are all okay (and so is your house).
How did I miss the post about the tree falling over? YIKES! I am glad that the treasured ornaments were mostly okay, but sorry that you had that extraordinarily stressful experience.
And also, now I am craving both buttermilk biscuits and Christmas crack. Thanks!
Sorry for making your hungry.
And yes, there was a tree debacle this year. Sigh.
Christmas 2023: A Gift Recap - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] Folding chair – thrifted for $8; discussed here […]
You had a very full and good week. As always, I am amazed at your thrift store successes and I am determined to put some more effort into thrifting in the new year.
I used to have magazine subscriptions – I don’t anymore. It’s kinda sad because I always looked forward to them in the mail. I am doing so much “reading” online that I let them go at some point.