Is anyone else excited today is Friday? It’s an extra long weekend for the kids; today involves a school in-service and Monday is a day off to commemorate Canadian Remembrance Day. We don’t have big plans for their extended break and that sounds wonderful to me. There will be a few playdates, a basketball scrimmage for L, and hopefully lots of lounging for me. The artificial Christmas tree *might* go up in the basement.
Will you allow me to hijack this Happy Things post for a short whine fest? Yes?
Thank you!
Does anyone remember Chumbawamba’s song Tubthumping? It seems incredibly relevant (whiskey aside).
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
[Irrelevant lyrics about alcohol…]
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times
This week was a mixed bag and I mostly feel like I’ve spent the last ten days in a boxing ring where I keep getting knocked down. One result of this is feeling very checked out with my project management role. I am dragging myself toward the December 31st finish line and I don’t like this feeling but I have nothing left to give the project. It is a bit of a chaotic time to walk away as we’re in the middle of multiple amendments, quarterly reporting, and a variety of other tasks – all of which require a certain level of mental acuity I simply don’t have right now. Oh well. I’m doing my best and getting through.
I had a productive but emotionally draining therapy session (knocked down – knocked OUT) and walked away with “homework” that is challenging and I’ve been putting it off which is only serving to delay the pain.
It was cold and overcast most of the week and my mood often matched the outside conditions.
But! There were many, many Happy Things. And isn’t it interesting how a “Happy Thing” to one person can be the opposite for someone else?
Exhibit A: There are plenty of leftovers in our fridge for meals this weekend which is a very Happy Thing in our household. I know I have some leftover-haters reading here who would beg to differ.
Exhibit B: The evenings are dark very early thanks to the time change. (Whoever invented DST absolutely did not have a toddler in the house!) Time changes are a much smaller blip on our radar with older kiddos and the suppertime darkness feels…cozy. I used to hate picking kids up from preschool in the dark; now that we’re through that stage, I say bring on the darkness – it’s the perfect environment for lighting candles!
All that to say – everyone’s yuck is another person’s yum. Cheers to the “yums” in life.

Let’s get things started on an extra happy note by announcing the winners of the Sprouted Planner + Accessories giveaways!!! Again, special thanks to Heather for sending along Sprouted goodies for me to share.

I generated two random numbers between 1-48 (inclusive); the first number drawn was 26 (Hillary) and the second number drawn was 2 (Kae). Thankfully, they both wanted different options.


Your packages are officially in the mail.
I have to admit I was actually really bummed yesterday afternoon. When the parcels were all labeled and ready to go I felt like wailing: But I want to send something to everyone. I can’t do that, but know I really wanted to. I genuinely wish every person who entered could have been a giveaway winner <3

Tis’ the season for birthday parties. The kids seem to be going to one every week. I have loved watching their friendships blossom this year and A got to go to a Murder Mystery themed birthday party last weekend which she LOVED. She wanted to be the murderer so badly; alas, it wasn’t her, but I guess she acted guilty the whole time so everyone suspected it was her which is kinda/sorta the same thing? She was asked to dress up like a hippie and I think she nailed the costume by using odds and ends we already had at home. She made her peace sign necklace out of Perler Beads which was extra funky, and she wore my “disco-ball” earrings.

I got my hair chopped off and apparently have only taken one selfie all week (too busy boxing, see above). It’s short, it’s smooth (I had a keratin treatment for the first time which does NOT make your hair straight, it just eliminates frizz and makes it easier to style). I’ll report back about whether I’ll consider doing it again when this treatment wears off (6-8 months). So far I love having short hair again.

All my custom photo projects arrived this week and I am both happy and relieved this annual task is behind me. As per usual, Vistaprint included an amazing coupon code inside the shipping box; one year I called and managed to get an extra discount but this time I decided to accept my 40% off and not nickel and dime it.

It’s a bit embarrassing to admit I’m attempting yet another approach for Bible reading/study, but the point of the exercise isn’t to check off a box or stay on a particular “program” for a year – it’s to actually read the Bible. So far I’ve been loving this chronological accompaniment text. Maybe it will take me more than a year, maybe it will take me less? It doesn’t matter! I don’t get bonus points from Jesus for finishing a 365-day reading program in 365 days.
I opted for the faux leather version which was on sale and thus the same price as the regular (dare I say boring?) hardcover option. I also sourced some dry highlighters which are perfect for marking up thin Bible pages since they don’t bleed through. To me, aesthetics do matter and I love getting out my stack of pretty items each day.

One of my NIECES (Hi Laura!!!) IS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW. Sadly, I’m not able to be there for the special day but we got to see her twice in 2023. I’m looking forward to livestreaming the nuptials from sunny South Carolina. Laura makes a stunning bride and I wish her a lifetime of happiness with her husband-to-be.
- All the jokes in the comment section of the giveaway post. I laughed SO hard.
- Making meals you know your kids are going to love.
- A family movie night – we watched Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and ate Halloween candy.
- Frasier; what a funny sitcom. I think this is the third time John and I have watched this series together and it feels like pulling on a comfy pair of pajamas when I rewatch old episodes.

- Library visits. I was lamenting how we don’t get picture books anymore *sob* when L and I had some time to fill one afternoon and chose to spend it at the library. Not only did he pick out some picture books to bring home (along with graphic novels), he also played in the pretend kitchen. My kids have spent HOURS playing in this space over the years. In fact, A visisted this little nook the day before L was born. Our visit this week gave me All The Feels.
Happy Weekending, friends. I hope there are many Happy Things ahead for you and your families in the days ahead.
Your turn. What has made you feel nostalgic lately? Do you like “falling back” in November? Leftovers – love em’ or hate em’? Have you seen any good movies lately? When is the last time you dressed up in costume for a party? Feel free to complain too – we’re all dealing with hard stuff and it can be tremendously helpful to vent/share.
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Tobia | craftaliciousme
Therapy sessions can be so tough. Mine are far in the past but I remember I needed like a vacation after wards. But in the end so helpful.
I love that you have photos of your kids playing in the same nook. What a nice comparison.
And thank you for the reminder to get the photo gifts ready. Maybe I’ll work on that this weekend.
The haircut looks good on you.
Yes! I often feel utterly drained both emotionally AND physically.
Thanks – it feels incredible to have shorter hair again. I start to miss being able to throw my hair up into a quick bun when it’s short, but especially this time of year (when I have to wear a lot of hats), it’s very convenient to go short.
I’m nostalgic with the November gray days, looking over empty fields. One of my kids was born in Nov and had to spend 2 weeks in NICU an hour from home. All the driving back and forth on the highway with the harvested fields sitting shorn on either sides. It wasn’t a bad time- baby was alive!and thriving! ,- so this weather brings me back.
I’m trying to be better about leftovers- instead of ignoring them until they’re old enough to toss guilt free.
I hope your homework helps!
Fall weather always takes me back to my first year of university. Always. Every single year I get nostalgic for that time of life.
So glad your baby was able to thrive in the NICU and that you remember that time each year; it’s nice to mark those important milestones in life.
Leftovers don’t last long in our house (or, if I don’t think we’ll have time to get to them, I freeze things!).
Ooof those tough therapy assignments are… tough, 😂. (I am struggling with one too and I am feeling annoyed with myself because it seems like it shouldn’t be hard!)
LOVE your haircut!!! It is so gorgeous.
I do not care for the time change. I really struggle with it! I have been tired all week.
Things feel so insanely busy lately and the holidays are right around the corner and I am having trouble coming up with anything but stress and panic… but I love reading your happy things. And am enjoying the nostalgia of Tubthumping in my head. 😂
Time changes suck; less now that the kids are older but I wish we could skip them entirely – even though I make the best of the early evenings.
What’s with the name? Is it a dirty euphemism? I’m confused. Why isn’t it I Get Knocked Down? And I’m sorry, but I laughed at ” I am having trouble coming up with anything but stress and panic.”
Jan Coates
I love the Wolfville Library kids’ section, too – nice to have those pictures of A & L. And I’d love to see your adventure calendar. Yes, we love leftovers – since there are only 2 of us most days, we have leftovers most nights:) Off to ON next week for Ada’s 2nd birthday. And I agree about the candles – so many evenings in the summer I think it would be nice to have candles, but too much light – not that I often complain about too much light since I love the sun:) Your niece does make a lovely bride!
It’s such a lovely library and we have very happy memories of so much time spent in that particular nook.
Have a safe and wonderful trip to ON. Sorry we didn’t manage to connect yet; life has been very busy (we can discuss in person once you’re back).
Also, how is Ada two already?! Wow the years zoom by.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
It’s a three day weekend because of the Veteran’s Day Holiday so I’m relaxing on the couch enjoying blogs instead of sneaking them in at work – yay!
Leftovers are the greatest thing ever – high 5!
Your hair looks great! I love the refresh of getting a short cut.
Congrats to your niece!
I’m so behind on blog reading. Oops. Maybe later today I can get caught up. NaBloPoMo is no joke!
Ally Bean
You get a long weekend? Oh that is lovely. Nothing like that here.
What has made you feel nostalgic lately? Oddly enough being on Threads now for 4 months has made me nostalgic for the early days of Twitter. Threads has that innocent + friendly vibe that I remember about Twitter when it was new. Don’t know where Threads will ultimately end up but right now, fun.
I have zero idea what Threads is about. Is it like Twitter? Or Facebook? I haven’t been on social media in 15 years so I am very much out of the loop.
Nicole MacPherson
OMGGGGGG ELISABETH YOUR HAIR!!!! It looks fantastic. WOWZA. Foxy lady! It is absolutely gorgeous. I did not realize keratin treatments can last 6-8 MONTHS??? That is so worthwhile.
The boxing ring. Oh honey. You know what, this morning I woke up and thought “I haven’t heard from Elisabeth this week, I should send her a whatsapp” and I should have thought that EARLIER this week. I’m so sorry. I want to give you a hug and some soup (non-spicy) and something warm from the oven. Consider this your virtual cinnamon loaf.
I don’t know why, but Bible Recap made me smile so much. Recap! That’s tremendous. I kind of love it and want to read that myself. I have never read the whole Bible, but I have read lots of it. My friend sent me a big copy of the book of psalms only, and that has been interesting to go through. The poetry section of the Bible, as it were.
Awww. Thanks, friend <3
And yes, 6-8 months is pretty awesome, eh. I used a diffuser yesterday and made it all curly which was lovely. I do sorta/kinda wish I went stick straight, but I also like the option of still going curly easily. My hair is naturally wavy...but VERY frizzy.
Thanks for the virtual mild soup and cinnamon loaf <3
The Psalms are one of my favourite parts of the Bible. David is so relatable. I feel like they are so full of both laments (it's okay to ask God why!) and praise (I don't know why X is happening, but I can still thank you for Y!). I am loving the recap so far and I love that it feels like a reverent event with my pretty Bible (teal! flowers), recap book (hefty! faux leather!) and pretty pastel highlighters. I usually add in a cup of coffee and it's a nice reprieve in the middle of my day.
Whine all you want! We’re here for the good and the bad. I agree, sometimes it feels like we’re getting knocked down over and over again. But it’s not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up.
Yay for all the good things! After my post about how magical everything looks in the Christmas season, I had to remind myself that not everyone feels that way. Some people don’t celebrate Christmas (and how annoying would that be- seeing Christmas stuff everywhere from October onwards) and the holidays actually make some people sad, or annoyed. It’s true- one person’s “yuck” is another person’s “yum.”
I say YUM to turning the clocks back! I love it! I would much, much rather have the daylight in the mornings than in the evening. I’m not quite as fond of springing ahead, but oh well.
Congratulations to your niece!!! She looks beautiful. And your hair looks beautiful! AND you got your photo calendars done! Sounds like a lot of great things for the week. And… I’m very sad I didn’t win the planner but happy for Kae!
Thanks, Jenny <3
Yes, Christmas is such a hard time for people grieving loss of loved ones/relationships, and can also bring back a lot of painful memories for many people. Also, of course, many people don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday at all. That said, Christmas is one of my favourite Yums all year <3
I really did feel like crying when I realized - I can't give something away to everyone. Hope a Christmas card from me is a small consolation?
The dark is coming to get me! It’s dark when I walk the dog in the morning, dark when I walk her after work, and still dark when she gets her last walk of the night. I have to force myself to go out at lunchtime or I’ll never see the sun again except on the weekends. You say it’s “cozy,” and I say it’s a living nightmare. I’ve tried finding the good parts of this, but I’m really struggling to find the half full glass, iykwim.
Leftovers are an integral part of our meal planning. We’re going to make butternut squash soup tonight for dinner and it will make enough for dinner for tonight and tomorrow night AND one of us will be able to eat it for lunch on Sunday afternoon. It’s all incorporated in our schedule so we only have to cook on nights when it’s possible to do so. I know there are anti-leftovers people, but I honestly don’t know how we would function without them. I don’t have time to cook every night, takeout isn’t an option for us, so…leftovers are the practical solution!
Ha – living nightmare. I get that. I used to really mind it because the kids got picked up from preschool AFTER it was dark. Now that they’re in grade school, they get out much earlier so we’re usually home and settled. I will say that all their evening activities put a wrinkle in things because most evenings we have something, but I do like the atmosphere of supper with it dark outside.
Yes to everything you say about leftovers!
Grateful Kae
Woohoo, I actually won something!?!?! I never win anything!!! 🎉🎉 So excited! And THANK YOU!
And agree with everyone else- your hair looks so cute!!
And I truly love that library bag. I would go to the library every day just to use that cute bag. 🙂
Congrats. I know what you mean – I feel like I never win any draws (I did win $100 in grocery cards years ago and that was exciting)!
Heather Liedl
Congratulations, Kae! You are going to love the notebook, and the other goodies are great compliments to it.
I am team leftovers. I like making a big batch of dinner in a crockpot and then I plug it in a few days later and it is warm at dinner. That’s my easy dinner hack. Bummed you will miss the wedding, but livestreaming sounds like at least a decent option that wasn’t available back in the day. Our library didn’t have a cute space like that for the kids when they were little. I bring the tots I sit for there now and they love it. I’m still dealing with the HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING nightmare with the varsity basketball coach. I keep thinking of all the ways this impacts our family. My mom has Alzheimers and she will miss Reg’s games. I hate injustice. *sigh*
I’m so, so sorry. What a nightmare week for you and your family. Hoping for a good resolution but some things will never be “undone” 🙁
Sprouted Planner
Congratulations to Hillary and Kae for being big winners. I hope you LOVE your goodies.
Thank you, Elisabeth, for offering such fun. Oh, and I love new hair!
Thanks for helping me out with this giveaway, Heather! It was so much fun.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Your hair looks great! I do love the feel and look of a new cut, especially right afterward when the hairdresser does it for me. After that, I get lazy to do it myself. Hence the same knob of hair every day. Boring, but simple. I like to be able to pony mine up, so every time I cut it, I remember that fact. However, that does not stop me from doing it every few years.
Happy things… warm slippers, and endless games of rummy with the girls, a hopefully sunny weekend (we are expecting rain next week) and catching up with a friend tomorrow (and hopefully finishing printing my cards this weekend – fingers crossed).
Warm slippers = all the heart eyes.
My photocards are in and I am itching to send them out. You will likely receive yours BEFORE American Thanksgiving.
That is an awesome haircut, it really suits you!
And I agree, bring all the things good and whine.
Our weather has been chilly, snowy, rainy, did I mention chilly? Gray and slippery. Yuck. It’s too soon!
The good is a long weekend. Although here the kids have school on Monday.
I will be visiting with some friends tomorrow.
And I also send you a hug. Being knocked down repeatedly is exhausting.
Ugh. We had snow this morning, too. What is going on. It’s November. This is TOO EARLY for snow.
Thanks for the hug. Showing up in this space is like balm to my soul <3
Yeah, therapy is tough. That’s why many people avoid it. It’s hard work, but I really believe you come out stronger at the other end.
I love your new haircut. It looks fantastic and suits you. I always contemplate going shorter, but haven’t been brave enough… but I’m really curious to hear down the road how you feel about the keratin treatment!
Congratulations to Hillary and Kae, the lucky winners of your giveaway. It’s so sweet that you hosted it! 🙂
And also congrats to your niece on her wedding day… what a beautiful bride she is. I am sorry you can’t be there in person!
Great points re. therapy.
Shorter is harder for exercising, I think. It’s just such a nice change and I LOVE washing shorter hair. Also, I shed A LOT so it means at least the hair I shed is shorter – ha.
I LOVE YOUR HAIR! It’s so chic!
<3 <3 <3
I love your haircut and your hair color! is that natural??? soooooo pretty!
calendar with family pics is so nice. I haven’t done it for a long time now that all goes digital, but that would be a great present.
old songs make me nostalgic, photos make me nostalgic, many things actually.
I don’t like leftovers in general but some are good such as shepherd pie, fried rice, curries. We just had lunch of shepherd pie I made last weekend as I came late from swimming challenge.
Yup – natural colour! Thanks for the sweet compliments.
Old songs make me very nostalgic too. And you remind me that I haven’t made shepherd’s pie in AGES.
Lisa’s Yarns
Congrats to your niece! How exciting! I am glad you can watch virtually!
Your hair looks amazing!!!!
Oof it was a rough week for you, though. I am glad you found some highs, though. I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend together.
I was looking through videos last night to see what we got Paul for his 3rd birthday and I came across a video of Paul reading the book ‘the hungry caterpillar’ (he had it memorized). I did feel a tiny bit nostalgic for his little voice but I don’t feel nostalgic very often in general. I seem to be kind of missing that gene or something. Like I don’t long for my childhood even for college which was such a fun time of my life. I think it’s probably because of my strong T in the myerrs Briggs personality framework!
And you know how I feel about the time change. I absolutely LOATHE it. The boys adjusted pretty quickly but it’s still a total pain to deal with. I don’t need anything that makes parenting more challenging!
It IS a pain. I had a horrible sleep last night I have decided to blame it solely on the time change. I like the darkness but hate the actual change.
You’ve had a ROUGH week. Maybe/hopefully, we’re getting the toughest stuff out of the way before Christmas so we have a peaceful and smooth break?
A looks so great in her hippie get-up! My book club did a murder mystery party earlier this year and it was so much fun! We want to make it a yearly event.
I love your new hair! Isn’t so nice to just chop it all off? I like doing that every other year or so.
Happy things: doing week in the life, starting the process of decorating my apartment for Christmas (I do it verrrrry slowly), and lots of mom time this week/weekend!
YES! I am loving having it all chopped off.
A put up our artificial evergreen swag and tree today – WHILE I TOOK A NAP. #BestThingEver
Love the new hair do. Does the treatment mean you don’t have to blow dry it?
You can probably guess, but I’m a huge fan of leftovers. They are certainly happy inducing round here.
I’ve completed several bible in a year reading plans but never in one year. I always run over by at least a month and usually more. I think you would need to be a machine to never miss a day and reading double really short changes the experience.
I don’t HAVE to blow dry it, but it doesn’t dry straight, it just doesn’t dry frizzy.
Yes – we are humans not machines and it’s easy to miss the point of reading Scripture. Where discipline is important, what we’re really looking for is relationship with Jesus and that doesn’t come from checking off a box.