Happy Friday! It has been a busy, mostly happy week. There is so much to talk about!
In no particular order…
One day I stopped in for a cup of coffee and a chat. Another night they came for supper (and then dropped Belle off at an evening activity). My dad picked up something on sale for me and dropped if off at my house and stayed for coffee. Yesterday Indy went to their place for lunch (parent-teacher interviews so there was no school) and he helped my mom make fudge. Tomorrow we’re going to see Indy’s choir performance together.
What I’m saying is: It’s lovely to have them close.
I don’t know where to start. There was so much energy (~1,200 attendees over four shows)! It was so much fun! I’d label it a 10/10 experience for the whole family.

We were able to help set some things up on Friday afternoon (it was cold and rainy – read: not ideal – but everything ended up going well). Later that night John was outside in a stall (stone mason) and Belle moved around inside and out (a “villager”). Indy and I were under the bright lights on stage as part of the angel choir. And those lights were hot. I was drenched in sweat and the first thing I thought when we finished the second performance was: I can’t believe Taylor Swift does this for almost FOUR hours IN HEELS.
The sets were incredible, the atmosphere was amazing and there isn’t a single thing about the experience I didn’t enjoy. (Here’s a short video recap; you might recognize a few folks…)

It was such a wonderful thing to do as a family.

Also, there were goats. Very spunky, energetic goats. John wanted to bring them home to live with us. They were cute, but I still said No.

Belle walked down to spend most of Saturday with my parents – most specifically, my mother. She played Christmas songs on the keyboard, ate lunch at their place, and baked cookies. Belle told me she had a plan, but I was clueless about said plan for their Christmas baking. She came home with cookies decorated to form The Twelve Days of Christmas. It was very fun and festive. Bonus: the cookies were delicious!!!

I haven’t been to the library in a month. I didn’t read a SINGLE book in November. Between work and kids and life and NaBloPoMo…I never felt interested in reading (outside all the blog reading involved with NaBloPoMo of course). Plus, almost all my reading material comes in via interlibrary loans and those aren’t functional with the current postal strike.
But my hold on Meditations for Mortals became available and we stopped by on a weekend walk to pick it up. Guess what I saw when I opened the door?
I immediately started taking pictures to text to Nicole. I hope Michelle is reading this post!!!

I am Team Minimal (and cheap) in the makeup department, but I was running out of products and was keen to find a few upgrades.
Enter e.l.f.
Here are the products I’ve bought recently and liked:
- Halo Glow Liquid Filter Complexion Booster. I think this has broken TikTok but, since I’m not on TikTok, I was oblivious. I’m loving it so far! (I bought this in Light/Medium – make sure to consult their suggestions of colours based on skin tone/hair colour. I learned that I have light skin – not fair – with cool undertones. Very helpful!)
- Sauve Mauve Camo Liquid Blush. I have been using lipstick for blush for well over a decade. (I never wear it on my lips. A tip I learned from a Clinique worker years and years ago when I was buying makeup for my wedding was to use it on my cheeks so my lips and cheeks would match!). It feels good to have an upgrade.
- Lash XTNDR Tubing Mascara. It is $9. It is tubing mascara. How have I never heard of tubing mascara before? I think I may never look back…
I will not spoil the ending for anyone who hasn’t finished the current season but I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this bakeoff. I was so happy with who won. I thought Noel and Allison were hilarious. It was everything I had hoped it would be and more.
- Spotting Jan at the gym. We got a membership because of her recommendation so it was fun to overlap unexpectedly. More generally, the gym has been awesome. It’s small, mostly used by seniors, and they have basically all the equipment John and I would ever want. And it’s cheap! I ended up doing my first ever Caroline Girvan workout this week while at the gym and I also did my first REAL 12-3-30 (when I did it at home, my treadmill maxes out at an incline of 10). Both were intense, but satisfying.
- I made peanut butter balls. Or, as Engie is sure to correct, buckeyes. I don’t dip them into chocolate; I just spoon a bit over the top and call it done. I only make PB balls at Christmas so they’re a real treat.

- Indy managed to get a birthday gift stuck in a neighbours tree. This isn’t as crazy as it sounds since it was a remote control helicopter he had received from a friend. He was flying it outside and a gust of wind carried it away and into the top of a tree. The crash happened just before supper, so it was too dark to try to rescue the copter that day, the next day it rained…and then we were busy…and then it snowed. Three whole days after it got stuck, we mentioned to the neighbour what had happened. When we came home from running an errand, the helicopter was on our step. AND IT STILL WORKS!
- Seeing Joy. We have been like ships passing in the night and we needed to drop anchor and catch up. It was lovely and NEXT WEEK SHOULD INVOLVE OUR ANNUAL WHITE CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA. Yes, I am caps lock excited about this.
- Christmas arrangements. I spent $8 at the Dollar Store to buy two heavy plastic containers, and zero dollars on the rest. My dad brought some fir tips over from their property in New Brunswick. Someone had given me the wired ribbon years ago, and the rest of the pieces came our backyard! I’m really happy with how they turned out. I saw something (much smaller!) on sale at Home Depot for $40 last week. Each. So making two for $8 seems like a pretty good deal. It may not win any flower arranging awards, but I think they look pretty good for $8. I made the bows using my feet. For real. It would look better if the wreath and arrangement bows matched, but I didn’t care enough to spend money to alter either. There are some red berries in the woods nearby and I’m going to grab a few branches for an extra pop of colour.

- Snow. This may be the only time this entire season I label snow a Happy Thing, but it looked very nice and it was a complete surprise. I had no idea it was going to snow and it was actually a bit exciting to wake up to find the ground covered. I would like exactly the same amount of snow on Christmas Day and no other snow all winter (except at the ski hill – I would like it to snow there a lot). What do you think my odds are at having this wish come true? (Zero – it has already snowed again multiple times.)

- Baked potatoes in the slow cooker. Has everyone been doing this for years and I am the last person to show up at the party? Or have I just discovered something life-changing for all of us? I love baked potatoes but almost never make them because it is such a nuisance to turn on the oven for a few measly potatoes. I made them in the slow cooker this week. So easy. And, dare I say, even tastier than baked potatoes from the oven. I may have just changed your life. You’re welcome.

Finally, a big congratulations to Sara (not a blogger, but a regular reader and commenter), who is the winner of the final NaBloPoMo giveaway of coffee and chocolate!
Happy Weekending, friends.
Your turn. Tell me all your Happy Things! Does anyone else use tubing mascara? Are there other e.l.f. products I should try? Have you seen any snow yet this “winter” (I know it’s still technically fall where I live, but once snow flies it is winter in my books!)?
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This post is full of happy things. I’m so happy for you that your parents are nearby right now and that you are all enjoying time with them. The live nativity looks amazing. Sweet video. When we were little, my mom used to use her lipstick to give us rosy cheeks on stage for shows. She called it rouge and I was convinced until I read this that she was the only one ever used lipstick as blush.
My happy things: last night I had a Christmas party with my college alum group. Such a lovely small crowd. It snowed on the way home (big huge flakes) and it put me in the Christmas spirit. Today (the 5th) was Tank’s birthday. We sang to him when he was home for Thanksgiving, and I don’t usually have things delivered, but I decided to send him a Nothing Bundt Cake as a surprise. I brought my folks dinner tonight and got to visit with them a bit. And – Curly gave her coach some feedback/suggestions and it was well received, which made her feel so much better as it’s been a rough start to the basketball season. I also managed to get an xray (needed for a follow up to a prior test and I had no idea how long it would take as they don’t take appointments) last night and then I found time to run to the nearby store that I wanted to go to and purchase my blogger secret Santa gift. Always great to check something off the list.
I’m so happy to hear of someone else using lipstick on cheeks! I’ve not heard of many people doing it before, but it has worked fine for me for the last 15 years!
Isn’t it amazing how magical a winter snow can be? It really does make spirits bright.
I’ve put off watching GBBO until the end of the semester, so my happy thing is that I can now binge watch it!.
One more happy thing, young son got his first free throw in his basketball game tonight.
PS- Ernie, are you still up? Go to bed- it’s the middle if the night here in the Midwest!
I hope you love the season as much as I did. The last season was…Meh. I didn’t really love any of the bakers. But this season was just delightful!
Hooray for your son! That’s exciting. I’m really enjoying being a basketball mom this year.
Nicole MacPherson
Well my friend, one of my happy things this week was getting that text from you! GNOMES GNOMES GNOMES! But Elisabeth! You can’t get any inter-library loans? Ours are still functioning but they are slow. Since our library system serves the whole Okanagan area and we get books from as far away as Revelstoke (3 hour drive) books can be “in transit” for a while. I didn’t know that yours were just totally non-functioning! This is so awful. I say this on your blog every day but aieeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I think I can get books from a handful of nearby libraries, but nothing outside of our local system.
I don’t have the heart to work on any more Christmas cards at this point. It feels like I’d be jinxing it…? *Sigh*
Nicole MacPherson
Ahhh I pressed enter too soon. I also wanted to say that those 12 days of Christmas cookies made me laugh and laugh. The calling birds! The TURTLE DOVES. I think that one is the very best. Oh, so fun. I love it so much.
We have no snow and none in the forecast! Rex will be VERY happy whenever it arrives.
We have had snow every single day in December. Indy is VERY excited about this. Me…less so. It has been so cold and windy and I’m already hoping it’s almost spring 😉
Lisa’s Yarns
The gnomes!! They are so adorable! And an instant mood lifter!! And those cookies!! Belle is so creative. And I am envious of you for having your parents so close by. That will never happen for us but I love that it happens for you each winter!
I didn’t know what tubing mascara even was! I will have to try that when I run out of my current brand which I am not loving. I switched formulas from Ilia and I don’t like the one I bought. But it was not cheap so I will use it up.
This week was not my favorite. I had 2 intense days at work with 7-8 client calls each. Wednesday was good then yesterday was detailed by Paul getting sick. Then today Will woke up at 5:15 and would not settle back down so I finally gave up and got up with him around 5:50. But tonight I have book club so will get a night away from bedtimes. Hurrah!!
Belle is super creative. I have a hard time knowing how to give her the right space to stretch those muscles, so it’s great she has an extra outlet with my mom. She’s going there tomorrow afternoon and has been asked to bring games. My mom LOVES games and Belle LOVES games and I’m not overly enthused about games so I love they can both get their fix.
I have been loving the tubing mascara. It’s so much easier to wash off and it doesn’t smudge. Like…at all.
I hope book club was great and you’ve managed to avoid strep…
Jan Coates
Don just bought a big bag of potatoes – will share your slow cooker tip with him:) I’m still enjoying my yoga time with Adriene – glad we can share fitness tips:)
Hope to see you at the gym next week?
And I am hoping to make the slow cooker baked potatoes again next week. They were a surprise hit with the whole family.
December Happy Things are extra happy! That living nativity looks like so much fun (the video was fun to watch.) Ilove those cookies- what a great idea, and they did a good job depicting the 12 days! Your Christmas arrangements are absolutely gorgeous. I don’t think they need to match the wreath- they match each other and that’s the important thing.
It’s definitely a gift to have your parents closeby! Glad you’re finding ways to see them so often.
One last thing- you didn’t want a pet goat??? Ha ha.
No, Jenny. I DID NOT WANT A PET GOAT. I can barely handle two kids, a husband, and a fish. A goat would be one thing too many 🙂
Slow cooker baked potatoes?! I think you might have just blown my mind! Potatoes are a staple in our house so I will definitely be trying this. I agree with you that snow is a happy thing…for now, but once we hit February I’m ready for it to be gone. Living in Minnesota we can easily have snow into April which I’m sure you experience as well. And I love your Christmas arrangements especially for that price!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did; I was shocked how tasty they were. I actually found I liked them better than regular baked potatoes. And the oil ended up actually making them a bit crispy on the outside. Definitely exceeded my expectations.
I think I’d like to leave Canada from December 26th to April 30th. That sounds…divine.
Colleen Martin
So much to be grateful for! Your live nativity looks so cool, I love it. We did a 10 week Caroline Girvan program (EPIC 3) and it was great, I should really pick another one of her routines to do again. Good for you for prioritizing exercise 🙂
I’m only now fully recovered in terms of soreness. It was an intense workout! She makes it look so easy!
It’s not…
If I were in charge of the seasons, winter would start when the time changes. It’s silly to call this season fall. YES WE HAVE SNOW!!!!!! The reason that I’m excited is because before the snow we had a long cold snap, so having something pretty to look at really helps with the cold. Also Doggo is all about the snow. We love watching her do snow zoomies and eat snowballs.
Congrats on the nativity! I watched the video and it looks like a fun time.
Agreed. It doesn’t snow in fall. To me, it’s winter. If someone asked me what season we’re in, I’d say winter. IT’S WINTER, Birchie. We both know it.
I love that Doggo (and Rex) love the snow. Indy does, but Belle has mostly grown out of the stage and is a bit grumpy about the white stuff like her mother.
Central Calif Artist Jana
Elisabeth, I am just getting to know more about you and learning the patterns of your blog. Friday Happy Things is fun! Here is a list of my thoughts and responses:
1. I confess to envy that you have both parents, both healthy, and nearby. What a gift!
2. Tubing mascara? Never heard of it. Seems to be a fine alternative to fake lashes.
3. That foot-constructed bow is a hoot!
4. I knew someone who would bake potatoes on her wood stove, the heating kind of stove, not a cookstove. She just laid them on top and rotated them all day long. Although we heat with wood, I’ve never tried it.
5. So many cookies. . . I am not enjoying being off sugar, but I’m sure I would enjoy diabetes much less. Sigh.
It is such a gift to have my parents close. I know it’s not going to be like this forever, so I’m trying to cherish it and make time to see them as much as possible. I also really appreciate the fact both kids are getting to make all these memories together with their grandparents. I lost both my grandfathers before I was born, so I never take for granted the blessing of getting to spend time with loved ones while they’re alive.
I laughed about the bow technique as well…but it did work!
Michelle G.
There are so many happy things on your list, but of course, my favorite is the library gnomes! Two of my favorite things combined – libraries and gnomes!❤️ That made me happy! Your post has made me feel a burst of holiday inspiration! I was getting worried because I really wasn’t feeling it at all. I’m looking forward to trying a slow cooked baked potato!
Let me know what you think about the potatoes.
I thought of you and Nicole immediately when I saw the gnomes. And of course you both love reading as well.
Oh, gosh, I never knew or even heard of a ‘Live’ nativity before. It all sounds like great fun but also hard work for all involved. Is it just a weekend thing, or right on through till Christmas?
I have to agree, libraries and gnomes are two of my happy things, as is snow during winter, Christmas decorations, and who doesn’t love a baked potato when it’s cold? And how perfect that you had a dusting of snow just in time to put those gorgeous decorations outside the door. Kind of perfect really. And yes, we have a covering of snow here, in QC.
By the way, what I wouldn’t give to have one last afternoon with my mum, baking.
There were four shows last weekend and now it’s all done. It IS a lot of work and all the shows “sell out” (tickets are free, but you have to pre-register). I do wonder if they’ll expand it to more shows? It’s a really exciting and special thing to be a part of.
I know some day I’d give anything to have the opportunities I have now with my parents. They really are a gift and I know that the days to do this are slipping by – I’m doing my best to appreciate and treasure them in the here and now.
Oh, I would love if they did something like this up here, as I could see it being a huge success with residents and tourists alike. And yes, 4 shows feels like enough but then again, not enough. And good idea on the limit tickets.
I feel like I never really had enough time with my mother. Both my parents left too early for me. My dad was only 68. So yes, celebrate every moment you can while you can with your folks.
ccr in MA
I love all your happiness, but I also have to say, baked potatoes in the slow cooker?! Genius! Do you wrap them in foil, or do anything to them, or just dump them in? Enquiring minds want to know!
I read multiple recipes (some used foil), but the one I ended up using was the one I linked to and it insisted on NOT using foil. I didn’t use foil and they were amazing!
I love your homemade Christmas decorations! They turned out great! We had a dusting of snow here in PA and my kids were thrilled. I am of the thinking that if it’s going to be cold, it might as well snow so there’s something fun to do. The past few days have just been windy and bone-chilling.
I was introduced to a new Christmas song this week and I’m mildly obsessed- We Are Messengers featuring the Gettys
“Thorn and Thistle.”
“To a world of thorn and thistle
Shadowed still by Eden’s fall
On a night so unexpected
Enters the Lord of all”
I agree about snow at least giving the kids something to do. And it is pretty! I just hate the mess of it all and we’ve had so much wind so the snow is blowing and…I’m such a grinch about winter weather.
I love the Getty’s and haven’t heard anything new by them in a while. Thanks for sharing. I’m listening to it this very minute and just sent the Spotify link to Joy <3
My happy thing lately also included spending time with my mom alone. We got to chat a lot and I felt closer to her for the first time in a long time. Keep communication via text or FaceTime was not effective for me, I need time spent in an unscheduled manner, not like a coffee meet up. Living together is really the only way to get the casual chat going.
I love all your festivities decor and activities, I wish we get to do those too.
Yay for “Mom time!” There’s nothing quite like it.
Your Christmas arrangements are lovely! The addition of snow adds to the aesthetic. We do not have snow, and probably won’t, which is just fine with me, as I live just outside of Vancouver, BC. When it snows here it’s complete chaos because the city isn’t prepared for it. It’s a nightmare!
One of the things I am most thankful for today is telling my daughter in early November I was heading over to Victoria to visit family and I would be returning on December 6th. She told me to book my BC Ferry reservation from Victoria to Vancouver ASAP as Taylor Swift is performing her last 3 Era Tour concerts this weekend. I followed her advice and made it on an early morning sailing with the other “Swifties”! I am also happy that exactly one year ago today I retired and am so enjoying this new stage of my life. I love the Christmas season, and this year I have so much time to soak it all up!
Jacquie, I would GLADLY forgo snow for the rest of my life.
What an exciting anniversary and I’m glad you’ve been loving retirement. I’m sure the Christmas season will be especially special (and more relaxed than ever!).
Elisabeth, the arrangements and wreath are GORGEOUS. The arrangements look just as fabulous as any at the garden center.
Love that your living nativity experience was so positive! You and your family look so adorable. What a beautiful way to enjoy and spread the Christmas spirit.
And yay for having your parents around!!!!
It’s a good thing I took pictures when I did. We had a wind storm and they’re all blown over. So I think I may have to start again. Oh well. That is winter in Canada!
Your front door is wonderful. I love the wreath and the arrangements you’re almost making. We wish we got snow and had a cute door. almost but not quite. I’m so happy you have your parents nearby again this year, it must give you a real boost, especially since winter is when your weather is not that fun. There used to be a church near our old house that did a big nativity walk through thingy and it was a must do for many of the families. Yours looks like a lot of fun and it is always so good to be involved in things as a family.
It looks nice in pictures but is such a nuisance in real life – the cold and snow.
We used to have a drive-thru and walk-thru nativity. This is only the second year where parts of it are inside and it’s a nice mix of inside/out. We had miserable weather the first night, so it’s great people have a place to get in out of the elements.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Yay for happy things! I love the live nativity; how fun is that? It reminds me of when I used to go and visit my grandmother, who lived near Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts (where the pilgrims landed) and they did a live village, where they all stayed in character the entire time and I used to love trying to trick them. Like I asked what they drank on the ship and they said mead and I asked about coffee and they said they had never heard of it. It is very fun. For your nativity, I loved the video; it was very well produced! Also the kids look great, and I bet that was a lot of fun. Except the kids playing the sheep looked a little bored 🙂
That is so fun! Hilarious they would say they didn’t know about coffee! I bet you would manage to trip me up.
It was a bit of a shame they included that shot of the sheep because they were SO into it and were hilarious (in the last song they ended up dancing and it was the cutest thing ever). But, it was a lot of sitting and standing for little kiddos so there were moments of them spacing out!
Having your parents so close and doing so many things with you all is happy indeed! I’m in the same position now with my folks and it makes me so happy! Also that live nativity is amazing, and so happy that you had the energy to really enjoy it this year- hooray!
Also, your front door looks so good- I LOVE that blue and white colour scheme and with the green decorations it just pops!
Umm, how do you do baked potatoes in the slow cooker? I need instructions!
I linked to the recipe I used and it worked perfectly for me!!
I’m so glad you have your parents nearby. Not only for the support and relationship for you, but for the delight of having your kids getting to be closer to them.
A friend designed that wreath for me years ago (she is a semi-retired florist). I love it!
Oh yes you did link to the recipe- fab I will try it out!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Well, you know I envy you for the snow and will not stop until spring. It is just raining here slightly above freezing. I was going to buy a new winter coat but I fear it is actually too warm and there won’t be much use of it. That is were I live… Sigh.
The nativity scene / happing sounds like a lot of fun and so many people involved. Amazing. You town sometimes really does sound like Stars Hollow to me.
It is a really beautiful part of the world and we’re so fortunate to have a lot of fun opportunities even though we live in a relatively rural area!
Kathy Wolfe
Love the cookies! I had not heard of tubing mascara either. I’m low maintenence. Loved the greenery you did and I learned how to make a bow with my feet.
Unfortunately, a wind storm knocked them over and then it snowed so I haven’t set them to rights again. I may have to rethink my strategy since we have been getting crazy weather the last week or so! Thankfully, I didn’t spend a dime and so I can always rearrange things as needed without fretting about any damage to the evergreens.
So many happy things! That live nativity is really cool. I have very vague memories of one when I was a kid. My baby sister got to be Baby Jesus one year in it. Or maybe it was the Christmas pageant? Anyway, she was the replacement for the little boy who got chickenpox and I recall that we big sisters got to be angels and stand close by.
This postal strike… sigh. I’ve also been distressed by the lack of putting books on hold. That’s my usual go-to as it’s much easier with kids to just go and pick up a stack of holds. At least the two sides are back to talking, even if they’re apparently very far apart still.
Indy got to be baby Jesus one year. He would have been almost a year old? I remember being shocked he managed to sit in my arms quietly throughout the event. And that same year Belle was an angel.
I see Tobia beat me to saying your town sounds like Stars Hollow. 🙂 The decorations are truly lovely, and I loved the nativity.
I also loved the end of GBBO. I think this is the first time that I felt happy for any of the last three to win. I loved them all so much. There were others that I was definitely sad when they left, of course. Such a fun show.
This may have been my favourite GBBO series ever? Though Rhaul (sp?) did make me laugh. And I really liked Sophie.
It is my go-to comfort show.
What a wonderful, pre-Christmassy week, Elisabeth. I love it so much that your parents are nearby and you can just pop in to see them. I also love the snow (because as you said, this time of year, we consider this a happy thing :)).