Well. That was quite a week, starting with our great big Back to School party on Friday. It was long (probably two hours longer than it should have been) and loud and chaotic, but the girls seemed to have a good time. The food was certainly a success. We ordered three large pizzas and I swear it was literally seconds after the first box was opened that it was empty. John spearheaded cake pops which were reliably popular. I made punch which disappeared in a flash.

Saturday included more social activities – most notably a birthday luncheon for one of Belle’s friends. I was asked to join the fray and it was nice to connect with some other moms. Belle and I went right from there to the grocery store and then home to prep for a supper guest. Friends of ours from Germany have a daughter doing an internship in a neighbouring city and she came over for the evening. Most company drains me of energy in a “it’s worth it, but I’m exhausted” sort of way. Having this friend visit just felt like a breath of fresh air! We played games (Just One, Scattergories, The Game of Things – all of which were so much fun) and the kids fell even more in love with her (she’s in her early 20s). She brought blueberry pie and I haven’t had blueberry pie in at least a decade and if you’d asked me if I ever wanted blueberry pie again before Saturday night I would have said No. I’m rather Meh about pies in general. But warm? With a scoop of vanilla ice cream? I ended up taking seconds. My stance on blueberry pie has officially changed.
If you’re not already familiar with author/illustrator/creator Michelle Goggins, she posted the most adorable Flipbook this week. You might click over for the book, but stay for the dollhouse. (And does anyone else want her miniature kitchen in real life!!? It reminds me a bit of Ingrid Fetell Lee’s.)
Engie posted a A Day in the Life of Zelda the Cat and it was sheer perfection. If you already loved Zelda, you will love her even more after reading this post. If you’re more the dog type, she’s got you covered with A Day in the Life of Hannah the Dog.
I took a proper Sunday nap, followed by an hour of lounging in bed. It felt so good. The previous week was full – FULL. Nearly every day we hosted someone (or in the case of Belle’s party – a lot of someones) for a meal. Sunday – a friend for Indy, Wednesday – a friend for Belle, Thursday – a friend for Belle + 3 hours at the school Open House, Friday – 9 friends for Belle, Saturday – a family friend. The nap was so, so necessary.
I also took a nap on Wednesday afternoon because my sleep has been awful lately, mostly thanks to illness in the house.
Listen, my kids often drive me to distraction. Really they do. And sometimes I shake my head and wonder how I’m going to make it through another day of parenting.
And then sometimes there is an angelic glow cast around the whole experience.
Both kids were sick this week, but it started with Indy. He came into our room in the middle of the night on Sunday (highly unusual; thank goodness for that nap) and was so congested it was impossible for him to sleep. I brought water and Magic Bags and fresh Kleenex and a snack and rubbed some Vicks on his chest. I tucked and snuggled and finally said: “There’s nothing more I can do to help you feel better.” And he just looked up at me – in the wee hours of the morning – and said: “I know, Mom. But I really appreciate everything you’ve done.“
Heart melted.
Or the second morning after another night of disturbed sleep when he came to the living room bleary eyed and the first words out of his mouth were a concerned: “Did you manage to get any more sleep?“
Or when I did a final tuck in one night after the now-familiar routine of Vicks and back scratches and cups of water and pillow arrangements that best supported nasal drainage (because parenting is glamorous like that) and he reached up, grabbed me around the neck, pulled me close and whispered: “You really are the best mom in the whole world.” And I knew he meant it.
Or when he scrambled his own eggs twice this week and prepped egg and cheese wraps entirely on his own (with stove supervision from me).
Or when he dropped a piece of LEGO down beside the stove. When I came out to the kitchen, he had pulled the stove out, gotten the broom and was sweeping months of crumbs up without being asked. Um gross, but thanks!

I know his teen years are still to come and maybe sometimes he won’t say these things or temporarily won’t feel these things or do these things. But he feels them and does them now, and it does my heart so much good.
So much of parenting is in-the-trenches work. But there are these blissful moments that clarify why we invest so much time and love into these tiny humans. They are pretty awesome.
I was in a bad headspace this time last year. I was two years in to some overwhelming personal conflicts I couldn’t solve and couldn’t escape. Add to that frequent solo parenting, juggling three part-time jobs, and the regular stressors of life. Basically…I was a mess.
Deciding to step down from my most demanding work position was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I realized that afresh with the start of a new school term. My other university gig feels 10x easier now that I can focus on it with intention instead of it being an afterthought. Also, for the first time in years, I feel more settled in my role. It took an unfortunate work situation at the start of the summer for me to decide now was the time to overhaul how things were done: update systems and improve the organizational structure. Give the role a makeover of sorts. I did that work and it is paying off!
My job is just a job and it’s not a big part of my identity, but it feels good to feel good about it again.
I looked at my planner with a certain amount of dread at the start of the week. My first time solo-parenting in two months, and a lot on the docket. I was Tetrising drop-offs and when kids could eat between extracurriculars (especially on Wednesday, our busiest afternoon/evening). And then the kids got sick which sucked, but also meant I cleared the decks of all outside responsibilities. We hunkered down at home and watched videos and did chores and went to bed early and used the equivalent of several trees in Kleenex.
It felt really good to have a busy week suddenly become a much less busy week!
- Green tea from Sri Lanka. A dear friend brought some back after a recent trip and it is the best green tea I have ever tasted. I should be rationing the bags, but instead I’m consuming one daily because it’s green tea that’s finally legitimately delicious.
- Potato salad. Leftover mashed potatoes transformed into tangy carbohydrate glory. I love me a good potato salad.
- Race Against the Tide. A very fun reality show based in New Brunswick where competitors literally “race against the tide” to create sand sculptures. The kids love it and we’d only ever seen the first season. We watched numerous episodes this week – they’re short, highly entertaining, and something we all enjoy.
- Having the kids home sick, but not so sick they couldn’t do chores. Bathrooms for Belle, mopping and vacuuming for both of them, and laundry for Indy (I did the laundry but he got it all ready and put away the dry things). When the kids are sick with any illness that involves vomit or fevers they can’t contribute to maintaining things around the house and when they were younger, regardless of the sickness, having them off school meant chaos. To anyone in the throes of toddlerhood and preschool years, I promise they get older!
- How many people have said they’re In for the Cool Bloggers Walking Club starting up October 1st. The more the merrier!
- Taking my work e-mail off my phone. I added two work accounts back on my phone when we went to Portugal (I had an OOO response, but still needed to weigh in occasionally and being able to stay on top of that via my phone so I only used a laptop on an as-needed basis was great.) But, I’d left work email on my phone after getting back. A mistake! Now I only check work e-mails on a computer during working hours; if I check e-mail in the evenings, it is only personal stuff that comes through!
And that’s a wrap on my week. What have you been up to lately? Are you watching (or reading anything) you really enjoy? What’s your least favourite household chore? Potato salad – yes or no?
*I attempted to add a checkbox so you can get notified if you leave a comment and I reply. I tried testing it and the function worked once and then didn’t work a second time. Can anyone who has selected to receive a reply let me know if you actually…received a reply?! It may go to Junk mail?*
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I ticked the box and received two emails with your replies. Since then, I think I’ve forgotten to tick the box, but I will try to remember this time. I’m so glad the party went well and was a positive experience and good on you for having an afternoon nap. You know I love an afternoon nap. And well done to “Indie” for being such a lovely son this week. We’re still watching Ted Lasso and loving it. My week has been good and fairly busy, we are trying to get everything sorted before we go away.
Hmm. Two e-mails? Argh. I seem to have no end of issues with my comment section (I know for readers the “Reply” section doesn’t work).
I haven’t watched a single episode of Ted Lasso but everyone seems to adore it!
Not watching anything new- I used the lord of the rings trilogy to do laundry with. I’ve see it before, so I can fast forward parts I don’t like (goĺlum) and see the good stuff ( battle of helms deep) .
Potatoes should have salt or butter – nothing else -so no potato salad for me.
I had parent teacher conferences for one kid, and in constant contact with a teacher for a different kid. This is a rough week.
So glad your party went well- it’s great once the kids can entertain themselves. And what a great idea to help Belle in a rough start of the school year!
Enjoy the weekend- hopefully germ free!
I used to watch and rewind and watch and rewind (on repeat) the Battle of Helms Deep! I’m with you on not liking the Gollum parts either.
School is so tough and having to deal with challenges can feel like such a heavy burden. I hope next week is smoother all around.
Sounds like a pretty good week in spite of the illness! I love the stories about Indy… my guess is he’ll continue to be very sweet even as a teenager (it’s the girls you have to watch out for, ha ha…)
I also loved Engie’s posts about Zelda and Hannah. I’m pretty sure that is exactly what those girls were thinking!
Nice job hosting Belle’s party, and yes I would also need a nap after all that! And, I’m sorry the kids were sick but not sorry that you had a more relaxing week. I know that feeling of relief when complicated plans are canceled!
I was telling him this morning never to grow up to be a teen and he said: Oh, but I won’t be a grumpy teen. And I feel like he won’t? But then again, hormone fluctuations can do crazy things. For now, I’m enjoying this sweet phase he’s in.
Cancelled plans are almost always a relief for me (unless it’s something I really wanted to do or is going to cost me money because of the cancellation!).
Wait- I just wrote a comment but can’t tell if I deleted it or submitted it. Meanwhile I’m checking the box and I’ll let you know if I receive a reply!
The comment worked; hopefully my check box worked!
Nicole MacPherson
So many wonderful things! I love the big party, that looks like everyone had a great time.
I am a hard NO on potato salad. Actually I don’t really like potato anything, unless it’s a really crispy roasted potato. I don’t even like fries that much. Potatoes have a weird consistency to them, I think.
Michelle’s blog is just pure joy. I love it so much! HER DOLLHOUSEEEEEE
The dollhouse is just too cute for words. I would be like a giant wrecking ball if I tried to wallpaper little spaces like that, so I am extra wowed that someone can do it so perfectly. In a world inundated with pretty awful news lately, these pops of happiness are delightful.
Texture is the biggest thing with food preferences, I think. I remember the first time I tried sushi absolutely hating it, but it wasn’t the taste – it was the texture!
Way to host a successful party! You’re such a nice mom.
My least favorite chore is cleaning windows. It’s just…so tedious. And hard. And kind of dangerous. And boring. I’d definitely rather clean the toilets.
If you are on Instagram, I recommend following Ian Adelman. He’s an artist who works in sand. That’s all. I find his work endless fascinating because it’s so ephemeral.
I’m not on Instagram, but watching people create sand sculptures is so relaxing. What an incredible art form.
I just don’t clean windows. Two years ago we hired a company to do it ($120 to do inside and outside the house – worth every penny), but within like a month the windows had lots of spots again. I occasionally wash the window over the sink (once a year) on the outside when the rain spots get too bad, but I genuinely seem to not notice those sorts of things? My mom washes her windows twice a year and I can’t imagine. So gold stars to you (and her) for doing a hard job like that.
Michelle G.
Elisabeth, your kind words made my day! Thank you so much! ❤️I feel like I just got a big virtual hug. I also loved Engie’s guest posts by Zelda and Hannah. What fun! I want to make cake pops now – they’re so cute! It sounds like it was a fun party. I am SO impressed with Indy moving the stove and sweeping behind it! That is astounding to me, and I haven’t done that in years, so I can’t even imagine what it looks like back there.
The comment notification box has worked perfectly for me, and I love it!
Awww. I’m glad you felt the virtual love. You are incredibly talented (INCREDIBLY) and I wanted to make sure others knew about your creative genius. I really did love reading the flipbook, especially after following along with your process as you pulled together the illustrations.
I’m already looking forward to Christmas in the dollhouse…? Hopefully??!!!
I do sweep behind the stove each year, but mostly because we have a gap between our stove and cupboard so many things get dropped down there. But I never clean inside my oven. In fact, in 7 years in living in this house I’ve never cleaned my oven a single time. Eeks…
Awwww… I love these sweet stories about your son. What a great kid.
The back to school party sounds epic! Cracks me up that Stanleys and Crocs have such universal appeal among the tween set.
As I always say: ‘He has his moments’ but he really is a gentle soul and so tender and kind and he doesn’t have to work at all to be empathetic. A high emotional IQ. He is also ALL BOY and likes to be rough and active all day every day.
Yup. Stanleys and Crocs are sweeping the nation (I think this is the second or third year, so this trend has staying power).
I like potato salad and even love it when it is done well.
I am someone who LOVES having my nails done and they haven’t been painted in a month. Today I took the time to paint them and that is a happy thing.
More happy things this week: growing a healthy relationship with food; feeling pretty; the first sip of coffee; a gifted belated birthday lunch.
Your happy things are wonderful!!! That first sip of coffee is like nothing else.
And learning to be confident in our bodies and to truly enjoy the food we eat to fuel them is a lifelong journey but so wonderful to reach points of security and contentment. I’m so happy for you.
I need to do my nails again but keep putting it off. Demerit to me!
I just visited Michelle for the first time earlier today, because of a comment she left on Kyria’s blog about comment emails. I loved her book, so sweet! I’m going to have to go back and see the dollhouse post.
I used to kind of like it when my daughter was sick…just the quiet cozyness of not being able to go anywhere. No guilt for wanting to just be calm and not have obligations. My daughter had her moments during her teen years, but overall has always been a kind, sweet person. I suspect your boy will also.
Her dollhouse and honestly every creative project she takes on are incredible!!! I want to move into the miniature world she’s created.
Huge props to you for letting Belle have so many friends over. I don’t think I would have been able to do it…eeek!
Least favorite chore–cleaning up the kitchen/doing the dishes. WHY. Why do I have to do it every single day!? And so many times a day?!
I am reading an excellent book (audio has several different narrators and all the various accents which is making it fun, but I’m also reading the hard copy, too) called The Berlin Letters. I love historical fiction. And I just keep telling myself no matter how slow I go, it’s nice to be reading more again.
I can only have that many people over now that she’s a teen and the mostly take care of themselves. Birthday parties for the first decade are my living nightmare.
Chores just keep repeating!! It’s so unfair 😩
Happy Friday indeed! You knocked it out of the park with the pizza and cake pop party. I’m amazed that there were any cake pops left.
I know my blog has the name pie in the title, but I’m with you. One slice of blueberry pie every ten years is probably about right. With that said, I do have some apples that have been hanging around the house that I’m going to turn into apple pie bars.
I’m going to check out Race Against the Tide – I bet it’s something the Hubs would like as well.
Ooh. Apple pie bars sound both delicious and likely a bit easier than making a whole pie?
I hope you can access the show in the US. It’s a Canadian production but a lot of fun with short (21 minute) episodes.
Lisa’s Yarns
I’m picky about potato salad. I like my mom’s best. It’s hit or miss otherwise as some can be kind of sweet and some are too mustardy. But generally I like it!
I am sorry the kids have been sick but I am glad they weren’t terribly sick. We have avoided bad viruses so far (knock on wood). I was traveling again this past week (and travel again this coming week) so I am feeling very worn out. But I get a 2 week break after this. My work trip was fine overall. I didn’t have a ton of meetings so wondered if it was really worth my time? But some trips are like that.
I’m sure it’s frustrating to have all the hassles associated with travel and not be sure it was worth it. Glad you get a break soon. Your travel schedule is intense!
Two things….
1. How do you make potato salad out of leftover mashed potatoes? The potato salad I’ve had is always made with diced potatoes.
2. I thought of you this morning when I had my breakfast. I had cottage cheese, blueberries, and raspberries. I usually have it with nectarines or tomatoes, had never thought of berries before seeing it on your blog. DELICIOUS!
Isn’t it SO GOOD with berries. I like mixing in drippy PB, berries, raisins and pumpkin seeds with just a sprinkle of cinnamon. Delish. And so filling. I’ve never had it with tomatoes but have heard other people rave about that. I like it being a sweet thing, so nectarines or peaches sounds like it would be incredible. I want to make some waffles with cottage cheese as well. I’ve heard it makes dense and moist waffles.
For the potato salad I just made a sauce of mayo, mustard, diced pickles and salt and pepper; fried up a bit of bacon, hard boiled and mashed a few eggs and then mixed it all together with the leftover mashed potatoes. It was a creamy potato salad (and I do prefer diced potatoes with just a bit of bite left to them), but it was still delicious.
That story of how sweet Indy has been is the best- so lovely. And well done on the party, sounds like it was a huge success.
I love a potato salad! And great to hear the kids don’t make much mess now and also do chores! Amazing! My 7 year old is already getting better, but the 3 year old is in peak mess mode!
My favourite chore would be loading the dishwasher (still a novelty- ha!) or doing the laundry (but not the folding, although I don’t mind it as much as I used to).
Yes, the kids are definitely more CAPABLE of doing chores. Not always willing, but they do do what needs doing even if sometimes it’s through gritted teeth.
I don’t mind loading the dishwasher, but I hate unloading it (especially the silverware). I don’t like laundry either. Hey – when can you come to my house and tackle this chores for me? 🙂
So exciting that Belle’s party (<– trying to use that new name to get used to it LOL) was a success – so many teen girls in one space must have been *something* but it sounds like a lot of fun was had! And I loved hearing about the sweet interactions with Indy… those really make up for a lot of day-to-day stuff, don't they?
I am absolutely TEAM POTATO EVERYTHING. I love potatoes and I hate that they often get a bad rep… because they're nutritious and part of a healthy diet (and you don't have to deep fry or smother them in butter/sour cream for them to taste good).
P.S. I did get your reply comment via email for the last few comments I left. Hopefully it continues working… I had issues with this on my blog as well.
Potatoes are great; we don’t eat them very often, which is ironic since it was something I had in various forms 4-5 times a week growing up. They were inexpensive and filling so showed up at almost every dinner.
Thanks for letting me know about the comment. So glad it’s working (for now at least).
“ Most company drains me of energy in a “it’s worth it, but I’m exhausted” sort of way.” Well. You very nicely expressed something I’ve struggled to explain to my extrovert – very extrovert- husband. Thank you!
Indy is such a sweetheart!
Race Against the Tide is so fun. We were at that beach this summer and occasionally saying things like “a flag system…”
I don’t know how I’d cope if everyone in my family was an extrovert. Belle is, but Indy and John are fairly introverted like me. I’m so glad you can relate.
Race Against the Tide is SO FUN and now the kids want to visit New River Beach.
Glad to hear the party went well. .Ours also went well yesterday and I am still tired from all the logistics. Fortunately it’s once a year task.
cake pop sounds like a great idea, did you make it yourself? wooo! amazing! that must been a lot of work.
blissful moments with kids are the best of the world, they are like bonus, dessert, cherry to the top. Whenever I get one, I rewind the film and live it in my mind again so I don’t forget, especially when parenting is hard.
Birthday’s take a lot of energy from me. I do think it’s getting easier as they get older, though!
The first time we did cakepops we did it from scratch – homemade cake, icing, and mixing it + dipping it. The last two times we buy doughnut holes and dip those in melted chocolate. A lot less work and a big hit!
Your son is a gem of a young man. How sweet he is. The teen years might be heading your way, but I think if he is already thinking of others – it will be mostly smooth sailing. I find it so satisfying and heart-warming when my kids grow into empathetic souls who ‘get it.’ Sorry about the family being under the weather, but glad it freed up your time. It’s tough to make decisions like leaving a job, but it sounds like it has worked out for you.
I made a great potato salad, but my preference is mashed spuds. Coach and I got away alone to visit Tank at his college. It was so much fun, as usual. Never enough time before we have to head home. Bittersweet, because he’s a senior and this was our last one. My favorite household chore is probably cleaning the kitchen, because that’s where I spend most of my time and a clean kitchen is wonderful. Folding laundry is a close second, because I can do it while watching a show or chatting on the phone.
A clean kitchen is wonderful – I don’t think there’s as good a feeling in home maintenance as seeing a completely clear counter. It just doesn’t stay looking clean for long enough.
I’m getting emails when you respond to my comments! I noticed that feature on that last few posts I commented on and they worked! 🙂
I’m watching some reality TV (Survivor, Big Brother) and oh-so-slowly making my way through Suits. I really love the show but I’m just rarely inspired to sit down and watch it? IDK. TV is weird for me, lol.
YAY on potato salad. My mom makes a GREAT one that was adapted from my grandma and I request her to make it for me at least once a year.
I wasn’t thinking about potato salad until I read this comment and now I am SALIVATING again. It’s just…so good!!! I also feel like it doesn’t tempt me as much in the winter, so I need to load up on it now. Alas, I’m out of potatoes, so a run to the grocery store is in my future.
Happy Things Friday: 27 September - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] Belle had her school friend shindig, Indy had gone off with friends on an adventure – coming home with arms laden with […]