I have felt extra sluggish and unmotivated this week. The weather (freezing cold, windy, a miserable mix of rain and snow), the news (generally horrendous), my questionable sleep habits (staying up too late reading books). Meh.
The kids seem to be exuding a similar mojo. We’ve had tears, slammed firmly closed doors, morning meltdowns, an unfortunate standoff over someone’s footwear and coat selections when it was -16C (without windchill), two sick days. You know, all those fun parenting things. There have also been some positively wonderful moments with the kids as well. It’s a mixed bag.
Thank goodness I’ve got a well-oiled gratitude practice because it really comes in handy when life feels like it’s playing out in sepia. And, as always, with a little bit of attention I managed to find a plethora of Happy Things.
After two back-to-back European trips (he had less than 36 hours at home last weekend), he arrives back in Canada today (for a lot longer than 36 hours). *jazz hands*
I have finally discovered the real reason I have leaned into non-fiction for the last decade – I am absolute rubbish at putting down fictional books and doing the things I should be doing.
I’ve decided to blame it all on Gigi. Her recommendation of Thief River Falls started me on a course toward making this My Year of the Thriller. I just can’t stop!
Remember that demerit post from Wednesday? The one where I lambasted my lack of self-control to stop reading at night. You better believe that post crossed my mind – as it sat in my “scheduled for tomorrow” folder – when I stayed up way past my bedtime finishing yet another thriller.
(I’m kidding. I don’t blame Gigi; in fact, this sudden focus on fiction has been a welcome distraction from the so-crazy-it-sounds-like-fiction world we’re living in.)
One day I was feeling less than enthused about the monotony of some work tasks, so I decided to notice the little happy things sprinkled throughout my experience.
- My beloved foot warming mat was turned to the highest possible setting and my feet were toasty. Bliss – especially after years of always having cold feet when I worked at my desk.
- A wireless printer. While most paperwork is stored digitally, I need a few things printed off in hard copy for record-keeping purposes. Can you imagine what our ancestors would think? Two clicks and I can print off one copy (or dozens – with no extra effort!) of paperwork.
- Paper clips. Yes, I actually reflected on how useful the humble paperclip can be when I was clearing out some of 2024’s business statements and filing them away. A tiny piece of metal kept everything neat and tidy in the appropriate folder. Plus, we have a set that comes in pretty primary colours so it’s a fun pop of colour in a sea of black-and-white print.
- A three-hole punch. I don’t think my family owned one growing up. We used loose leaf or we lined up loose leaf over plain paper and used a single hole punch to punch out each hole. A three-hole punch is a much more efficient method.
- Having a Google speaker on my desk so I can listen to my various work playlists.
We had some confusion with the bank about some mortgage discharge papers and I thought I was going to have to go do something in a neighbouring town in terms of registration. And then – *poof*. Turns out it was actually done for me back in October.
On Thursday I was playing scheduling tetris, with Indy’s haircut throwing a monkey wrench into the situation. I received a call from the hairdresser asking if we could come in an hour earlier. YES PLEASE!
I didn’t make it to the gym much this week (shoutout to Joy for being my gym buddy after I had to cancel on Jan because of a weather-related school delay), but three days in a row, I did outdoor “S” sports.

Sunday afternoon was spent skiing with Belle and one of her friends. It was cold but sunny and ended up being pretty much perfect. No long wait times and good conditions. Indy spent the afternoon with a friend which made the logistics so much easier. Plus, all the runs were finally open and I got to do my favourite run for the first time in 2025.

Monday was skating! Outdoors! On a local pond! (Can you get more quintessentially Canadian than that?) I took three of Indy’s friends along and they had a blast.

Tuesday was sledding. It is such a thrill and I couldn’t stop laughing as I bounced down the hill realizing one wrong bounce and I was likely to be hobbling for the next week. I emerged unscathed.
- Taking a hot shower after being at the ski hill.
- Watching the video of Indy at a college basketball game and his reaction to the nail-biting ending. He was there with a bunch of kids his age to celebrate his best friend’s birthday. What special memories! (Bonus: Belle stayed up to make sure he got inside and settled in bed, so I was asleep before he even got home.)
- Three baptisms at church. We don’t practice infant baptism, so it’s incredible to hear the faith stories of the teens and adults getting baptized. One testimony had me in tears and then a friend from our small group – who I absolutely adore – was baptized. Such a special Sunday morning.
- How happy the boys were about my hot chocolate. I took a little container of marshmallows and some hot chocolate in a thermos and plastic IKEA cups and you would think I served them vintage champagne. (Is vintage champagne actually a thing?) Apparently it was the perfect temperature and, after sledding in -11C, I can see why it was especially appreciated.
- Snow at night, highlighted by streetlights. It’s mesmerizing and beautiful.
- Indy making himself a savoury waffle, including toasting the waffle, frying an egg, melting cheese, and topping it with sauce. He declared it “very good”.
- Watching Mark Robar videos with the kids. It feels educational and also highly entertaining.

- Stealing the kids slippers. In the last week we’ve bought each of the kids brand-new fuzzy slippers at a thrift store. And I can technically fit into both pairs. So I have started stealing them and wearing them around the house. Shhh. Don’t tell.
- Also, in the picture above, you might note I’m wearing a pair of the “must have” Nike socks. They are ridiculously expensive and it’s only because Indy was willing to use up a gift card that Belle received a set for Christmas. Well…she has graciously given me one because, in her words: “I am going to make you cool this year, Mom.” She also loaned me a pair of her Lululemon pants and a pair of jeans that she holds up WITH A SHOELACE BECAUSE APPARENTLY THIS IS A THING NOW????!!!! I stopped short of using a shoelace as a belt, but I am loving the socks…She does not think it has made me any cooler. I say she has no idea what it’s like to be embarrassed by one’s parents, but she seems to think I do an excellent job.
- Watching Music By John Williams (Disney+) with John last Friday night. I love, love, love movie soundtracks and have been saying for years I wanted to see a documentary about John Williams. If you’re a fan of his iconic music and enjoy memoir-type documentaries, this is a good one.
Tomorrow I will be doing my first roundup of FIG-related content. If you have something you want to share, let me know via e-mail: optimisticmusings {at} gmail {dot} com.
Your turn.
- Happy Things from the last week in your life? (If you have to dig deep to find something, it’s okay. I think we’re universally in the same spot lately.)
- Do you wear slippers around the house?
- Do you know how to ice skate? Have you ever been tobogganing?
- When was the last time you had hot chocolate?
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Oof, I have had a week, I got back at 1am Sunday morning, had a lovely Sunday with my family and had a walk/tea and cake with a friend, but was feeling a bit ropey by dinnertime. Woke up sobbing at midnight because my legs hurt so badly, but felt ok Monday AM after pain meds, so traipsed off to campus to teach. White knuckled it through teaching, practically crawled to the hotel, and then had to be rescued by my husband on Tuesday AM. Finally feeling a bit better, but not up to much more than emails.
My gratitude is that my dad arrived Tuesday afternoon and has been in charge of T all week. They are taking off for Portugal tomorrow, so I’ll have the weekend to recover some more and get teaching prepped etc. And that my colleagues were very understanding of my having to cancel 5 hours teaching on Friday.
Oh Coree. That sounds like a positively rotten week. (Glad it started out well – I mean a nice walk and cake sound great). I hope you get lots of rest and TLC.
Hooray for family and tell everyone I’m jealous; Portugal sounds divine at this stage in our Canadian winter!
Being able to wear your kids’ shoes is one of those parenting perks that no one talks about. My hiking boots are “hand me ups” from Stepson #2’s Boy Scout gear from when he was a size 8. Hubs made a few scores as well before the boys came into their own with bigger feet. The three men in the house have been known to raid each other’s closets from time to time.
Happy things this week? Oh I don’t know, just a company paid trip to FL and blogger meetups;-) With any luck there will also be a lighthouse visit before I leave.
Belle and I now share some clothes. Like…I wore a pair of her Lululemon pants yesterday AND THE FIT. (Okay, they were a bit snug, but serviably so.) I guess somewhere in the recesses of my mind I knew this would happen but it always seemed so theoretical. What I’m NOT ready for is Indy to surpass me in height which is inevitable. Somehow it seems beyond bizarre that my 15-year-old will be taller than me?
Birchie, if I didn’t think I could get any more jealous (a blogger meetup, great weather – okay, there is the job you hate, but at least they paid for a trip), now you gotta tell me there might be a lighthouse, too? This is too much for me to bear. I have serious FOMO.
Nicole MacPherson
You know I think it’s something in the air. I actually checked the moon phase because everyone is all on edge. Well, I guess I didn’t need to check the moon phase, it’s just the world in general. Yesterday I had a writing date with my friend Laura and when we checked in, both of us had had a terrible session. I think it’s because we discussed the state of the US prior to our writing (she’s in the US). We have a new rule, no talking politics, because it ruins our writing time.
Your photos look like Tourism Canada. They are so wholesome! The hot chocolate thing made me smile and I remembered how one hot day I brought a small cooler of freezies to the school playground and handed them out, and it was like A Star Is Born. Wait. Not like the movie, I didn’t become an alcoholic who was jealous of my spouse’s success and tried to drink myself to death. Not like that. I mean, I was a star on the playground for bringing freezies. (usual thought process, do I delete this comment? NO. Elisabeth loves me JUST the way I am!)
The other thing I thought of was the, um, discussion about outerwear. I’m remembering when I was like 13, let’s say, and I would go to school IN CALGARY IN THE WINTER wearing just my winter coat, some thin gloves, and shoes. No hat, god forbid, because that would ruin my giant vertical bangs. One of my friends who I walked to school with would appease her mother by wearing earmuffs and then immediately remove them when she turned the corner. How we didn’t die of frostbite no one knows. Anyway, fast forward many years and it’s minus 30 and I think, I’ll drive to pick up the boys from school so they don’t have to walk in this cold. Didn’t I see many, many young girls walking down the street in unzipped jackets that showed their crop tops, and NO SOCKS with their little shoes? Sunrise, sunset.
It seriously feels like everyone I know has had a positively rotten start to 2025. People I love have had car accidents, been fired, gotten sick. Blergh.
A few years ago a parent brought Popsicles to a soccer game in a cooler and it might as well have been Taylor Swift. The simplest things can make kids the happiest (especially when there is a dose of sugar involved).
I love the thought process.
I remember seeing girls in FLIP FLOPS walking through the snow at university. To Belle’s credit she basically NEVER gets cold. It’s like a superpower and I wish I had just an ounce of said power. Indy, on the other hand, hates the time it takes to dress in layers. He wants to get out to recess seconds after the bell rings and boots and snow pants are just a nuisance. But he is also a tiny whisp of a thing who DOES get cold. Sometimes I just let him be – natural consequences, right – but I can’t exactly let him go to school underdressed when it’s -20C with the windchill. This is my circus and they ARE my monkeys and why can’t they just wear one of the THREE actual warm winter coats or one of the THREE actual pairs of winter boots they have access to.
I love how your list includes things like a wireless printer, google speaker, and… a paper clip. Yes, the humble paper clip really has stood the test of time!
I would love to know WHY we’re so embarrassing to our kids!!! I mean… am I really that bad? At least Belle thinks she can make you cool- I’m sure Angie would say I’m a hopeless case.
All those winter sports… brr. You get mega gold stars for getting out there!
The paperclip thing reminds me of that “For the want of a “nail” a kingdom was lost.
Here is a news article about someone who TRADED up using a paperclip to get an ACTUAL HOUSE. And here I was settling for just being grateful.
I feel like I am literal worlds less embarrassing than my parents were? Apparently not.
Lisa's Yarns
I has been terribly cold here this week, too! I luckily missed most of it. The high of my week was definitely the gorgeous temps in FL + seeing 3 of my fave bloggers! It was a dream come true to see all of them! I wish I could have spent days upon end with them but was happy to get 2 hours with them before flying home.
We’ve had some tough kid behavior and Taco is really not happy that I am traveling again. He was up extra early today and asked if I was leaving him to go on a trip. I leave again on Monday… But am trying not to focus on that.
I do wear slippers! Usually I wear moccasin style slippers but we got a box of Bombas socks from Phil’s cousin for Christmas and they included some slippers which I of course claimed. They are wonderful!
There is simply too much to discuss to fit it in a 2-hour meeting. Maybe we’ll have to start a blogger meet-up vaca once we’re all retired.
The travelling is definitely tough with little kids (or older kids); I’m sorry you have such a fast turnaround.
Colleen Martin
Love seeing your wintery sports, so very Canadian indeed! Nike socks – what is it that makes kids love them? Whenever I have Kohl’s cash I buy some. I don’t like hot chocolate BUT I do heat up a chocolate protein shake (Core Power) that tastes sooooooo good, seriously you guys would love it and it gives like 26 grams of protein. I’m glad your husband is back home and I hope you have a wonderful weekend together 🙂
That protein shake sounds amazing. I’ve never seen it in stores here, but have to admit I haven’t gone looking. 26 grams is amazing! I wonder if I warmed up water and added my normal protein powder it would taste good?
Central Calif. Artist Jana
I understand exactly about the fiction/non-fiction reading choices. I have been slamming stupid novels, using the Libby app for convenience, wondering what in the world I am trying to escape, staying up too late, wasting time during the day, just slamming the stories of made-up people’s lives, who wouldn’t be in such dire straits if they would just tell the truth for a change. But if they did tell the truth and behave well, there’d be no story to tell.
Fiction seems like a waste of time, but the redeeming quality is that it subtly teaches us about human interactions, choices and consequences, language usage, other ways of living, all with the added bonus of peeking into other geographical areas. Sounds as if I am making excuses; this could be true, but I am also comforting myself with the knowledge that it isn’t entirely a waste of time.
P.S. Your photos are wonderful, your happy things list is heart-warming, and I love hot chocolate but it is forbidden. Ongoing war to get out of prediabetes category. . . sigh.
I appreciated your reflections on fiction. It’s so true – I think sometimes fiction can help us better relate to others or understand things happening in our own lives. Some characters stick with us for the rest of our lives!
I have some of Cooper’s shoes, and I cannot wait until Dorothy is a size 7 🙂 (She wears a Lulu size 2, so that’s not happening…)
Ha! Belle and I have similar body types so I think we’ll be able to share a lot of clothes in the long term – though her feet are MUCH smaller than mine, so only flexible items like slide-on slippers are something I can poach 😉
What is going on this week?!?! Everyone is in such rough shape and it’s making my heart hurt! Thank goodness for you and your FIG Collective and your happy things! I am loving the photos of your outdoor fun. Our snow is mostly gone so I am enjoying winter vicariously through you.
Happy things around here… hmm… oh yes! My husband was able to pick up my kid from school THREE DAYS IN A ROW, and took her to school one of those days, which saved me two hours of driving this week! It was so luxurious, to not have to get in the car.
The amount of car time in a week can be rather startling! I’m so glad you got that extra time (plus, I find that aside from the driving time, there is still the mental prep of getting ready, having a hard stop, wanting to arrive early, etc). So I can see why that is a very happy thing!
I have had 2 hot chocolates in the last 2 weeks as part of the 15th annual hot chocolate festival! The festival runs for 4 weeks from mid January to mid February and it’s a great way to treat yourself in these, what I consider, doldrum months of January and February. The businesses that participate get very creative with their flavour choices and names. The first one I had was “Tinks Pistachio Pixie Dust” which was white chocolate with honey chantilly cream, pistachio drizzle and honeycomb crunch. Each drink comes with a treat and this one came with a cookie fairy wand. The second one I had was “Twice the Black Forest” that was dark hot chocolate infused with dark cherries and cherry syrup topped with cherry infused whip cream and of course a cherry on top. The treat was a dark chocolate donut topped with chocolate ganache, infused with cherry compote and topped with whip cream and a cherry. Both of these outings were shared with a good friend and my daughter which definitely adds to the happy things 🙂
Jacquie, those hot chocolates sound INCREDIBLE! If you happened to take pictures, I’d love to see them. I remember your hollowed out mini-pumpkin ice cream. You really know how to find delicious treats! I’ve never heard of a hot chocolate festival. My kids would be beside themselves!!!
And of course the experience is made that much better because you’re sharing it with people you love <3
I sent my FIG right away.
One of my favorite Christmas memories was taking some of my niblings sledding on Christmas Day. When we got into the car, my niece (maybe 4 or 5 at the time?) yelled “Uncle Ted, your beard is covered in snow!” and she laughed so hard. That’s all. Sledding is so much fun, but it’s so hard trudging up the hill!
Happy thing: I came to work late today and since I was going to be late anyway, I stopped to buy postage stamps AND get the dog a license, which were both things that are hard to do when I’m working during the day. It feels nice to have those things crossed off my list.
I got your FIG! Gorgeous.
Sledding is something I want to do at least once each season but then I’m good. It’s cold and I usually end up with bruises. My kids especially love sledding at night, but I haven’t done that in years.
Never underestimate the boost of energy that can come for crossing to-dos off the list.
Yay for FIGs. It’s been a rough week, but choosing a FIG each day and writing it down helped. Thank you for organizing it, Elisabeth.
Slippers are the best on cold days. One of my kids bought me cat slippers for Christmas. They’re warm and supportive and the best on cold wood floors.
I do know how to skate but rarely have the opportunity. I love dark hot chocolate and treat myself once a week on the weekends.
It sounds like you have lots of happy things, even if the books keep you up too late.
Cat slippers sound adorable. I hope you share a picture on your blog!
*takes a deep bow* – I am absolutely honored to take the blame for your tumble into Your Year of the Thriller. That was a wild ride wasn’t it? That’s why I love fiction; particularly thrillers – they can seriously take you out of whatever is going on at that particular moment (i.e., the installation of an actual FELON into the White House). The downside is, yeah, other things that need to be done might get neglected.
Yes! I think I had defaulted to non-thriller fiction but that doesn’t hold my attention in the same way. I just started another book and already know I am going to be SUCKED IN!
I posted my FIGs on my blog today! Feel free to use any of them if you would like, or not if you don’t want to do it that way. 🙂
I remember when my daughter was in middle school (grades 6-8) and she was horrified to be seen with us. We’d say, ‘we’re going to a movie, would you like to come?’ ‘where are you going?’ ‘downtown’. ‘No thank you’. If we were going to the neighboring town (we live on the border, neighboring town theater is actually closer), she would go, because there was no chance her friends would see us EXISTING and everything. Thankfully she outgrew that phase and realizes that her friends have families too. LOL.
It’s like a switch has flipped in the last year or so and now we are essentially the plague. I know that phase will pass. She wants to be dropped off as far away from the school entrance as possible if I drive her to school!!
I can skate but I don’t anymore as I’ve had too much joint pain lately and don’t want to fall and make it worse. I have been to tobogganing but not for several years.
The week has been a long and cold one. I appreciate heated seats and steering wheel in my Tucson!
I will admit that I don’t skate nearly as confidently as I used to. I haven’t fallen recently, but I always feel precarious. It was definitely more fun when I skated as a kid and felt like I could skate like the wind. And if I did fall, it wasn’t a big deal!
Heated steering wheels are LIFE CHANGING. I’ve never had it before our most recent vehicles and I cannot imagine ever having a vehicle without that option now. And heated seats are a must in Canada!
Yes! I know how to ice-skate! I used to go to the ice-skating rink every winter when I was younger. We took a thermos of tea or hot chocolate every time. It was the best time!
I love that you got to play in the snow and that you also had hot chocolate with you.
I think I need one of those foot heating mats! Why are my feet always cold under my desk?
I did post my F.I.G.s today and I did find some small moments of joy last week, but oof, it’s been hard.
Somehow I had never thought of a foot heating mat. Engie inspired me by talking about her desk warming mat; my hands can get chilly, but it’s really my feet that turn into blocks of ice when I’m working. I have LOVED, LOVED, LOVED my mat.
I know it has been such a hard start to January, but I’m proud of you for finding FIGs.
I’ve been skating while my kids have their lessons and I love it. I really want to learn how to do a backwards crossover and I’ve been watching YouTube videos on how to do it… we’ll see… When we lived in Canada we used to go skating on a lake, but I don’t dare do it here. I saw some people do it last month when it was really cold, but I would worry about falling through the ice. I’ve probably read Little Women of seen It’s a Wonderful Life too many times.
Our neighbors have a toboggan and they let us use it last month when we went sledding together. it was wild!
We have one toboggan bought years and years ago that is our favourite thing to sled on. If I’d known how amazing it would be, I would have bought two. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, but it’s fantastic. The sledding vehicle does really make a difference.
I love how quintessential Canadian this post is – playing hockey outside on an ice rink! What is that like? hahaha. I was outside in shorts yesterday.
I do not wear slippers around my house unless it’s cold (so, like, 5 times a year?!). I do know how to ice skate but haven’t gone in YEARS because my weak ankles mean it’s an unpleasant experience for me. And I can’t remember the last time I had hot chocolate! I need to remedy that.
I would trade the skating for shorts.
Oh that I could say it was only cold LIKE FIVE TIMES A YEAR. What???
Ally Bean
Happy Things! I’ve spent this past week doing administrative chores that should make it easier for me to keep writing my blog. I feel organized for the first time in months! I’m sure you understand.
Yay! I do love the feeling of being organized. A “clear deck” liberates my mind (and creativity).