Some weeks the lights burn out.

The mantle is a fitting representation of my weekend and early week. I tried to compensate by taking a step back and resting as much as I was able, but it was still tough and I’m still weary! Things are ending very well, but I want to pay homage to the fact that there are days I feel like the world’s biggest hypocrite showing up here and blathering on about Happy Things.
Back to those lights. In my emotional funk I looked at them and thought, I’ll just leave it looking this way. Why go to the effort of rooting through holiday bins to get a set of lights? Easter is almost here – I should just accept it’s sub-optimal and be grumpy about it.
But why? Why would I do that? I know how much joy these silly little strands of twinkle lights bring me. I know that having a strand burn out just…happens. I also know it’s within my power to switch out the lights.
And yes, it takes effort. And yes, it’s a nuisance. And yes, it’s not how I wanted or planned to use my time.
Welcome to life as a human.
So I looked at those burned-out lights for days (or, maybe worse yet, I stopped turning them on). The dark blotch irked me, but I didn’t have the time or energy to fix it. And I guess this is true of life; I don’t need to fix everything right away and sometimes have to – proverbially and literally – sit in the dark for a while.
But then one day I fixed the problem. Because life is too short to live with a sad-looking mantle.

And here’s the best part – at the exact moment I finished placing the new strand of lights on the unlit end…the burned-out strand re-lit again. So that sad, dark, lonely spot is now shining the brightest of them all.
In honour of the fact that some weeks the search for Happy Things is difficult, here is a rapid-fire round of things that made me smile:
- Participating in “the wave” at a college volleyball game. It’s fun to do spontaneous things as a big group!
- Hearing birdsongs through the window on a day when my heart felt heavy.
- Sunshine.
- John arriving home. It was a hard week away.
- Long walks.
- Resting.
- Cinnamon coffee cake (our Christmas morning breakfast tradition) for a Saturday morning kid sleepover. Enjoyed by all!
- Hot showers.

- The surprise and delight of walking into the library, having a librarian check books out for me without asking, and realizing they were interlibrary loans which always gives me an extra thrill! (Also, apparently, the only photos I took this week include my mantle.)
- Peanut butter KIND bars.
- Hot coffee.
- Leftovers.
- Kids growing up; they went with a friend to get hot chocolate at a coffee shop while I grocery shopped. Independence has challenges, but it’s pretty awesome, too.
- Completing birthday invites. Another year, another celebration. Also: Canva is so. much. fun.
- This vegan Teriyaki noodle recipe. It was easy. It was delicious. It was a hit. The leftovers were wonderful.
- Classical music playlist on Spotify.
- Falling asleep quickly, staying asleep all night.
- Some great thrift finds (I didn’t get around to taking pictures but: an awesome coat for A, basically brand-new sneakers for me, high-waisted jeans for me for $5.99, and more!)
- Receiving a Valentine from Engie!!
- Checking off a series of work and home chore tasks that had been niggling on my mind.
One morning before school (important note: it was theme week and the kids were always scrambling to get things ready morning of) a child was looking for their sunglasses (it was plaid day and their sunglasses are white, so I’m still perplexed about the need for sunglasses on a rainy, overcast plaid-themed spirit day. I digress). This child came to me – as I was getting ready in my bathroom, my children’s favourite place to hunt me down as I am like prey cornered by a predator – in a bit of a panic. But I could also sense accusation in their tone. My sunglasses are missing and you – incompetent mother of mine! – must be the reason. That uncommunicated stance that was subtle – but unmistakable to me after a decade of parenting.
I gave them a calm suggestion of where I thought said sunglasses would be (the place we store all our sunglasses). Nope. They came back. I made another suggestion. Nope.
By now they were in a tither and I started thinking like they would think. If I was my child, where might I have used my sunglasses. I offered more suggestions and a few minutes later I heard a shout of success from the basement (they had been worn the day before to do LEGO. In our dark basement. Again, no explanation for this). And I thought to myself: This is being a mom. Knowing where things are when no one else does. It was satisfying but also a bit sad to think no one notices these things. Fixing the problems, yet being overlooked as the source of the solution.
By now the child in question had the sunglasses on and had come back upstairs. Imagine my surprise and delight when they made a point of coming down the hall and saying very sincerely: Thanks, Mom. I would never have found the sunglasses without you.
My heart burst into a hundred happy butterflies. For every dozen criticisms and complaints, there are moments like this…
That’s a wrap on this week. We have a busy few weeks ahead and I’m going to take another step back from writing here to focus on time with family and rest! What are some happy things in your world today?
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Jan Coates
Lots going on, as usual! I love Canva, too. Just used it to create some content for a memory book somebody in the family is putting together. Words, photos, background – love it!
Canva is so fun – and versatile. I’m just amazed at all the options.
Yes, this comment is really from me, even though it’s not 3 weeks late (sigh). I suspect you won’t see this – due to the much-needed-from-what-it-sounds-like bloggy break – but I hope that your time of rest, recovery, and time with your family fill your soul and heart with light and love. You know we will all be here when you return. <3
Aww. Great to hear from you! I’m excited for the rest time 🙂
AW!!! I get all the accusations, but I can’t remember the last time I got a nice thank you like that.
I’m sorry you had a hard week… I know, sometimes it’s a challenge to find those happy things. I’m VERY glad you replaced those lights- it would have been very sad to have them dark like that all the way till Easter. Inspired by you, I got out my Easter things this week. And I ordered specific “Easter” lights (should be arriving today from amazon.) They’re pastel colors, we’ll see how it looks!
As always we will miss you- but I hope you enjoy your family time and get some rest : )
Ugh. I hope that Angie surprises you soon. You do so much as a mom that goes unnoticed and I wish I could make her see how firmly you’re in her corner <3
I cannot wait to see your Easter lights! How fun and festive.
Nicole MacPherson
I’m not sure what it says about my week that I looked at the photo and could not figure out what was wrong with it. I didn’t notice the burned out lights at all! Ah, well, it’s early in the morning. I love the mantel and I also really, really hear you on being the person who knows where random things are. It’s gotten better but how can my family clean up everything in the kitchen and yet leave the mixing bowl, washed and dried, on the countertop because they don’t know where it goes? This is the mixing bowl I use multiple times a week. It goes in the drawer where it always goes. And yet.
Enjoy your bloggy break! I will maybe be on one when you get back! I hope you have a great time xoxoxoxo
I am the official Finder in our household for sure.
I hope you and R have a great trip!!!!
Ally Bean
Your decorations are beautiful. I don’t do much of anything for Easter and you’ve shown me a better way. I understand about blogging breaks, take as long as you need. As for happy things in my world today, Z-D bought some blueberry scones one of which I had for breakfast. My tummy is smiling.
That is the extent of my Easter decor (and we don’t do baskets for the kids or anything so this is truly IT).
Blueberry scones. Um, yes please!
I’m sorry it’s been such a tough week, Elisabeth. I hope you’re able to get some rest and rejuvenation with the week off – and with John home. We’ll be excited for your return!
Thanks <3
I love a good light as life metaphor – how true about making the effort to change darkness into light.
Although… there is something beautifully moody about that half lit mantle …
I hope you have a rejuvenating bloggy- break!
It did NOT feel beautifully moody when I saw it burned out, I can assure you, but in the end it makes me laugh. It just felt too “on the nose” after my week.
It took a month to get a card to you!!! Oh, heavens. I’ll know better next time and send it to you in early January!!
Hey! It was extra special getting it in March <3 You know I love to extend celebrations <3
Canva for the win!! I use it all the time (have a free subscription through teacher’s account). I made L’s and R’s birthday invites and I always use it with students, too- for announcements and such. It’s great.
Rest up, looking forward to seeing your posts soon xo
Canva is so powerful and easy…and FUN!
I hope you have the best bloggy break with so many joys and so much rest <3 my happy thing for today is that Lil Momma and I are going to see Frozen at a theater in Rhode Island tonight and she is oh so excited and I am oh so excited to watch her watch it!
I hope you had THE BEST time!
Sometimes it takes me a while to fix little annoyances, but daily annoyance nevertheless, so I can totally understand the feeling of finally fixing it. for example, our bedside clock ran out of battery for weeks, and I used kindle to check on time int he morning. Finally, i replaced the battery and it’s working again. why i waited weeks to fix it? not sure.
highlight of our day/week is that our second fly to shanghai which was supposed to be 10pm, 7 hrs layover, moved to 7:30pm, so we got home at 11am instead of 2am It was the best surprise for a long day of travel.
I have a clock that needs a battery change…again. I swear is goes through a battery every six months?! So frustrating.
That is awesome news about the flights. Those few hours make a huggggee difference.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Yay for finding light in the darkness, or in your case, for fixing the lights. And boo to tough weeks.
Enjoy your bloggy break, and we’ll be here when you’re back <3
I’ll “see” you here soon 🙂
The finding. all. The. time.
But what a lovely thank you.
I’m sorry for the hard times. I’m sending hugs and wish you a good blogging break.
I am relaxing with a good decaf coffee and even though the day was long, it’s small things like this that help for me.
Yup. There is something missing basically at all times. I have an uncanny knack for finding things though…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I hope that you enjoy your break and that you have a great time with your family/friends, relaxing and getting things done! I am going to be a little scattered over the next couple of weeks so am selfishly glad you are not going to post too much as I would hate to miss your posts!
I am so glad that you were recognized as being a great Mom, as you are! But sometimes kiddos only see things from one side. I remember hating that my Mom did not want me to do three sports, but I never considered all the driving around she did for me in order to get me to those sports. I get it now though and appreciate her so much! Sometimes it takes a while (I promise, this did not just occur to me; my Mom has been a superstar for years now).
Aww. Thanks for such a sweet comment. I’m glad we’ll be “offline” at the same time.
I’m sorry your week was so challenging. It’s weeks like these that we especially need to make as note of the happy things and you have a very big list. Take care and enjoy your time off.
I did end up with a big list, didn’t I!
Lisa’s Yarns
Taco is obsessed with a pair of spiderman sunglasses right now. Everyday feels like an exercise of ‘where are the glasses’. They are kind of the bane of our existence right now!! But he loves them so much so as much as I want them to go away I will keep helping him find them.
I feel like the lights out situation is so apropos of life at times. Of course they would start working again once you tracked down a strand that worked!
Let’s see… high of my week was seeing my retired colleague on Wednesday. We went for a walk through the skyway system and I talked a blue steak because I had a lot of work crap to vent about. But he understands it better than anyone else in my life since he worked on my team and had the same role and we disliked the same people… I was also excited to find out I landed a big $35 million allocation into one of our mutual funds. I had worked on it with a few other people and we were in competition with other firms so getting the ‘we picked you’ email was so wonderful.
Ha. Finding the currently beloved item can be a real exercise in patience!
CONGRATS! What amazing news regarding your work success. This is amazing, Lisa. Gold stars and three cheers <3
Tobia | craftaliciousme
It is so precious that you kids do recognize the things you do. Not always but at least they do. I guess that is good parenting.