September is almost behind us; typically that astonishes me but this September has felt pretty accurate at being twenty-seven days so far. There haven’t been high highs or low lows for me, but there have been for the kids and I inherit those lows by virtue of being their mother. Primarily the lows have fallen on Belle’s shoulders who has had the most anti-climatic start to Grade 8 imaginable. Then there was sickness for both kids which translated into days off school, missed opportunities for fun adventures – because of said sickness – and a relative lack of routine even though we were in a month normally synonymous with routines. (There – I’ve gotten my grumps out for the day.)
Before we turn the calendar, here is one last batch of Happy Things from September.
Belle came home in tears on Tuesday over the school situation, but ended up having two fun hangouts with friends later in the week and has another scheduled for today. Indy was home sick on Monday but was back to school on Tuesday and has been feeling progressively better ever since.
The logistics for all this week’s extracurriculars went smoothly, making me feel a bit more confident about pulling our Weekly Wednesday Chaos off with my sanity (mostly) intact.
Last Friday a few of the kids’ friends came home with them on the bus and stayed until the early evening. When I dropped off one of Joy’s girls, we were spontaneously invited in for supper.

It was wonderful. The kids wandered off and found playmates, Joy and I sat at the table and chatted (both our husbands were away for work), and I came home to a house just as clean as I left it with a meal already prepared for Saturday.
When Belle had her school friend shindig, Indy had gone off with friends on an adventure – coming home with arms laden with “crystals.” (I think it might be dolomite, but I’d love for a geologist to weigh in.)
He had been begging all week for a return trip so, after consulting the tide times (lesson learned!), we headed out with a new batch of friends and spent a few happy, muddy hours exploring the beach and finding lots of “crystals.”

Have I mentioned before that we live in an absolutely beautiful part of the world?

Who’s excited?
Summary: October 1st I’m going to start a month of daily walks of at least 10 minutes and I’m looking for (virtual) walking partners. Inside or out? Doesn’t matter. Fast or slow? Doesn’t matter. If you need to skip a day…no sweat.
Like the last time, I’m hoping to get pictures from around the world showcasing your walks. You can e-mail them to me at optimisticmusings7 {at} gmail {dot} com and I’ll post a weekly round up in my Happy Things Friday posts throughout the month of October.
Who’s excited? I’m excited!
*If you’re a new reader, disregard the blogger part – everyone is welcome and it doesn’t matter one iota if you’re a blogger.
- Being able to help a friend by taking her vehicle to the mechanic. It didn’t require much extra effort on my part (I took my laptop and worked most of the time) but I know it meant a lot to her.
- The sound of the dishwasher running – clean dishes are coming my way soon.
- That John managed to knock a very intense, very big work project out of the park. He’s phenomenal at what he does…
- Having John home again! I survived my first solo week of parenting in two months.
- I discovered a solution to a challenging situation – turns out it was easy!
- Fitting in several naps.
- Having an at-home date night planned for tonight!
- Fun things on the calendar. A birthday party for one of Indy’s friends tomorrow (they’re going to see a movie in theatres – how fun!), a choir camp on Sunday. A big youth retreat for Belle at the end of the month, family coming to visit, a solo trip to my parents at some point. October is looking…nice.
- That magical time when the whole house is quiet. My biggest complaint about kids getting older is bedtimes getting later and later. I miss 7:30 pm tuck-ins and prayers and QUIET. But I still try to carve out at least a few minutes to read or watch a show or simply bask in delight that the house is finally silent.

- Belle found this little pumpkin at the DollarStore and it has BRACES. She turns it on at night and it’s adorable and also very “her” and I think it’s so cool that she happened to find a pumpkin sporting tooth hardware.

- Poor Indy. He’s well enough to go to school, but his lungs haven’t fully recovered from being sick and he’s still a bit congested. He was determined to run (despite missing a practice) and confident he would do well but I was amazed that he managed to catch up and place in the Top 10 (out of 40+ runners). He got caught in the fray at the beginning and lost a lot of time, but he pushed through and finished strong. He has his sights set on the next cross country meet and hopefully will be healthy for that one!
And that’s a wrap on Happy Things from the week. Do you have any Happy Things to share? Do you carve (or buy) elaborate pumpkins? Did you go running this week?
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LOL— the pumpkin! Perfect— I am definitely going to make braces for at least one jack-o-lantern. The start of school cough is cropping up near us, and I know it is only a matter of days until we are felled… Cannot wait for the walking challenge. I am going to commit to going OUTSIDE for my walks, no matter the weather **anticipatory yikes face**
Sarah, is there anything you don’t do at 10,000%? As if you didn’t have enough on your plate, you’re adding walks outside. Gah. You are the epitome of Energizer Bunny to me and I love it.
The cough is going around like crazy. Everyone seems to have it right now. Hopefully this means everyone will be healthy over Christmas and we’re getting the germs spread around nice and early?
I’m really sorry to hear that your kiddo is having a rough time with school. That stinks. I hope things improve soon, and for the longterm.
Elisabeth, you truly live in a stunningly beautiful part of the world. Those photos of the cliffs and the crystals are spectacular.
I am looking forward to the walking club!!
It is such a gorgeous spot. Those cliffs are like…15 minutes from my house. How fortunate am I, right?
I’m pumped to start walking. It’s raining today and I was like: I am so glad this isn’t Day 1 of the walking challenge. Guess who skipped her morning walk in exchange for a warm blanket and cup of tea.
The blinged out pumpkin made me giggle. Your cliffs and crystals are absolutely gorgeous! What an amazing place to live as an adult and for your kids to spend their childhoods in! BTW did you grow up in NS?
Doggo said to tell you that the CBWC is her favorite Cool Blogger thing. She’s very excited.
I’ve never seen a pumpkin with braces, but tis’ the season for kids of this age so it made me smile that Belle saw it.
I was born in NB, lived in NS for ~12 years, then back to NB for 8 years, and now back to NS for about 20. So I’ve moved several times, but only between those two provinces! My formative kids/tween years were spent about 1.5 hours from where I live now.
Tell Doggo I am so glad she is joining the CBWC. Ask her to take some pictures for me, if she can figure out how to master non-opposable thumbs.
Nicole MacPherson
Woof, junior high is a tough time, especially for girls.
Those photos are gorgeous and you also made me nostalgic for our trampoline days.
Well, you’ll be getting a real variety of photos from me in October for walking! I’ll be sure to go Rex-heavy early in the month.
I think middle school is about as hard as it gets in terms of social pressures, feeling uncomfortable in your body, and generally not loving life. Thankfully, extra time with friends is helping some! Let’s see if I can keep the pace up all fall and winter?
Bring on the pictures!
That beach is stunning!!! I want to go and collect “crystals” (yes they probably aren’t real crystals but I still want some!)
Kids’ lows definitely become our lows. Sounds like Belle is doing well in spite of a difficult situation. Maybe the situation will turn out to be good in the long run, and if not, well, it builds character. I know- we’d rather see them happy than building character.
Ha, I love that pumpkin! I used to carve pumpkins, but now that the kids are older and don’t care, I’ve happily retired from that job.
It was so fun to collect them. They were everywhere. I’ve visited that beach at least a dozen times and I had no idea they were there (you have to walk about 1/2 km along the shoreline (in the opposite direction to what most people go). Now I know. Indy is already asking to go back…AGAIN!
Belle is doing her best. I think time with friends is the #1 remedy right now. We need to gather our muster for another round of speaking with the administration. They said they would work to make things more equitable but absolutely nothing has changed. But yes, it WILL build character and I know once she’s through to the other side she’ll be okay, but these things can be a bit traumatic (I still remember some rough stuff from high school that literally makes me shudder to think of going through it again). Why is growing up so hard??! Where is that adulting manual Engie keeps talking about.
It should surprise no one that I don’t enjoy carving pumpkins, me being Halloween Scrooge. But they are fun to look at…
Michelle G.
I am excited about walking in October! I love the pumpkin with braces. I haven’t carved a pumpkin in a long time. I have a fake one that lights up but doesn’t have braces! I love the mini pumpkins, and I hope I can buy some soon.
I hope the weather cooperates here in Nova Scotia and the fall leaves put on a good show. Regardless, it will be good to walk every day. I’ve been a bit lax about outside time this week and I can feel myself getting a bit antsy.
Okay, things are bad again because the dog is sick, but she has taken to testing boundaries and she has recently learned she jump over the baby gate we use at night to corral her into a room and really, who decided getting a dog was a good idea? and the weather is getting cooler and winter is coming, but this is a Happy Things post, so let’s not get distracted about these things.
I had a student come into my office earlier this summer. She was struggling in her current program, was on probation, was convinced she could never graduate on time, and was considering dropping out. I got her major switched, set her up in some classes, and have been slightly worried about her since. She came into my office today for a meeting (it was a meeting I offer for students on probation, but I cleverly disguise it as “course planning preparation” – don’t tell my probation students) and she is doing so well! She was smiling, talking about how her chemistry class was fun (!?!?), giving me details on a coffee club that she’s starting (they partner with a local coffee shop and they’re going to do three events this semester: one in which they develop their own coffee blend, one in which they decorate a coffee mug, and a coffee shop crawl), and she is GLOWING. Finding her a different program really made a difference for her! If she does well this semester, she’ll even be off probation. Yay!
Oh noooo. I hope Hannah is feeling 100% very soon. Who decided, indeed!!! Thank goodness she’s cute (that’s what I say when the kids are driving me to distraction – thank goodness they’re cute…and thank goodness they look so adorable when they sleep, which is ditto for Hannah and Zelda).
Winter coming sucks. There is no other way to frame the situation. We have nice-ish weather for 5.5 months of the year and then cold crap and darkness for 4.5. It’s not a great equation.
GLOWING STUDENTS SOUND AMAZING (unless they’ve taken to swallowing glow sticks or some such nonsense which feels like something kids these days might do? Am I cynical or just getting old?). It is amazing how much influence a kind, caring, and COMPETENT university contact can have over the rest of a student’s life. You did your job expertly and I’m so glad you’ve been able to follow this story full circle <3 Gold stars, Engie!
It was my birthday this week! So that’s a happy thing, as it included a mother-daughter lunch (my oldest doesn’t have Wednesday afternoon off anymore), paella for dinner and some lovely thoughtful presents.
(I will grumble about sick season some other time).
I helped resolve a sticky situation at work, so go me for using my mental health first aid training in my confidential support role.
We’re going to see jesus christ superstar tomorrow 🎉
And I’ll join the club, although some days will involve cycling instead of walking – I’ll even try to send some pictures.
Happy Birthday! That’s always reason to celebrate.
Conflict resolution is tough, but it’s so satisfying when a solution is reached and, hopefully, all involved parties feel like their side has been heard and appropriate decisions made.
Lisa's Yarns
The pumpkin with braces is amazing! I love it!!
I had my final trip of September this month and now I get a 2 week break which I am THRILLED about. I mean I still have to work (of course) but at least I will sleep in my own bed at night. It was nice to see some of my coworkers in person (but just some of them…) But the days were very long. I got home from dinner at 10:15 on Tuesday night and I was the first person to leave! Yawn. But it’s been good to be back home! Taco didn’t wake up last night so hopefully his sleep will get back on track (he tends to wake during the night when I travel). Another high was having a good conversation with my boss and my boss’s boss about, well, comp. I don’t like having those conversations as they make me nervous but my job has changed substantially so I needed to make sure they were thinking about that as we enter the annual review season.
Being in your own space with your own bed and no need to live out of a suitcase is golden. I’m so glad you get a stretch (though two weeks doesn’t sound that long to me!) of being home.
Gold stars for initiating difficult conversations at work – especially difficult for women – and it sounds like you’re on the same page!
Happy things this week? 27 Explorer Scouts turning up for a meeting where we had an amazing discussion about identities and stereotypes relating to LGBTQ+ it was heartfelt and frank they were were so kind and supportive of each other.
My son getting his Gold D of E Award certificate through the post, and then the next day hearing praise about an amazing presentation he gave, which I sadly couldn’t attend, knowing that two years ago he was so nervous to do any presentations and could hardly speak.
Watching my daughter learning to sew at a group she goes to.
A good nights sleep after so many nights in a row of terrible sleep.
Never carved a pumpkin in my life and I cannot remember the last time I went running – definitely over twenty years ago.
Your crystals look like a quartz we have a lot of that here where I live and it looks really similar. Quartz is a generic term and some quartzes are crystals, the way each are formed is broadly similar but are some are coloured (agates and amethyst to name a couple) and some are white as in your sample, I suspect the orange colouration is either from the formation of the sandstone (it looks like sandstone cliffs in your pictures) or could be iron. A form of quartz is used in watches that have a mechanism, they regulate the oscillator that keeps time. Now you can send Indy down a quartz/geology rabbit hole!
Public speaking is terrifying, so it’s wonderful to hear about your sons growing confidence. It’s such an important life skill!!
A good night sleep is one of the best feelings in the world.
I wondered about quartz, but these crystals are VERY soft (you can easily break the stones and even grind them into a powder)? And yes, the orange is definitely from the cliffs!!!
I am determined to join the walking club (as a runner, if that’s ok) in October and I’ll be sending in pictures 🙂 I think it’s fantastic that you’re hosting again. It really brings people from all over the world together!
I am sorry that Indy was sick and that Belle is having a rough start at school (I can imagine it’s hard to be separated from your friends – esp. at that age – but it’s also an important learning experience). I hope they both settle into a new rhythm.
And yes, you do live in a stunning part of the world. So many beautiful spots to visit! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Runners are welcome!! I think someone else is going to be cycling for 10 minutes/day.
It is a learning experience and I hope that all the extra positive social activities we’re giving her (by way of REGULAR hangouts – often with meals – at our house) go a long way to being some balm on her broken teenage heart. She has two friends coming today for a hangout and there will be baking involved (and her brother is away) so today is looking like a great day for her <3
Your pictures are gorgeous! I can’t recall if you shared, but do you take those on your smartphone? Either way, I’m impressed!
My 9 week old slept through the night several times this week (knock on wood…!). Sleep is basically the happiest thing to me right now. 🙂
Yes! We take 100% of our pictures using our smartphones. I can’t remember which iPhone John has – his is a newer model than mine. I have the 8SE (so quite old), but it takes great pictures!
Katie, sleeping through the night at 2.5 months is HUGE. HUGE! I hope this continues indefinitely and there are no sleep regressions. This is wonderful news and is very happy indeed!
I am so sorry for the rough school start. I really feel you on this one as I am feeling all the feelings my kids come home with. I am glad my husband always keeps a clear head and reminds me that it will be okay.
One happy thing this month was that I signed up with a fitness studio. I am hopeful it’s going to help with my back problems eventually.
I am on board with the 10 minute walks each day 🙂 10 minutes is doable and I do love taking pictures on my walks.
It’s hard not to absorb all the negative feelings like a sponge, but I’m trying my best to balance knowing this feels hard because it is hard (the school has made some bad choices, disproportionately impacting her and her class) and also realizing that these are life lessons and I can’t solve all her problems. Mostly I’m managing to stay positive and am just trying to come up with creative ways to make her feel more integrated with classmates and other friends.
Gold stars for signing up! That is the biggest hurdle to get over with attending in-person classes.
Looking forward to receiving some pictures from your walks <3
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I am glad that the kids are settling in to the new situation a little even though it’s definitely not ideal! Hopefully the admin will change it up, but if not, the kids will hopefully know that they will still get some friends time, so maybe it won’t be as horrible as it first was??
My happy thing is that I am taking a mini break and it only started today but it was nice to rest a little! I also got a few things done that I have had in my list for a bit, and am looking forward to knocking off some more this weekend! Checking off the to do list feels good!
I *think* it will feel less horrible over time. I’m also learning that when she has a hangout she is much happier because she can’t come home in a bad mood because she has a friend. It’s the transition to home where she really feels all those hard feelings. Friends buffer that a bit, so I’m starting to frame the weeks and months ahead around how I can support her having a lot of time with friends. Thankfully, hangouts are 1,000x easier than little kid playdates since they do their own thing. I am loving the blossoming independence from both kids.
Enjoy the mini break. And I can’t wait to see you soon!!! (Hopefully!!). We’ll have to do some CBWC walks together. I have plans, Kyria!!!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
A resounding yes to all of that! I ma looking forward to it!
teens drama? wooo gosh.. that’s probably part of growing up. I hope Sofia learns to deal with them when they come.
I had a luxurious nap yesterday after a swim meet up which went very well, girls made me proud and felt very accomplished.
Hooray for unexpected dinner invite, how lovely!
oh… no pumpkin carving for years now. we used to do when we lived in the US.
Naps are always a Happy Thing!
Ally Bean
Teen drama! Oh I remember it so well, hoping it all smooths out soon, at least for a little while. I adore the jack-o-lantern with the braces. I might try to duplicate that idea when we carve our pumpkins.
I want pictures if you manage to pull off a carved pumpkin with braces!