Another week and we’re officially over halfway through October. November is the holiday shoulder season and then it’s full-on Christmas. The year is really zooming now.
In other news – and to quote my favourite saying from the Great British Baking Show – what a complete and utter faff the last day has been in my little corner of the internet. I think the issues are mostly sorted, but there are still challenges with backups. Turns out the automatic backups haven’t been working in almost a year due to a space issue. It’s not even time for Demerits and Gold Stars but I’m going ahead and awarding myself a life-size demerit sticker. Hopefully I’ll be back in a week and everything will be working smoothly and I’ll have backups safely nestled on my computer and I will be smart enough to not touch any more buttons!!!
Let’s move on to Happy Things. I have lots to mention and plenty of pictures!
We enjoyed a streamlined – yet still delicious – Thanksgiving feast on Saturday. I’ve started to outsource my Thanksgiving meal to largely pre-fab items. We buy boxed stuffing, a rotisserie chicken, canned cranberries, corn, some sliced veggies, pickles, packaged gravy, store-bought pies, and farmer’s market cider to drink in fancy glasses. Everyone enjoys it just as much as if I cook everything from scratch, and I save hours in the kitchen. At Christmas I lean into preparing a more elaborate meal, though even there I’m trying to outsource more and more.

There were daily walks for the Cool Bloggers Walking Club, there were a few naps. There were games around the table (mostly Things and Just One which are utterly hilarious with my father-in-law playing). There was a reasonable amount of sibling angst, but that was tempered by late-evening games of Frisbee and Nerf football on the side lawn in the near-dark. Turns out catching flying objects is more enjoyable for kids if they can’t actually see what they’re trying to catch.
Belle continues to flap her baking wings and has taken exclusive control over my favourite small-batch chocolate chip cookie recipe, preparing it twice over the weekend.
Indy, John, and my father-in-law went to a local university football game. Turns out they had horrible seats right behind the bench (couldn’t see anything) and it was frigid, but Indy got selected to limbo at halftime and received a gift card for his efforts! Belle and I stayed home and cuddled under fluffy blankets on the couch and watched an old Hallmark movie.
We had church and small group and lots of lingering around the table after meals. We ate hearty fall foods. Curries and a Portuguese cod dinner and pumpkin soup and tuna + cheese melts. We ate ice cream with chocolate peanut butter sauce, and I savoured cups of coffee.

The kids had various playdates and hang-outs. We bought birthday gifts for two birthday parties happening this weekend. Belle used watercolours to paint a birthday card for her friend (who has three cats).

We also got some great thrifted deals this week. We needed to replace two sconces in our basement hallway (one broke years ago when Indy and a friend were playing indoor soccer with a too-hard ball). We found a flush-mount light and when the salesman showed it to us, he mentioned it was part of a LED efficiency rebate. We ended up spending less than $5 per light!! We also sourced simple lights for both kids rooms as what they have is not nearly bright enough and are connected to old ceiling fans that we never use and collect copious amounts of dust.
Belle’s beloved book bag needed to be replaced, and we found a neutral, well-constructed, waterproof Hershel backpack on clearance!!! This is only her third book-bag in nine years of school and I’m hoping this lasts her through high school. I had a gift card to the store (Winners), so it was – in a way – free.

While Indy had his first basketball practice of the season, Belle and I went to try to find her some more sweaters at my favourite thrift store. Alas, we didn’t find any winning sweaters but she also needed jeans and found two pairs. Indy was in desperate need of athletic pants. Whatever wasn’t too short for him after this summer’s growth spurt had holes or bad stains on all the knees. I found him THREE pairs of black jogging pants.
Belle also got a dress, I got a dress, and a cute-but-can-I-pull-this-off? dressy romper.

The grand total, including taxes, was $43 for 5 pairs of pants, 2 dresses, and 1 romper.
In addition to pants, Indy seems to either wear – or grow – out of shoes at a truly alarming rate. Killing time before pickup for a kid activity one evening, I popped into to a different thrift store and found a pair of Asics in like-new condition (I haven’t washed them yet, but aside from a bit of superficial dirt, they were mint), and a pair of quasi-dressy slip-ons that he can use for his choir performances. He has zero “dressy” shoes, so this seems to straddle the line fairly well between something he won’t complain about wearing but that will look better than tattered running shoes.
I got both pairs for about $4 each.

I have been wearing some gold hoops that Belle “won” for me at school last year non-stop. So much, in fact, the faux gold coating has worn off and they now look silver. I wanted to get another set of gold earrings, so I went to my favourite local consignment store. Turns out I had a credit and managed to get two pairs of earrings ($6 and $7, respectively) for free using my store credit!

And then, on the way out the door with my free earrings, I spotted the cutest little black purse. I am decidedly NOT a purse person. I have one purse and one fanny pack and that it is. My purse gets used for church, my fanny pack for everyday use. But something about this bag called my name and I answered the siren song. Did I need the purse? No. I was hoping to cycle out (and consign!) my “church purse” which is super practical but I don’t love. Alas, because of the rounded shape, my new purse won’t hold my notebook and Bible properly. But I think I might give the fanny pack a rest for a bit and move things over to this new purse for a change. I am now a Two Purse Person!

While the kids were at a youth activity John and I went grocery shopping. I found bags of soon-to-expire Gingerbread Cashews for 50 CENTS a bag. I bought 16 bags, and put them directly into the freezer so they’ll stay fresh long past the expiration day. They are so, so delicious. And that price cannot be beat for a bag of cashews.

Lastly, I got some free water. We have a bottom-loading water cooler (which we ADORE), but filling water jugs can get pricey. Thankfully, after buying two jugs years ago, we have always filled them at a free natural spring near our home. Our tap water tastes heavily of chlorine, so drinking spring water is such a treat.

It was John’s birthday this week. I am low-key in the party department, but we had some fun gifts, a delicious warm-from-the-oven cinnamon coffee cake, and went out for supper to our favourite family restaurant (Swiss Chalet for any Canadians reading).
We also fit in a long walk together on his birthday complete with selfies, a tree showing the change from green to red, and a cool looking spider!

- Ask me how proud I am of finally finishing and submitting passport applications. (Why for the love does it feel so overwhelming and tedious and horrible every time?). SO PROUD (but mostly relieved).
- Ask me how excited I am to finally – finally – be done migrating our home insurance to a new broker/insurance company. It will save us $500 a year, but good gracious everything that could go wrong did and it took so many phone calls (like over a dozen which is basically the same as walking on broken glass barefoot for me…)
- Belle joining the volleyball team and being surrounded by her core network of friends (who are sadly missing from her actual classroom).
- Reading books on my Kindle.
- Everyone’s kind and thoughtful comments on my mental health post this week.
- This dollhouse post by Michelle as part of the ongoing “Where Do You Keep That” series. Y’all. If this tour doesn’t make you want to drop everything and start researching how to shrink humans so we can all move in, I don’t know what will. Seriously. I want Honey, I Shrunk the Kids to be real.
- Not to be outdone, Kyria posted a fascinating rundown of where she keeps everything she needs while biking across the continent!
And now I’m off! See you next Friday. Happy weekending and happy walking to all my walking club friends.
Your turn. What’s a good deal you found this week? What’s your favourite soup? Best (easy) cookie recipe? If you have a kiddo that regularly attends birthday parties, do you have a go-to gift? How many purses do you own? Is my blog formatting looking okay on your end?
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Michelle G.
Your blog formatting looks good on my end. I’m so sorry you had trouble, which I’m sure was a big scare after your last blog “event.” Why do they have to be so complicated? I feel like I’m constantly baffled by technology! I love all of your happy things, and thank you for including me on your list! ❤️You’re such a sweetheart! I hope you have a wonderful time with Kyria, and I’m looking forward to reading all about your visit!
It was part my fault and part the fault of backups not being created properly. I still don’t have it completely sorted but I’m on the right track.
Your dollhouse is TOO MUCH CUTENESS, Michelle. Thank you for creating such wonderful things and sharing them with us <3
LOVE that romper 🙂
That is high praise from you! You have such a keen sense of fashion, Sarah!
Your Thanksgiving looks and sounds wonderful, and I love the walking-in-the-rain photo, as well as all the other beautiful photos of your locale. So gorgeous! I practically swoon when I see trees do that gradual color change thing. It’s one of my favorite things ever.
And that spider IS cool, but also enormous and I am very impressed that the person on whose shoe that spider sat was not running around shrieking, which is how I would handle it.
Way to go with the thrifting finds (and the cashews!!!!!) — I love your fancy romper. And oh my goodness, Elisabeth, why do kids go through shoes so fast?!?! I swear I am ALWAYS on the lookout for shoes. I don’t know how anyone manages to donate shoes though, because my kid’s are always shredded by the time she’s done with them. I do not know how she is so hard on shoes!
Have a great weekend! Your happy things always bring me such a jolt of joy!
The spider was on John’s shoe. He is so observant on walks; I never would have seen it!
The shoe thing. It is insane. But mostly for Indy. Belle is soooo easy on shoes (John, Indy and I are hard on them) and her feet grow so slowly. But Indy? I swear he could go through a pair a month. He is just so rough and tumble outside and his feet are growing so fast (his feet are the same size as Belle’s now). Ditto on not donating shoes. Indy’s ALWAYS have to go in the trash because they are in tatters.
Ok for cookies I love bondkakor (”the farmers cookie”), schackrutor (”chess cookies”) and chocolate chip cookies (we make them with roasted hazelnuts and Dark chocolate chips 😋
I belive I own 10 bags. I’ve got 3 small ones from my grandma who passed away in 2021, she was like a mom to me. I haven’t really used them but can’t part with them. Around 10 years ago she gave me a bigger weekendbag she used for hauling groceries when my dad was little. Great bag, will probably last forever. Oh, now I realize I have 11 bags, one for work as well 😅
I’m amazed at your thrift finds! I wish our second hand shops was that good! The romper looked great on you and I adore those angular earrings!
That’s so lovely that you those mementos from your grandmother who clearly meant so much to you. And that’s so sweet you have a bag that was used back in the era when your husband was a child! (I have a dress I still wear regularly that was my mom’s from before she had me!).
I like the angular earrings too. They’re a bit unusual, but still classy, I think? I’m wearing them right now actually!
I used to love bags in my 30s, no longer. I can’t care less about it. I am all functional, using the same ones for work, and same one (sling from Uniqlo) when running errands. I hope my girls are happy to take my real bags soon.
I love pumpkin soup and don’t make enough of it. I sometimes use want the warmth of the soup than the content.
love the first pic so pretty the mix of colors.
That’s great that you can pass on your bags to your girls! I like being able to hand down makeup and clothes to Belle these days.
Yay for the blog being fixed! It looks completely back to normal on my end, and I hope the backup situation gets fixed soon too. There are little tweaks I would like to make to my own blog’s display but I’m equal parts terrified and too lazy to try to mess with it so… it stays as it is 😉
So, so happy for Belle to have some dedicated time with friends via volleyball. That is so important and hopefully helps soothe the disappointment with the whole grade 8 debacle. And awesome for her to be baking so much! My aunt made white chocolate chip cookies with a bit of cinnamon mixed into the dough this summer and they tasted NEXT LEVEL with that tiny little addition!
Happy birthday to John. That leaf photo is stunning!
So many good deals. I have 3 purses on regular rotation in addition to the diaper bag backpack (that comes with us to church) and a drawstring bag of baby paraphernalia that fits in the bottom of the jogging stroller. My main purse looks almost exactly like your new one and I carry it almost all the time (even if I also have the diaper bag). Then I have a much larger, laptop sized work bag that I use if I need the extra space. And finally, a tiny rose gold purse that I take to weddings (it’s just big enough for a phone, credit cards/cash, kleenex and lip gloss – it doesn’t even hold my regular wallet but it’s pretty and goes with pretty much any outfit!). I have donated many other purses that I just don’t use over the years, and still have a few floating around that the kids like to play with.
Ohhh. I might have to try the cinnamon trick. I LOVE cinnamon.
Your “wedding” purse sounds so sweet (love that it’s neutral and goes with so many things), and has just the right amount of space. I definitely do NOT having a purse that is dressy enough to wear with a fancy dress…but then I don’t really own any wedding-fancy fancy dresses! Also, I feel like I haven’t been to a wedding in FOREVER. Most of my friends are married with kids at this point so I’m kinda done with baby showers and weddings which feels odd since there were so many for a while.
I haven’t shopped in so long. One of the foster girls needs some pants or jeans. She’s not easy to fit and I’m clueless about where to find the size/shape of pants that’ll work for her. I need to tackle that soon. I love your thrifty finds, esp a pair of Asics that are in such great shape. Amazing.
I am not a purse person either. I carry a large Adidas sporty bag, because I can stuff lots of things in it, like my food/meals, which I often need to take with me. I own a few purses, but I only pull them out when I need to carry a purse and I can’t get away with an athletic type bag. When I run into a store, I grab my wallet on my way in.
It is so hard to shop for pants. So hard!
Large catch-all bags are so practical.
I love all the cozy fall in this post! Of course I LOVE your thrifted items (and I’m also very envious!) and I love the photos from that walk. But eek- that spider!!! I agree it’s cool, but also scary. Yes, I’m a little afraid of spiders.
I’m very sad to say that once again, I’m not participating in the CBWC. I want to be a cool walking blogger- but it just doesn’t seem to work for me. I don’t even have the excuse of weather anymore, because it’s gotten much more pleasant here. SIGH!
Enjoy your time with Kyria!!!
I don’t love spiders either, but if my husband is fine with it crawling over his shoe, I’ll take the picture! (He did fling it off right after I took the pic).
I really should come up with a better title for the group – Cool Bloggers Movers Challenge? Also, lots of people use their runs as walks! Which you already do. You are participating and smashing it without even knowing it!
I just use the Tollhouse recipe on the back of the bag (I sub in my own GF flour mix) for a chocolate chip cook and it’s delicious and easy. Those people at Tollhouse know their business!
I probably have half a dozen purses. Most of them are hand-me-downs from my SIL, though. She has a purse addiction, but limited space, so when she runs out of room, she gives me the ones she doesn’t want anymore. It’s a good deal. I also have a work bag and a backpack. I have no fanny packs because I do not need anything around my waist and I think it looks silly if you have it hanging like a crossbody (like…just wear a crossbody bag – it’s more utilitarian?). But I have so many other bags – tote bags, grocery bags, whatever. I’m not a purse addict, but I might be a bag addict?
Sometimes the recipes on the back of the bag are there for a reason. They are the best!
Wow – that’s the best of both worlds. Nice purses and not having to spend a cent.
A bag addict? Borderline. A scarf addict? Definitely 😉
Lisa’s Yarns
Omg that spider!! I would have been terrified and would not have taken a picture as I would have screamed and scared it off. I am terribly afraid of creepy crawly things.
I have 3 purses – a very casual every day purse, a very small purse I use for travel that I can tuck into my backpack before boarding to stay at 2 items/passenger, and then I have a black patent leather clutch that I use for special events like weddings and holiday parties, etc.
I rarely make cookies since I am not good at having self control and eat more cookies than I should. But when I do make them, I use a recipe from the America’s Test Kitchen GF cookbook.
The spider was on John’s foot so I could pretend to be brave. If it was on my own shoe I would have jumped out of my proverbial skin.
I have less trouble with the cookies and more issues with the dough…
Marcia from OrganisingQueen
I am very much a purse (handbag) person. I won’t tell you how many I have because you will SHUDDER but it is a lot. I’m not a clothes or shoes person and this is how I like to jazz up my outfits 🙂
(have a look on my instagram @organisingqueen and you’ll see some of them)
LOVE the trees picture!!!
I love that you are able to use purses to make your outfits pop! I’m horrible about any sort of accessory (other than earrings, though mine are fairly low-key).
Your holiday weekend sounds delightful and delicious. So lovely you made it out to daily walks even in the rain (a rainy day can have its own magic!) I made a potato-leek soup the other day and it definitely felt like fall for the first time over here.
Of course, you scored some really great thrifting bargains again (and I think a small black purse is always useful to have :)). Now that we have moved and I have gotten rid off a lot of stuff, there’s room to go thrifting again LOL
Happy belated birthday to your John. As you know, his birthday is two days before my Jon’s birthday and his was also low-key… just as he likes it 🙂
You’re so right that rainy days (or snow days) can be magical. I always long for sunshine and blue skies, but we need some days where it feels right to be inside cuddling under something warm, drinking something warm, and watching a cozy movie (or, in our case, fitting in a short family walk).
I can’t wait to see what you might find thrifting.
We are definitely a “low-key” birthday family for the adults!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Smart move outsourcing the hours in the kitchen to enjoy thanksgiving. We always put so much pressure on ourselves but in the end its the time spend together, no?
That spider is creepy even though I am not much afraid of spiders.
Also I am again impressed on how you manage to get such good deals. Your thrift stores are haven.
I’m very fortunate with the thrift stores we have so handy to our town!