This month has been a whirlwind. A WHIRLWIND. Sometimes I’ve felt like the Loony Tunes Tasmanian Devil swirling in a cloud of dust as I crash through my days.
Thankfully, it has been a (mostly) fun whirlwind and this week was no exception.
Without further ado, some Happy Things.
It should surprise no one that I will be recapping my time with Kyria on the blog. It should also surprise no one that it will take me multiple posts to summarize a 4-day visit. Stay tuned for those next week.
The short version? The weather was sheer perfection. We got to see lots of my favourite Nova Scotia places, but also left plenty of things on the must-do list to make sure she comes back again for another visit. We drank coffee and ate ice cream and walked the kids to school and hiked and explored and played games and asked each other all sorts of questions and just generally had an incredible time.
Here’s a sneak peek at our adventures.

It has been sunny. It has been warm. The leaves have been gorgeous (though more yellow this year and less red).

As if the last few weeks weren’t busy enough, Belle came down with a low-grade fever on Tuesday night (we think it might have been triggered by a reaction to her brace wires which were adjusted earlier in the day?) so she stayed home from school on Wednesday. And then Indy got scraped up during a fall at school on Wednesday and wanted to stay home to recuperate on Thursday.
This October has been far busier than normal for my coordinator position at the university and paid work had to happen despite the busy schedule. I found myself waking up naturally most mornings at 4:00 am and fitting in a few hours of work. I had pushed all my meetings to Thursday (Kyria left Wednesday), but because I work from home, Indy could stay with me and we even fit in a little walk together between calls…

…and I worked on my inbox from the deck while I watched him play basketball in the driveway.

There are upsides and downsides to having flexible work, but it was a real blessing this week. I had the opportunity to adventure with Kyria, be there for the kids as needed (John was away, so I was the default parent), and almost manage to stay on top of things.
That said, I am very much looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
On one hand, I want to complain about birthday parties because they are a bit of a nuisance as a parent. Between Belle and Indy there were three birthday parties to attend in the last 6 days. Aside from the hassle of buying gifts and sorting out carpooling, I realized this week I am very thankful they have such rich friendship opportunities. Plus, the parties they attended were so simple yet so fun! One featured a cake bake-off competition between two pairs of girls. Another was a Nerf battle in someone’s backyard. And another was held at a hockey rink (the night of a university game), complete with access to a warm-room. Indy is like his Mama and seeks heat at every available opportunity.

- Kind neighbours. A neighbour loaned Kyria some needed bike tools this week; another neighbour offered to be on-call in case of kid emergencies one day when I needed to be out of town for a bit.
- Gorgeous morning walks to school. What a great way to start the day.
- John coming home last night! It’s also a Happy Thing he didn’t leave until after Kyria got to meet him!

- Sharing a coffee (well, Earl Grey tea for me) with Joy and Kyria. Two friendship worlds colliding <3
- Reading this quote in the How to Money newsletter. It felt very fitting for My Year of Shmita. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. – Anne Lamott.
- Having time lined up to go visit my parents solo next week. My laptop and work tasks will come with me, but there will be no parenting responsibilities! I will get to skip Halloween for the first time as a mother! I will get to eat my mom’s home cooking which is so nostalgic and comforting! I’m pumped and suspect it will be a week of breathing in a lot of oxygen.
- Watching a new Hallmark movie with Belle. It was pretty lame, but still fun and special.
- Getting the sweetest e-mail from a blog reader who had received (and FRAMED!) a card I sent.
And that’s a wrap! I’ve missed writing here this week but also knew I couldn’t fulfil my role as Chief Tour Guide and Only Parent and still blog! So it feels extra special to be back. I’ve missed commenting on your posts, but have been following along with my fellow bloggers’ adventures. Happy Weekending. I’ll be back later today with the Cool Bloggers Walking Club summary for Week #4.
Your turn. What’s your favourite childhood meal? Do you make it as an adult? Do you have go-to kid birthday party gift ideas?
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I love that you had Kyria vacation time! And those colors are beautiful! I love the yellows, though I will admit I love the oranges more. We’re starting to change here, too. Favorite meal? My mom used to make really good ribs in the oven. With some watermelon and corn on the cob, a great meal. Mostly, though, my mom and I had a different taste in food, and I don’t have a lot of fond ‘comfort food’ type memories from growing up.
There are a lot more yellows and oranges this year for some reason so I’m extra excited when I see red.
Ribs are something my mom never made – not a single time – and I think I’ve only made them once! They sound delicious!
I resonate with so many of your happy things and they have brought me much joy this morning! Love your adventures with Kyria! Love the weather! Love the appreciation for flexible schedules in work. Love waking up to a post from you. Happy friday!
Rachel, you are just such a bright personality in this comment section and I’m so glad my little burst of Happy Things can make you happy too.
Hope you have a great weekend <3
That’s so lovely! I’m always telling Alex that internet friends can most definitely be real friends.
The weather has been lovely here as well and my dad flew in yesterday, which means… A and I can get away for our anniversary, leaving T in the care of Papa. They are going to go to the cinema Sunday (Wild Robot), and Papa will manage the school routine Mon-Wed. Heading down to the Lake District on Sunday and we’ll have 3 nights away. I’m expecting peak autumn colour – will whatsapp you some photos. We’re taking our bikes, and just are going to be outdoors loads, and eat nice food. Hotel also has a pool which will be nice.
If you had told me a few years ago I’d be emailing and texting and commenting AND MEETING people I know only through the internet I would have said that sounded utterly ridiculous. Yet, here I am and my life is so much richer for it <3
Yay for getting away for a few days for an anniversary celebration. T will have an amazing time, your dad will get to make special memories (it's always unique when it's just a grandparent/grandchild), and you will get to enjoy some relaxed time with your hubby. Sounds like a win-win-win. Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!
I tend to give gift cards and candy as birthday presents anymore. The boys seem to prefer that. (Gift card taped to recipient’s favorite treat, or a gift bag of assorted candy.)
My go-to used to be fun pens with a notebook. Or a small Lego for a boy.
Favorite childhood meal was roast beef with roasted potatoes, maybe cream puffs for dessert. I rarely make it- beef is expensive, and few kids like roasted potatoes. I did do it for Christmas last year- delicious.
That’s what I prefer, too, but the kids like to go shopping and find just the “right” thing. Sigh.
The final birthday party was a last minute decision (it’s for one of Indy’s best friends so he really wanted/needed to go, but it has been hard to find a time that worked and so we bought candy and wrapped a $20 bill in a tiny box and then nestled that inside a bigger box so he had to unwrap multiple layers to get to the money). I hate buying gifts that I know might not get used and I’d FAR rather give money and some candy. But a few people in my family think that’s lame. To me it’s more efficient AND more fun because then the kids can choose to buy what they want…so it was nice I got my way this time 😉
I might have cream puffs once every 5 years but they are SO good. Now I’m craving a cream puff…and I bet it has been about 5 years since my last one.
I almost never cook beef, but I agree that it is delicious and it was definitely something we had quasi-regularly growing up (I feel like beef was much cheaper back then, because my parents didn’t have much money…?)
It would be possible to have a great time with Kyria no matter what, but when you add gorgeous weather and a gorgeous location on top of it – that’s a good week! I always get excited when I see a new post from you in my Feedly, but you can bet that I’ll be clicking twice and fast when the Kyria recaps come up.
A great philosophy for work is that it will always be there and always get done somehow. We don’t need to stress about it – I mean we do, but it’s not necessary. I’ve had a couple of “drinking out of the fire hose” days and I’m just shrugging it off. So far the world has not ended because I continue to take lunch/cool blogger walking breaks. Unplugging FTW!
Yay for the time with your parents next week and double yay for getting to skip Halloween.
I know we would have had a fabulous time regardless, but I was so relieved/happy with the weather forecast. Kyria said she brought the nice weather all the way from California just for us.
It is one of those rules of life that everything eventually does get done. And, usually, if I don’t stress about it it still happens along virtually the same timeline. But still…it can be so hard to unplug!!
It’s definitely true for technology that usually turning it off, letting it rest for a few minutes, and then rebooting it does the trick.
HOW FUN!!! I can’t wait to hear all about the Kyria adventures! The photos you shared are gorgeous. It sounds like a lovely week overall. I’m glad you’re getting a solo getaway to your parents (and I like how you say you “get” to miss Halloween, ha ha.)
That quote by Anne Lamott is so funny, because that is my usual way of “fixing” things. Perfect for your Year of Shmita.
Jenny, I am so excited to miss Halloween. It is not my “thing” and so I feel quite giddy to get to be away and skip the whole thing.
Our adventures were so fun! Stay tuned…
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I feel like a rock star. Between the top notch tour guide experience, the good food, the fun games and the three part recap to come, I feel so warm and special! I am going to print out these blog posts and frame them when you’re done! Okay maybe I’ll just pdf them and send them to my family, so they can see that I’m actually not that bad (joking!)
I made my parents answer the “what would you change from your childhood” question and it was really fun and interesting to hear their answers!
I’m blushing! It was such a delight to have you visit and I hope you’ve seen enough to want to come back some day.
I am excited to ask more friends some of those 36 questions. I definitely feel like we fast-tracked our understanding of each other in just a few short days.
Ally Bean
Your happy photos of friends together make me smile from afar. I like that Anne Lamott quote. Thinking about it today I realize that’s what I’m doing on my blog by taking an extended break. Hmmm…
I was surprised to see your announcement but also…so proud! How could I not be in a year where I’m trying to take steps back or, at the very least, recalibrate my relationship with rest. Gold stars, Ally <3
Michelle G.
I love reading about your meeting with Kyria and all the photos! I’ll look forward to your future posts about this wonderful meet-up! What a treat that you get to spend Halloween away. All of your happy things sound wonderful. My mom used to make homemade pizza every Friday night. It was the great treat of the week. I do make it as an adult, but not every Friday, for sure. I don’t know how my mom did it – she worked all day! These days, I give gift cards to anyone with a birthday. They’re easy, always appreciated, and can be presented in many fun ways. I also love getting gift cards.
I know quite a few families that do pizza on Friday night and it sounds so fun! For about a year we had waffles every Friday night and it was delicious. I really should start that habit back up again. I miss my waffles!!!
I’m a big fan of gift cards (especially digital ones so I don’t even have to cart around a piece of plastic in my wallet).
Lisa's Yarns
That picture of Kyria with the body of water behind her and the leaves reflecting off the water is gorgeous! I am so glad you guys had so much fun together! What did the kids think of her? My boys ADORE Kyria, especially Paul. They’ve met her several times to have gotten to know her well. She’s an all-around hit in our house since Phil really enjoys her company, too!
I loved my mom’s spaghetti. She made her own marinara sauce when I was young, using garden tomatoes. I helped her can and then canned my own sauce as an adult. She cooks a lot differently now since she’s very into trying new recipes. My favorite meal that she makes these days is fish tacos! She makes a delicious crema to go with them and they are SO GOOD.
I have that same Tasmanian devil feeling…
The kids loved her. Belle wants her to come visit again (at one point I’m pretty sure she said she wished Kyria was her mom), and wants to go visit her as well. Indy found a pal for coffee in the mornings, nerf football, and games.
My mom made her own sauce too (do I dare admit I like mine better). Mmmm. Fish tacos sound yummy!
Kyria seems to be the guests one can have. seeing this pic reminds me of my dream visiting you. hehehe… she’s living my dream!!! the pics of the fall makes me really miss fall/winter now! so colorful.
Ha! I love it.
The colours are so lovely. It really never gets old! That said, winter gets tiresome VERY quickly (for me at least).
Yay! I’m glad your time with Kyria was so much fun and it seems like she was a hit with the kids. I can’t wait to read the recaps.
Those fall colors are incredible. We don’t get anything like that in Florida. I need more fall foliage in my life!
I remember reading Kelle Hampton’s blog back in the day and she would always get a box of fall leaves mailed to her in Florida which struck me as so, so lovely.
Oh, I cannot wait to read more about your time with Kyria (which I will do right after commenting here :)).. the photos are already telling me that you had the best time. I love how easy the URL-to-IRL transition seems to be in the Cool Bloggers Community and my heart is so happy about how many of these IRL encounters have happened this year for so many of my favorite bloggers 😉
I am also so happy have a flexible work schedule and will be able to solo-visit with your parents this week (skipping Halloween responsibilities, haha! Perfect timing!).
It was seamless – in an almost unbelievable way. Like…she walked into our house and knew where some things were and recognized our entryway and already knew the kids. It was really, really lovely.
It feels a bit bizarre it is Halloween tomorrow. I ALWAYS dread it, and this year, I don’t. It’s going to happen without me. My parents live in a remote enough location they don’t get any trick-or-treaters so I am literally off the Halloween grid this year 🙂
Tobia | craftaliciousme
So wonderful to meet in real life. And your part of the world is so very gorgeous in fall. I’d love to see that too.
I am always a bit anxious when different friend groups meet but it looks like you all had lots of fun.
I don’t think I was ever nervous, but I did wonder if we would click or things would feel awkward. NOT AT ALL. Kyria was just such a wonderful, easy guest <3