We’re on the cusp of what feels like the official start of the Christmas season (1 December) even though our family has been listening to Christmas music for a month, watching Christmas movies, and we have two artificial trees up, lit, and decorated.

Tonight is an exciting night as our family is part of a local Live Nativity production. Belle’s done it twice, I’ve done it once – but this is the first time John is home to participate! Belle is a villager who will wander around the outside stalls, John is a stone mason, and Indy and I are in the angel choir. It’s such a wonderful event and helps everyone refocus on the only thing that really matters this time of year.
This weekend is going to be a mad dash (four Live Nativity shows), and I suspect most of December will feel that way, too, but we’re doing our best to rest and savour the season as much as possible. It’s a bit sobering to think that we all have a limited number of Christmases to celebrate with those we love and, quite frankly, to be alive ourselves. It reminds me of Loveliest of Trees by A.E.Housman:
Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.
Now, of my threescore years and ten,
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.
And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.
We’ll have nearly the same number of Easters as we will Christmases, and fifty Decembers are little room to revel in the joy that is this season!
Indy’s birthday, basketball, the end of volleyball season, Live Nativity practices, work, life – last week was busy. Sunday morning I woke up and thought: I have no desire to get up and rush. Let’s just go to second service! Our church has two services with a 30-minute break in between. We generally go to the first service for the sermon and meet with a group of friends for small group discussion during the second service.
It means we need to be out the door by 9 am. By skipping the first service last Sunday, we didn’t have to leave until 10:50 am. And those two extra hours felt amazing. I took a long shower and dried my hair. I sat at the table and savoured my coffee. I lounged in bed far longer than normal for a Sunday morning.
It’s not something we’ll do often because we value getting to participate in both the service and small group, but once in a while it is rather delightful to change things up.
My parents arrived at their rental earlier this week. It is wonderful to have them living so close for the winter months. We end up seeing them most days, sometimes without planning it – because they live so close, I might drive by Mom out for a walk, or bump into Dad at the grocery store. On Wednesday, I stopped in separately with both kids so they could say hello. My mom has taken to leaving a tin of cookies inside the main door because the kids are conditioned to ask for a homemade cookie. She loves that they love it and…well, who doesn’t like Grandma’s cookies?
Their plans went a bit haywire when their car wouldn’t start on Monday – the day they were scheduled to come over from New Brunswick. In the end, they had to delay their trip by a day…which was a huge disappointment for everyone. But they are now here safe and sound and we can’t wait to spend lots of time with them in the coming months. It’s so nice they arrive close to Christmas when we’re getting into the best part of cozy season.

The day after Indy’s party – and a few hours after his sleepover – I put myself to bed and Indy ended up waking me two hours later. I had about five minutes to get ready before I had to leave the house (to take him to a hair appointment), but those two hours worked wonders. I felt like a new woman after the extra, much-needed rest.
Later that day, before basketball practice, I schlepped him to Mark’s Work Warehouse to look at their winter boot selection (thanks, Nicole!). He didn’t actually sleep…but I think he could have.

We have had a string of bad luck with real trees. One year, when we went to remove the tree, the stand ended up getting knocked on its side and a deluge of stinky (seriously – it smelled like ROTTING VOMIT) tree water spilled all over our floor. It was a disgusting, wet nightmare. At the time, John vowed we would never again have a real tree. I immediately protested this decision, and the next two years we got real trees.
Last year we had yet another issue. The day we decorated our tree…it fell over. I was sitting in the living room and watched it happen in slow motion. In reality, it was over in a few seconds. Thankfully, most of our special ornaments escaped unharmed, but the experience was jarring.
At the end of last season, we found what looked like a nice artificial tree at a thrift store for less than $30. It felt like quite a treasure since most of the trees at thrift stores aren’t much to write home about AND they’re a lot more than $30. We bought it on a whim, much to Belle’s dismay. She loves having a real tree and I do see the appeal. The smell! The experience! But…
I was downstairs working while John and the kids set up the tree. Belle burst into the office with a huge grin declaring we were going to get a real tree after all.
Turns out the prelit tree lights (most of which were no longer working) were a nightmare to remove and it looked quick scrawny. I was quick to interject it would all work out, I really wanted to try an artificial tree for a year, and just think – no watering, no dropped needles, no worries about it tipping over.
John and I spent an hour removing cable ties and branch clips holding the old lights in place. It was insane. I’ve never seen lights so welded to a tree before. I suppose they figure when strands burn out people will discard their tree (likely why we found it at a thrift store) and no one will want to go through the hassle of removing the old lights and will opt to buy a brand new artificial tree.

Well, they didn’t consider folks like us – and we are now the proud owners of a freshly lit, artificial tree. Belle is still less than impressed, but even she had to admit it doesn’t look half bad for not being real. It also cost less, doesn’t need to be watered, and allowed us to put the tree up earlier than usual since we didn’t have to factor in how long we could manage to keep a dead tree looking half decent inside the house.
They just make every day better! See photos above…
Okay, she doesn’t like to apply them to her room, but this girl has SKILLS. She took over putting away basically all the fridge, freezer, and pantry items my parents brought along. Within a few hours of them moving in (and they brought a lot; they spend 1/3 of the year in our town!) it looked almost completely settled and neat and that was due in large part to a certain teen daughter of mine. Now…how to convince her to apply that same level of commitment to her bedroom. At least I know she has the capacity. *shrug*
Indy didn’t own a single Christmas sweater and it feels like there are several events where one would be warranted and encouraged. I snagged this H&M sweater for $3.85 at a thrift store. On the bottom he’s wearing BRAND NEW fleece-lined Gap pants (he loves them and said it feels like he’s “wearing a blanket” which is a very good thing for this kid because he likes to live cozy) for – you guessed it – $3.85!

This isn’t necessarily a Happy Thing, but I sometimes get questions about when we thrift. There are two main stores we frequent and they are very close to each other. Once every week or two we stop in at one or both. Both stores happen to be adjacent to places our kids regularly have evening activities (three nights a week we’re close to these thrift stores, usually with some time to kill). We primarily use that waiting time to grocery shop or run other errands, but we also usually do a quick walk through a thrift store. There are typically a handful of things we’re looking for at any given time and we know WHERE to look because we go often enough.
For example, last week while waiting for Indy to finish an evening event, John spotted some brand new still-in-box ceiling lights. We need some for our kitchen and they were $25.99 (regularly $80).
When I bought Indy the pants and sweater above, I was in and out of the thrift store in less than ten minutes. I know exactly what I’m looking for, have efficient ways of sorting through available products, and boom. Done!
- Indy’s enthusiasm. He is generally so cheerful and jolly and go-with-the-flow.
- Activities will soon be winding down for Christmas. We have some final pushes for choir concerts, but each week a few other things drop off until the new year. Yesterday officially wrapped up Belle’s fall volleyball schedule. Hooray.
- A GYM MEMBERSHIP. John and I bought a couple’s gym membership. It’s at a local community centre and costs a fraction of what the local university (or private) gyms cost. We went for the first time yesterday.

- A haircut. That boy has so. much. hair. and he was delighted to be rid of some excess for a while!

- Positive report cards. First term is done. I’ve heaved a sigh of relief because it has been a tough year for Belle and I think high school will be a good transition for her. But both kids are doing well academically and socially and that is a real blessing. I know learning barriers, social challenges, school dynamics and so many other factors can end up really impacting student performance and mental health so I feel incredibly fortunate that the kids are thriving (despite some less-than-ideal circumstances).
- These Slow Cooker Hot Buttered Apples. Amazing (cooled) in smoothies, and even better served hot over vanilla ice cream. SO GOOD!
And that’s a wrap. Happy Weekending! I’ll be back with on final NaBloPoMo post/giveaway tomorrow. If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, I hope it was a wonderful day.
Your turn. What are you thankful for this week? Have you ever had a Christmas tree fall over? Are you Team Artificial or Team Real? Do you own a crazy Christmas sweater? Do you have any questions about thrifting?
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Michelle G.
You have so many happy things here, Elisabeth! It’s especially nice that your parents can be there. I am 100% team artificial tree. I can only remember a couple of real trees as a child. One of them shed so many pine needles that it clogged up the vacuum. I love the ease of artificial trees. They’re sturdy, always gorgeous, and they last forever! We gave our big tree to the thrift store a few years ago and got a mini table-top tree. It’s perfect for us!
I grew up with only real trees (artificial trees weren’t nearly as popular either). When John and I were married I bought a little artificial tree for our tiny apartment living room. That tree is still being used in our basement! I feel like just about any tree can look festive if you add enough twinkle lights 🙂
Artificial trees really are so easy. I will admit it doesn’t feel quite as “authentic” but it’s a lot less work!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Yeah for your parents being in town. What a special time to enjoy together.
I have had a tree fall on me when I tried to climb it (ha) I was a kid probably around first grade. Back in the day we had little chocolate ornaments on the tree. And starting New Years we could harvest one each day before the tree came down. Of course I wanted the one on top. We yelled and an adult run to catch it but was butt naked and yelled it pricks it pricks. We had a good laugh. Luckily the candles weren’t lit.
I feel though artificial tree would tip over much more easily. isn’t it lighter?
Oh my goodness! That’s scary. Though I suppose to be expected if you’re trying to climb a tree!!
Artificial trees are much lighter, but they are also less tippy because real trees are so, so heavy and the trunk isn’t always straight so they start leaning and because of all the weight, it’s enough to – potentially – bring the whole tree over 🙁 That’s what happened to us last year.
Nicole MacPherson
Those years are ROUGH for teen girls. Just rough. I’m sure high school will be a fantastic transition.
So many happy things! What boots did you go with? I’m dying to know! I absolutely love Mark’s for their winter boot selection.
I am Team Artificial Tree. I love walking through displays of real trees and smelling them, but my husband has allergies and also a fake tree is so easy. No watering, no drying out, you can put it up whenever you feel like it, no big deal.
Your parents’ kitchen has the same drawers and pulls that I do!
I picked a set of low Wind River boots (details coming soon). I tried on about a dozen and walked around in them. The best thing about the ones I picked is they came in 1/2 sized AND wide. I really need 9.5 wide. When I tried on the ones you own, they were too narrow for my gigantic feet.
There was a Columbia pair I really liked (with Omniheat), but they didn’t look nearly as rugged as what I ended up with. In reality I’m looking for winter hiking boots. If the snow is so deep I need tall boots, I can either wear my Sorels OR just use my snow pants and pull them down over the boots.
We had flurries this morning so maybe I’ll have to start using them soon? Perish the thought…
Middle school is so hard.
We were Team Real until we had a tree fall over a few years ago. We went to a local tree farm and cut down our own tree, but it was always difficult to find a tree that wasn’t lopsided. We lost a ton of our special ornaments, so now we are happily Team Artificial.
Thank you for the thrifting tips! Enjoy your gym membership!
I’m so sorry you lost beloved ornaments. I know two other people whose tree fell and they lost years and years of ornament collections. We are so fortunate that only a handful of special ornaments broke and even those we were able to repair. Some glass bulbs shattered, but I wasn’t too attached to those!
I love Indy’s sweater! And I think your tree looks great. My sister once removed the attached lights from an artificial tree, and she said it was horrible. But that is worth it for a $30 tree! We do get a real tree, which I love, but I can see the appeal of artificial. Besides the hassle and the mess, real trees are EXPENSIVE. I could definitely see us switching to artificial at some point.
I’m so happy for you that your parents are there!!! And I’m excited that it’s officially the Christmas season, but sad that NaBloPoMo is ending. It’s been so much fun.
It’s a fun sweater, right?! He was so happy to have it and he was very happy to tell me it’s NOT ITCHY.
Removing the lights was so crazy. I was literally sweating.
I know last year we paid about $40 to get a tree and delivery. So we’ve already saved money this Christmas!
Jan Coates
Lovely trees! And looking forward to a gym date sometime. Leaving hot buttered apple recipe on counter so maybe Don will make them:)
I can’t wait to connect at the gym. Not as sore as I expected today! Going again shortly and when John is out of town maybe we can coordinate so I have a gym buddy <3
If you like cooked apples, you are going to love this recipe. Yum. And over ice cream was incredible.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love Indy’s haircut. What a handsome dude! So I am looking at that photo of you at the gym and am wondering (1) did you lift those weights? If so, you are a rockstar, as I would be happy to lift maybe 10 lbs at this point (2) those are in lbs right? If they are in kilos that is a heavy dumbell! Also, what routine do you use? Do you already have one or are you now working on making one? I think that is usually what keeps me from working out, excuses that I don’t know where to start, although I used to lift weights a lot when I was younger!
Ha – I did not lift all those weights. And yes, they are in lbs!
I am going to do a timed YouTube weight video today, but I also did cardio. I ran 2 km on the treadmill to warm up and then did the elliptical to cool down. And I think I’m going to use the rower today? And then some of the leg machines? We shall see. No set program right now, but if I do it will be free for sure. I know there are lots of great paid options, but I’m too cheap for that 😉
Historically we have been adamant about having a real tree. However I am starting to see how artificial has some definite perks! I don’t think we will abandon the real tree for a while yet, but you never know. The prices have gone up astronomically the past couple years.
I do not own any Christmas sweaters. The closest thing I have is a cozy soft pair of socks that each have half of a Christmas tree on them- I’m wearing them today!
Totally agree about the vibe of having lights around the house. Last year I decided to leave the twinkle lights on our mantle year round and loved it. I will put them in more places for the holiday season, like wrapped around our banister.
I can’t imagine what trees cost this year. Last year I think it was at least $40 for us with delivery. And we live in PRIME Christmas-tree areas. I’m sure city centres are outrageous in terms of price.
Yay for cozy Christmas socks.
I leave our mantle swag up for about 1/2 the year and I just change the decorations. I’ll leave the winter on up until I switch it for Valentine’s Day and then I switch it for Easter. It’s a handful of extra decorations, but I just love having the twinkle lights and it’s fun to have it look a bit different every few months.
Ally Bean
Your happy things make me happy, too. Talk about passing on the bloggy love. We’ve yet to put up the Christmas tree and seeing yours makes me want to get going.
Awww. Thanks.
Growing up we didn’t put our tree up until mid-December at the earliest, but I definitely prefer having it up all of December. It really boosts my mood and it’s just so cheery and beautiful!
I have a daughter who can clean and organize like a pro, and her house is a disaster. Why are they like this?
Love the twinkle lights! I need to go dig out the Advent wreath and candles. And maybe a holiday decoration or two.
We’re team live tree, so that won’t be for a few weeks. I like getting small trees that the kids can decorate and I can manage by myself.
Enjoy the weekend!
I don’t know! It defies logic that they have the skills and don’t want to apply them. Maybe they have rebel tendencies a la Gretchen Rubin?
Eep! Team Fake Tree. I’ve never had a “real” tree and I feel that it is safe to say that we never will.
Yay for a couples’ gym pass. Also yay that your thrift stores are close to the kids’ activities. That’s perfect to have the time to browse and find the good stuff.
Wow – you’ve never had a real tree! I feel like no one I knew had fake trees when I was growing up. But we did live in a fairly rural spot, so woodlots were a lot easier to access than Walmarts!
Oh, I love how you have your parents nearby for that length of time, how wonderful is that? Especially for the kids when there’s cookies involved. But I jest. What I wouldn’t give to have both of mine for one last Christmas, and have my mum cook Christmas dinner one last time.
By the way, with six kids to clothe my mother was big on thrifting and I mean, big. Thankfully, on most military bases there was always a really good thrift shop. Families moving every few years meant a lot of donations at the end of each posting.
When we were small kids we always had real trees. Not big ones, but the husbands on base usually went somewhere with the older kids to cut them. But later, I remember it was always a fake one.
Ah, dang, you had to end you post on buttered apples, now that’s got me salivating. I really need to buy myself a slow cooker.
It is such a blessing! It is incredible how it all worked out. They rent from an older lady who winters in New Zealand and is away the exact months they want to be closer to me.
I just had a bit of the buttered apples on top of a muffin. SO GOOD!
How lucky is that? You couldn’t ask for a better swap. The lady gets to rent her house out and know it’s in safe hands while she’s away.
Oh, now you’re just making me want to go bake something with apples … if I had any.
How do your parents find a place nearby every year? Do they own two houses? If so, do they both sit empty part of the year? Perhaps you’ve mentioned the logistics before, but I’ve forgotten.
I’m so happy they are there for a few months, this is such a gift for all of you (meaning them and you and the kids, etc.). Plus, cookies!
So I found the spot via an internal messaging system at the university where I work years ago (6?). A retired senior (single woman) goes abroad each winter from December – April – the exact span of time my parents want to be nearby. They pay minimal rent because she needs someone to be in her house for insurance purposes. It is SUCH a lovely spot. I can’t imagine them living in a tiny apartment. They have a large, truly beautiful home and they’re within easy walking distance. It is a real gift.
Lisa’s Yarns
We rarely had a real tree when I was a child but one year we did and it fell over onto my day who was laying in his recliner! I am pretty sure that was the last real tree we had! We are team fake tree. Some of the lights don’t work but it’s not very apparent. This year I must not have put it together right as it is kind of tilting to the side but oh well.
We had a rough week since taco was sick but he felt well enough by Thursday to go to Thanksgiving and then today we had his family bday party. I think the best part of the day was right before the guests arrived – he turned to me and said ‘thank you for setting up my birthday party mommy’. I was so sure that my dad had suggested he thank me but he didn’t! Taco was moved to thank me on his own! Parties are a lot do work, even when you take the easy route and order pizza. But it was nice to see he recognized the work/effort!!
Thankfully no one was hurt when our tree fell over!
I think ours is tilting a bit as well?
Why do kids ALWAYS get sick over holidays. We seem to always have someone (very) sick over Christmas. I’m glad Taco seems to be feeling better. And goodness, that thank you is so sweet! Those little things mean SO much to mom. It is a lot of work, most of it thankless. Gold stars <3
Hooray that your parents have arrived. What a great time for them to visit. We are real tree types. Coach is ready anytime I agree to a fake tree, but I’ve been holding out. Several years ago our tree feel down in the middle of the night. We thought someone had broken into the house. After that Coach bought a new stand. We did lose a few ornaments in the mess. Sadly. Some of them were ornaments that the kids had made. Enjoy the live nativity performances. Sounds lovely.
That’s so sad about the ornaments. We were quite upset last year, but in the end lost very few ornaments. We were fortunate. I know some people have lost dozens of treasured ornaments from a tree falling over.
I am so happy you’ll have your parents close by for the next few months! What a special treat.
I haven’t had much time for thrifting lately, but I knew you must have a system. It’s really good to go often and to know the thrift store so well that you can be efficient about sorting through the items. Are they independent thrift stores or chains?
Your artificial tree looks amazing! Go you! I grew up with real trees but I am now team artificial trees. They’re much easier to deal with. I do not own a Christmas sweater LOL
Those apples sound amazing! I am sure they’d go well with oatmeal, too.
One is an independent store (my favourite) and one is a chain (John’s favourite).
Those apples would go well on shoe leather, San. They are DELICIOUS. I think you’d love them <3
The tree looks so pretty! You really start Christmassing in November? hardcore!
I resisted getting an artificial tree for years and years. This year my husband is away the first two weeks of December and we needed to get one up before he left, which would be too early for a real tree. And the kids aren’t here to go get one with us anyway. We got one that lights up warm white or coloured and I love it, even though I did always love the lopsided ones we got before. My son was a bit indignant, but admitted that the fake one looks really great.
Thrifting in that kind of regular, methodical way is really smart. I can’t think of a way I would do the same, but the kids have found some really nice stuff when they go. And I have a thing for cool vases, and I’ve found quite a few. Plus books for my library.
Growing up we weren’t allowed to start listening to Christmas music until into December and we didn’t put our tree up until at LEAST the middle of the month. In a time of year (and a world) that feels pretty dark, why not celebrate light and good things…right? I really do feel like most days can be made at least a little better with the addition of some twinkle lights.
Someone found a $5 vase and sold it for $145,000. CAN YOU IMAGINE?