Happy Friday!
Where do I start? There have been so many happy things this week I feel like a festive glass that is overflowing with ice-cold apple cider (yum).
We have had a lovely Christmas season and I have lots of recaps to share, but couldn’t pass by Friday without acknowledging at least a few of the Happy Things from this week.
What a gift. A tremendous gift. I tried to sit back and appreciate the joy and blessing of having family with me this year. I don’t know if we’ll ever have this combination of people together again at Christmas…ever.
A few times I felt guilty over how lovely this Christmas was for our family – in a year when so many people are struggling. But my current go-to holiday mantra – that, quite honestly, would be a wonderful mantra the whole year through – is: Gratitude, Not Guilt. I’m thankful and will pay that forward so much better if I strip my life of some of the layers of guilt.
We got snow! And lots of it. We had a very, very white Christmas. And despite the questionable road conditions, we spent a lot of time outside, mostly commuting on foot. There was sledding and snow-angel making. There were daily walks through the woods.

My brother and sister-in-law took the kiddos sledding.

And another day Belle was invited to the ski hill with a friend. Another bonus of a white Christmas – the ski season starts earlier than usual!
One (chilly) evening, we toured some nearby light displays.

My brother and his wife made their traditional gingerbread recipe here and it was a HIT! So much of a hit, the first batch was gone in about a day, and we currently have another set of dough resting in the fridge.

Then there was the dark/white chocolate bark with salted pistachios. That also lasted about a day. (Thanks goodness they’ve already bought supplies for a second batch).

And then there was the incredibly delicious salmon risotto we liked so much the first night…he made it again the next night.
- Freshly peeled clementines. The tart smell of the peelings, the sweet juicy burst of flavour.
- Christmas music always playing in the background.
- Gifts. We gave and received so many wonderful gifts this year and I’m content with the quantity and quality of items that are already beloved and/or being used.

- Snow. I have mixed feelings about snow, but it really does make Christmas morning feel SO MUCH MORE MAGICAL. We have so few white Christmases, and it added a very special feature to our day.
- Walking in the woods. Almost daily. Quiet, peaceful, blanketed in white.
- Unbaked Cherry Cheesecake. I wait for this all year long and it did not disappoint.
- Cinnamon Coffee Cake for Christmas breakfast. Ditto above.
- Pumpkin Pie. It is fast becoming a new favourite thing (though not all pumpkin pie is created equal and I am partial to the ones we buy at a nearby pie outlet). And I can’t forget the dollop of Cool Whip – pumpkin pie is too delicate for ice cream.
- The couples quiz Belle designed for John/I, my brother/SIL, and Mom/Dad. It was hilarious and I think we all learned some things.
- The treadmill is out of our house! Yes, there are a few scratches in a wall but I’m fine with it.
- The pretty table settings. Especially when we hosted friends on Boxing Day for our big turkey feast. Belle did this by herself and I think it turned out beautifully (I never bother but she loves it so it’s a win-win)!

I’ll be back next week with some Christmas recaps. Until then, I hope the festive cheer is persisting in your household.
Your turn.
- Did you have a white Christmas?
- Favourite gift received/given this year?
- Is there a special food item you only eat at Christmas?
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No white Christmas- gray and foggy. But that makes it feel cozy.
I got new fuzzy slippers – with a good sole so I can go outside in them. So warm- I fell asleep with them on for the past 2 nights.
Gingerbread tends to be a Christmas-time food. I think I need to make more today.
Glad you had such a wonder-full week!
Fuzzy slippers are the perfect Christmas gift!
It sounds like you have a lot to be grateful for. I know I do this year, and this Christmas too.
And yes, we got a white Christmas here, with a tiny smattering falling Christmas Eve, Christmas day and then, again, today. So that there is a soft white carpet on the ground, and tiny teeny ice crystals hanging in the air. That because it’s MINUS 21 outside today!
As to favourite gift received? That has to be a toss up between one of two tickets the OH bought me for Christmas. The first is for tomorrow to see the Cirque du Soleil show, CRYSTAL, and the second ticket is to see the Montreal Victoire women’s hockey team play the Ottawa Charger here, in Quebec City, mid January. Could I have asked for two better presents? I don’t think so.
I guess the one thing I only eat at Christmas time, and no other time of the year, has got to be mince pies. And then, it’s been a few decades since I last ate one. None will ever match the flavour and taste of my mother’s.
Meanwhile, have a great weekend!
MINUS 21. NO THANKS! It is crisp here today, but warming up and next week we are to get rain. Ugh. That will make everything a mess, but I so enjoyed the beautiful white blanket of snow while we had it!
Those shows sound amazing – especially the Cirque du Soleil show. Wow. I watched the trailer you posted and it looks incredible.
White Christmas here! I love it. Did some skiing. Favorite gift was a new fleece sweater from my sweet teen daughter.
My fave Christmas treat is eggnog. Love putting it in my coffee
Indy and John love to put eggnog (especially oatnog) in their coffee for a festive flare.
Oh hooray! You had a white Christmas! Ours was grey so I am reveling in your beautiful photos.
Love the glee on your kids’ faces as they open their gifts! I know gifts aren’t the “reason” for the season, but there is something so magical about being able to bring them instant happiness for a few moments.
Yes! Gifts are part of the joy of it all and I think we can look at them as part of the gift from God. He has made us to want to give/receive and celebrate joyful things…and gifts can be just such a thing.
So many happy things! Yay for a white Christmas. The food we only eat on Christmas is Baked Ham (half leg bone in with a Maple mustard glaze), and fresh oysters and prawns.
Fresh oysters are something I’ve never tried!
A white Christmas! As you can imagine, I haven’t seen a white Christmas in a very long time. It all sounds lovely, and I can’t wait for your recap posts!!!
My favorite gift this year was the photo calendar from my son, but I’m also looking forward to reading all my new books! We always have lasagna for Christmas dinner, but we do have it occasionally at other times, so it’s not unique to Christmas. But there are cookies I only make at Christmas, like gingerbread and biscotti.
That photo calendar looked amazing. I’m so excited for you and how thoughtful of your son (I’m assuming it was a surprise?).
Ah… just wrote a comment that MAY have disappeared! I’m having internet issues. A white Christmas is something I haven’t seen in a long time! It looks lovely though. I can’t wait for your recaps!!!
I’m in a coffee shop this very minute about to start work on some recaps <3
What a lovely Christmas! I like your mantra of Gratitude not Guilt. Feeling guilty for having family and friends and joy just robs you of joy, right? Paying things forward is better and more helpful.
No snow here. I haven’t had a white Christmas since I moved to California in 1975. We lived in Philly for two years, but came to CA for Christmas, so no snow. I’m not sure I got a ‘favorite’ gift, but I did get some lovely ones. Books, face cream, earrings, etc. Very grateful.
Your gifts do sound lovely and like things that very much suit you.
I’ve had many green Christmases, but have never celebrated in a “warm” climate. Maybe some year?
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Your table looks so festive and I am so glad that you are having a good time with your brother and SIL! I love a white Christmas but usually have to drive home in it, so am happier when it either snows way beforehand and then everything is plowed and safe, or if it snows on the day of, it needs to melt enough or have enough time that it is safe to drive. This year, we did not have a white Christmas, although it did rain the day before and there were some snowy drops, but it never came together.
I had a great Christmas and spent some happy times with my friends and family, but I will admit to being ready to have the world to myself again! I know that sounds mean, but I did have fun with everyone, but it is recharge time! However, my happy things for last week were spending time playing games with my Mom, taking walks with my Dad, and my brother dropping me off at the girls house and spending time with them having a nice Christmas meal and a game of cards before he headed home. The week before I also had multiple hikes, walks, breakfasts and catch ups with other friends, so it has been a good month!
YES! I felt so bad for all the people who were trying to make it home/away for Christmas. We had snow on either side of Christmas Day and it was messy. Ugh. I was glad to be home and safe and cozy.
You have had a lot of people time! One last trip now and then…some quiet time. I can 100% see why you’re ready to get back to your more regular routine, even if it will be happening abroad.
It has warmed up today. We’re only minus 4 going on minus 8 with the wind. But that’s fine, we’ll be inside for most of the day. And yeah, rain is on her way here too. Ugh is right. All that lovely snow will vanish but silver lining is, it’ll be at least ten degrees warmer.
Oh, I know. When the OH showed me the videos I was even more excited. This will be my first Cirque show on ice. This afternoon cannot come quick enough. I’ll try and post an update on Sunday.
Only -8…brrrr.
I can’t wait to hear all about it. I hope it exceeds each and every expectation 🙂
Green/brown Christmas but in Virginia, that’s normal.
I received many wonderful presents but the best was a knife from my son. Back story is important here: when this son and his older brother were 8 and 9 (20 years ago!), my mother gave me her 6-inch Wusthof chef’s knife because it was too small for her but perfect for me. My boys decided to have a “sword fight” with that and another knife, leaving it notched and with a bent tip. There are no words for my dismay! Even with the damage, it was still my best knife, and I’ve used it ever since.
Fast forward to last Christmas. My 28 year old took a photo and went back to his home city to the Wusthof store to ask about fixing it. They said it couldn’t be done, so he saved money all year and bought me a new one for my Christmas present. Again, no words but just tears and joy over his love, thoughtfulness, and generosity. I appreciated all of the thoughtful gifts I received, but that one has to be one of the best of all time!
Orange-cranberry bread, prime rib, and Christmas cookies.
Joy, what a lovely gift! With so much history and significance. I can see why it is one of your all-time favourite gifts. Both because it will be used and treasured but, equally, because of the thought and intention.
Prime rib sounds delicious! We almost never have beef, but it sounds so hearty and comforting this time of year.
Green Christmas here (as expected). The weather was stunning, blue sky, no wind and 30C. Absolutely perfect in my books. Although I love the look of a white Christmas and will probably try to have one a some stage. My mum makes the best plum pudding but we were not with my side of the family at Christmas. Thankfully she has made one for us to eat on New Year’s Day so I won’t miss out.
That sounds like a PERFECT weather day.
I hope the plum pudding is every bit as delicious as you are hoping for <3
Lisa’s Yarns
I somehow missed this post!! We did have a white Christmas and that is what I STRONGLY prefer. It’s so much prettier with a blanket of snow and makes the lights really pop. Our snow is mostly gone since it’s rain since then.
I got a sweatshirt from my parents that I wasn’t expecting so that was a fun surprise. It has the name of their lake on the sleeve. They got one for their daughters and daughter-in-law. I have so few sweatshirts so I really appreciate adding one to my collection!
Gratitude, not guilt. That is a great phrase!
It always feels a bit blah and gross when it’s brown and warm on Christmas. I think if it was warm and sunny and tropical it would be okay, but here if we don’t have snow, it’s likely fairly depressing outside. I really enjoyed having a white Christmas this year.
Would you believe that I did NOT get a white Christmas this year? Hehe. I’ve never experienced one of those. I imagine it would be so magical!
I love Belle’s expression in the photo you posted of her opening a gift. There’s nothing like that level of glee!
Never? I can’t imagine never having had a white Christmas…though I also can’t imagine having a Christmas where I could be outside in shorts and a T-shirt on Christmas Day <3
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Your Christmas sounds so wonderful. How fun to have family with you and enjoying all the time and obviously good food. I am happy just reading through this.
Also I great that you had a white Christmas. Not in the cards for us and I am not sure we’ll have those anytime soon either.
And can we please talk about how Wolfville is looking like its been the Hallmark set fro the next Christmas movies.
It is a very picturesque town!
Today is sunny and warm and it rained yesterday so all our snow is gone. This is perfect for me. I loved having a white Christmas, but I’m also glad I could walk outside without gloves today!
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
Well, in South Africa we have had snow twice in my lifetime so no white Christmas – agree that it is magical!
Your brother and SIL sound like the PERFECT guests who cook, bake and take kids for errands 🙂
Wow. Only twice?! That is so interesting. It is snowing right this very minute; it looks like I’m living in a snow globe 🙂
Yes, there are major perks to having adult guests who have lots of energy. And, older kids who are a lot more independent now.