We had our first snowstorm and…I didn’t hate it. Admittedly, by the time everyone was on their second full set of winter gear and there were hangers of wet clothes everywhere I did get a bit grumpy about the snow. But it looked lovely and set the stage for a veritable winter wonderland. Thick, heavy snow that pulled branches to the ground like something straight out of Narnia.

There were no cars that wouldn’t turn off this week (the nonfunctioning car is still parked in our driveway while we figure out what to do; and, yes, if I had known it would be unmoveable for an extended period, I would have been more strategic about where I parked it.) No plugged toilets this week either. Unfortunately, there was so much sibling fighting it made me utterly despair about my parenting abilities…but I feel like this is normal. One child (cat) is an expert button pusher (one might say they approach it like a full-time hobby), and the other child is covered head to toe in buttons (laptop).

The result:

Oh, and our fully decorated Christmas tree fell over.
Nevertheless, there were many Happy Things.
I love having them here for the winter; popping by their rental for spontaneous visits, enjoying Mom’s homemade cookies. Dad loves to swing by after the kids get home from school to have an afternoon coffee and chit-chat. The older I get the more I realize it is such a gift to still have my parents around.

One of my all-time favourite experiences as a parent is knowing my kids are having fun while I don’t HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER TO FACILITATE SAID FUN.
One of L’s best school chums has a parent who works on staff with the sports teams at a local university. This translates into access to private ice time. L got to go to the university rink and skate with his friend, his friend’s brother, and one other boy. Four kids with a giant ice surface to themselves for a whole hour. Living. the. life.
And the same evening L was living his best life at the rink, A was participating in our church’s Live Nativity production. With John away and rehearsal times being impossible for me to juggle with solo parenting, work, and kid activities…I had to renege on my offer to help. But A ended up being able to do one night with a friend from school (whose mother did ALL the driving).
- Our shower is fixed. After years of a small leak, which recently morphed into a much bigger leak (which we “fixed” by simply turning off the water to that shower completely), it is officially – and professionally – fixed. Also: two faulty toilets have been repaired, a faulty faucet replaced, and several other minor plumbing tweaks have been completed – hooray. Plumbing repairs have to be about the most uninspiring way to spend money as an adult. But functioning showers and toilets do come in handy…
- Twinkle lights. I’m sitting on our downstairs couch looking at the artificial tree while I type this and the lights are just so pretty.
- When I was driving the other day Sia’s Christmas album came on Spotify and I started feeling this weird, unsettled fluttering in my stomach. I find the songs catchy and couldn’t figure out why I was having this reaction and then it hit me – this album was the soundtrack to L’s prolonged illness last year that started in early December, stretched through Christmas (fevers! scans! blood work! children’s hospital!), and well into 2023. It seems like forever ago we were living in that haze of sleepless nights and missed school and something akin to parental terror…but it all started a year ago this week. I listened to that album going to/from doctor’s appointments and suspect I won’t be listening to it much this year after all. This is a HAPPY THING because I am just so, so relieved L is feeling better and that horrible experience is in our rearview mirror.
- Christmas socks. I don’t own any Christmas socks and snagged two pairs for $1.25 at the DollarStore this week. They are so festive and fun.

- Christmas gifts are done! I’m calling it a wrap on gifts for 2023. I’m happy with the things I’ve sourced – not too few, not too many, mostly things people need or want, with a few surprises thrown in for good measure.
- I can’t believe I’m calling this a Happy Thing, but winter walks through the snow to school. I will be complaining about the snow very soon, but right now it is a beautiful novelty and just so darn magical. THIS IS OUR MORNING COMMUTE.

- This Lemon Chicken recipe. I had a lemon and chicken and googled recipes and this is what the interwebs suggested. I thought it was delicious (I didn’t have white wine, so I subbed chicken stock). Served with roasted broccoli and roasted baby potatoes. So good (and leftovers the next day as part of a giant salad might have been even better).
- Christmas-themed LEGO creations. Before the tree debacle on Tuesday evening, L spent about an hour coming up with original LEGO designs. My favourite is the reindeer, but there are also carrots (for said reindeer), an angry elf, Santa, his sack, milk, and cookies.

And that’s it from me. I hope you have a very Happy Weekend <3
Your turn. Highlights and lowlights from the week? Have you seen any snow yet this pre-winter season? Is there a particular song that makes you sad by association – or, better yet, deliriously happy? What’s the most recent fix you’ve had done around your home and/or what fix are you procrastinating on?
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many places in the world are having big snows! it’s like one day it’s summer and then next winter. It’s crazy. Those two memes are soooo fun to watch but I imagine not fun to handle the situation. But you got Christmas socks, that’s so cool. Since we don’t live in a winter city since girls are old enough to want to celebrate it, we don’t have any Christmas theme clothing. I can’t wait to buy them Christmas PJ if we move to a cold country next.
I own one Christmas shirt (it has the Grinch on it) and now I own two pairs of Christmas socks. I’m wearing a set right now and they really do make me happy <3
We had what I thought was a perfect amount of snow on Tuesday (but, LM disagreed and said it was unsatisfactory, haha!): It had covered the trees in such a beautiful way that my early morning drive to the office was incredibly lovely and the quiet, serene moment I needed — because the roads were clear! THE ROADS WERE CLEAR!! Seeing pretty snow covered branches while not having to navigate messy roads (until I got to the road my office is on) was such a gift! As was your point about L feeling better this holiday season vs. last; may this December be all the sweeter for that!
Snow on the trees + clear roads is the PERFECT winter combination.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
That is funny; we actually got a lot of snow too. Last Saturday it poured here and snowed in the hills and then the same thing happened on Wednesday. I am guessing there is about a foot of snow now, so my Dad is very excited that he will finally be able to ski next week (he goes every Thursday, but has not been able to go for the last two weeks due to (1) no snow the first week (2) a storm the second week). I think it is beautiful, but a lot more so when I don’t have to drive in it or shovel it.
I love that your parents come every winter and it is really making me want to plan more things with my parents. I know that your siblings are a lot older than you, so what age are your parents? Mine are not quite 70 which seems so strange to me, as they are still young in my eyes. However, there are certain things that they are definitely slowing down on now…
My parents are both in their early 70s. My Mom was getting close to 40 when she had me! They live in the middle of nowhere with a wood stove (two) and a VERY long driveway and are very remote. Plus, New Brunswick (where they live) has much harsher winters than Nova Scotia.
They both in relatively good health, but one of them has some mobility issues so it’s just wonderful that things are within easy driving distance for them here (they’re well over an hour to a major city centre/hospital where they live the rest of the year). I’m actually heading down for a visit in a few minutes. It’s just lovely.
Nicole MacPherson
The snow is SO pretty! We have none. We had RAIN. This is so weird to me! But the snow is lovely and your car is working so yay for that.
I totally forgot about L’s terrible prolonged illness last year! That was crazy.
When I was nursing my older son, Alicia Keys’ song If I Ain’t Got You was a hit, and we didn’t have many tv stations (and no smartphone either, this was 2004), so I watched that music video on Much Music in the middle of the night a lot. It still brings me back to that time!
Well…one car is working. The non-functioning car is still nonfunctioning and we need to get it towed and decide what to do with it. But the OTHER car is working.
The prolonged illness was CRAZY. Like months straight of being awake basically every hour at night. It was overwhelming and I had almost forgotten about that stretch. I’m really, really hoping we never go through something like that again. At the very least, I’m very much wishing for a healthy Christmas.
Aww. I love Alicia Keys and I can see why that song + bonding experience would etch deep memories <3
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I can’t believe how mild the weather has been. It really doesn’t feel like December. We had a snowstorm on Halloween and a few flakes here and there, but that’s it. Looks like we’ll get a little snow on Monday when the big storm rolls in.
The button pusher in our house has to push a lot of buttons before his brother will react, but ouch let me tell you when those buttons get pushed we all know it.
My home project is to deep clean the house. I have a logical day by day plan that doesn’t involve too much work on any one day, and what I’ve done so far feels good, but somehow I’m just not getting momentum on it. Sigh.
Oh, the button pusher only has to LOOK at the buttons on their sibling and there is a nuclear meltdown.
Can I just say: I WANT TO COME OVER AND HELP YOU DEEP CLEAN. This is the one major downside to blogging friendships; I don’t get to help clear clutter with my friends.
That snow does look beautiful! AND, I have to compliment L’s snowman- he did a great job! It seriously looks like something out of a book or painting.
Oh, I’m envious that you’re done with Christmas gifts. I hope you do your usual post (after Christmas) where you say what all the gifts are. Maybe I’m weird, but I love hearing what other people get (and give) as gifts.
I have to admit that I felt a twinge of sadness when you talked about having your parents there for the winter. Yes, appreciate every single minute of it! The truth is, I didn’t get along with my parents as well as you do- well, especially my dad- we used to argue all the time. But I still miss them.
I laughed at the comment about spending money on plumbing. Yes, it’s kind of depressing to spend hundreds of dollars on… a toilet? But it’s nice to have everything functioning!
We have a snowman kit which really helps! It comes with buttons and a heart and pipe, hat, and scarf!
I’ll definitely do a recap of gifts after Christmas!
There are very unromantic ways to spend money and plumbing is right up there at the top. Or the year we spent $15K to excavate all around our house for drainage. It looks WAY worse after it was done (of course because it tore up the lawn, bushes), and all that money and work was literally buried below the ground. Sigh. But what a blessing to be able to afford the necessary repairs and to have a home, so I try to balance my laments with realizing the repairs alone signify real blessings.
My parents being here is such a gift and I know that I’m very fortunate to get a long so well with them.
Good morning, I love your blog and have been reading it since last year. After reading todays blog I remembered your situation with your son last Christmas. My grandson who is 4 seems to be going through the same thing, constant fevers and sickness . May I ask if you ever found out what it was? My daughter brought him to the doctor and he said it is viral and not much that she can do but we are still concerned.
Hi Kathy, I’ll e-mail you directly about this! I’m so sorry to hear about your grandson. It’s exhausting and scary to not know what’s going on. My heart goes you to your daughter, grandson, and anyone else involved in his care <3
I love your wintery pictures, the snowman, the giant snowball! We’ve had an unusually mild winter so far – which has been wonderful after last year’s horrible, long winter! It’s amazing how a song can bring you right back to a certain point in time. I didn’t know about L’s illness, but I’m so glad everything is OK now, and I sent you my best wishes for good health!
Thanks! Yes, the illness was all documented on my old – now deleted! – blog. It was long and exhausting and I am SO, SO glad it is in the rearview mirror. We’re all wishing for a very healthy Christmas.
Buttons! Buttons everywhere!!! Ugh, SAME here with the sibling fighting. When are the kids gonna be old enough to solve their own conflicts so I can go and have a cup of tea… Next year, yes? YES? 😉
Snowman is awesome. Send some snow to Jersey, please. My Russian soul is earning for snow. Well done on gifts- we are done, too. A weight of our shoulders 🙂
I’m not sure if the fighting ever stops for some siblings?!
I’ll gladly send you any more snow from the season you’re way. It was lovely, but I’d be glad to just see sunshine and mild temps until spring.
Lisa's Yarns
That reindeer is so cute!! I love it! We have a lego advent calendar and one of the projects was a reindeer but multiple parts were lost while I was gone. I don’t know what happened there!
Well we just dropped our car off this morning to get fixed so that is the main fix on my mind right now…. hoping we get it back soon as having one car will be really challenging!!
The snow is pretty! We do not have any snow right now! Last year at this time we had SO MUCH SNOW. It can came at the drop of a hat so I’m holding out hope for a white Christmas. But having a brown Christmas wouldn’t be the worst thing!
LEGO advent calendars are FUN. But so many little pieces. L had one last year and I am not sad we’re just doing chocolate this year.
We did have a couple of small snowfalls, but nothing where we could make a snowman! Earlier this week, it snowed maybe half an inch and the trees were all flocked when we drove to work and it was beautiful. But now we’re back to depressing grey skies and brown earth everywhere.
My sister and I still fight when we get together and we’re technically adults. I don’t know. She pushes my buttons and I immediately revert to a snotty fifteen-year-old when I’m with her. It’s really a terrible character trait of mine.
The first song my husband and I danced to together at our wedding was “Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing” by Magnetic Fields and it makes me so very happy when I hear it. I hope all couples feel that way about *their* song and if they don’t have a song, they should get one!
Flocked trees are the best; the in-between (grey, dull, listless) is the worst. Be green or be white, I say. But not slushy, brown depression.
Awww. Love that you have a song (we do, too: it’s Right Down The Line by Gerry Rafferty).
I love your socks!
My three boys fought regularly throughout their entire childhood. We had one that my mother nicknamed the “potstirrer”. It fit him all too well. Now that they are all adults (in their 20’s), they get along well and actually talk to one another and fly to each other’s cities to visit without me being a part at all. There is hope!
A real win for me today. I had spent my budget on one present for one of my sons and didn’t have money to buy him a book for Christmas. I ALWAYS buy books for Christmas. Even when I was poor and the books were from the library sale, my boys always had at least one book from me. It’s my signature. I had wanted to buy him Demon Copperhead because it’s a retelling of David Copperfield and my son loves Dickens. I was sad until it occurred to me that I have a beautiful set of Dickens novels I found at a library sale years ago for a song. I decided to wrap them up and give them to my son for his Christmas book(s). I can always borrow one from the library if I want to read it but unlike Austen, I don’t dip into Dickens regularly so better at his house than mine. It made me SO happy!
Potstirrer – yes, we have TWO of those. Also an “Informant.” Sigh. Many characters in this play of life. But I know there is hope, for sure, based on my own experiences.
That is a HUGE win. What a wonderful gift idea and I’m excited for your son to receive such a special gift at Christmas.
The lows sound pretty low, Elisabeth, but I’m glad you found so much joy despite them! And that SNOW! That is magical dream snow. I want to transport myself to your yard and live in your shed like a snow fairy.
That lemon chicken recipe sounds delicious! I will have to try it! And I am super impressed that you are done with presents! I ordered a couple of presents this week, but I have so far to go.
I’d love to have you in the back yard as a snow fairy. It was definitely a magical snow. We’re supposed to get warm temps and rain this weekend, so it will be brown and muddy, but I know there will be more snow.
Wow that snow is beautiful! One year we’ll travel overseas for a white Christmas I think- just to experience it! 🙂
So sorry to hear about L’s illness, in early 2021 my then 5 month old son had a mystery condition where he would periodically stop breathing – and ended up in hospital for a week undergoing every possible test. Not a song specifically but all the streets leading to the hospital would give me that feeling of dread for many months after.
We have SO many fixes needed on our house we haven’t done yet- our shower drains slowly, a light in our lounge doesn’t work, our front door is stuck so we enter via a side door! Goal for 2024 is to get these all resolved, but yes SO boring to spend money on maintenance especially plumbing!
We actually seem to always have GREEN Christmases. We get snow early in December, it warms up around Christmas, and then January – March is a crapshoot about how much snow/ice we’ll get. I do love a white Christmas, though.
What a scary ordeal with your infant son. And yes, I can see the streets around the hospital being very triggering landmarks.
ccr in MA
That snow is so, so beautiful to look at, but I am so glad not to be dealing with it! I moved to Florida to get away from cold, and after five years I’m still not missing it at all. Pretty to look at!
I’d rather not be dealing with it too. I’m trying to be optimistic in the midst of my negativity toward winter. It was beautiful, but I’d be very happy if that was all the snow we got this winter!
Grateful Kae
Gah, that Winter Wonderland walk!! I love it!!! I would be perfectly happy for it to snow often provided that none of it stuck to any roadways. Don’t you think they could come up with some way to make that a reality, with modern science nowadays and all??? hahaha.
And wow, that private ice time is amazing. My kids don’t skate or play hockey, but I have heard that it’s generally very expensive to come by ice time. So to get it for free and private like that seems really cool! And I love that your parents are so nearby. I really sometimes wish that mine lived just a bit closer. We see them very often, but because they live >1 hour away, it generally translates to an overnight stay. Which is fine, but overnight stays can be fairly disruptive to the rest of our routines and schedules. I think it would be ideal to be able to say, have my house all to myself all day on a Saturday, no interruptions, do whatever I want, and then have them just stop by for an hour or two in the afternoon. Or meet up for dinner out. Or whatever. That sounds PERFECT.
Snow with none of the transportation issues is THE DREAM.
I think the current scenario with my parents could not be improved upon. They’re a short walk away, but have their own space so we really get to choose how much overlap we have in our days. We see them A LOT, but it can literally just be a 10-minute visit. I also love (though it doesn’t seem to happen that often), randomly bumping into them at the grocery store. I get a thrill every time!
Oh, I am a little bit jealous of your winter wonderland. Look at that cute snowman 🙂 (but I don’t envy wet clothes… haha).
I bookmarked this lemon chicken recipe, because I have tried other recipes from The Modern Proper which I liked a lot. Thanks for the suggestion.
I tackled my Christmas to-do list today and knocked off quite a few things (got some gifts ordered, I am in the process of baking and writing cards), so things are moving along. Just waiting for the string lights that I had to order for our pre-lit tree (whose string lights gave out last week.)
The wet clothes suck.
I want to make this lemon chicken recipe again! I really loved it. Very tangy but so, so tender.
Yay for crossing things off your list. And wah to the lights going out. SO FRUSTRATING.
The snow does look so beautiful! But the clothes … the trudging through snow … the cold. I don’t know how you do it honestly.
Oh, Melissa…I’m not always sure how I do it either. The wet clothes is my least favourite. While I hate the cold, at least when it’s COLD, COLD, the winter gear stays dry?! A small consolation…
Love the creativity behind those Lego creations! And the snow is absolutely beautiful. I always love the hush of the first snow… I guess all big snows come with that natural dampening of sound, but it’s most noticeable with the first snow of the season.
And yay for functioning plumbing! Not fun or glamorous but definitely worth the money.
Thanks for sharing the lemon chicken recipe! I printed it to add to our rotation (I try to make a new recipe every few weeks or so). Here’s one of my absolute favourite easy chicken recipes, which is also fabulous atop a salad:
That chicken recipe looks so good. I’ve just gone and printed it off. Excited to try this. Thanks for sharing.
I love your socks. I need twinkle lights now (and won’t get them because even if I did I am too short to put them up and would have to rent a tall person to do so, sigh), so thanks for sharing yours. And yes, functioning toilets, showers, and faucets do make life much better. That said, I’d rather buy books and twinkle lights. Sigh. Adulting. WHY did no one tell us how annoying it can be? 🙂
No twinkle lights. Please, please, please buy some twinkle lights, Anne. Everyone needs twinkle lights at Christmas.