Keeping a list of Happy Things made such a difference for me this week. There’s something so satisfying about taking pen to paper and recording little moments that brought joy. Watching that list grow day after day made me happy.
John was in Germany, A was away doing her leadership gig and that left 9-year-old L and I as the only folks at home. We had such a special time together. We’ve had a week alone once before (last summer), and had such a wonderful time that we had been eagerly anticipating a chance to try it again.
Life with only one kiddo home is SO DIFFERENT. Yesterday morning, for instance, by the time I got up he had already made himself breakfast (oatmeal), eaten breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen (frozen raspberries back in the freezer, milk in the fridge, bowl and spoon in the diswasher), and was dressed for camp. I KNOW, right?!
There was no fighting, there was no jockeying for position on the couch or arguing over what movie to watch. We ate simple meals, he had lots of screen time, and we made a lot of good memories. It’s weeks like this where I just can’t believe I’m fortunate enough to get to call this awesome kid my son.

- Going to see Inside Out 2 together. Such a fun, poignant movie and my first time going to a theatre solo with a child. (We went on cheap day, obviously…)
- Watching him try the arcade motorbike in the theatre lobby. This is not the sort of thing we typically do (when I said yes it reminded me of that €5 soccer kick in Barcelona), so it was extra special and he knew it and loved every second of the experience.

- A near-perfect playdate that involved very enthusiastic crafting, followed by two hours in the fading sunlight at a splash pad. He was so happy and watching him run and splash with a friend did my Mama heart so much good.
- Wordscapes. We completed many levels of Wordscapes (often while we were eating meals together). He’s getting really good!
- Doing a 5 km walk and having him talk the whole time about cars. It all goes over my head, but it’s fun to listen to him.
- Lots of music in the car while we commuted to/from camp.
- Grocery shopping. He’s genuinely helpful!
I needed friends this week. And they stepped up in the most wonderful ways. Joy arranged her schedule so we could fit in a walk. Another day I grabbed coffee with a friend I haven’t connected with in over a year time. One night, after L was tucked in bed, I had a long phone call with a dear friend from college; we haven’t seen each other (or talked on the phone) in years and this was the week we managed to connect and the timing could not have been more perfect. Another friend sent me a new song that became my anthem for the week and changed the trajectory of my days (Take it to Jesus by Anna Golden). Long time readers may recall my Soup and Sandwich Oasis friend; she invited L and I to her place for lunch – and, yes, we had soup and a sandwich. While she and I sat and chatted, her husband took L to a nearby ice cream shop for dessert. They also sent us home with a bag full of homemade chocolate chip cookies.
And online friends continued to reach out and send the kindest e-mails and texts. Thank you!
- Air conditioning. I was thankful multiple times each day for air conditioning. In our vehicle. The movie theatre, library, grocery store. The line item in my planner – where I was tracking my happy things – lists it as “Air conditioning (x infinity)”.

- Ketchup chips. I didn’t have much of an appetite this week, but happened to have some snack-sized mini bags of ketchup chips and they HIT THE SPOT.
- Princess Diaries 2. On a rainy afternoon, we watched this together. I haven’t seen the movie in almost 20 years and it was just so light and easy and a nostalgic blast from the past.

- Introvert Doodles. If you like: reading, blogging, cats or consider yourself an introvert and/or dislike: crowds and talking on the phone, this comic book/graphic novel is for you. It’s funny but so relevant for introverts (Susan Cain has an endorsement on the back cover) and many of the pages made me feel very seen. Highly recommend.
- A new-to-me thrifted dress that’s super comfortable and won’t wrinkle. It will be coming to Portugal!
- Dill pickle hummus. Leftover BBQ’d chicken. Mini cucumbers. Cherry tomatoes. A cup of Earl Grey at my favourite cafe.
- A successful work call that made me feel needed and appreciated.
- Bedtime.
- James Herriot books. My brain needed light fluff this week and his veterinary stories delivered.
- All the discourse on My Brilliant Friend since it was named to the Top 100 Best Books of the 21st Century by the New York Times. I was randomly speaking to someone I know at a cafe and through the oddest of tangents she mentioned she wants to go to Oxford next summer where they offer a course JUST ABOUT the Elena Ferrante Neopolitan novels. Apparently she reads them every summer, adores them, and was going to her book club later in the day and was going to pitch, wait for it, My Brilliant Friend as their next pick. I’m still gobsmacked, but Engie must feel so vindicated with her choice since it wound up #1 on the NYT list and Oxford developed a class around the series.
- The smell of L’s freshly washed hair at bedtime.
- Dishes and laundry – done.
- Spotify. I cannot imagine life without daily music.
- The Great British Baking Show. I watched a Christmas special this week and hearing Christmas tunes and seeing festive cakes made me very happy.
- Magic bags (always); my weighted blanket coming out of storage.
- Earrings. Golly, I love wearing earrings.
Happy Weekending, friends. I hope you had a fabulous week, filled with many Happy Things.
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C oree
That solo time with L sounds so, so lovely! I’ve just got the one (who seems very similar in personality) but sometimes I really appreciate those lazy one on one days. T got really into NYT puzzles while we were on holiday with my parents. He’d help grandma with the wordle, and do strands.
We’re back from Portugal – arrived home yesterday thankfully before all the travel chaos – and I’m trying (and failing) to maintain my chill summer vibe. Came back to a whole lot of scheduling emails (I’m insufficiently detail oriented, so will definitely mess this up) and a to do list that’s a bit overwhelming. Think I definitely overestimated what I’d get done in July.
It was SUCH a nice week, full of little moments I’ve tucked away into my memory bank. I know this stage of life is going to whiz by and in future summers he’ll likely be busy and before too long will have summer jobs and more commitments. So it was really special to lean in to a week of just enjoying each other.
It’s so hard to come back from vacation at the BEST of times, and to enter a whirlwind of things to do is a double whammy. I’m sorry that’s what you’re dealing with and I hope that after you get your “home” feet back under you, things feel a little more manageable. Hugs.
Hooray for Happy Things! The week with L sounds really special. It definitely changes the dynamic when you’re not dealing with sibling issues. Sometimes it can feel like you vs. the kids, and when just one of them is home suddenly it’s just two people (who happen to be one kid and one adult) relating to each other in a completely different way.
I love that you watched a Christmas special! I’ve been getting emails from Hallmark about their new ornament collection- it’s starting to feel like Christmas is lurking around the corner again.
The recent flurry over My Brilliant Friend is funny. If it weren’t for Engie, most of us would not have read that book! The person who actually loved it the most was MY HUSBAND. He picked up my copy, started reading, couldn’t put it down, and then went on to read the rest of the quartet.
I have to check out that Introvert Doodles book- I’ve never seen it before.
I hope you have a happy weekend!!!
The dynamic is so, so different when A is not home. L’s personality is naturally very laid back and easy, but that tends to shift a bit when his very dominant older sister is in the house and PUSHING ALL HIS BUTTONS. It was such a special week and I’ve truly loved the time I got to spend with him one-on-one.
The Christmas special gave me so many warm fuzzies. I know you know how I feel about Christmas and would support that decision 🙂
I think you’d like the Introvert Doodles book. It’s a very quick “read” but is funny and insightful.
I’m glad you got to have another one on one week with your son! Do you ever have that kind of week with your daughter, or is she generally the one who is away doing things?
I finished season 4 of GBBO last night, which was season 1 in the US. I love it so much.
I was happy (and a bit surprised) to see MBF get the #1 spot on that list. I loved it, I loved all four books, but so many people in the CBBC did NOT love it, I was surprised to see it rated so highly. I’m looking forward to the new season on HBO, which will be the 4th book.
I’ve never had a solo week with A. Probably because she’s older, she’s just had a lot more opportunities to be away. Though this is only my second solo week with L!
GBBO, as you know, is my idea of perfect TV.
Love that craft– how darling. Kid math FTW.
My kid math is a lot simpler than yours but even still it is amazing how removing one child (and I guess a husband as well) COMPLETELY changes the dynamic of things!
Michelle G.
It sounds like you and your son had a lovely week. All the hype over My Brilliant Friend is interesting. I enjoyed the book…But I didn’t think it was so amazing as to merit an entire course about the series! I actually didn’t continue with the rest of the books. I love your list of good things!
I was mostly so horrified by the story I HAD to know how the arc of it all played out. A divisive book but clearly dearly beloved by many!
I do feel vindicated. My love for MBF is universal! Okay, fine, I’ll admit that it wasn’t as big of a hit with MY book club as I had hoped it would be, but I think it’s a great book and deserves it’s spot at the top.
I am having an earring conundrum that has mostly led to me not wearing earrings at all in my bottom holes. I have double holes in both ears (and a cartilage piercing in the right – but that doesn’t matter for this point). I am currently rocking some endless silver hoops in my second holes and I was wearing some sapphire earrings in the bottom holes for a long time. But then one of my sapphire earrings fell out and it was a whole thing where we looked through the cars and through all my clothing and couldn’t find it. And then we did find it on the bedroom floor, but now I’m scared to wear them because I’m worried they’ll fall out again. So I’m just not wearing earrings. I am considering investing in a slightly bigger pair of endless hoops for the bottom holes. That’s a long, boring story about why I am not wearing earrings.
Losing one earring is the worst. I’m so sad for you, Engie. I glad it showed up eventually, but understand being hesitant to wear them again (could you get a different type of backing)?
It’s so much fun when we just have one kid in the house!
Are ketchup chips similar to all dressed chips? I had some all dressed last year when I went to Ontario and they were tasty. I’ve seen ketchup chips at the Asian market, but that’s about the only place I’ve seen them in the US. All of which is to say, I would not be opposed to trying them;-)
They are similar in that they have a tang to them (a mix between salt and vinegar and all dressed, I’d say). They’re really tasty (to me). I would never, ever buy a full-sized bag of them (John doesn’t really like them), and they feel like a childhood flavour to me which is maybe why I enjoy them so much when I get a mini bag? This week they tasted so good.
All Dressed are a perennial hit in our house. I LOVE All Dressed chips. Growing up Sour Cream and Onion were my favourite, but I think Ruffles All Dressed might take top spot now.
What a lovely list of happy things. That week with L sounds so special. I had the few days away with just Eleanor and I recently, and it was also fun, easy and special. I might take her to Inside Out 2 actually just the two of us, she’d love that. I’m so glad all your friends rallied around to support you this week too.
Inside Out 2 was very fun, and I find it to be a great movie for adults since it is SO RELATABLE. I definitely plan to watch it again when it comes out on Disney+ and highly recommend it!
Lisa’s Yarns
I’m so befuddled that MBF is the best book so far of this century. It makes me feel like a major contrarian as it was not a book I enjoyed at all. I can see that others like it but best of the century so far??? HOW.
I am glad you and L had a great week together. I had a solo afternoon with Taco and it was great. Then we returned to normal tonight with both boys screaming and crying at different times. I declared early bed times for all. Paul was up at 5:45. Taco fell asleep on the drive home from the zoo and is clearly tired. Everyone needs to get to bed and hopefully will wake up in a better mood.
It clearly is a divisive book. It reminds me of how sometimes the film that wins the Academy Award for Best Picture is one that is “out there” and either beloved or loathed.
Early bedtimes for all can be a giant reset button! Hope today has been great and smooth sailing in the parenting realm.
I agree that parenting one kid is 100% easier than two. Time seems to slowdown, we pay more attention to them, and they behave somehow differently when there are alone. I truly enjoyed my solo trips with the girls. I shall schedule more of them when schedule permits as they don’t like to be left out either.
I with I had friends to take walk with. In an office of 400+ people, I can’t find an active coworker. They are either not active or they feel intimidated by an avid runner. Walking and chatting is the best way to get to know someone.
ketchup chips? never heard of it. It must be good. Here in Jakarta, we have popcorn chicken chips, so weird.
Kids do seem to behave so differently (mine at least) when they are out from under the “shadow” of their sibling. It’s a very different dynamic.
Popcorn chicken chips? I’m intrigued.
I wish we could go walking, Coco! That’s a shame none of your colleagues are interested in being active with you.
Are the best and it is a TRAVESTY that I can’t find them here in the US.
RE: the comments above about All Dressed Chips – We found some while we were in Maine last month, and the Husband, who had never had them before, tried one and said, “They just taste like BBQ chips.” I mean, I guess if you think that BBQ sauce is basically ketchup, onion, and vinegar… I suppose that declaration would make sense. I tried not to feel affronted for his inability to taste the wonder that is an All Dressed chip.
AREN’T THEY SO GOOD????!!!! The perfect blend of sweet and salty and tangy and savoury. Yum. I mean, kethcup is also my favourite condiment so it’s not shocking.
All Dressed is also delicious. And I DEFINITELY don’t think they taste the same as BBQ (BBQ have a much smokier flavour).
Nicole MacPherson
Ketchup chips are my favourite kind of chips, bar none. When I was a kid I loved the Old Dutch brand, which used to be exclusive to Western Canada, but I think you can buy them elsewhere now. Oh also, I meant to tell you, I tried that dill pickle hummus and loved it! You’re an influencer! A dill pickle hummus influencer!
What a lovely week with your boy. Oh boy, did this give me warm and fuzzy feels. I remember lonnnnnnggggg conversations with my kids about things that went right over my head, like cars and different machinery, and then later, wrestlers. Life is good, and sometimes – like Kate Bowler – beautiful and terrible. I’m glad you had a healing week.
It’s been really hot here – like, yesterday it was 42 – and so air conditioning is also something I love.
Ohhh. I’m so glad you liked the hummus. I had some today at lunch. It is AMAZING with rice crackers dipped in, too. Its just like a dill pickle chip. Or spears of cucumber. Gah. So good.
Beautiful and terrible. Yes! Kate Bowler is so wise; I’ve found a lot of comfort in her words.
Ally Bean
Elena Ferrante is an author whose novels I’ve never read. I know she’s popular and the idea of attending a college course around a series of her books sounds wonderful. I miss being an English major some days! Can you tell?
Happy weekending to you, too.
Like Lisa, I am just baffled about the idea of My Brilliant Friend being named #1 on that NYT list. Then again, it has been a book that has been recommended to me by people from all walks of life so maybe it’s just one of those books that is appreciated by men and women alike somehow!
A one-on-one week with L sounds so nice! I’m glad you got to have that. <3
Definitely not my first choice of a book, but it takes all reading kinds I suppose…
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
I have twins and when they were younger (right up until Covid lockdowns actually) we would have 1:1 dates. Literally the best because we each used to get each other’s undivided attention.
I actually clicked to comment because in South Africa, we call ketchup “tomato sauce” and it is one flavour that all the chip brands have as a staple 🙂
There is something so special about 1:1 time…with anyone. It allows for much deeper connection and it’s also fun to share a memory that is only between the two of you? There is something exclusive about it that is extra special, especially if you have other siblings vying for attention!
I love ketchup chips (and rarely eat them). It was a special treat that really made me smile.
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
PS I read ONE book on that 100 best books list. Clearly I have low-brow taste. Small things like these by Claire Keegan. Interestingly, I am reading number two now, Olive Kitteridge, but I have ZERO desire to read anything else on that list.
I read Olive Kitteridge and…meh. I think it won a Pulitzer? I really liked My Name is Lucy Barton, but then when I read more of Strout’s books they seemed very similar and all quite depressing! So I’m with you on low-brow tastes and am NOT ashamed of that 🙂
I am so glad you had this one-on-one week with L. I don’t remember having weeks like that with my parents, but I know I did (when my brother went to boy scout camp, etc.). We also did one-on-one ‘dates’ periodically with our parents. Now, I love spending time with each of them one-on-one. They are so, so different. 🙂 I love that you are laying the foundation for your life-long relationships with L and A.
It sounds like, despite the wonderfulness (and yes that’s a word…), there was some stress in your week. I may be over reading things, but I am so glad you had your friends, your magic bags, and your comfort TV to help you through. <3 (Also? I am SO GLAD to know that I am not the only person who yes, uses magic bags year-round, including in the a/c.)