Am I really publishing three posts in a row that revolve around gratitude!?
Yes. I. Am.
Not gonna lie. This week had some really hard moments. And I ruminated about a lot of different challenging things. Tears may have been involved once. My brain ping-pongs around like an arcade game gone wild, but when I manage to calm the blinking lights and flapping paddles…I recognize that where my mind goes, my energy flows. And – for me – it is so, so easy (too easy!) to focus on the negative.
It sounds like a trite response to the onslaught of hard things happening around us to “make a gratitude list”, but when I turn at least some of my attention toward happy things…well, life does feel better.
- Banana muffins. I try to prep at least one batch a week. My new go-to recipe includes flax and oatmeal and chia seeds so it’s filling, but the chocolate chips make it feel like a treat AND my kids don’t consider them “healthy” muffins even though they really are. Shhhh. Don’t tell.

- The Olympics. I was a bit underwhelmed by the opening ceremonies at first and then had to leave on a camp run…but when I tuned back in and saw the Eiffel Tower glistening and heard Celine Dion burst in to song…it made me oh-so-happy. If someone asked me to pick my absolute favourite experience in all of my life, I’m pretty sure I would settle on the evening I spent sitting on the grass at Trocadéro watching the sun set over the Eiffel Tower with John. Seeing that spot come to life as the backdrop for the Olympics was a really sweet reminder of that special night. (Full recap here).
- A is home from camp – she was a camper this week, instead of being in the leadership program – and had THE TIME OF HER LIFE. AGAIN. I cannot get over how much she is enjoying life and thriving this summer. It makes me ever so relieved we got beyond that awful “caps lock week” and everything fell in to place. It’s really wonderful to see your child thriving and happy! This isn’t always the case, so I try to not take these great moments of contentment and joy for granted (especially now that we’re in the teen years)! It also makes me so happy that this camp feels like a second home to her. All the staff know her and it’s like she’s part of a giant, youthful, enthusiastic family. What is especially ironic is the fact I despised overnight camp. I started dreading it months in advance and eventually convinced my parents to let me stop going. To see her love it so much is extra sweet.
- L is all packed for overnight camp (his first time ever!) and A’s laundry is in the machine getting ready for her final week of leadership camp.
- Having sushi tonight for the second evening in a row. I’m not complaining.
- Chocolate covered almonds.
- The antibiotics seem to be helping John’s pneumonia. He’s not feeling good, but he’s feeling markedly better.
- Wearing an especially comfortable dress today and getting a compliment about it. Oh how I love dresses.
- L’s final day of sports camp involved a GIANT slip-and-slide. How fun!
- Air conditioning. Again and forever this summer – AIR CONDITIONING.
- My go-to Spotify playlist of “summer anthems” ended up being exactly the amount of time it takes to drive from our house to camp. There was a distinct satisfaction in reaching the end of the playlist at the exact moment I turned onto the camp driveway.
- Friday night. Even in the summer, it’s my favourite few hours of the week.
- Ruby red toenails. I’ve stopped painting my fingernails for the summer because it’s too hard to stay on top of maintenance, but I smile when I see my painted toes peeking out of sandals.
- All the driving lately. I’ve found it very therapeutic to get in the car and drive. And there has been a lot of driving for summer events! Sometimes I dread driving, but lately it has felt meditative and restorative and something I genuinely look forward to. Also, L and I had a specific set of songs we always listened to going to/from camp which made that commute feel extra special. Also, I find I have some great conversations with the kids when we’re in a vehicle alone together.
- Taking a shower after an hour of yard work. I hate feeling sweaty and I emerged from the shower feeling wonderfully refreshed!
And that’s a wrap on the week that was…happy weekending.
Your turn. Most memorable/favourite experience of your life? What’s your favourite summer sport to watch at the Olympics? If your home country isn’t in the running for a medal, is there a fall-back country that you root for (I always cheer for Denmark since my brother and sister-in-law live there)? Overnight summer camp: did you go and, if so, did you like it?
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Grateful Kae
AHH that Eiffel Tower pic. We were feeling wistful watching the ceremony last night since we had plans to go several times that didn’t work out. Ivan was like, Will we ever get there?! But we’ve prioritized other things now since, and then with this Olympic year, we had kind of started planning to go but then realized the Olympics were this summer and scratched it again. I don’t even want to think about how expensive the hotel rooms are (and unavailable!) right now.
I love your list of simple good things. I know EXACTLY that feeling of stepping into the shower after doing a bunch of yard work. Rinsing your hair and scrubbing a sweaty, grimy body when it has bits of dirt all over it from the yard feels amazing. And driving in the summer > driving in the winter. lol!
I don’t think I would want to be in Paris over the Olympics. I mean…it would be electric, but definitely a very different feel to the city. I hope you make it to Paris, though. It’s lovely <3
A good point. Driving in the winter (cleaning off a car, getting in to a cold car, worrying about ice and storms) is DEFINITELY not as nice as driving in summer conditions.
Lisa’s Yarns
I am glad you have a long list of good things to help offset the other challenging stuff you are dealing with. I hope John doesn’t have to travel for awhile!
I only watched part of the opening ceremonies but I enjoyed what I saw. I thought it was fun that the countries were on boats on the Seine! That made it extra fun! Paul loved the minion part. I will watch nearly anything Olympic related except thing like shooting or anything with horses. Just not my thing. I am most excited for gymnastics, swimming, diving, and track and field.
He has almost 2 months off of work travel which is LOVELY!
L loves Minions and we missed that part. Darn.
I’m like you that I’ll watch almost anything, but generally have no interest in anything that involves shooting or horses! Diving is probably my absolute favourite, but I also love gymnastics, swimming, and track events. Things like tennis and soccer aren’t as appealing because they just feel far more “main stream” and often have pro athletes involved. But it’s all so fun. And it’s a nice family activity since everyone enjoys rallying around and watching the Olympics together.
First, Im sorry you and John were sick on your anniversary- but happy anniversary and Im glad John is starting to improve.
I was up at 5.30 am yesterday so I watched the opening ceremony live and LOVED it. The boats, the horse galloping up the Siene, the Eiffel Tower lit up, Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams carrying the torch, that hydrogen balloon. I was also able to say to E, “Mummy’s been there”, which she thought was cool.
My favourite sport to watch is probably gymnastics, though I also love the diving and swimming. We are excited to get into the olympics this time as a family- it’s something we can all watch together and enjoy.
Hooray A loves camp and both kids are in overnight camp next week- enjoy the quiet time with John 🙂
I also love gymnastics and diving! Probably my two favourite things to watch, but really I enjoy the whole process. It’s fun to have something to watch that feels novel and it also does bring a lot of national pride.
It’s great that A is thriving and happy with her camp experience. I agree that seeing our kids happy is the most rewarding thing in the world, although I don’t always think it’s my good parenting that lead to that, but at least played a role into growing a healthy, kind and happy person.
i haven’t watched olympic opening yet as we don’t have access to it but I can imagine how beautiful it could be near the eiffel tower.
my happiest places are most by the beach, during sunset, quiet, breeze, sound of wave, me laying out relaxing, reflecting. What comes to mind is El Nido, Raja Ampat, Boracay Shangri-la hotel.
There is something so calming about being near the water. The air is clearer and I swear the constant white noise of waves churning on to the shore just naturally settles everyone’s nervous sysmtem!
What a wonderful list of happy things. Our youngest would have liked to live on camp but summer camps aren’t really a thing here, although my youngest daughter had a five day swim camp one summer, but that’s more for getting ready for getting a boost going into the end of the long course season here. Other than that it was just school camp and church camp during the year. I only ever went to school camps but enjoyed them.
I’ve been watching Olympics and enjoying our brief stint on the top of the medal tally. I usually watch swimming, but I’m keen to watch some athletics as well this time.
We’re really enjoying the Olympics (though I struggle to not want to watch it ALL. THE. TIME).
Overnight camp is definitely a big thing in Canada. There are lots of options around where we live and it’s a rite of passage for most kids to go to overnight camp. It’s exciting for L to cross this milestone off his list <3
This is a happy list! I’m glad the kids are enjoying camp so much. Sounds like you have a week coming up where they’ll both be at sleepaway camp- do you have any special plans?
I was thinking about all you francophiles during the opening ceremonies! I thought it was pretty cool, but I have to admit I was watching in between doing other things- it’s really long. Now I’m settling in for two weeks of near-constant TV watching. Gymnastics today!!!
I’m glad John is feeling better.
Jenny, they are BOTH AWAY THIS WEEK. I woke up this morning to a home with no children in it for, I think, the first time since we first had children?
No huge plans, just a few little day trips. Right now, to be honest, I’m just enjoying the complete and total silence in the house.
I love the Olympics but I feel like all I want to do it watch. It’s hard for me to balance my time well. This happens every Olympic cycle (and it’s especially intense the first few days; then I tend to watch it less). But over the weekend I watched A LOT of Olympics. And it was…lovely.
I’m glad that refocusing on some good stuff helps you get through the tough stuff. It’s a good strategy for sure, and can help make things feel better. I’m glad your daughter loved her camp! Parenting is full of moments where you see your child enjoying/not enjoying the same things as you, and others where their preferences are so different. It’s fascinating.
I’ve been loving seeing Paris on the Olympics! So, so beautiful. I’ll admit that I would NOT want to be there right now. Too crowded with the Olympics. On the other hand, there’s probably quite a party atmosphere.
It really is such an interesting journey to watch your kids – who, theoretically are a blend of two people – end up being so unique…yet also some personality traits can be like looking in a mirror.
I’ve been really enjoying the Olympics, too. I agree that I’d not really want to be in Paris right now, though. I’m sure the atmosphere would be electric, but also…so much security and I suspect all the tourist spots would be a lot harder to access. I’m definitely ready to go back to France some time soon, though. What a lovely city with so much history and so much to offer the world in terms of art and culture.
I’ve been watching table tennis- there is something fascinating to me about this sport that I used to play in my friend’s basement being an Olympic event. Same with badminton.
I’ve never been to sleepaway camp. Well, I did go to a two day Taiwanese camp, but my parents were there so I don’t think that counts. I’ve always felt like I missed out on something by not going to sleepaway camp. I would love for our oldest to go to camp bit she always gets a slightly panicked look in her eyes whenever I suggest it.
I hope you and John have a very boring week!
I haven’t played table tennis is several decades, but used to love it.
Thankfully, L was on board for going to camp – I think it helps that most of his friends do overnight camp – but I understand your daughter’s perspective. I HATED camp and definitely felt panicked.
Cheers to boring. So far, so good on the boring front 😉
I loved the Opening Ceremony, especially all the shots of Paris. One day, I will get myself there! The Celine Dion performance was STUNNING, especially knowing all she’s been through. <3
I am mostly watching the Olympics for gymnastics, but I also love swimming and track and field. I'm also weirdly invested in women's rugby, too, because I kept getting served Reels from one of the members of the women's U.S. team and I am now forever a fan of hers, haha.
CELINE DION! I was so excited to see her perform. How brave and, goodness, what a voice.
The Canadian women’s rugby 7 won silver today and I am suddenly enamoured with rugby as well, even though I don’t understand a single thing about the game 😉
It makes me so happy that you can look for the silver linings and the things to be grateful for. They’re there if we care to look! I haven’t watched much of the Olympics, I have to admit. I am not even sure what the medal count is… the last week was just super-busy and I didn’t have time to tune in. I can see though why the view of the Eiffel Tower made you nostalgic 🙂
I watched a lot the first few days and then not much since. I was too busy luxuriating in an empty house 😉
But today there are a lot of Canadian medals on the line so I might tune in?
Love this gratitude list (and your blog). Would you be willing to share your muffin recipe? Sounds delicious, filling and healthy!
Yes – definitely! I’m actually going to post the recipe tomorrow – thanks for reminding me I wanted to do just that.
Elisabeth, isn’t it fascinating how kids and their parents can be so different? Just goes to show that each individual is truly a unique person. And the best part is, you’re letting your kids lean into their strengths. It’s not easy, and not everyone can do it. So gold stars to you for that, for sure. <3
Hope everyone is back to full health by now.
It boggles my mind sometimes how different our kids are from each other and how different they can be from John and I. That said, there are many glimpses of ourselves in the kids, too.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Mights under Eiffel Tower do sound romantic. I missed the opening ceremony because I was at a trade fair. But it’s ok, I watched lots of the sports later.
This sentences “And – for me – it is so, so easy (too easy!) to focus on the negative.” rings so true. My husband keeps telling me I always see and expect the negative. How do I change that? If you find some solution let me know. I stopped writing my gratitude journal this year so maybe starting again would be wise as a starting point.
A loving camp is so fun. And sushi ahhhh I want such for dinner.